I'm trying to multiplicate two vectors in lisp.
My code is:
(defun produs(x y)
((or (null x) (null y))
((eq (cdr x) nil)
(cons (* (car x) (car y))
(cdr y)))
((eq (cdr y) nil)
(cons (* (car x) (car y))
(cdr x)))
(cons (* (car x) (car y))
(produs (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
When I verify
(produs '(7) '(1 2))
it gives me (7 2).
The 4rd line of code doesn't specify that if the rest of the body of x is nil, then to multiplicate it with all elements of y?
If I correctly understand what you want to achieve this code should work:
(defun produs(x y)
((or (null x) (null y)) nil)
((eq (cdr x) nil) ( cons (* (car x)(car y))(produs (cdr y) x )))
((eq (cdr y) nil) ( cons (* (car x)(car y)) (produs (cdr x) y)))
(t (cons (*(car x)(car y)) (produs (cdr x)(cdr y))))
The problem was that you were not "saying" to multiplicate all elements with the head x, but just adding all remaining elements in y to your result list.
(produs '(7) '(1 2)) => (7 14)
You could also try to refactor the code a little to avoid repeating yourself:
(defun produs (x y)
(when (and x y)
(cons (* (first x) (first y))
(let ((rx (rest x))
(ry (rest y)))
((and rx ry) (produs rx ry))
(rx (produs rx y))
(ry (produs ry x)))))))
I'm new to lisp, and am writing code for quicksort. I am almost done, although the output is giving me some trouble. This is currently what I have:
(defun fil(P L)
(if (null L) nil
(if (funcall P (first L)) (cons (first L) (fil P (rest L)))
(fil P (rest L)))))
(defun qs(L)
(if (null L) nil
(let ((x (first L))
(gt (fil (lambda (x) (<= (first L) x))(rest L) ))
(lt (fil (lambda (x) (> (first L) x))(rest L))))
(cons (cons (qs lt) (first L)) (qs gt)))))
(write (qs '(4 2 3 1 7 3 5 3 6)))
This works, but the output looks like this:
((((((NIL . 1)) . 2) (NIL . 3) (NIL . 3) (NIL . 3)) . 4)
(((NIL . 5) (NIL . 6)) . 7))
I am not sure where the extra nils and periods and parentheses are coming from or how to fix it. Any advice is appreciated.
Look at
(cons '(a b c d) 'e)
Above code does not append E to the list.
CL-USER 4 > (cons '(a b c d) 'e)
((A B C D) . E)
It creates a new cons cell (a two element container) with the first arg and the second arg with its elements.
What you need, is to APPEND lists into a result list.
Adding to what #RainerJoswig said:
(defun %filter (pred l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((funcall pred (car l)) (cons (car l) (%filter pred (cdr l))))
(t (%filter pred (cdr l)))))
(defun quicksort (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
(t (let ((greater-than (%filter (lambda (x) (<= (car l) x)) (cdr l)))
(less-than (%filter (lambda (x) (> (car l) x)) (cdr l))))
(append (quicksort less-than) (list (car l)) (quicksort greater-than))))))
(quicksort '(4 2 3 1 7 3 5 3 6))
;; (1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7)
Alternatively also:
(defun %filter (pred l)
(mapcan (lambda (x) (if (funcall pred x) (list x) nil)) l))
(defun quicksort (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
(t (append (quicksort (%filter (lambda (x) (< x (car l))) (cdr l)))
(list (car l))
(quicksort (%filter (lambda (x) (<= (car l) x)) (cdr l)))))))
Starting to learn LISP and wrote two simple programs, which uses functions as params.
The first:
;gnu clisp 2.49.60
(defun pf (x f123) (cond ((null x) nil)
(T (cons ( f123 (car x) ) (pf (cdr x) f123)))))
(defun f2 (x) (* x x))
(print (pf '(1 2 3 4) 'f2 ) )
The second:
(defun some1(P1 P2 x)
(if (not( = (length x) 0))
(or ( P1 (car x) ) ( P2 (car x)) )
(cons (car x) (some1 P1 P2 (cdr x) ))
(t (some1 P1 P2 (cdr x) ))
(print (some1 'atom 'null '( 5 1 0 (1 2) 10 a b c) ) )
The both of program aren't working. And I don't know how to fix it :(
(funcall f123 x y z) is works, so results:
;gnu clisp 2.49.60
(defun pf (x f123)
(cond ((null x) nil)
(T (cons (funcall f123 (car x))
(pf (cdr x) f123)))))
(defun f2 (x) (* x x))
(print (pf '(1 2 3 4) 'f2))
;gnu clisp 2.49.60
(defun eq0(x)
(if (= x 0)
(defun bg10(x)
(if (> x 10)
(defun some1 (P1 P2 x)
(if (not (= (length x) 0))
((or (funcall P1 (car x)) (funcall P2 (car x)))
(cons (car x) (some1 P1 P2 (cdr x))))
(t (some1 P1 P2 (cdr x))))))
(print (some1 'eq0 'bg10 '(5 0 0 11)))
Maybe it will be useful for someone :)
I'm new in lisp, I'm trying to define a simple function that search an element in a list.
I'm not finding myself comfortable with the sintax of the language, also I don't quite understand the error/warning messages.
(defun in-list (x l)
(let y (car l))
(let z (cdr l))
(if (null l)
(if (equal x y)
(in-list x z)
I also tried to replace let with seq, but still gave me warnings on "variables assumed to be special".
There is an error in the syntax of let. The correct form is:
(let ((var1 exp1)
(var2 exp2)
(varn expn))
So you should write:
(defun in-list (x l)
(let ((y (car l))
(z (cdr l)))
(if (null l)
(if (equal x y)
(in-list x z)))))
Note that it is not necessary define the two local variables since the corresponding expression is used only once, so you could abbreviate the function in this way:
(defun in-list (x l)
(if (null l)
(if (equal x (car l))
(in-list x (cdr l)))))
and, since you have three different cases in the body, you could use a single cond instead of two if:
(defun in-list (x l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((equal x (car l)) t)
(t (in-list x (cdr l)))))
There are very good free books on the web to learn the basis of the language. See for instance this one.
To be able to use setq, you can declare your function's inner variables after the &aux keyword in the function's lambda-list:
(defun in-list (x l &aux y z)
(setq y (car l)
z (cdr l))
(and l
(or (equal x y)
(in-list x z))))
A better style is to give the auxiliary variables their values right at the point of declaration:
(defun in-list (x l &aux (y (car l)) (z (cdr l)))
(and l
(or (equal x y)
(in-list x z))))
I am writing a lisp function and I keep getting EVAL - undefined function x when I try to return the value of x from the function.
(defun p+ (x y)
(recurcollect (gluelist x y) '()))
(defun isinlist (x y)
(if (car y)
(if (equal (cdr x) (cdar y))
(if (cdr y)
(isinlist(x (cdr y)))
(defun collectvalue (x y) ;takes an expression and a list and returns the sum of all like expressions from the list
(if (equal x NIL)
(print '(x is NIL))
(if (equal (cdr x) (cdar y))
(if (cdr y)
(collectvalue (list (+ (car x) (caar y)) (cdr x)) (cdr y))
(list (+ (car x) (caar y)) (cdr x)))
(if (cdr y)
(collectvalue x (cdr y))
(defun recurcollect (x y) ;returns a flat list of collected expressions
(if (isinlist (car x) y)
(recurcollect (cdr x) y)
(if (cdr x)
(recurcollect x (cons y (collectvalue (car x) (cdr x))))
(cons y (car x)))))
(defun gluelist (x y)
(if (cdr x)
(cons (car x) (gluelist (cdr x) y))
(cons (car x) y)))
(print (p+ '(2 0 1) '(4 0 1))) ;(6 0 1)
I believe the error is caused by the x at the end of the function but I cant see why, as far as I can tell my brackets are correctly paired up and I cant see why it is trying to evaluate x as a function.
The problem is in isinlist which is called recursively as (isinlist(x (cdr y))).
(x ...) is interpreted as a function call of function x.
You probably want (isinlist x (cdr y)) instead.
Incidentally, you can replace isinlist with member (with :key #'cdr :test #'equal).
Need to write a union function in lisp that takes two lists as arguments and returns a list that is the union of the two with no repeats. Order should be consistent with those of the input lists
For example: if inputs are '(a b c) and '(e c d) the result should be '(a b c e d)
Here is what I have so far
(defun stable-union (x y)
((null x) y)
((null y) x))
(do ((i y (cdr i))
(lst3 x (append lst3
((listp i)
((null (member (car i) lst3)) (cons (car i) nil) nil))
(t (null (member i lst3)) (cons i nil) nil)))))
((null (cdr i)) lst3)))
My error is that there is an "illegal function object" with the segment (null (member (car i) lst3))
You've got your parens all jumbled-up:
(defun stable-union (x y)
((null x) y)
((null y) x) ) END OF COND form - has no effect
(do ((i y (cdr i))
(lst3 x (append lst3
((listp i)
( (null (member (car i) lst3))
^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ called as a function
(cons (car i) nil) with two arguments
nil ) )
(t NEXT 3 forms have no effect
(null (member i lst3))
(cons i nil)
nil )))) )
((null (cdr i)) lst3)))
Here's your code as you probably intended it to be, with corrected parenthesization and some ifs added where needed:
(defun stable-union (x y)
((null x) y)
((null y) x)
(do ((i y (cdr i))
(lst3 x (append lst3
((listp i)
(if (null (member (car i) lst3))
(cons (car i) nil)
(if (null (member i lst3))
(cons i nil)
((null (cdr i)) lst3)))))
There are still problems with this code. Your do logic is wrong, it skips the first element in y if it contains just one element. And you call append all the time whether it is needed or not. Note that calling (append lst3 nil) makes a copy of top-level cons cells in lst3, entirely superfluously.
Such long statements as you have there are usually placed in do body, not inside the update form for do's local variable.
But you can use more specialized forms of do, where appropriate. Here it is natural to use dolist. Following "wvxvw"'s lead on using hash-tables for membership testing, we write:
(defun stable-union (a b &aux (z (list nil)))
(let ((h (make-hash-table))
(p z))
(dolist (i a)
(unless (gethash i h)
(setf (cdr p) (list i) p (cdr p))
(setf (gethash i h) t)))
(dolist (i b (cdr z))
(unless (gethash i h)
(setf (cdr p) (list i) p (cdr p))
(setf (gethash i h) t)))))
using a technique which I call "head-sentinel" (z variable pre-initialized to a singleton list) allows for a great simplification of the code for the top-down list building at a cost of allocating one extra cons cell.
The error is because you're trying to execute the result of evaluating (null (member (car i) lst3)). In your cond expression, if i is a list, then it attempts to evaluate the expression
((null (member (car i) lst3)) (cons (car i) nil) nil))
And return the result. The first element in an expression should be a function, but
(null (member (car i) lst3))
Is going to return a boolean value. Hence the failure. The structure of your code needs some attention. What you've missed is that you need an inner cond, there.
Incidentally, this would be a much cleaner function if you did it recursively.
I'm a Schemer rather than a Lisper, but I had a little think about it. Here's the skeleton of a recursive implementation:
(defun stable-union (x y)
((null x) y)
((null y) x)
((listp y)
((member (car y) x) (stable-union ??? (???)))
(t (stable-union (append x (??? (???))) (cdr y)))))
((not (member y x)) (append x (list y)))
(t x)))
(Edited to correct simple tyop in second-last line, thanks to Will Ness for spotting it)
(remove-duplicates (append '(a b c) '(e c d)) :from-end t)
Because you started off with do, and because a recursive solution would be even worse, here's what you could've done:
(defun union-stable (list-a list-b)
(do ((i list-b (cdr i))
filtered back-ref)
((null i) (append list-a back-ref))
(unless (member (car i) list-a)
(if back-ref
(setf (cdr filtered) (list (car i))
filtered (cdr filtered))
(setf back-ref (list (car i))
filtered back-ref)))))
This is still quadratic time, and the behaviour is such that if the first list has duplicates, or the second list has duplicates, which are not in the first list - they will stay. I'm not sure how fair it is to call this function a "union", but you'd have to define what to do with the lists if they have duplicates before you try to unify them.
And this is what you might've done if you were interested in the result, rather than just exercising. Note that it will ensure that elements are unique, even if the elements repeat in the input lists.
(defun union-stable-hash (list-a list-b)
(loop for c = (car (if list-a list-a list-b))
with back-ref
with hash = (make-hash-table)
for key = (gethash c hash)
with result
do (unless key
(if back-ref
(setf (cdr result) (list c)
result (cdr result))
(when (or list-a list-b)
(setf back-ref (list c)
result back-ref)))
(setf (gethash c hash) t))
do (if list-a (setf list-a (cdr list-a))
(setf list-b (cdr list-b)))
do (unless (or list-a list-b)
(return back-ref))))