TypeError: Cannot read property 'cookie' of undefined - mongodb

When calling my User.create method in my Sails.js app, I get the following error:
catch(err) { process.nextTick(function() { throw err}); }
Here is my User controller in its entirety.
User.create(req.params.all(), function userCreated(err, user) {
// var userid = user.id;
// console.log(userid);
if(err) {
req.session.flash = {
err: err.ValidationError
return res.redirect('/user/loginDetails');
var oldDateObj = new Date();
var newDateObj = new Date(oldDateObj.getTime() + 60000);
req.session.cookie.expires = newDateObj;
req.session.authenticated = true;
// res.redirect('/user/profileSelection/?id=' + user.id);
// Saves user data into session variable
req.session.user = user;
apparently the session value is undefined for the request. This seems symptomatic of something basic that isn't happening, but I don't know what that is.

req.session.cookie is not defined and you are trying to set a value to an undefined object.
var oldDateObj = new Date();
var newDateObj = new Date(oldDateObj.getTime() + 60000);
req.session.cookie = {};
req.session.cookie.expires = newDateObj;

I think the problem is not of session, as session is always retained/defined within an sails app. May be the issue exists, when you trying to save the data.

The problem was I had the session store trying to go through the production adapter in my sessions.js on my local app, which caused the req.session to fail.


Power BI REST API ExportToFileInGroup Not Working

I am able to programmatically log in to the PowerBI Client, gather my Workspaces as well as get a specific Report from a specific Workspace. I need to programmatically render that report to a .pdf or .xlsx file. Allegedly this is possible with the ExportToFileInGroup/ExportToFileInGroupAsync methods. I even created a very simple report without any parameters. I can embed this using the sample app from here. So that at least tells me that I have what I need setup in the backend. But it fails when I try to run the ExportToFileInGroupAsync method (errors below code.)
My Code is:
var accessToken = await tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(new string[] {
var userInfo = await graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
var userName = userInfo.Mail;
AuthDetails authDetails = new AuthDetails {
UserName = userName,
AccessToken = accessToken,
var credentials = new TokenCredentials($"{accessToken}", "Bearer");
PowerBIClient powerBIClient = new PowerBIClient(credentials);
var groups = await powerBIClient.Groups.GetGroupsAsync();
var theGroup = groups.Value
.Where(x => x.Name == "SWIFT Application Development")
var groupReports = await powerBIClient.Reports.GetReportsAsync(theGroup.Id);
var theReport = groupReports.Value
.Where(x => x.Name == "No Param Test")
var exportRequest = new ExportReportRequest {
Format = FileFormat.PDF,
string result = "";
try {
var response = await powerBIClient.Reports.ExportToFileInGroupAsync(theGroup.Id, theReport.Id, exportRequest);
result = response.ReportId.ToString();
} catch (Exception e) {
result = e.Message;
return result;
It gets to the line in the try block and then throws the following errors:
An error occurred while sending the request.
Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host..
Relating to #AndreyNikolov question, here is our Embedded capacity:
After this was implemented, no change. Same exact error.
Turns out the issue was on our side, more specifically, security/firewall settings. Here is the exact quote from our networking guru.
"After some more investigation we determined that our firewall was causing this issue when it was terminating the SSL connection. We were able to add a bypass for the URL and it is now working as expected."

jsforce ignoring callback functions?

I tool the code right out of the docs, but it's like it completely ignores the existence is the call back functions:
var jsforce = require('jsforce');
var conn = new jsforce.Connection({
// you can change loginUrl to connect to sandbox or prerelease env.
loginUrl : 'https://ivytechfoundation--ucidev.my.salesforce.com'
conn.login('xxxxxx#ivytech.edu.uci.ucidev', 'xxxxxxxxTOjhPejiRZ1KWox4AmYOPzqu', function(err, userInfo) {
// if (err) { return console.error(err); }
// Now you can get the access token and instance URL information.
// Save them to establish connection next time.
// logged in user property
console.log("User ID: " + userInfo.id);
console.log("Org ID: " + userInfo.organizationId);
// ...
Any ideas? It never hits '1'
There seems to be a bug. I couldn't make it work either, but this works:
.login(sfUserName, sfPassword + sfToken)
.then((userInfo) => { // your code here

Protractor - "Failed: each key must be a number of string; got undefined"

this program is to retrieve the value from other .js file using Protractor.
FirstConnectDatabase.js - establish the DB connection and Query.
spec.js - retrieve the result from the above .js file.
getting the below Error
Failed: each key must be a number of string; got undefined
Can anyone help me on this.
var dbConnect = require('./FirstConnectDatabase.js');
var AptNbr = new dbConnect;
var readAptNbr = AptNbr.Apts;
console.log('Enter the order #'+readAptNbr);
var retrieveAptNbr = function mySQLDatabase()
var mysql = require('../../node_modules/mysql');
var Aptnumber="";
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'local',
user :'user',
password :'password',
console.log('DB is connected');
connection.query("select * from XXXX",function(err,rows) {
if (!err)
console.log("result is :", rows[0].AptNo);
var Apts = (function() {
var on = rows[0].Aptnumber;
return parseInt(on);
This error comes when we are fetching a string value from other JS file, where string is not present or may be our fetching statement is incorrect. In your case you also fetching value in 'on' variable, check if it is getting some string value or not.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', only errors on first call but works subsequently

I have an AngularJS app which is trying to auth with my Web Api. I receive the below error during the first call to my server if the user does not exist in my database, but does not happen on subsequent calls to the same method once the user exists in my db. (relevant code at the bottom)
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:1378' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 500.
The flow of the logic is:
AngularJS auths with Facebook when the user clicks login
App does an $http.post to my server for auth/login passing their credentials
Server polls Facebook API for user details
If user exists, update their profile and auth 'em
Else, create new membership user, update with FB details, and auth 'em
The only thing that's different if they don't exist in the database (which is when the defect occurs) is that the login method asynchronously calls a createUser method then returns data. No additional external calls are made.
API startup method enabling CORS:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
var cors = new EnableCorsAttribute("*","*","*");
API Controller:
public async Task<FacebookUserModel> Login(FacebookUserRequest user)
FacebookUserModel fbUser = new FacebookUserModel();
// Build FacebookUser object
try {
// Grab basic user details
string profileRequestUri = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + user.fbID + "?access_token=" + user.access_token;
HttpWebRequest profileRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(profileRequestUri);
profileRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
profileRequest.Accept = "application/json";
HttpWebResponse profileResponse = (HttpWebResponse)profileRequest.GetResponse();
Stream profileResponseStream = profileResponse.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader profileStreamReader = new StreamReader(profileResponseStream);
fbUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FacebookUserModel>(profileStreamReader.ReadToEnd());
} catch (Exception) ...
try {
// Grab profile picture
string pictureRequestUri = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + user.fbID + "/picture";
HttpWebRequest pictureRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pictureRequestUri);
pictureRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
HttpWebResponse pictureResponse = (HttpWebResponse)pictureRequest.GetResponse();
fbUser.profilePictureUri = pictureResponse.ResponseUri.ToString();
} catch (Exception) ...
// If user exists, change password to new token and return)
try {
IdentityUser identityUser = _repo.FindUser(ID, pass).Result;
FacebookUserModel dbUser = db.FacebookUserObjects.First(u => u.identityUserID == identityUser.Id);
fbUser.identityUserID = identityUser.Id;
return fbUser;
catch (Exception e)
{ return null; }
// Else, create the new user using same scheme
UserModel newUser = new UserModel
UserName = ID,
Password = pass,
ConfirmPassword = pass
// Create user in Identity & linked Facebook record
createUser(newUser, fbUser);
return fbUser;
private async void createUser(UserModel newUser, FacebookUserModel fbUser)
IdentityResult result = await _repo.RegisterUser(newUser);
var identityUser = await _repo.FindUser(newUser.UserName, newUser.Password);
fbUser.identityUserID = identityUser.Id;
AngularJS calls to my server:
var _login = function (fbID, fbToken) {
$http.post(serviceBase + 'auth/login', { "fbID": fbID, "access_token": fbToken }).then(function (response) {
var data = "grant_type=password&username=" + fbID + "&password=" + pass;
$http.post(serviceBase + 'auth/token', data, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } })
.success(function (tokenResponse) {
authServiceFactory.bearerToken = tokenResponse.access_token;
.error(function (err) {
console.log("token error:", err);
authServiceFactory.userObject = response.data;
window.localStorage['userObject'] = JSON.stringify(authServiceFactory.userObject);
Why would I get the No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error only on the first call, but not subsequent ones?
I have a workaround in place that works, but I don't really like. The issue only arose when calling a second method from my login controller, so if I moved that code up into the login controller instead of a secondary method it works without the CORS error. This really bothers me though and is inefficient, I'd love to know a better way around it.
if you're working with angularjs you might want to check out satellizer. It makes the auth process really simple and has some awesome built in window popup control.
As far as the Access-Control-Allow-Origin calls it could be happening because you explicitly set headers on the one call and the other ones are falling back to the default http provider? Check out $http and see if providing those defaults might work around it.

How to get Meteor.Call to return value for template?

I've tried to understand this post regarding this concept, however, I'm failing to get it. I have the following simple setup:
abc: function() {
var result = {};
result.foo = "Hello ";
result.bar = "World!";
return result;
var q = Meteor.call('abc');
This structure returns to the console undefined.
If I change the myapp.js file to:
Meteor.call('abc', function(err, data) {
!err ? console.log(data) : console.log(err);
I receive the Object in my console.
Ideally this is what I'd like to be able to do, but it doesn't work, stating in the console: Cannot read property 'greeting' of undefined
var q = Meteor.call('abc');
Template.hello.greeting = function() {
return q.foo;
Any help in passing the data from the server object into the template would be greatly appreciated. I'm still learning JavaScript & Meteor.
From the Meteor.call documentation:
On the client, if you do not pass a callback and you are not inside a stub, call will return undefined, and you will have no way to get the return value of the method. That is because the client doesn't have fibers, so there is not actually any way it can block on the remote execution of a method.
So, you'll want to do it like this:
Meteor.call('abc', function(err, data) {
if (err)
Session.set('q', data);
Template.hello.greeting = function() {
return Session.get('q').foo;
This will reactively update the template once the data is available.
This happens because Npm.require has Async behavior. That's the reason that you have to write a callback for Meteor.call.
But there is a solution, just use install(mrt add npm) and you'll get a function named Meteor.sync(//...) with this you can do both games: sync and async in your Meteor.call().
Reference: http://www.sitepoint.com/create-a-meteor-app-using-npm-module/
You can get the return value of a Meteor method for use in a template by using a reactive variable. Check out the working demonstration on Meteorpad
I went for a ghetto solution. But, it works for me, which is what matters, to me. Below is my code, which, in concept, I think, solves OP's problem.
In the client's main.js:
Meteor.setInterval(function() {
}, 5000);
This runs the confirmLogin() function every five seconds.
The confirmLogin function (in the client's main.js):
function confirmLogin() {
Meteor.call('loggedIn', function (error, result) {
Session.set("loggedIn", result);
The loggedIn method (in the server's main.js):
loggedIn: function () {
var toReturn = false;
var userDetails = Meteor.user();
if (typeof userDetails["services"] !== "undefined") {
if (typeof userDetails["services"]["facebook"] != "undefined") {
toReturn = true;
return toReturn;
The relevant helper:
loggedIn: function () {
return Session.get("loggedIn");