Export DataStage Job Designs to .dsx file - datastage

I am trying to export the DataStage job designs with executables. Below is the screenshots I use to export from the GUI.
This is the two commands I use:
dsexport.exe /h=XX /U=XX /p=XX projectXXX /job=XXX jobname.dsx
dsexport.exe /h=XX /U=XX /p=XX projectXXX /job=XXX /EXEC /APPEND jobname.dsx
The file generated from commands is bigger than the one from GUI. Anyone knows how to use dsexport command to export jobs with the options as in the GUI screenshots. much appreciated. I am using Designer V8.5.

C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic>dsexport /d={ip address of server} /u={user id} /p={password} /job={job to export} {Project where job is located in} {FileName.dsx}
try this, it will export a single dsx file with all informations
P.S.I am using version 11.3

As you can see GUI is excluding some read-only files which is not excluded in command line this is why the file size difference is there.

You have "Include Dependent Items" unchecked in the GUI. The command line will include dependent items by default (i.e. shared containers or routines). You can disable this behaviour on the command line by using the /NODEPENDENTS command switch.


AzCopy ignore if source file is older

Is there an option to handle the next situation:
I have a pipeline and Copy Files task implemented in it, it is used to upload some static html file from git to blob. Everything works perfect. But sometimes I need this file to be changed in the blob storage (using hosted application tools). So, the question is: can I "detect" if my git file is older than target blob file and ignore this file for the copy task to leave it untouched. My initial idea was to use Azure file copy and use an "Optional Arguments" textbox. However, I couldn't find required option in the documentation. Does it allow such things? Or should this case be handled some other way?
I think you're looking for the isSourceNewer value for the --overwrite option.
--overwrite string Overwrite the conflicting files and blobs at the destination if this flag is set to true. (default true) Possible values include true, false, prompt, and ifSourceNewer.
More info: azcopy copy - Options
Agree with ickvdbosch. The isSourceNewer value for the --overwrite option could meet your requirements.
error: couldn't parse "ifSourceNewer" into a "OverwriteOption"
Based on my test, I could reproduce this issue in Azure file copy task.
It seems that the isSourceNewer value couldn't be set to Overwrite option in Azure File copy task.
Workaround: you could use PowerShell task to run the azcopy script to upload the files with --overwrite=ifSourceNewer
For example:
azcopy copy "filepath" "BlobURLwithSASToken" --overwrite=ifSourceNewer --recursive
For more detailed info, you could refer to this doc.
For the issue about the Azure File copy task, I suggest that you could submit a feedback ticket in the following link: Report task issues.

Macro to generate xlsx works fine manually but not from the batch through QlikviewManagement Consol

I am trying to export few charts to Excel (.Xlsx format) through Qlikview Macro and to save it on postrelaod at a particular location. The file works perfectly fine when it is run manually or from the batch (.bat) on double click.
But when scheduled to run from the Qlikview Management Console through the external File(.bat file) its generating the Excel Extract but the file is blank. The error is:
Error: Paste method of Worksheet class failed
I have checked the permission/location of the file and its not an issue.
Postreload trigger saving charts via macro will not work via QMC (both postreload and frontend/chart manipulations doesn't work via QMC).
To solve that I do as following.
1) Set reload in QMC to refresh data in your document.
2) After successful reload another document which triggers... macro from first document to save that charts but with that it also gave me trouble as it generated conflict (you can not open Qlikview from Qlikview..... (I know that it is nosense) so in second document I run macro from first one like that (via PsExec):
EXECUTE "C:\Qlikview\PROD APPLICATION\modules\scripts\edx\PsExec64.exe" *\\SERVER_NAME* -u *SERVER_NAME\User* -p *password* -i 1 -d -high cmd /c ""C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe" "C:\Qlikview\PROD APPLICATION\modules\$(vDocument).qvw" /vvRun=yes
I use variable vRun to specify that macro on open runs only when it is set to yes:
and in macro it is set to close app after saving charts:
ActiveDocument.ClearAll true
end sub

AEM: Issue using Command Line DAM Workflow

I like to execute a command line programm as a DAM workflow. I tried to implement the ImageMagic example from here: Best Practices for Configuring ImageMagick:
I addded a new Workflow Model,
added "command line" from the "DAM Workflow" list.
In the Argument tab set Mime type to "image/jpeg" (even tried wihtout Mime type)
and in Commands: "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\magick.exe" convert ${file} -flip ${file}-flipped.jpg (instead of magick convet ... because in another discussion using an absolute path instead of global name helped people Re: CommmandLineProcess : ImageMagick)
I then added a luncher. And uploaded an Image to the DAM.
In the workflow > instances overview, i see that the workflow was started, it's running and the command line job is set to active.
Unfortunantly this state is never chnaged and no new asset is generated via imageMagic.
I even tried replacing the command with something simple like "ren C:\test\foo.txt bar.txt" which renames a local file. The chnage never happend either.
My question is what am i doing wrong, and how can i debug / find the command outputs? in \crx-quickstart\logs i couldn't find any logs regarding CommandLineProcess.

Can we give two files as input while using JasperStarter

I am using JasperStarter to create pdf from several jrprint files and then print it using JasperStarter functtions.
I want to create one single pdf file with all the .jrprint files.
If I give command like:
jasperstarter pr a.jprint b.jprint -f pdf -o rep
It does not recognise the files after the first input file.
Can we create one single output file with many input jasper/jrprint files?
Please help.
Looking at the documentation, this is not possible:
The command process (pr)
The command process is for processing a report.
In direct comparison to the command for compiling:
The command compile (cp)
The command compile is for compiling one report or all reports in a directory.

Export and Append Data to CSV

I am trying to export data to existing csv file.
I have been using these methods to export data.
Data Export Wizard
However I cannot find if there is any parameter / option to append the exported data to existing file. Is there any way? Thanks.
Note: answer is biased towards *nix operating systems; I'm not too familiar with windows.
If you can run your sql query via the command line,
using a scripting language, you can use a library that creates an MSSQL connection, (an example of this is a node.js program I authored (https://github.com/skilbjo/aqtl but any tool will do), or
a windows binary that runs something like sqlcmd from the command line,
you can just pipe the output to the csv file. For example:
$ node runquery.js myquery.sql >> existing_csv_file.csv