Got error when use RadioGroup - android-radiogroup

I don't know how to fix the error in the images below:

I think you didn't imported 'OnCheckedChangeListener' in your class. Just keep
import android.widget.RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener; in your imports.


what is the reason for menuitem error in flutter

In my project there is an error occurs
The name 'MenuItem' is defined in the libraries
'package:emarket_user/view/base/mars_menu_bar.dart' and
(ambiguous_import at [emarket_user] lib\view\base\menu_bar.dart:10)
please help me to solve this
The class MenuItem is an abstract class for describing cascading menu hierarchies that are part of a [PlatformMenuBar] package.
in the second line import you're importing this class in this line:
import 'package:flutter/src/widgets/platform_menu_bar.dart';
but in this line 'package:emarket_user/view/base/mars_menu_bar.dart' you are importing from a library or class that you wrote, maybe you have wrote it and then delete it or renaming without refactoring it. try to remove that line of import or change the class name in platform_menu_bar.dart.

Same class name for two packages

I import google_maps_flutter and augmented_reality_plugin_wikitude
Both uses the same name class as CameraPosition.
I don't use CameraPostion class for google_maps_futter.
How can I avoid name comflict??
lib/main.dart:6:1: Error: 'CameraPosition' is imported from both 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart' and 'package:augmented_reality_plugin_wikitude/startupConfiguration.dart'.
import 'package:augmented_reality_plugin_wikitude/startupConfiguration.dart'
You can use as keyword to reference all the respective variables and methods.
For Ex:
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart' as cp1;
import 'package:augmented_reality_plugin_wikitude/startupConfiguration.dart' as cp2;
Now, to use CameraPosition or other methods from google_maps_flutter you can use "cp1" reference like cp1.method1().
Similarly, to use CameraPosition or other methods from augmented_reality_plugin you can use "cp2" reference like cp2.method1().
The as keyword's main purpose are typecast and to specify the library prefixes. So this is the best solution for your use case.
Hide CameraPosition from google_maps_flutter while importing
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart' hide CameraPosition;
There are 2 ways you could fix this:
Specify an import prefix like import '../../something.dart' as st;
Then use it something like this: st.ImportedClass some = st.ImportedClass();
It also supports import '../../something.dart' show thisthing hide thatthing;
Absolute imports
import 'package:my_lib/shared/something.dart
You can avoid such conflicts by importing one of them in another name. So while importing one of two, let's say you can import google_maps as
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart' as gmaps;
So CameraPosition from google maps plugin will be accessed using gmaps.CameraPosition, so there will no longer be any conflicts.

Eclipse fails to auto-suggest Jackson class

What is causing Eclipse to NOT recognize and consequently not offer any suggestion on an import of JsonParser.Feature as shown in the picture below:
Manually adding the static import of com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES (commented in the picture above), however, works fine.
Would it be the case that something is eclipsing the file on the classpath, and if so - what is Eclipse's strategy on resolving those conflicts? Or is it something else?
Thank you in advance.
You cannot use JsonParser class to access Feature since it is not a static member of the class. Instead you can directly use the Feature class :
mapper.configure(Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES, true);
I can suggest 2 workarounds:
Use AutoComplete (Ctrl + Space) to suggest classes:
Add . to class Name (JsonParser.) and then remove it (JsonParser) it will suggest all JsonParser classes:

Class 'ToolPanelComp' incorrectly implements interface 'IToolPanel'. Property 'init' is missing in type 'ToolPanelComp'

We are trying to use the enterprise version of ag-grid, but we have this error message. Thanks in advance.
error TS2420: Class 'ToolPanelComp' incorrectly implements interface
'IToolPanel'. Property 'init' is missing in type 'ToolPanelComp'.
I believe the error is resulting when trying to migrate to their latest v18.
Your problem might be solved with the help of their documentation. Please follow the below link and look for breaking changes:
I guess your problem can be related to Ag-1800 specifically.
Hope it helps!

Duplicate interface definition for class SBJsonBase?

I added the Facebook sdk code to my project then I got this error because I already had a json library, so I deleted the Facebook json library from my computer and from the project but I still get this error. I search the whole project for "#interface SBJsonBase" and I only get one result. How can it say it's a duplicate when I only have one interface? Is it including the file twice? Does the search not always find everything?
May be this helps? Delete your derived data and do a clean project, then try to build again
I had a simular problem. It was a small search, but I could solve it without creating a new project etc...
The thing was I had a Class B that was importing Class A.
Then I had a class that imported Class B and also Class A.
When I did this, these problems occured.
Eg. A SOAP webservice Class imports all the Entities that are passed over the web.
Class goToSchoolWebservice.
import "person.h"
import "school.h"
Then I had a Singleton class used for caching that had the Logged in Person and also a ref to the webservice class.
import "person.h"
import "goToSchoolWebservice.h"
--> this is where is went wrong!!
So watch out for these circular references. ITs not so easy to detect them!
if your using #include instead of import then use this technique to minimize duplicates: at the begining of your interface (actually right before it) do check for a definition and if not defined then define it and proceed to define your interface. here is an example:
#ifndef __NetworkOptionsViewController__H // check if this has every been imported before
#define __NetworkOptionsViewController__H
#import "blahblah.h"
#interface NetworkOptionsViewController : UITableViewController
NSMutableArray* somevariable1;
int somevariable2;
-- for me personally, i got this error though because the file path to my class was wrong. I checked file inspector and my class file was not defined in Classes folder even though the IDE said it was. I deleted them and copied them over again.
For those that still get this error, despite following header import conventions: I got this error from importing a header that had been deleted from the project. The missing header was instead found in an old backup of my project in dropbox (That I made before doing some destructive stuff in Git), and that file caused the circular import.
I solved a similar problem by moving all the imports to the prefix header file.