EDI X12 EO810 Data Extract with a space as ending position. - find

I have an EDI document field that I am attempting to extract data from. The Customer part number is listed in PID05 after a #. I am trying to pull out the data between "#" and " " and return it to var_ITNO. However, my var_EP isn't necessarily stopping at the first space. Any help on how to correct this issue?
var_PID05 = SOURCE.EO810H01.EO810D01.EO810D12.PID05
var_SP = Find(var_PID05, "#") + 1
var_EP = find( var_PID05, " ",var_SP)
var_ITNO = MID( var_PID05 , var_SP , var_EP )

The following code was specifying the space position for the Length.
`var_ITNO = MID( var_PID05 , var_SP , var_EP )`
I reworked it to read as follows:
`var_PID05 = SOURCE.EO810H01.EO810D01.EO810D12.PID05
var_SP = InStr(var_PID05, "#") + 1
var_EP = InStr( var_PID05, " ",var_SP)
var_LEN = var_EP - var_SP
var_ITNO = MID( var_PID05 , var_SP , var_LEN )`


Error at the end of the statement SSRS expression , couldn"t find it?

"<b>"+ "Created on: " + "</b>" & CDate(Fields!ticket_ticketSolutions_date_create.Value).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"))
& Environment.NewLine
& "<b>" + "Approval date: " + "</b>" & iif (IsNothing(Fields!date_approval.value),"Not Approved",CDate( Fields!date_approval.Value).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"))
& Environment.NewLine
& "<b>" + "Solutions: " +"</b>" & Fields!ticket_ticketSolutions_content_plainText.Value
The Value expression for the textrun 'solution_all.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error: [BC30205] End of statement expected.
The definition of the report '' is invalid.
I don't understand where are my errors ?? as I created a calculated fields that contains this formula
You have mis-matching )s on line 2 . Remove the end ).

how to print the data accepted from user in the list in python?

I want to print the constructed list but it shows index out of range error. How do I do it?
students = []
marks = []
num = int(input("How many students?: "))
for i in range(1,num):
name = input("input name of student ")
mark = input("input mark of the student")
for i in range(1,num):
print(students[i] + ": "+marks[i])
I will break this problem step by step
students = []
marks = []
num = int(input("How many students?: "))
for i in range(1,num):
name = input("input name of student ")
mark = input("input mark of the student")
Input section
How many students?: 2
input name of student stark
input mark of the student22
In this code :
students list =['stark']
Marks list=['22']
But in your another for loop
for i in range(1,num):
print(students[i] + ": "+marks[i])
this will not work because python index starts with 0 and your for loop starting with 1 and you can print those values at students[0] only not students[1] as per according to your loop
for i in range(num-1): #because num value is 2 and provided value is 1 it will give list out of index at 2
print(students[i] + ": "+marks[i])
Python indexing begins with 0, and when you use for i in range(n), it will automatically increment and you do not need to increment at the end of the loop.
When you use range(1,num), the index runs from 1 to num - 1 only. Hence initially even though you key in 3, you get only 2 prompts.
students = []
marks = []
num = int(input("How many students?: "))
for i in range(num):
name = input("input name of student ")
mark = input("input mark of the student")
for i in range(num):
print(students[i] + ": "+marks[i])
you can do by only input statement also
students = []
marks = []
num = int(input("How many students?: "))
for i in range(num):
name,mark = input("input name of student and marks of that student ").split(" ")
for i in range(num):
print(students[i] + ": "+marks[i])

Is there a MS Word wildcard for frequency?

I learning how to use Microsoft Word wildcards and codes to help me in my position as a medical editor. A big part of my job is submitting manuscripts to medical journals for review, and each journal has very specific requirements.
Most of the journals we submit manuscripts to require that medical terms/phrases be abbreviated only if they are used three or more times. For example, the term “Overall Survival” can be abbreviated to OS if the term is referenced at least three times in the text. If the text only mentions “Overall Survival” once or twice, it is preferred that the term remain expanded, and it should not be abbreviated to OS.
We have been using the PerfectIt system, by Intelligent Editing. This Word widget scans for abbreviations that are only used once and will flag them for our review, but does not pick up if an abbreviation is only used twice in the selected text. We are hoping to find some solution (my thought would be some sort of wildcard search or macro) that will be able to detect if an abbreviation is used only one or two times.
I saw this similar post on stackoverflow, but it seemed to do with code. I will need this to be on a company computer that I do not have administrative access to, and furthermore, I know nothing about code. I appreciate any help, guidance, or directions for further research!
Thank you!
Edit: I could use a wildcard search to make all of the two+ capitalized letters highlighted by using <[A-Z]{2,}>, then formatting them as highlighted, if this would help with any macros.
For any given abbreviation, you could use a macro like:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument.Range
With .Find
.Text = InputBox("What is the Text to Find")
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Do While .Find.Found
i = i + 1
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox i & " instances found."
End Sub
For PC macro installation & usage instructions, see: http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm
For Mac macro installation & usage instructions, see: https://wordmvp.com/Mac/InstallMacro.html
Provided there's at least one occurrence of the abbreviation in parens you could use a macro like the following. The macro checks the contents of a document for upper-case/numeric parenthetic abbreviations it then looks backwards to try to determine what term they abbreviate. For example:
World Wide Web (WWW)
Naturally, given the range of acronyms in use, it’s not foolproof and, if a match isn’t made, the preceding sentence (in VBA terms) is captured so the user can edit the output. A table is then built at the end of the document, which is then searched for all references to the acronym (other than for the definition) and the counts and page numbers added to the table.
Note that the macro won't tell you how many times 'World Wide Web' appears in the document, though. After all, given your criteria, it's impossible to know what terms should have been reduced to an acronym but weren't.
Sub AcronymLister()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim StrTmp As String, StrAcronyms As String, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, Rng As Range, Tbl As Table
StrAcronyms = "Acronym" & vbTab & "Term" & vbTab & "Page" & vbTab & "Cross-Reference Count" & vbTab & "Cross-Reference Pages" & vbCr
With ActiveDocument
With .Range
With .Find
.MatchWildcards = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Text = "\([A-Z0-9]{2,}\)"
.Replacement.Text = ""
End With
Do While .Find.Found = True
StrTmp = Replace(Replace(.Text, "(", ""), ")", "")
If (InStr(1, StrAcronyms, .Text, vbBinaryCompare) = 0) And (Not IsNumeric(StrTmp)) Then
If .Words.First.Previous.Previous.Words(1).Characters.First = Right(StrTmp, 1) Then
For i = Len(StrTmp) To 1 Step -1
.MoveStartUntil Mid(StrTmp, i, 1), wdBackward
.Start = .Start - 1
If InStr(.Text, vbCr) > 0 Then
.MoveStartUntil vbCr, wdForward
.Start = .Start + 1
End If
If .Sentences.Count > 1 Then .Start = .Sentences.Last.Start
If .Characters.Last.Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
If .Characters.First.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then
.Start = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Range.End + 1
End If
ElseIf .Cells.Count > 1 Then
.Start = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Range.Start
End If
End If
StrTmp = Replace(Replace(Replace(.Text, " (", "("), "(", "|"), ")", "")
StrAcronyms = StrAcronyms & Split(StrTmp, "|")(1) & vbTab & Split(StrTmp, "|")(0) & vbTab & .Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber) & vbTab & vbTab & vbCr
End If
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
StrAcronyms = Replace(Replace(Replace(StrAcronyms, " (", "("), "(", vbTab), ")", "")
Set Rng = .Characters.Last
With Rng
If .Characters.First.Previous <> vbCr Then .InsertAfter vbCr
.InsertAfter Chr(12)
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
.Style = "Normal"
.Text = StrAcronyms
Set Tbl = .ConvertToTable(Separator:=vbTab, NumRows:=.Paragraphs.Count, NumColumns:=5)
With Tbl
.Rows(1).HeadingFormat = True
.Rows(1).Range.Style = "Strong"
.Rows.Alignment = wdAlignRowCenter
End With
.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End With
End With
Rng.Start = ActiveDocument.Range.Start
For i = 2 To Tbl.Rows.Count
StrTmp = "": j = 0: k = 0
With .Range
With .Find
.Format = False
.Forward = True
.Text = "[!\(]" & Split(Tbl.Cell(i, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0) & "[!\)]"
.MatchWildcards = True
End With
Do While .Find.Found
If Not .InRange(Rng) Then Exit Do
j = j + 1
If k <> .Duplicate.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber) Then
k = .Duplicate.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
StrTmp = StrTmp & k & " "
End If
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
Tbl.Cell(i, 4).Range.Text = j
StrTmp = Replace(Trim(StrTmp), " ", ",")
If StrTmp <> "" Then
'Add the current record to the output list (StrOut)
StrTmp = Replace(Replace(ParseNumSeq(StrTmp, "&"), ",", ", "), " ", " ")
End If
Tbl.Cell(i, 5).Range.Text = StrTmp
End With
Set Rng = Nothing: Set Tbl = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function ParseNumSeq(StrNums As String, Optional StrEnd As String)
'This function converts multiple sequences of 3 or more consecutive numbers in a
' list to a string consisting of the first & last numbers separated by a hyphen.
' The separator for the last sequence can be set via the StrEnd variable.
Dim ArrTmp(), i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
ReDim ArrTmp(UBound(Split(StrNums, ",")))
For i = 0 To UBound(Split(StrNums, ","))
ArrTmp(i) = Split(StrNums, ",")(i)
For i = 0 To UBound(ArrTmp) - 1
If IsNumeric(ArrTmp(i)) Then
k = 2
For j = i + 2 To UBound(ArrTmp)
If CInt(ArrTmp(i) + k) <> CInt(ArrTmp(j)) Then Exit For
ArrTmp(j - 1) = ""
k = k + 1
i = j - 2
End If
StrNums = Join(ArrTmp, ",")
StrNums = Replace(Replace(Replace(StrNums, ",,", " "), ", ", " "), " ,", " ")
While InStr(StrNums, " ")
StrNums = Replace(StrNums, " ", " ")
StrNums = Replace(Replace(StrNums, " ", "-"), ",", ", ")
If StrEnd <> "" Then
i = InStrRev(StrNums, ",")
If i > 0 Then
StrNums = Left(StrNums, i - 1) & Replace(StrNums, ",", " " & Trim(StrEnd), i)
End If
End If
ParseNumSeq = StrNums
End Function

GROUP BY Function in Progress OpenEdge

I am trying to find out how to do the Progress equivalent of a "GROUP BY" function. I am trying to write a procedure that will list product inventory information for multiple locations. Right now, it is listing the product information twice; once for each location. I have tried the BREAK BY functional unsuccessfully. My current & desired output and code is below:
Current Output:
Desired Output:
"ProdCode" + "^" +
"ProdName" + "^" +
"ProdUM" + "^" +
"GrossPkgdWeight" + "^" +
"QtyOH - LOC1" + "^" +
"QtyOH - LOC2"
FOR EACH product-um WHERE
product-um.gross-pkgd-weight <= 0.0000
EACH product WHERE
product.product-key = product-um.product-key AND
product.can-be-sold = YES
EACH inventory WHERE
inventory.product-key = product.product-key AND
inventory.qoh > 0 AND
inventory.level = 2
um.um-key = product-um.um-key AND
um.um = ip-um
BREAK BY product.product-code:
product.product-code + "^" +
product.product-name + "^" +
um.um-code + "^" +
STRING(product-um.gross-pkgd-weight) + "^" +
IF inventory.level-key-2 = '00000001' THEN STRING(inventory.qoh) ELSE "0"
+ "^" + IF inventory.level-key-2 = '00000002' THEN STRING(inventory.qoh) ELSE "0"
because you accumulate invesntory.qoh in dependency of inventory.level-key-2 the ACCUMULATE stmt is not realy feasible so coding the accumulation manually would be the best choise
FOR EACH product-um NO-LOCK
WHERE product-um.gross-pkgd-weight <= 0.0000
EACH product NO-LOCK
WHERE product.product-key = product-um.product-key
AND product.can-be-sold = YES
EACH inventory NO-LOCK
WHERE inventory.product-key = product.product-key
AND inventory.product-code = product.product-code
AND inventory.qoh > 0
AND inventory.level = 2
WHERE um.um-key = product-um.um-key
and um.um = ip-um
BY product.product-code:
CASE (inventory.level-key-2):
WHEN "00000001"
THEN loc1 = loc1 + inventory.qoh.
WHEN "00000002"
THEN loc2 = loc2 + inventory.qoh.
IF LAST-OF(product.product-code)
product.product-code + "^" +
product.product-name + "^" +
um.um-code + "^" +
STRING(product-um.gross-pkgd-weight) + "^" +
STRING(loc1) + "^" +
loc1 = 0
loc2 = 0
BREAK BY tells the compiler to mark when the FOR EACH has come to the start or end of a break group.To detect these changes you'll need to use one of these functions to detect that change: FIRST(table.field), FIRST-OF(table.field), LAST(table.field), and LAST-OF(table.field).
Once the required function returns true, you can use the ABL supplied functions like ACCUMULATE, COUNT, TOTAL, etc. to display the desired results. Personally I find the concepts a bit hard to get my head around, so I declare some local variables and do the totals that way.

Renaming a Word document and saving its filename with its first 10 letters

I have recovered some Word documents from a corrupted hard drive using a piece of software called photorec. The problem is that the documents' names can't be recovered; they are all renamed by a sequence of numbers. There are over 2000 documents to sort through and I was wondering if I could rename them using some automated process.
Is there a script I could use to find the first 10 letters in the document and rename it with that? It would have to be able to cope with multiple documents having the same first 10 letters and so not write over documents with the same name. Also, it would have to avoid renaming the document with illegal characters (such as '?', '*', '/', etc.)
I only have a little bit of experience with Python, C, and even less with bash programming in Linux, so bear with me if I don't know exactly what I'm doing if I have to write a new script.
How about VBScript? Here is a sketch:
FolderName = "C:\Docs\"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fldr = fs.GetFolder(Foldername)
Set ws = CreateObject("Word.Application")
For Each f In fldr.Files
If Left(f.name,2)<>"~$" Then
If InStr(f.Type, "Microsoft Word") Then
MsgBox f.Name
Set doc = ws.Documents.Open(Foldername & f.Name)
s = vbNullString
i = 1
Do While Trim(s) = vbNullString And i <= doc.Paragraphs.Count
s = doc.Paragraphs(i)
s = CleanString(Left(s, 10))
i = i + 1
doc.Close False
If s = "" Then s = "NoParas"
s1 = s
i = 1
Do While fs.FileExists(s1)
s1 = s & i
i = i + 1
MsgBox "Name " & Foldername & f.Name & " As " & Foldername & s1 _
& Right(f.Name, InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
'' This uses copy, because it seems safer
f.Copy Foldername & s1 & Right(f.Name, InStrRev(f.Name, ".")), False
'' MoveFile will copy the file:
'' fs.MoveFile Foldername & f.Name, Foldername & s1 _
'' & Right(f.Name, InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
End If
End If
msgbox "Done"
Set ws = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
Function CleanString(StringToClean)
Dim objRegEx
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
''Find anything not a-z, 0-9
objRegEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9]"
CleanString = objRegEx.Replace(StringToClean, "")
End Function
Word documents are stored in a custom format which places a load of binary cruft on the beginning of the file.
The simplest thing would be to knock something up in Python that searched for the first line beginning with ASCII chars. Here you go:
import glob
import os
for file in glob.glob("*.doc"):
f = open(file, "rb")
new_name = ""
chars = 0
char = f.read(1)
while char != "":
if 0 < ord(char) < 128:
if ord("a") <= ord(char) <= ord("z") or ord("A") <= ord(char) <= ord("Z") or ord("0") <= ord(char) <= ord("9"):
new_name += char
new_name += "_"
chars += 1
if chars == 100:
new_name = new_name[:20] + ".doc"
print "renaming " + file + " to " + new_name
new_name = ""
chars = 0
char = f.read(1)
if new_name != "":
os.rename(file, new_name)
NOTE: if you want to glob multiple directories you'll need to change the glob line accordingly. Also this takes no account of whether the file you're trying to rename to already exists, so if you have multiple docs with the same first few chars then you'll need to handle that.
I found the first chunk of 100 ASCII chars in a row (if you look for less than that you end up picking up doc keywords and such) and then used the first 20 of these to make the new name, replacing anything that's not a-z A-Z or 0-9 with underscores to avoid file name issues.