How to associate .CGI with PERL EPIC in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am searching for a solution of how to associate .cgi extension with Perl language (to highlight syntax correctly) in Perl Epic under Eclipse 3.8.1 Linux x64? Currently it highlights only files with .pl extension. When opening .cgi or files without any extensions the Eclipse highlights them very different than Perl Epic is set up.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

You'll need to create a new file association and associate the "Epic Perl Editor" with it. Also see Associating Files with the Perl Editor in the EPIC documentation, which says:
Eclipse associates file extensions with editors. If another plug-in is
installed, the EPIC Perl Editor might not be used as the default
editor when opening *.pl, *.pm or *.cgi files. To associate these file
extensions with the Perl Editor, choose Window → Preferences... from
the Eclipse menu and select Workbench → File Associations. If the Perl
extensions are missing, they can be created by pressing the Add...
button. Select the Perl Editor from the list and press the Default


No JavaScript syntax highlighting in Eclipse 2020-09

I just upgraded to Eclipse 2020-09 (4.17.0) from Eclipse Luna. After installing, I installed Eclipse Web Developer Tools 3.19 from the Marketplace, then restarted Eclipse. When I open a .js file, there is no syntax highlighting. It was fine out of the box with Luna, so is there anything extra that I need to configure in 2020-09? File associations for *.js shows this:
It seems JavaScript files (*.js) have been associated with the plain text editor instead of the Generic Text Editor by mistake (please make sure it has been reported to Eclipse).
Right-click the file and choose Open With > Generic Text Editor.
Or better, associate all *.js files with the Generic Text Editor by right-click a *.js file, choose Open With > Other..., select the Generic Text Editor in the list and tick the Use it for all '.js' files* checkbox at the bottom (as shown in my video here).
Yes, you need to install the Wild Web Developer feature so that it provides that functionality through the Generic Text Editor.

Why my Eclipse doesn't mark the reserverd words for Haskell?

I've installed the plugin for Eclipse Luna: EclipseFP - . Its Works, but the IDE is not marking the reserved words.
That looks like you are actually using the normal text editor.
Close the file and then right click on the file in Project Explorer and choose 'Open With...' and select the Haskell editor.
Eclipse remembers the last editor you used to open a file so if you had opened this file before installing the plug-in you will get the plain text editor. Once you have opened the file with the correct editor it will use that editor by default in future.

LiClipse and execute codes in console shortcuts?

For Eclipse PyDev, you can select a few lines of codes, then hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter to execute the codes in interactive console, but with LiClipse, that simply removes the selected codes, I can't find anywhere mentioning this, anyone?
Well, this is a feature of PyDev, so, it'll only work if you open the .py files with the PyDev editor (i.e.: in preferences > general > editors > file associations check that '*.py' is marked to be opened with the 'Python Editor' -- for PyDev -- and not the 'LiClipse Python Editor').
Alternatively you can right click a file and choose 'open with > Python Editor'.
After that, Ctrl+Alt+Enter should work for you (note that in the latest version, Ctrl+Alt+Enter is really for opening the editor, but F2 is the recommended way of sending things line-by-line to the console... See: for details).

How to activate features of EPIC Perl plugin for Eclipse

I just downloaded the EPIC Perl plugin for Eclipse and then opened a Perl script (.pl) contained within an existing C++ project. The editor does not have syntax highlighting or any of the other promised features of EPIC. The only thing that has changed is that the script has a camel icon in the Project Explorer.
I open a different .pl file in a different directory within the same project and it works (syntax highlighting).
How do I activate the features of EPIC for the first file?
I'm using Eclipse Kepler on Windows 7.
(the only thing I can think of is that the first file was open in Eclipse before I installed the plugin, the second file was not. But closing/reopening the file and/or Eclipse does not fix the problem)
Right-click on the the file in the Navigator, choose "Open With" and then "Epic Perl Editor".

Eclipse 3.3 default editor under Vista

I switched some months ago from Eclipse 3.0 under Win2000 to Eclipse 3.3.2 under Vista.
With my old platform, when I opened a file from eclipse navigator, for which no particular editor was configured, the file was defaultly opened with LPAD editor.
Now with my new platform, in the same situation, Eclipse delegates the choice to Vista, so to keep the same behavior I have to explicitly add the "unknown" extension in Window / Preferences, menu General / Editors / File Associations, and configure it to open with eclipse text editor.
Of course ".*" si not accepted like a valid extension, so I have to do it extension by extension.
And by the way there are tons of such "unknown" extensions I work with : .launch, .cvsignore, .pmd, .ruleset, .bindings, .csv (I want to edit such with textEditor, not excel), .vm, and so on...
From eclipse navigator I can open the context menu and select, for THIS particular file, to open it with the text editor, but it does not apply to other files with the same extension.
It's worse when opening the file from Open Resource dialog box, as in this case the context menu is not even available.
In a word, is there any way to configure eclipse 3.3.2 under Vista so that any file with an unknown extension will open with a given eclipse default editor ?
You do have (since eclipse3.2):
Open With->System Editor from the context menu
alt text
That will pick the editor the system (here Vista) currently associates with your files.
But that still leaves you with the unpleasant task to set up the proper associations within the System itself (Vista)
There are some relevant feature requests for similar use cases (but they are there for years so don't expect to implement them soon):
Default editor for unknown extensions
File Associations doesn't accept standard wildcards
Currently you have to manage each important "dot-started names" individually in File Associations as you mentioned, I suppose.