Bamboo Plans incompatible after update? - deployment

We have updated Bamboo to Version 5.9.7 build 5920 - 14 Oct 15. I don't know yet the version before, my boss will check tomorrow. It should be 5.7.2.
After updating all relations between plans and Repositories were lost which I've updated manually ...
But all tasks are also lost. I've looked up in DB and they are still there, as XML ... So perhaps the structure wasn't migrated and is incompatible?
Can someone point me to the solution or help me to find the issue? We have more then 60 plans and reconfiguration by hand would cost a lot of time ... So an automatic migration or fix would be very helpful.

Create request at, looks like some wrong issue during migration


Deploying updated SSIS package doesn't work

The problem
So I am running into an interesting issue. I have been tasked to change a query for a simple SSIS package in Visual Studio 2015, which is a thing I have done multiple times in the last 6 months.
After changing the package and deploying it (to an installation of SQL server 2016, without errors!) I noticed that the execution of the package (scheduled with SSMS) generates the same result as the pre-updated package, meaning the demanded changes hadn't taken effect. Of course, as test, I have executed the package directly from VS2015 and got the result I wanted.
Ever since I have been running tests and trying to find a solution. The problems seems to lie with the receiving side of the deployment proces.
What I have tried
Deleted the package from the existing project in SSMS and redeployed. Deployment again seemd to succeed but the package didn't show up, so I had to restore an old version of the project.
Deploy the package from multiple different computers with access to VS2015 and the source code. No change...
Deploy the package to a new (empty) SSMS project: package does not appear in the project. This leads me to believe that the old package is kept when I publish the new version to the existing project in SSMS.
Regenating/rebuilding the package in VS2015, frankly this was never necessary and probably doesn't do anything for an SSIS package, but it may help you get an idea of my skill level.
In the past we have had issues with the encryption level blocking the deployment of packages. I have verified these settings and found no issues.
I have verified if any updates have recently been installed to the database server, which does not seem to be the case.
I have (of course) tried to google the issue, which is tricky due to the lack of errors. I have found the following links, that describe the same/a similar issue, but their solutions haven't helped:
Deployed SSIS Package not reflecting changes made to package
What is still left to try
Rebuild project from scratch to see if that version is deployable.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of experience with this subject and no colleagues or contacts to ask for help.
Thanks in advance.
My workaround
After quite a bit of time attempting to solve the issue I have resorted to working around the problem, by manually importing the .ispac file into the database. While this is not the prettiest of solutions, at least it's a workable one. If anyone has any other idea's I'll gladly see them, but for now the issue isn't nearly as pressing as it was.
From your post. "Deleted the package from the existing project in SSMS and redeployed. Deployment again seemd to succeed but the package didn't show up".
Are you 100% sure you are deploying it to the same project on the same server on the database? Are you refreshing after you deploy?

Running Strapi in production and version control sync issues

I'm wondering what the best practice is for running Strapi in production. I noticed that Strapi generates new files when a content type is added. This means that the production environment's files will become out of sync with version control. Is there a recommended deployment process? Am I supposed to commit changes from production to my git repo after making changes in the admin?
The file generation which is made primarily by content-type-builder and other settings are disabled in production mode NODE_ENV=production
The admin panel is supposed to be already built on prod, so you only add necessary data into DB based on the given data structure.
Summarizing answer to your question in from
emadicio commented on 20 Sep 2018
If you run your app with NODE_ENV=production you'll notice that plugins that actually edit or create files are disabled. So that means you cannot create or edit content types in prod
Downloaddave commented on 22 Sep 2018:
I had deployed Strapi locally then to a Prod environment, and was confused since I didn't see the content-type-builder in the production CMS.
I'm trying to understand the deployment and update process as well...
Developer sets Strapi up locally
Creates content-types using the content-type-builder
Strapi makes updates to the file structure locally and on the local MongoDB
On production we will have to push both the code and db updates?
I understand that making changes to the content-type-builder reboots the service, and we don't want production to go down during the rebuild, but it seems like data would get really out of sync between production and development.
Aurelsicoko commented on 2 Oct 2018
You're right! The Content-Type Builder is a development plugin. His goal is to speed up the development of your project. It should not be used in production. We didn't design this plugin like for this usage.
The real pain is to migrate the development configuration to production, and vice-versa. We plan to offer a new command with the CLI called strapi migrate to easily migrate from an environment to another. I can't give you a release date though...
Any news on this strapi migrate command? It is a major thing for me and my team in order to do go on with Continuous Integration and delivery.
I hope it is not going to be same like with Wordpress that still has no native solution to solve the migrations between Prod and Stage...
Appreciate the answer. Greetings

Slow migration to Visual Studio Online from TFS 2013.4 (OpsHub)

I am trying to migrate from TFS 2013 Update 4 to Visual Studio Online. I have had real difficulties using OpsHub Migration Utility, so I have come now seeking advice on how I may go forward.
I have 65 Team Projects to migrate, some with source code, others fairly empty with just a few work items so they differ in size a fair bit. I want to maintain branches we currently have which are cross Team Projects so I initially tried selecting all 65 projects for migration. This took 11hours at the creating configuration stage of the utility, then on getting to the end the tool complained it could not communicate with the service OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility. So back to square one.
Next approach was to batch the projects into sets of 10 projects. The validation and creating configuration stage was done in 10mins for each set which was a big leap forward, and the migration actually started. This has currently been running for about 17hours. It has done 29,000 work item revisions out of 480,000 across all Team Projects, so I think this may well take a couple of weeks to clear. It hasn't started on the Version Control data yet, which I'm hopeful it does at a later stage but this says not running at the moment.
This is running on a fast i7 box, with 16GB RAM, SSDs the business. 100Mbps internet connection.
I have emailed OpsHub to find out if the commercial version will perform better. But any suggestions what I could do better welcome, including any alternatives to the migration tool.
For Configuration creation taking high time, the assumed reason seems
to be due to issue in communicating with the service OpsHub Visual
Studio Online and waiting till the TimeOut.
The Work Item migration sync time seems to be near to the expectation, migration of Version Control data will be started once the work item migration is completed.
Also as the data is in big amount, its taking time but the migration would keep on running in background, you can use your source TFS instance(if required) without stopping the migration.
For more details on Profession Services you can drop an email to
There is another tool named TFS Integration Platform that developed by MS for TFS Migration. You can try with it to see if it can migrate the data faster.

Application migration from ATG9.4 to ATG11.1

Can anyone please help as i have to migrate the application running in ATG9.4 to ATG11.1. I have don't have idea like how to do migration in ATG.
what should be the approach and how to go about it?
It will be a 5 step migration, each migration step will require you to migrate to a higher version.
All of which is available in the Migration Documentation on the Oracle Commerce website.

Zero Deployment for Entity Framework with SQL Compact

I strungle with the deployment of an application which uses the latest entity framework together with SQL Compact with code first.
I want a zero deployment, means, on the target machine nothing except .net 4 is installed, I just copy the assemblies and everything have to work.
The requirements are just:
Latest EF
.Net 4.0
Code First
SQL Compact
The location of the *.sdf has to be done in the code, not in the *.config file
I google for hours and try different "solutions" from several places, nothing worked. On the target machine I always have just a crash without any information whats wrong.
Did anyone know a step by step tutorial or something with met my requirements?
(Or have a working project ready to tryout?)
I have a blog post and a completed solution here: