Open the app from SMS link using Smartface App Studio -

We want to open my app when user clicks on link in text SMS. And the page need to fill up with data basing on parameters in the link.
I am not getting any clue on this. Can any one help me to resolve this.
Thanks in advance.

You can call app from SMS by configuring custom URL schemes( But, it is happening only from iOS.
Still we can open the app from web links from both android and iOS with these custom url scehems.
Thanks Manthan


How can I open a specific page of another app from my app in flutter?

I’m trying to build a functionality where i want to open the settings page of WhatsApp from a simple onTap gesture in my app. To launch WhatsApp I’m using this dependency:
However it isn’t helping me open the settings page specifically.
Is there a tool available for me to do this?
You can use this by passing the package name of the another application.
android_intent: ^0.3.5
WhatsApp has a URL scheme to launch the app and send a message to a phone number.
iOS Url Scheme
Android Url Scheme
But I don't think that you will be able to launch WhatsApp settings directly.

How to open my apps audio player to play audio after clicking an audio link which is present in email?

I am working on iphone application which plays audio in app.
I can share audio links via email. The person with whome I have shared link can listen to audio by clicking on audio link in the email.
What I need is, when user will click on audio link in email it should open my application and start playing in my apps audio player(if my app is already installed on the device). if app is not installed prompt user to download my app.
How to achieve this?
Well you will need to register your own URL scheme for your app. Read Apples Implementing Custom URL Schemes on how to do this.
But you can not make iOS prompt to install you app, since the OS does not know about you app.
What you could do is always open a website which will try to open your by its URL sheme and it this fails present the use a webpage that offers them to download it.
Please check this link I hope it will be helpful.
About showing a prompt what you can do is always put your app's app store link in email saying "Please install app using below link if you don't have app installed on your device" or some other meaningful message you can have. Link will redirect user to app store page where user can install the app.

Is there any API to implement way2sms app for iphone..?

hii is there an API to implement way2sms app to send text messages to india.The App already exists in Android.I want to implement the same features in iphone also.Any idea to start the project.
There is already an app at the app store that sends free SMS accoss India
I am not very sure about this. Just hit it on google. May be this would help you!!
And it is clearly mentioned in this site, there is no API for way2sms.
I think you should try to get the code from .apk android apps and get the api from this

how to call back my app after open settings page from my app in iphone

HI I am successfully open settings page from my iphone app but after that how to come my app ? Is there any solution are manually open my app again,
Thanks In advance
Is the settings a bundle? (does it appear in the Settings app like Facebook, etc)
Or is this settings already in your app?
EASIEST WAY is to create a URL within your app and call that URL to bring your app.
Here is a good tutorial

How to launch iPhone settings app from my app?

How can I launch the iPhone settings app from my own app? For example, like the screen shot I got from twitter app below:
I turned off the network, and the twitter shows me a network error alert. But in the alert view, they implement a button "Settings". When I press the button, it brings the iPhone settings app up.
So I am curious on if there any methods can be called to do this?
Thanks in advance.
I don't believe so. This dialog is provided by Apple when data is not available for an app that has set Wifi as a requirement in its info plist.
Typically you would need to use custom URL schemes to access other Apple apps, but settings is not available and not part of this list.