How to implement data authorization logic inside a Posgres db? - postgresql

We are building a web app that sits on top of a postgres db. We would like to implement authorization logic inside the database so that it is opaque to the app. For example, suppose a server side controller requests all users from a view v_user. We would like for the db to handle the authorization of which users the currently logged in user can or cannot see. Obviously the server is going to need to send over the login_pkey (user_pkey of logged in user) on every request for this to work.
The issue we are having is with reads. We were able to do this for inserts, updates and deletes by putting the logic in the triggers behind those operations on all views. The issue we are having is how to do this for reads. How can we include variable logic (i.e. logic that depends on which login_pkey is passed) in a view (or some other place) and how can we pass this information for each query.
If it is important, the server we are using is Node and the ORM is Sequelize.
Thanks in advance.

Ideally you really want row security to do this well. It's available in the 9.5 version in beta now.
But you can do what you need without.
To pass a user identity you can use a custom variable, e.g.
SET myapp.appuser = 'fred';
then access it with current_setting e.g.
SELECT current_setting('myapp.appuser')
This will raise an ERROR if the setting does not exist, so you should set a default blank value in postgresql.conf, with ALTER DATABASE SET, etc. Or use PostgreSQL 9.5's current_setting('settingname', true) to return null on missing values.
To filter what users can see, use views that check the user identity setting your app sets at connect-time, per the above.
This is not safe if your users can run arbitrary SQL, because nothing stops them RESETing the setting or doing a SET myapp.appuser = 'the-admin'.

It's very easy to implement this using Pl/Python global dict GD. First, you need to write auth() function:
create or replace function auth(login text, pass text) as $$
-- Check auth login here
GD['user_id'] = get_user_id_by_login(login)
$$ language plpythonu;
Then you have to write get_current_user() function
create or replace function get_current_user() returns integer as $$
return GD['user_id']
$$ langugage plpythonu;
Now, you can get current user any time you want. For example:
-- inside stored procedure
vUserId := get_current_user()
-- in query
select * from some_table where owner_id = get_current_user()
Remember, that GD is stored per session, so, as you wrote, you need to login every time you connect to database. In my ORM I do like this:
class MyORM():
def login(self, user, password):
cursor = self.__conn.cursor()
result = cursor.execute('select core.login(%s, %s)', (user, password,))
data = cursor.fetchone()
return data[0]
def auth(self, cursor):
cursor.execute('select core.auth(%s)', (g.user_id,))
def query(self, query):
cursor = self.__conn.cursor()
data = cursor.fetchall()
return data


Supabase http_get triggered but failed on creating user

Trigger Function below would trigger if there's a new record inserted into auth users table in supabase
api_url text;
SET search_path = extensions;
api_url := concat('https://cccccxzxxt?nme=',;
SELECT * FROM http_get(api_url);
SET search_path = none;
return new;
The http_get does get triggered all ok on this but I'm getting {"code":500,"msg":"Database error saving new user","error_id":"xxx"} when trying to create a new user and there's no user created in the auth users table.
Most likely, the problem is that you are setting the search_path to none at the end of your trigger. This means that any SQL statements that run AFTER your trigger will fail to execute UNLESS they use ONLY fully-qualified names (e.g. auth.users vs users).
Indeed, when I reproduce your trigger, I see the following error in the PostgreSQL logs:
"query": "UPDATE \"users\" SET \"role\" = $1, \"updated_at\" = $2 WHERE = $3",
"event_message": relation "users" does not exist
This is most likely the update that Supabase's GoTrue server executes right after inserting the new user (i.e. right after your trigger). See:
To solve the issue, you can either:
Avoid manipulating the search_path altogether and instead use the fully qualified name of function you are calling, i.e. extensions.http_get
Use PostgreSQL's special syntax for changing the values of configuration parameters (e.g. search_path) ONLY for the duration of a function and then reverting them back. See:, SET configuration_parameter { TO value | = value | FROM CURRENT })

DB2oC (DB2 on Cloud) : Facing "attempted to modify data but was not defined as MODIFIES SQL DATA" error

I have created very simple function in DB2oC as below, which has one UPDATE sql statement and one SELECT sql statement along with MODIFIES SQL DATA. But still I get the below error, though I have specified MODIFIES SQL DATA. I did GRANT ALL on that TEST table to my user id and also did GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION to my user id on safe side. Can you please help to explain on what could be the issue?
I have simply invoked the function using SELECT statement like below:
SQL Error [38002]: User defined routine "TESTSCHEMA.MAIN_FUNCTION"
(specific name "SQL201211013006981") attempted to modify data but was
not defined as MODIFIES SQL DATA.. SQLCODE=-577, SQLSTATE=38002,
UPDATE TEST t SET t.CONTENT_TEXT = 'test value' WHERE t.ID = 1;
select CONTENT_TEXT into val from TEST where ID = 1;
return val;
Appreciate your help.
For the modifies SQL data clause , the usage of the function is restricted on Db2-LUW.
These restrictions do not apply for user defined functions that do not modify data.
For your specific example, that UDF will operate when used as the sole expression on the right hand side of an assignment statement in a compound-SQL compiled statemnent.
For example:
create or replace variable my_result varchar(20) default null;
set my_result = main_function();
Consider using stored procedures to modify table contents, instead of user defined functions.
You could avoid using a function, and just use a single "change data statement"
SET t.CONTENT_TEXT = 'test value'
WHERE t.ID = 1

Postgresql and dblink: how do I do an UPDATE FROM?

Here's what works already, but it's using a loop:
(I am updating the nickname, slug field on the remote table for each row in a local table)
row_ record;
rdbname_ varchar;
/* select from local */
FOR row_ IN SELECT rdbname, objectvalue1 as keyhash, cvalue1 as slug, cvalue2 as nickname
FROM bme_tag
where rdbname = rdbname_
and tagtype = 'NAME'
and wkseq = 0
/* update remote */
PERFORM dblink_exec('sysdb',
'update bme_usergroup
set nickname = %L
,slug = %L
where rdbname = %L
and wkseq = 0
and keyhash = %L'
, row_.nickname, row_.slug, row_.rdbname, row_.keyhash)
Now, what I would like to do instead is to do a bulk UPDATE (remote) FROM (local)
PERFORM dblink_exec('sysdb',
'update (remote)bme_usergroup
set nickname = bme_tag.cvalue2, slug=bme_tag.cvalue1
from (local).bme_tag s
where bme_usergroup.rdbname = %L
and bme_usergroup.wkseq = 0
and bme_usergroup.keyhash = s.keyhash
and bme_usergroup.rdbname = s.rdbname
I've gotten this far by looking a various solutions (postgresql: INSERT INTO ... (SELECT * ...)) and I know how to separate the remote and local tables of the query in the context of SELECT, DELETE and even INSERT/SELECT. And I can do that direct update with bind variables too. But how about UPDATE FROM?
If it's not possible, should I look into Postgres's FOREIGN TABLE or something similar?
The local and remote db are both on the same Postgres server. One additional bit of information, if it matters, is that either database may be dropped and restored separately from the other, and I'd prefer a lightweight solution that doesn't take a lot of configuration each time to reestablish communication.
Yes, you should use foreign tables with postgres_fdw.
That way you could just write your UPDATE statement like you would for a local table.
This should definitely be faster, but you might still be exchanging a lot of data between the databases.
If that's an option, it will probably be fastest to run the statement on the database where the updated table is and define the other table as a foreign table. That way you will probably avoid fetching and then sending the table data.
Use EXPLAIN to see what exactly happens!

How to ensure all Postgres queries have WHERE clause?

I am building a multi tenant system in which many clients data will be in the same database.
I am paranoid about some developer forgetting to put the appropriate "WHERE clientid = " onto every query.
Is there a way to, at the database level, ensure that every query has the correct WHERE = clause, thereby ensuring that no query will ever be executed without also specifying which client the query is for?
I was wondering if maybe the query rewrite rules could do this but it's not clear to me if they can do so.
Deny permissions on the table t for all users. Then give them permission on a function f that returns the table and accepts the parameter client_id:
create or replace function f(_client_id integer)
returns setof t as
select *
from t
where client_id = _client_id
$$ language sql
select * from f(1);
client_id | v
1 | 2
Another way is to create a VIEW for:
WHERE t.client_id = current_setting('session_vars.client_id');
And use SET session_vars.client_id = 1234 at the start of the session.
Deny acces to the tables, and leave only permissins for views.
You may need to create rewrite rules for UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT for the views (it depends on your PostgreSQL version).
Performance penalty will be small (if any) because PostgreSQL will rewrite the queries before execution.

Execute triggers function of another schema on the actual chema

my problem is easy to explain with an example: I have a 'common' schema (the public one?) where I store common data between a clustered application.
For every instance of my application, I have a role (used as the application user).
And i have a common role, app_users, with read-only privileges on the common schema, and every application role is a member of app_users.
Now my problem is: how can i set a trigger on the app_a scheme that execute a function (procedure) in the common scheme, but affect the (and only the) app_a tables?
I mean:
// common_scheme, dummy function to emulate the mysql on update = now()
NEW.etime = date_part('epoch'::text, now())::int;
$$ language plpgsql;
// now, in the app_foo scheme, i have the table:
CREATE TABLE foo_table (fid serial not null primary key unique, label char(25));
// and the trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER foo_table_update_etime BEFORE UPDATE ON foo_talbe FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_etime();
// ERROR: function update_etime() does not exist
CREATE TRIGGER foo_table_update_etime BEFORE UPDATE ON foo_talbe FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE common_scheme.update_etime();
// ERROR: function common_scheme.update_etime() does not exist
The user that will access app_foo has the execute privilege on update_etime() function in common_schema.
Any idea?
I've googled around but the only solution I fount to call functions from other schemas is something like execute 'select * from ' || schema_name || '.table_name'; but i dont think this will do the trick in my case, becose the function must work with the 'local' scheme.
Your second set of syntax should work... the one with "EXECUTE PROCEDURE common_scheme.update_etime();"
If it isn't finding the function, I'd guess that you either have created it in a different schema than you think it is in, or you haven't created it at all (and note, your example create syntax has a bug, no space between "replace" and "function", which would cause an error when trying to create the function. Try doing a:
\df *.update_etime
As superuser to verify the function exists and is in the location you think it is in. HTH.