PowerShell Script for updating a visual studio .vsxproj file - powershell

I have a small problem. I want to search a directory ,lets say D:\ . I want to find the files with the extention .vsxproj. Then I can do 2 things.
1. Access a node called project properties and change a single word amongst a string.
2. Or, just replace the word from the entire file without searching specific node. This is easier and would serve my purpose.
Now for the actual code. I have tried the following.
(Get-Content D:\data123.xml) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "Wow32", "Wow3232" } |
Set-Content D:\data123.xml
This works for a single file if I know the name. But i have more than a hundred file.So I try something like this.I go to my D drive and do this:
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem . *.vsxproj -rec
foreach ($file in $configFiles)
(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "Wow32", "Wow3232" } |
Set-Content $file.PSPath
Please let me know how can I recurse over several file and change this one word. I have searched and looked at quite a few answers.None of them actually solves my problem. Please help.


Trouble editing text files with powershell Get-Content and Set-Content

Goal: Update text entry on one line within many files distributed on a server
Summary: As part of an application migration between datacenters the .rdp files on end-user desktops need to be updated to point to the new IP address of their Remote Desktop Server. All the .rdp files reside on Windows servers in a redirected folders SMB share where I have Administrative access.
Powershell experience: minimal. Still trying to wrap my head around the way variables, output and piping work.
Was originally trying to make a single line of powershell code to complete this task but got stuck and had to make script file with the two lines of code below.
-Line 1: Search for all .rdp files in the folder structure and store the full path with file name in a variable. Every file will be checked since the users tend to accidentally change file names, eliminating absolute predictability.
-Line 2: I want to make one pass through all the files to replace only instances of two particular IP addresses with the new address. Then write the changes into the original file.
$Path = ls 'C:\Scripts\Replace-RDP\TESTFILES\' -Include *.rdp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach fullname
$Path | (Get-Content -Path $Path) -Replace 'IPserver1','newIPserver1' -Replace 'IPserver2','newIPserver2' | Set-Content $Path -Force
Have found most of the solution with Powershell but have a problem with the results. The second line of code when output to the screen changes contents correctly in memory. The content written to file however resulted in the new server IP address being written into ALL rdp files even if the source rdp file's target IP address doesn't match the -Replace criterion.
Text inside a .rdp on the relevant line is:
full address:s:
changes to:
full address:s:
Thank you for all assistance in reaching the endpoint. Have spent hours learning from various sites and code snippets.
You need to keep track of each file that you are reading so that you can save changes to that file. Foreach-Object makes this process easy. Inside of the Foreach-Object script block, the current object $_ is the FullName value for each of your files.
$CurrentIP1 = '192\.168\.1\.123'
$CurrentIP2 = '192\.168\.1\.124'
$NewIP1 = ''
$NewIP2 = ''
$files = (Get-ChildItem 'C:\Scripts\Replace-RDP\TESTFILES\' -Filter *.rdp -Recurse -Force -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName
$files | Foreach-Object {
if (($contents = Get-Content $_) -match "$CurrentIP1|$CurrentIP2") {
$contents -replace $CurrentIP1,$NewIP1 -replace $CurrentIP2,$NewIP2 |
Set-Content $_
Note that using the -File switch on Get-ChildItem (alias ls) outputs only files. Since -replace uses regex to do matching, you must backslash escape literal . characters.

How to change a character in multiple .txt-files and save/ overwrite the existing file in Powershell

i'm really new to Powershell (2 days) and i am not good yet. :(
My Question ist:
How to change a character in multiple .txt-files and save/ overwrite the existing file in Powershell
My goal is to Copy multiple RAW-Files in a new folder, change the file-name from .tsv to .txt and at least change one character in these files from % to percent.
What i've got so far:
The first two steps are working, but i'm losing my mind with the third step (the replacement).
Copy-Item -Path "C:\Users\user\Desktop\RAW\*.tsv" -Destination "C:\Users\user\Desktop\TXT" -Recurse
Set-Location "C:\Users\User\Desktop\TXT"
Get-ChildItem *.tsv | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '.tsv','.txt' }
This works fine for me and now i am not able to get further ...
I am able to replace the "%" in one specific file, and save it in a new file, but this doesn't work for a batch processing with changing file-names.
$file = "A.txt"
Get-Content $file | Foreach {$_ -replace "%", "percent"} | Set-Content A_1.txt
It would be perfect, if "$file = "A.txt"" would be "all the files in this path with .txt" and
"Set-Content A_1.txt" would be "overwrite the existing file".
I hope someone will help me, thank you! <3 <3 <3
You already have some of the solution in your first code snippet, you need to iterate over the files again to perform the replace and save.
$txtFiles = Get-ChildItem -Name *.txt
ForEach ($file in $txtFiles) {
(Get-Content $file) | ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace '%','percent'
} | Set-Content $file
The first line adds all the text files to an array, the foreach loop iterates over the files of the array and grabs the content of the file and unloads it - that's the reason for the parenthesis, the Foreach-Object then iterates over the content of the file and saves it to the same file name as before.
If you skip the parentheses around Get-Content $file the file would still be loaded into memory and you would get an error message about not being able to save the file.

INI editing with PowerShell

My problem is I want to change paths in INI Files wich are saved in a folder and its subfolders.
The path of the folder is C:\New\Path\.
Example INI file:
notAIniText = C:\A\Path\notAIniText
maybeAIniText = C:\A\Path\maybeAIniText
AIniText = C:\A\Path\AIniText
I read some other questions about PSini but I don't want to just id because I want to use the script on multiple PC and I don't want to install every time PSIni.
I tried:
$mabyIni = "C:\New\Path"
$AiniFile = Get-ChildItem - Path "C:\New\Path\*" -Include *.ini -Recurse
foreach ($file in $AiniFile) {
Select-String -Path $file -AllMatches "C:\A\Path\" | ForEach-Opject {
$file -replace [regex]:Escape('C:\A\Path'), ('$mabyIni')
} | Set-Content $mabyIni -Include *.ini
But this doesn't work. I tried it with Get-Content too, but that also doesn't work.
Is there any way whitout PSini?
The code in your comment is close, but just has a few syntax issues. It starts out strong:
$mabyIni = "C:\New\Path"
$AiniFile = Get-ChildItem - Path "C:\New\Path*" -include *.ini -recurse
ForEach($file in $AiniFile) {
So far, so good. You define the new path, and you get a list of .ini files in the old path, then you start to loop through those files. This is all good code so far. Then things start to go astray.
I see that you are trying to get the contents of each .ini file, replace the string in question, and then output that file to the new path with this:
(Get-Content $AiniFile.PSPath) | ForEach-Object {
$file -replace [regex]:Escape('C:\A\Path'),('$mabyIni')
}| Set-Content $mabyIni -include *.ini
Unfortunately you're using the wrong variables, and adding in an extra ForEach loop in there as well. Let's start with the Get-Content line. At this point in the script you are looping through files, with each current file being represented by $file. So what you really want to get the contents of is $file, and not $AiniFile.PSPath.
(Get-Content $file)
Ok, that got us the contents of that file as an array of strings. Now, I'm guessing you weren't aware, but the -Replace operator works on arrays of strings. Perfect, we just so happen to have gotten an array of strings! Since the Get-Content command is wrapped in parenthesis it completes first, we can actually just tack on the -Replace command right after it.
(Get-Content $file) -replace [regex]:Escape('C:\A\Path'),$mabyIni
Your -replace command that you had was super close! In fact, I have to give you props for using [regex]::escape() in there. That's totally a pro move, well done! The only issue with it is the replacement string didn't need to be in parenthesis, and it was single quoted, so it would not have expanded the string and your .ini files would have all had a line like:
AIniText = $mabyIni\AIniText
Not exactly what you wanted I'm guessing, so I removed the parenthesis (they weren't hurting anything, but weren't helping either, so for cleanliness and simplicity I got rid of them), and I got rid of the single quotes ' as well since we really just want the string that's stored in that variable.
So now we're looping through files, reading the contents, replacing the old path with the new path, all that's left is to output the new .ini file. It looks like they're already in place, so we just use the existing path for the file, and set the content to the updated data.
(Get-Content $file) -replace [regex]:Escape('C:\A\Path'),$mabyIni | Set-Content -Path $File.FullName
Ok, done! You just have to close the ForEach loop, and run it.
$mabyIni = "C:\New\Path"
$AiniFile = Get-ChildItem - Path "C:\New\Path*" -include *.ini -recurse
ForEach($file in $AiniFile) {
(Get-Content $file) -replace [regex]:Escape('C:\A\Path'),$mabyIni | Set-Content -Path $File.FullName

Powershell replace special characters string in all files in directory path

I'm trying to create a 'find and replace' script for the website our company just acquired. Right now, I just want to use it to replace their address and phone number with
ours, but I'll likely need to customize it in the future to replace or update other stuffs.
So far, what I got is:
(Get-Content C:\Scripts\Test.txt) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "\*", "#"} |
Set-Content C:\Scripts\Test.txt
which I got from The Scripting Guy :P
However, I need help customizing it. What I need it to do is:
Do it for all files in a directory and all sub-directories, not just one file. The website as far as I can tell is a collection of *.php files
Handle special characters that appear in some addresses, like copyrights (©) pipes (|) commas (,) and periods (.)
Here's the exact string I'm trying to replace (as it appears in the .php's):
<p>©Copyright 2012 GSS | 48009 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 USA</p>
Since this could be the first tool in my powershell toolbox, any explaining of what you're adding or changing would greatly help me understand what's going on.
Bonus points:
Any way to log which files were 'find-and-replace'ed?
My suggestion would be to use a ForEach loop. I don't see the need for a function in this case, just have the code in your ForEach loop. I would define a string to search for, and a string to replace with. When you perform the replace make sure that it is escaped. Something along these lines:
$TxtToFind = "<p>©Copyright 2012 GSS | 48009 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538 USA</p>"
$UpdatedTxt = "<p>©Copyright 2014 | 1234 Somenew St., Houston, TX 77045 USA</p>"
$Logfile = "C:\Temp\FileUpdate.log"
ForEach($File in (GCI C:\WebRoot\ -Recurse)){
If($File|Select-String $TxtToFind -SimpleMatch -Quiet){
"Updating lines in $($File.FullName)" |Out-File $Logfile -append
$File|Select-String $TxtToFind -SimpleMatch -AllMatches|Select -ExpandProperty LineNumber -Unique|Out-File $Logfile -append
(GC $File.FullName) | %{$_ -replace [RegEx]::Escape($TxtToFind),$UpdatedTxt} | Set-Content $File.Fullname
You can leverage regular expression to find/replace the string you desire and the following script will iterate over all the php files within the provided folder recursively.
function ParseFile($file){
#Add logic to parse the file
Write-Host $file.FullName
$files = Get-ChildItem -recurse C:\Path -Filter *.php
foreach ($file in $files) {
ParseFile $file

Getting access error in powershell find and replace

I am trying to run a find and replace on all of the files in a directory. I am running windows 7 Enterprise, and the folder that is being searched is on the local machine. Whenever I run the statement on just the 5 .SQL files in the folder, the script runs fine. When I add another folder inside the first(so now there are 5 .sql's and one folder with nothing in it yet) and try to run the same statement, I get an error that access denied to the new folder. I have tried everything with setting permissions on the folder, files and everything else I could think of that might keep it from accessing that child folder. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I have even tried making sure the attributes were set correctly on the folder in windows.
This is the script I am using, which works when all the files are in the root of the folder, but anything in child folders throws an error.
(get-Content D:\project\*) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace ";", ""} | Set-Content D:\project\*
Rather do something like this:
$folder = 'D:\project'
foreach ($f in (Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse | ? {-not $_.PSIsContainer})) {
(Get-Content $f.FullName) -replace ';' | Set-Content $f.FullName
I wouldn't feel comfortable with a wildcard at both beginning and end of the pipeline, even if it would work (which it doesn't).
Was able to achieve what I was trying to do with this code. Thanks for your input all. This gives me the option to change all of the files with the SQL extension.
Get-ChildItem D:\Projects *.SQL -recurse |
Foreach-Object {
$c = ($_ | Get-Content)
$c = $c -replace ";", ""
[IO.File]::WriteAllText($_.FullName, ($c -join "`r`n"))