How to use DevExpress WPF theme editor to Modify theme and use it in VS2012 prjoect? - devexpress-wpf

I am new to DevExpress WPF controls. I need to modify the theme of the controls and want to use in our project.
Please help me any help is welcome.

First you have to install WPF Theme Editor then open Wpf theme editor Select your theme from devexpress Install folder. Path may be(C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress 14.2\Components\Sources\DevExpress.Xpf.Themes). Check your Path then start edit on control you will get xaml file, modify that style and copy past to your application..


Is it possible to export a VSCode color theme to PhpStorm?

I recently needed to move from VSCode to PhpStorm IDE, and I would like to know if there is a way to export my color theme too. Here is the theme I use in VSCode.
Because the theme is a JSON file, I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it, but I don't know how.
This can't be done; in PhpStorm, themes are not JSON files but java LAFs.
However, we have plenty of themes available in the repository, see, please check Cyberpunk Theme or CyberpunkUI Color Scheme, for example.
If none of them looks good for you, you can try developing your own one. Here are the guidelines for creating a custom theme plugin/customizing a theme

How to combine VS Code workbench and token colours from two different themes

I've recently moved to VS Code from Sublime Text 3, and I'm wondering whether - as of the time of asking this question - there's a way to use the .tmTheme file I was using for syntax highlighting in Sublime Text.
I understand that this will involve creating a custom theme as VS Code doesn't inherently separate UI styling from syntax highlighting like Sublime and Atom do, but does VS Code at least provide any way to automate the process of combining the UI (which I think is known as the workbench in VS Code) of one theme while using the editor colours from a .tmTheme file?
Is the only way to do this at the time of writing really to set each of my syntax colours individually with editor.tokenColorCustomizations?
Combining a VS Code color theme's UI styles with syntax highlighting from an existing .tmTheme file
Unfortunately, as of the time of writing this, there's no easy way to accomplish this. After failing several times to accomplish it using VS Code's Yeoman theme generator tool alone, I finally managed to get it working by following the instructions here and then doing some additional manual work, although I found that this first method was for some reason prone to reverting back. I then figured out a second, more persistent method, and so far this hasn't reverted back.
Method 1 (prone to reverting back)
Open the VS Code terminal (Ctrl'), and run the following commands to install and run the Yeoman theme generator tool:
npm install -g yo generator-code
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
yo code
Select New color theme, Start fresh, then follow the prompts to give your theme names and an ID (hit Enter to leave the description blank). Yeoman will then create a theme folder for your new theme on your desktop.
Assuming that the theme whose UI styling you want to use as a base is already installed as a VS Code extension, navigate to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions, click into the base theme's folder, and locate its -color-theme.json file (usually inside of a themes folder). Copy this file to the themes folder of your newly-created theme, making sure to delete the existing -color-theme.json in that folder.
Open the newly-copied -color-theme.json file and look for the line beginning with "tokenColors":. Delete everything after it inside of and including the square brackets:
...and replace with the name of the .tmTheme file containing your syntax highlighting styles:
"tokenColors": "syntax-highlighting.tmTheme"
Finally, copy your syntax highlighting file to the themes folder, and then copy the entire theme folder to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions.
Restart VS Code, and change the active theme (CtrlK,CtrlT) to your new theme.
Method 2 (persistent)
Open the VS Code terminal (Ctrl'), and run the following commands to install and run the Yeoman theme generator tool:
npm install -g yo generator-code
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
yo code
Select New color theme, Import and inline an existing theme, and then enter the path to the .tmTheme file whose syntax highlighting styles you want to use. Note that this must be an absolute path without quotes:
Follow the prompts to give the theme names and an ID (press Enter to leave the description blank), and Yeoman will then create a theme folder for the new theme on your desktop.
Assuming that the theme whose UI styling you want to use as a base is already installed as a VS Code extension, navigate to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions, click into the base theme's folder, and locate its file (usually inside of a themes folder).
Copy all the styles inside of this file's colors object:
...and paste them into the colors object of the -color-theme.json file in the theme folder created by Yeoman, making sure to remove any that exist.
Finally, copy the entire theme folder to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions.
Restart VS Code, and change the active theme (CtrlK,CtrlT) to your new theme. If you followed this process correctly, you should now have a VS Code color theme that uses the UI styling of your chosen base theme and the syntax highlighting styles of your chosen .tmTheme file, and doesn't revert back without warning.

Eclipse - Extend default visual editor with custom widgets

I'm using Eclipse as default IDE. In Eclipse there is a visual editor available to insert HTML tags in your *.html files. I'm using a lot of DOJO in my current project and want to add these widgets to the palette view. I assumed that there would be an option to add custom widgets/tags easily(palette's contextmenu or something), but this is not (yet) implemented. Does somebody knows if there is an option to add custom widgets in Eclipse?
I've already Googled a lot and didn't found where I am looking for.
ps. I don't want to use other editors(Maqetta, WDT-plugin, ...).

How to access GWT designer view on eclipse

I havent yet found a way to view GWT designer mode. I have installed gwt sdk, gwt designer and window builder on eclipse 4.2. View my installation details:
I Can open a java file using window builder but cant see the source and design tabs at the bottom:
Somebody help me figure out how to access designer mode.
right click on the file and select open in designer
Right click on your uibinder file (ui.xml). Then select windowbuilder. You may need to click "other" and then select windowbuilder from the list.
Turns out its a bug and i was able to access designer mode by clicking switching between to a different layout under Google > Web Toolkit > Designer preferences
Thanks for providing answers guys :)

Is there a color picker plugin for Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo PDT for my work. I also use it to edit my CSS files.
Is there a plugin that lets me pick a color (from a palette or even anywhere from the screen) and which returns the HEX value of that color into my CSS file?
Jspresso Colors 'n Fonts
Just select any java string literal and right click on it to open the contextual popup menu... then select Jspresso>Choose Color... or select Jspresso>Choose Font...
Supports also tooltip : fly over your string literal to display the current color or font... and activate hyperlink to open the editor popup !
Aptana Studio has really great support for CSS. CSS color picking is easy, you can grab a color from anywhere on the screen.
You can install Aptana as a plug into an existing Eclipse installation.
I would recommend to use external software:
You can integrate it into Eclipse.
I have used this plugin called colors in both Galymeade and I just dropped into Galileo. you can copy the color code to/from clipboard or editor. Slider bar for coloring, color picker etc. I used it to edit css files on a recent project. Good Luck.
You might want to check out the second example at
I created a Groovy Monkey script that opens Eclipse's color picker. It was inspired by what fornwall pointed at (second example of Eclipse Script plugin). It's also able to recognize if current selection is a color so it can be selected it in the picker.
The script is on gist.github, instructions included.
Having a shortcut key for a script is not (yet?) possible in Groovy Monkey, but Crtl+Alt+M runs the last executed script.
A good plugin to consider is the Designerator Color Plugin from the Designerator project. It contributes a Colors view as explained in this blog post. No need to install the whole software, the color view is in a separate feature that can be installed by itself.
The Sampler plugin could also be of interest. However it does not show a color picker dialog where one can select a color, it only has the color picker tool for selecting a color from the screen.
There are a few plugins at the Eclipse plugins site that might meet your needs.
CSS Designer looks promising:
JointLogic CSS Designer is an Eclipse plugin that provides CSS authoring facilities like - CSS Styles view, CSS declaration designer with preview and web-oriented color picker. It integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS and HTML files.
Here's a screesnhot from the homepage: