Display multiple values in one line - matlab

I'm new to MATLAB. I have two values x and y. Both of them contain values with unknown accuracy. The problem: How could I display them both in one row with 2 digits after comma? Like:
x<tabulation or stack of spaces>y<then goes new line>
RAW data
0,324352 0,75234
1,563 3,4556
Expected output
0,34 0,75
1,56 3,45
Upd: for one value it works well
disp('x=' num2str(x,3));
Purpose is: display TWO values on one row with the new line symbol

The answer is:
disp(num2str([x y],3));
The 3 value means - max.quanity of symbols after comma including it(am I wrong? just thoughts)
Another Idea:
Somehow represent X and Y as array values and then display them.


How to get a collective output of multiple loop run using a selection condition in Matlab?

I have a table (L-arrival) of 279 rows and 252 columns. Only the first column has values while others are just NaN. The cells in the first column have multiple values (i.e. some have 1, some have 4 number of values). First of all, I am trying to select a single maximum value from each cell of the first column so that I can have a column of a single value for each cell only. Then I want to do this in a loop so that for every new value that I get, they are sorted and only the maximum values are chosen. Finally, I want to make a collection of these values obtained from multiple runs for each cell. Can anyone suggest to me how it can be approached in MatLab?I tried using the following code but didn't work well.
for b=1:279
m = numel(cell2mat(L_arrival(b,1)));
g(b)=mat2cell([cell2mat(g(b)); cell(L_arrival(b,1))]',[1 2]);

Extracting and arranging nested data within cell array

I need to ingest a CDF (common data format) file into MATLAB. I have used the [cdfread][1] command for this purpose. An image of my output is attached below:
When I open data_import, columns 4 and 5 are in a particular 3 x 1 format (as shown in data_import(1,4)).
My question is: Is there a simple way to extract the data for each cell in column 4, such that for the 2nd row in data_import(1,4), it gets inserted as a new column (i.e. column 5) in the original data (data_import)? Similarly, 3rd row in data_import(1,4) should be inserted as a new column (column 6) in the original data (data_import). This procedure should also be repeated in the original Column 5 data which also has a similar 3 x 1 structure within each cell.
I hope I'm not being too vague in what I am describing, but I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to do regarding the commands to call for the operation. Thank you in advance.
Your desired final output has columns which are made up of these cells converted from 3 x 1 arrays to 1 x 3 cell arrays and then concatenated for each row. It's easier to do the concatenation first with the elements the "wrong way round" and then transpose the final result:
data_import = [data_import(:,1:3) num2cell([data_import{:,4}; data_import{:,5}]') data_import(:,6:end)];

Creating a set matrix size

I have results which are 6 columns long however have been printed as 2 then 3 beneath then 1 beneath that! There are hundreds of lines and matlab will not except the structure of the matrix as it is now. Is there any way to tell matlab i want the first 5 results in their own columns then continuing down the rows after that?
My results appear as follows:
0.5 0
0.59095535915335684063 -0.59095535915335395405 -5.89791913085569763
... repeated alot
thansk so much, em xx
I would just do a format shortE before you process the output, this will give you everything in scientific notation with 4 digits after the decimal. That 'should' allow you to fit your columns all in one line, so you don't have to deal with the botched output.
In general you should not want the output to be in a too specific format, but suppose you have this matrix:
M =[0.5 0 0.59095535915335684063 -0.59095535915335395405 -5.89791913085569763 33e-08];
To make it an actual matrix I will repeat it a bit:
M = repmat(M,10,1);
Now you can ensure that all six columns will fit on a normal screen by using the format.
format short
Try help format to find more options. Now simply showing the matrix will put all columns next to eachother. If you want one column below, the trick is to reduce your windows width untill it can only hold five columns. Matlab will now print the last column below the first.
M % Simply show the matrix
% Now reduce your window size
M % Simply show it again
This should help you display the numbers in matlab, if you want to process them further you can consider to write them to a file instead. Try help xlswrite for a simple solution.

How do I find frequency of values appearing in all rows of a matrix in MATLAB?

I have a 161*32 matrix (labelled "indpic") in MATLAB and I'm trying to find the frequency of a given number appearing in a row. So I think that I need to analyse each row separately for each value, but I'm incredibly unsure about how to go about this (I'm only new to MATLAB). This also means I'm incredibly useless with loops and whatnot as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you want to count the number of times a specific number appears in each row, you can do this:
sum(indpic == val, 2)
where indpic is your matrix (e.g image) and val is the desired value to be counted.
Explanation: checking equality of each element with the value produces a boolean matrix with "1"s at the locations of the counted value. Summing each row (i.e summing along the 2nd dimension results in the desired column vector, where each element being equal to the number of times val is repeated in the corresponding row).
If you want to count how many times each value is repeated in your image, this is called a histogram, and you can use the histc command to achieve that. For example:
histc(indpic, 1:256)
counts how many times each value from 1 to 256 appears in image indpic.
Like this,
sum(indpic(rownum,:) == 7)
obviously change 7 to whatever.
You can just write
and it will give you the number of elements equal to "some_value" in the "row_num"th row in matrix "indpic"

Count the number of times a number is repeating in a vector

I have created a vector containing zeros and 1's using the following command in a for loop.
Since this is part of a larger problem at a particular stage I need to count the number of 1's that are present in each column.
I have tried to find the count using a for loop which is very messy and takes too long.
I found that histc can be used for this but I get an error
First input must be non-sparse numeric array.
Is there a better way to do this or am I missing something here ?
If you have a matrix G containing zeroes and ones, and you want to know how many ones are in each column, all you need is SUM:
nZeroes = sum(G);
This will give you a vector containing a total for each column in G.