Error during maven build in Scala-Spark - eclipse

I am trying to create simple spark application using Eclipse and Maven. I am getting following error while maven build
Failed to execute goal net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:compile (default) on project XXXX: wrap: org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]
I am using following POM.xml for maven build
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>My wonderfull scala app</description>
<name>My License</name>
<arg> ${}/.scala_dependencies

Please refer this link
we have to add process-resources phase first then next process-test-resources
then only scala-maven-plugin is able to identify classpath resources properly.

Use what I am providing below.. and also make sure that in project build path you are using scala library version 2.11.x
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Spark in Scala</description>
<!-- Put the Scala version of the cluster -->
<!-- repository to add org.apache.spark -->
<!-- see -->
<!-- "package" command plugin -->
contains excellent way to start coding in Apache Spark. It specify a remote archetype which I added it in maven catalog. And now I am using it to implement spark application.

Shutdown zinc first. See the documentation here
./build/zinc-<version>/bin/zinc -shutdown


Scala IDE, import project from Maven and proper Scala bundle version selection

This is my Maven pom.xml for Scala Spark project:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<!-- mixed scala/java compile -->
<!-- for fatjar -->
Everything works fine except one thing - after the import of the project (as existing Maven project) into Scala Eclipse IDE in order to properly compile the project I have to manually go to project Properties in my Scala Eclipse IDE -> Scala Compiler and select Latest 2.11 bundle (dynamic) because by default Latest 2.12 bundle (dynamic) is selected.
Please advise how to properly configure my pom.xml in order to tell Scala Eclipse IDE to automatically use Latest 2.11 bundle (dynamic) after the import without any manual intervention. Thanks!
Use this property block in your pom
also add this block in your dependency
You will get a compiler of Scala version 2.11 in Scala IDE

Artifact has not been packaged yet MDEP-98

When compiling one of the Patient Matching algorithm files -> Choicemaker
i found this error
I have tried few solutions from
Artifact has not been packaged yet
i still haven't found the solution
Kindly please Help
Artifact has not been packaged yet. When used on reactor artifact,
unpack should be executed after packaging: see MDEP-98.
e2-standard-platform:pre-integration- ....
This is the POM file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Integration Test: ChoiceMaker Analyzer, Part 1</name>
Integration test for the standard-E2 version of CM Analyzer, Community Edition.
<execution> ---------> ERROR
<execution> ---------> ERROR
<execution> ----------> ERROR

Maven executing JAR error: "no main manifest attribute"

I have a made a simple maven app which should be producing a jar which I can execute to start up a vert.x instance. My issue is executing the jar file. After searching, most issues show that the no main manifest attribute error shows because there is no main class declared in the manifest. I am using Maven and am declaring the main class as shown below in my pom.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_72\bin\javac.exe</executable>
<artifactSet />

Why is code coverage zero with Scalatest, Maven and cobertura?

I am trying to get Cobertura to work on a really simple example project with Maven and Scala.
Here is my pom:
EDIT: Meanwhile, I found out that this pom is rather bad. If you're looking for a better example, see the one in the accepted answer.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name>
<!-- Scalatest -->
<!-- disable surefire -->
<!-- enable scalatest -->
<filereports>WDF TestSuite.txt</filereports>
<!--enable cobertura-->
I disabled surefire, enabled Scalatest, and the tests do indeed get executed.
I added the Maven Cobertura plugin to the build and the reporting section of the pom. When I run
mvn clean install cobertura:cobertura
I do get a coverage report - which states that nothing is covered, coverage is 0%.
Now I tried various things: I played around with the executions part, I moved stuff from the build to the reporting section and vice versa, I tried different Maven goals. It was all in vain - either no report was created or it stated 0% coverage.
I even tried Scoverage! But with similar results.
So I guess I made some very basic mistake. Can anybody point me to it?
After a lot of trying out, I found the solution. The problem seems to have been the maven-scala-plugin dependency in the build section. But since there are so many things wrong with the pom shown above, I post here the new version, which works. (At least for the really tiny example project. With my real, bigger project, I ran into new problems with it.)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Scalatest -->
<!-- work-around for -->
<!-- disable Surefire -->
<!-- enable Scalatest -->
<!--enable SCoverage-->
Hope this helps someone!

Maven deploy to Nexus, No X509TrustManager

I am trying to deploy a deb-package to Nexus with maven. But I get the error
No X509TrustManager implementation available
No stacktrace available, just an Exception:
So, how do I get a X509TrustManager into maven?
pom.xml looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<goal>compile</goal> <!-- use this goal to weave all your main classes -->
<goal>test-compile</goal> <!-- use this goal to weave all your test classes -->
Thanks, BadJoke
This seems to be an issue with your JDK. E.g. check out this bug.
I would suggest to upgrade to the latest release of your chosen JDK and if that still fails potentially try with the latest Java8 release from Oracle.