Scala mutable list - insert element in the middle - scala

How can I implement inserting element in the middle of DoubleLinkedList without coping it?
In general I want to find some element in the collection and then insert a new one after it.
There is method DoubleLinkedList.insert but I'm not quite sure how it works. In the documentation it's described this way:
Insert linked list that at current position of this linked list
But what is the current position in the linked list? How can I set it?
I want to have O(1) insertion time.

To insert element in the middle of DoubleLinkedList you first to find your 'middle' and then make insertion:
val list = mutable.DoubleLinkedList(...)

For the first, you can't use insert to insert element, because it takes a DoubleLinkedList as parameter
def insert(that: DoubleLinkedList[A]): Unit
just use indexWhere and apply methods, for example replacing 30 with 3:
yourlist(yourlist.indexWhere(_ == 30)) = 3

Use span for separating the collection into the initial elements that hold a condition and those where the first item does not hold; e.g
val (l,r) = DoubleLinkedList(1,2,3,4,5).span(_ != 3)
l = DoubleLinkedList(1, 2)
r = DoubleLinkedList(3, 4, 5)
Then replace value 3 with 33 like this
l ++ DoubleLinkedList(33) ++ r.tail
Note In Scala 2.11.6 run the REPL with -deprecation to notice a deprecation warning such as
warning: object DoubleLinkedList in package mutable is deprecated:
Low-level linked lists are deprecated.


How does scala slick determin which rows to update in this query

I was asked how scala slick determines which rows need to update given this code
def updateFromLegacy(criteria: CertificateGenerationState, fieldA: CertificateGenerationState, fieldB: Option[CertificateNotification]) = {
val a: Query[CertificateStatuses, CertificateStatus, Seq] = CertificateStatuses.table.filter(status => status.certificateState === criteria)
val b: Query[(Column[CertificateGenerationState], Column[Option[CertificateNotification]]), (CertificateGenerationState, Option[CertificateNotification]), Seq] = => (statusToUpdate.certificateState, statusToUpdate.notification))
val c: (CertificateGenerationState, Option[CertificateNotification]) = (fieldA, fieldB)
Above code is (as i see it)
a) looking for all rows that have "criteria" for "certificateState"
b) a query for said columns is created
c) a tuple with the values i want to update to is created
then the query is used to find rows where tuple needs to be applied.
I wonder were slick keeps track of the Ids of the rows to update.
What i would like to find out
What is happening behind the covers?
What is Seq in "val a: Query[CertificateStatuses, CertificateStatus, Seq]"
Can someone maybe point out the slick source where the moving parts are located?
OK - I reformatted your code a little bit to easier see it here and divided it into chunks. Let's go through this one by one:
val a: Query[CertificateStatuses, CertificateStatus, Seq] =
.filter(status => status.certificateState === criteria)
Above is a query that translated roughly to something along these lines:
SELECT * // Slick would list here all your columns but it's essiantially same thing
FROM certificate_statuses
WHERE certificate_state = $criteria
Below this query is mapped that is, there is a SQL projection applied to it:
val b: Query[
(Column[CertificateGenerationState], Column[Option[CertificateNotification]]),
(CertificateGenerationState, Option[CertificateNotification]),
Seq] = =>
(statusToUpdate.certificateState, statusToUpdate.notification))
So instead of * you will have this:
SELECT certificate_status, notification
FROM certificate_statuses
WHERE certificate_state = $criteria
And last part is reusing this constructed query to perform update:
val c: (CertificateGenerationState, Option[CertificateNotification]) =
(fieldA, fieldB)
Translates to:
UPDATE certificate_statuses
SET certificate_status = $fieldA, notification = $fieldB
WHERE certificate_state = $criteria
I understand that last step may be a little bit less straightforward then others but that's essentially how you do updates with Slick (here - although it's in monadic version).
As for your questions:
What is happening behind the covers?
This is actually outside of my area of expertise. That being said it's relatively straightforward piece of code and I guess that an update transformation may be of some interest. I provided you a link to relevant piece of Slick sources at the end of this answer.
What is Seq in "val a:Query[CertificateStatuses, CertificateStatus, Seq]"
It's collection type. Query specifies 3 type parameters:
mixed type - Slick representation of table (or column - Rep)
unpacked type - type you get after executing query
collection type - collection type were above unpacked types are placed for you as a result of a query.
So to have an example:
CertificateStatuses - this is your Slick table definition
CertificateStatus this is your case class
Seq - this is how your results would be retrieved (it would be Seq[CertificateStatus] basically)
I have it explained here: (and 3 next slides or so)
Can someone maybe point out the slick source where the moving parts are located?
I think this part may be of interest - it shows how query is converted in update statement:
It may be also worth to emphasize this:
I wonder were slick keeps track of the Ids of the rows to update.
It doesn't. Look at generated SQLs. You may see them by adding following configuration to your logging (but you also have them in this answer):
<logger name="slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend.statement" level="DEBUG" />
(I assumed logback above).

Scala filter by set

Say I have a map that looks like this
val map = Map("Shoes" -> 1, "heels" -> 2, "sneakers" -> 3, "dress" -> 4, "jeans" -> 5, "boyfriend jeans" -> 6)
And also I have a set or collection that looks like this:
val set = Array(Array("Shoes", "heels", "sneakers"), Array("dress", "maxi dress"), Array("jeans", "boyfriend jeans", "destroyed jeans"))
I would like to perform a filter operation on my map so that only one element in each of my set retains. Expected output should be something like this:
map = Map("Shoes" -> 1, "dress" -> 4 ,"jeans" -> 5)
The purpose of doing this is so that if I have multiple sets that indicate different categories of outfits, my output map doesn't "repeat" itself on technically the same objects.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
So first get rid of the confusion that your sets are actually arrays. For the rest of the example I will use this definition instead:
val arrays = Array(Array("Shoes", "heels", "sneakers"), Array("dress", "maxi dress"), Array("jeans", "boyfriend jeans", "destroyed jeans"))
So in a sense you have an array of arrays of equivalent objects and want to remove all but one of them?
Well first you have to find which of the elements in an array are actually used as keys in the mep. So we just filter out all elements that are not used as keys:
Now, we have to chose one element. As you said, we just take the first one:
As your "sets" are actually arrays, this is really the first element in your array that is also used as a key. If you would actually use sets this code would still work as sets actually have a "first element". It is just highly implementations specific and it might not even be deterministic over various executions of the same program. At least for immutable sets it should however be deterministic over several calls to head, i.e., you should always get the same element.
Instead of the first element we are actually interested in all other elements, as we want to remove them from the map:
Now, we just have to remove those from the map:
map -- array.filter(map.keySet).tail
And to do it for all arrays:
map -- arrays.flatMap(_.filter(map.keySet).tail)
This works fine as long as the arrays are disjoined. If they are not, we can not take the initial map to filter the array in every step. Instead, we have to use one array to compute a new map, then take the next starting with the result from the last and so on. Luckily, we do not have to do much:
arrays.foldLeft(map){(m,a) => m -- a.filter(m.keySet).tail}
Note: Sets are also functions from elements to Boolean, this is, why this solution works.
This code solves the problem:
var newMap = map
set.foreach { list =>
var remove = false
list.foreach { _key =>
if (remove) {
newMap -= _key
if (newMap.contains(_key)) {
remove = true
I'm completely new at Scala. I have taken this as my first Scala
example, please any hints from Scala's Gurus is welcome.
The basic idea is to use groupBy. Something like
map.groupBy{ case (k,v) => g(k) }.
map{ case (_, kvs) => kvs.head }
This is the general way to group similar things (using some function g). Now the question is just how to make the g that you need. One way is
val g = set.zipWithIndex.
flatMap{ case (a, i) => => x -> i) }.
which labels each set with a number, and then forms a map so you can look it up. Maps have an apply function, so you can use it as above.
A slightly simpler version
set.flatMap(_.find(map.contains).map(y => y -> map(y)))

Efficient retrieval of last and second to last element of ArrayStack in Scala?

I am using a mutable ArrayStack in Scala but do not know how to access the last element (and second to last element) efficiently (constant time) without popping the items from the stack. Is it possible to access the elements?
stack(4) // returns 5th element
stack.last // returns last element
Those operations are constant time.
stack(4) returns 5th element in constant time
As for the last element - the answer depends on which version you're using. Scala 2.11.7 was still running stack.last on linear time as it was using TraversableLike implementation:
def last: A = {
var lst = head
for (x <- this)
lst = x
This was fixed in version 2.12.0-M4 using the IndexedSeqOptimized trait.
Therefor to my understanding - if you're using an older version of Scala (which was the case when the question was posted) you should use stack(stack.size - 1) which returns last element in constant time.

Scala vector splicing (maintaining sorted sequence)

I need to maintain a sorted sequence (mutable or immutable — I don't care), dynamically inserting elements into the middle of it (to keep it sorted) and removing them likewise (so, random access by index is crucial).
The best thing I came onto is using a Vector and scala.collections.Searching from 2.11, and then:
var vector: Vector[Ordered]
val ip =
vector = (vector.take(ip.insertionPoint) :+ element) ++ vector.drop(ip.insertionPoint)
vector.patch(from = ip.insertionPoint, patch = Nil, replaced = 1)
Doesn't look elegant to me, and I suspect performance issues. Is there a better way? Splicing sequences seems like a very basic operation to me, but I can't find an elegant solution.
You should use SortedSet. Default implementation of SortedSet is immutable red-black tree. There is also a mutable implementation.
SortedSet[Int]() + 5 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 1
// SortedSet[Int] = TreeSet(1, 3, 4, 5, 7)
Set contains no duplicate elements. In case you want to count duplicate elements you could use SortedMap[Key, Int] with elements as keys and counts as values. See this answer for MultiSet emulation using Map.

What does "rows[0]" mean?

HI! I am looking for a document that will define what the word "rows[0]" means. this is for BIRT in the Eclipse framework. Perhaps this is a Javascript word? I dunno... been searching like mad and have found nothing yet. Any ideas?
rows is a shortcut to dataSet.rows. Returns the current data rows (of type DataRow[]) for the data set associated with this report item instance. If this report element has no data set, this property is undefined.
Typically code like rows[x] is accessing an element inside an array. Any intro to programming book should be able to define that for you.
rows[0] would be accessing the first element in the array.
That operation has several names depending on the language, but generally the same concept. In Java, it's an array access expression in C#, it's an indexer or array access operator. As with just about anything, C++ is more complicated, but basically the [] operator takes a collection of something or an array and pulls out (or assigns to) a specific numbered element in that collection or array (generally starting at 0). So in C# ...
// create a list of integers
List<int> lst = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// access list
int x = lst[0]; // get the first element of the list, x = 1 afterwords
x = lst[2]; // get the third element of the list, x = 3 afterwords
x = lst[4]; // get the fifth element of the list, x = 5 afterwords
x = lst[5]; // IndexOutOfBounds Exception