Swift #objc protocol - distinguish optional methods with similar signature - swift

Let's say we have a protocol in Swift:
#objc protocol FancyViewDelegate {
optional func fancyView(view: FancyView, didSelectSegmentAtIndex index: Int)
optional func fancyView(view: FancyView, shouldHighlightSegmentAtIndex index: Int) -> Bool
Note that both methods are optional and have the same prefix signature.
Now our FancyView class looks like this:
class FancyView: UIView {
var delegate: FancyViewDelegate?
private func somethingHappened() {
guard let delegateImpl = delegate?.fancyView else {
let idx = doALotOfWorkToFindTheIndex()
delegateImpl(self, idx)
The compiler jumps in our face:
We could change somethingHappened() to this:
private func somethingHappened() {
let idx = doALotOfWorkToFindTheIndex()
delegate?.fancyView?(self, didSelectSegmentAtIndex: idx)
However, as you can see we risk doing a lot of work only to throw away the index afterwards, because the delegate does not implement the optional method.
The question is: How do we if let or guard let bind the implementation of two optional methods with a similar prefix signature.

First, your objective C protocol needs to confirm to NSObjectProtocol to ensure we can introspect if it supports a given method.
Then when we want to call specific method, check if that method is supported by conforming object and if yes, then perform necessary computations needed to call that method. I tried this code for instance-
#objc protocol FancyViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
optional func fancyView(view: UIView, didSelectSegmentAtIndex index: Int)
optional func fancyView(view: UIView, shouldHighlightSegmentAtIndex index: Int) -> Bool
class FancyView: UIView {
var delegate: FancyViewDelegate?
private func somethingHappened() {
if delegate?.respondsToSelector("fancyView:didSelectSegmentAtIndex") == true {
let idx :Int = 0 //Compute the index here
delegate?.fancyView!(self, didSelectSegmentAtIndex: idx)


Given an instance of a Swift object, can we test its class for the presence of a class function?

I've looked around, and haven't seen an answer to my question (but maybe I should be able to infer one).
I have an object, based on a protocol. It's an associated type protocol, with class operators that are defined, based on the type assigned to associatedtype, like so:
protocol GenericBaseProtocol {
associatedtype T
var myProperty: T {get set}
init(_ myProperty: T )
extension GenericBaseProtocol where T: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty
So if I create a class, based on this, and give T an Equatable type, like so:
class IntClass: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = Int
var myProperty: T = 0
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
The resulting object should be comparable, like so:
let lhs = IntClass(3)
let rhs = IntClass(4)
let isEqual = lhs == rhs
Cool. Now, if I then create an instance with a non-Equatable type, like so:
class ArrayClass: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = [String]
var myProperty: T = []
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
And instantiate that, like so:
let lhs2A = ArrayClass(["HI"])
let rhs2A = ArrayClass(["Howaya"])
I will have compile-time syntax errors when I try this:
let isEqual = lhs2A == rhs2A
What I'd like to be able to do, is test the class object of lhs2A, and see if it implements static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
I'm not sure this can be done, but it would be nice for this article I'm writing up if I could add a runtime/guard proof to the playground, instead of simply commenting out the code.
Any ideas?
You could extend your protocol to give it a default implementation for the == operator in cases where the associated type is not Equatable.
This could also be used to provide a runtime indicator of wether the type is equatable or not.
for example:
extension GenericBaseProtocol where T: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty
var isEquatable:Bool { return true }
extension GenericBaseProtocol {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return false
var isEquatable:Bool { return false }

what is 'where self' in protocol extension

I saw so many examples with below format
extension Protocolname where Self: UIViewController
What is where Self in protocol extension. I couldn't find the documentation on this.
That syntax is: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/Protocols.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH25-ID521
protocol Meh {
func doSomething()
// Extend protocol Meh, where `Self` is of type `UIViewController`
// func blah() will only exist for classes that inherit `UIViewController`.
// In fact, this entire extension only exists for `UIViewController` subclasses.
extension Meh where Self: UIViewController {
func blah() {
func foo() {
class Foo : UIViewController, Meh { //This compiles and since Foo is a `UIViewController` subclass, it has access to all of `Meh` extension functions and `Meh` itself. IE: `doSomething, blah, foo`.
func doSomething() {
print("Do Something")
class Obj : NSObject, Meh { //While this compiles, it won't have access to any of `Meh` extension functions. It only has access to `Meh.doSomething()`.
func doSomething() {
print("Do Something")
The below will give a compiler error because Obj doesn't have access to Meh extension functions.
let i = Obj()
But the below will work.
let j = Foo()
In other words, Meh.blah() is only available to classes that are of type UIViewController.
Here is an example which explains that what is the use of where self: UIViewController
protocol SBIdentifiable {
static var sbIdentifier: String { get }
extension SBIdentifiable where Self: UIViewController {
static var sbIdentifier: String {
return String(describing: self)
extension UIVieWcontroller: SBIdentifiable { }
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func loadView() {
/*Below line we are using the sbIdentifier which will return the
ViewController class name.
and same name we would mentioned inside ViewController
storyboard ID. So that we do not need to write the identifier everytime.
So here where Self: UIViewController means it will only conform the protocol of type UIViewController*/
let viewController = self.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:
self.sbIdentifier) as? SomeBiewController
You can find the same example here: WWDC2015-408, (Highly recommend to watch it,it illustrates the reason)
And also, another similar example is Extensions with a Generic Where Clause
struct Stack<Element> {
var items = [Element]()
mutating func push(_ item: Element) {
mutating func pop() -> Element {
return items.removeLast()
The where clause add a requirement to the extension, so that the extension adds the isTop(_:) method only when the items in the stack are equatable.
extension Stack where Element: Equatable {
func isTop(_ item: Element) -> Bool {
guard let topItem = items.last else {
return false
return topItem == item

Is it possible to make a Heterogeneous Set in Swift?

Consider this example:
protocol Observable: Hashable {
// ...
struct People: Observable {
var name: String
var age: Double
var hashValue: Int {
// ...
static func ==(lhs: People, rhs: People) -> Bool {
// ,,,
struct Color: Observable {
var red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double
var hashValue: Int {
// ...
static func ==(lhs: Color, rhs: Color) -> Bool {
// ...
var observers: Set<Observable> = [] // Not allowed by the compiler
People and Color are both conform to Observable protocol which also inherit from Hashable protocol. I want to store these inside the observers set.
using 'Observable' as a concrete type conforming to protocol
'Hashable' is not supported
Is it possible to do heterogenous Set in Swift?
There is a way to make it possible. (Inspired by Apple's implementation)
Before we begin, this is what we want to build.
protocol Observer: Hashable {
associatedtype Sender: Observable
func valueDidChangeInSender(_ sender: Sender, keypath: String, newValue: Any)
The source of this problem is the use of Self that force the array to be Homogenous. You can see it here:
The most important change is that it stop the protocol from being usable as a type.
That makes us can't do:
var observers: [Observer] = [] // Observer is not usable as a type.
Therefore, we need another way to make it work.
We don't do
var observers: [AnyHashable] = []
Because AnyHashable will not constrain the object to conform Observer protocol. Instead, we can wrap the Observer object in the AnyObserver wrapper like this:
var observers: [AnyObserver] = []
This will make sure the value of AnyObserver struct conforms to Observer protocol.
According to WWDC 2015: Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift, we can make a bridge with isEqual(_:) method so we can compare two Any. This way the object doesn't have to conform to Equatable Protocol.
protocol AnyObserverBox {
var hashValue: Int { get }
var base: Any { get }
func unbox<T: Hashable>() -> T
func isEqual(to other: AnyObserverBox) -> Bool
After that, we make the box that conforms to AnyObserverBox.
struct HashableBox<Base: Hashable>: AnyObserverBox {
let _base: Base
init(_ base: Base) {
_base = base
var base: Any {
return _base
var hashValue: Int {
return _base.hashValue
func unbox<T: Hashable>() -> T {
return (self as AnyObserverBox as! HashableBox<T>)._base
func isEqual(to other: AnyObserverBox) -> Bool {
return _base == other.unbox()
This box contains the actual value of the AnyObserver that we will create later.
Finally we make the AnyObserver.
struct AnyObserver {
private var box: AnyObserverBox
public var base: Any {
return box.base
public init<T>(_ base: T) where T: Observer {
box = HashableBox<T>(base)
extension AnyObserver: Hashable {
static func ==(lhs: AnyObserver, rhs: AnyObserver) -> Bool {
// Hey! We can do a comparison without Equatable protocol.
return lhs.box.isEqual(to: rhs.box)
var hashValue: Int {
return box.hashValue
With all of that in place, we can do:
var observers: [AnyObserver] = []
Actually, you cannot declare a Set -or even an array- of type Observable, that's because at some level Observable represents a generic protocol:
Observable -> Hashable -> Equatable:
which contains:
public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
That's the reason why of the inability of using it in Heterogenous way. Furthermore, you can't declare an existential type:
var object: Observable?
// error: protocol 'Observable' can only be used as a generic constraint
// because it has Self or associated type requirements
If you are wondering what's the reason of this constraint, I assume that it is logical to compare tow People or tow Color, but not comparing People with Color.
So, what can we do?
As a workaround, you could let your set to be a set of AnyHashable structure (as #Leo mentioned in the comment):
The AnyHashable type forwards equality comparisons and hashing
operations to an underlying hashable value, hiding its specific
underlying type.
As follows:
let people = People(name: "name", age: 101)
let color = Color(red: 101, green: 101, blue: 101)
var observers: Set<AnyHashable> = []
for (index, element) in observers.enumerated() {
if element is People {
print("\(index): people")
that would be legal.

Writing a common subject-observer implementation in Swift

Let's say I have a class that implements a beautiful subject-observer pattern thus. (This is Swift 3; Swift 2 would be no different in essence.)
protocol Delegate : class
func method()
class Subject
private typealias WeakDelegate = WeakReference< Delegate >
private var nextAvailableDelegateId = 0
private var delegates = [ Int : WeakDelegate ]()
public func addDelegate( _ delegate: Delegate ) -> Int
let id = nextAvailableDelegateId
nextAvailableDelegateId += 1
delegates[ id ] = WeakDelegate( value: delegate )
return id
public func removeDelegate( _ idForDelegate: Int )
delegates.removeValue( forKey: idForDelegate )
fileprivate func eachDelegate( fn: (Delegate) -> Void )
for (key, weakDelegate) in delegates
// Has this weak delegate reference become nil?
guard let delegate = weakDelegate.value else
// Yes. Remove it.
delegates.removeValue( forKey: key )
fn( delegate )
private func exampleNotifier()
eachDelegate{ $0.method() }
(I'm taking the idiomatic Swift term "delegate" as roughly equivalent to the design pattern concept "observer".)
The WeakReference type above isn't strictly speaking part of this question, but in case you're curious:
public class WeakReference< T >
public var value: T?
return abstractValue as? T
public init( value: T )
abstractValue = value as AnyObject
private weak var abstractValue: AnyObject?
Now I want to create another class analogous to Subject with another delegate protocol analogous to Delegate. How do I use the implementation I've already written for Subject in the new class?
One answer is to copy and paste the code. Not a good answer.
In C++ we could create a true mixin, a class that contains all the code and data necessary to implement the Subject, templated on a generic Delegate type, and inherit from it wherever we want to make some other class act as a Subject. Quite trivial.
Protocols, protocol extensions, and generics seem to have some of the machinery necessary for this kind of code reuse, but I can't work out how to accomplish it.
You can use protocol inheritance and generics to derive from some basic protocol.
Each new delegate will inherit from a parent class:
protocol Delegate: class {
func method()
protocol DelegateA: Delegate { }
protocol DelegateB: Delegate { }
Your parent subject class can be implemented using a generic conforming to your parent protocol.
class Subject<T: Delegate> {
private typealias WeakDelegate = WeakReference<T>
private var nextAvailableDelegateId = 0
private var delegates = [Int: WeakDelegate]()
public func addDelegate(_ delegate: T) -> Int {
let id = nextAvailableDelegateId
nextAvailableDelegateId += 1
delegates[id] = WeakDelegate( value: delegate )
return id
public func removeDelegate(_ idForDelegate: Int) {
delegates.removeValue(forKey: idForDelegate)
fileprivate func eachDelegate( fn: (T) -> Void ) {
for (key, weakDelegate) in delegates {
// Has this weak delegate reference become nil?
guard let delegate = weakDelegate.value else {
// Yes. Remove it.
delegates.removeValue( forKey: key )
fn( delegate )
private func exampleNotifier() {
eachDelegate{ $0.method() }
Each new subject can be instantiated as a generic conforming to your child delegates.
class SubjectA<T: DelegateA>: Subject<T> { }
class SubjectB<T: DelegateB>: Subject<T> { }

Swift delegate for a generic class

I have a class that needs to call out to a delegate when one of its properties changes. Here are the simplified class and protocol for the delegate:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged(myClass: MyClass)
class MyClass {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: Int {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: Int) {
currentValue = initialValue
This all works just fine. But, I want to make this class generic. So, I tried this:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged(genericClass: MyClass)
class MyClass<T> {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: T {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: T) {
currentValue = initialValue
This throws two compiler errors. First, the line declaring valueChanged in the protocol gives: Reference to generic type 'MyClass' requires arguments in <...>. Second, the call to valueChanged in the didSet watcher throws: 'MyClassDelegate' does not have a member named 'valueChanged'.
I thought using a typealias would solve the problem:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
typealias MyClassValueType
func valueChanged(genericClass: MyClass<MyClassValueType>)
class MyClass<T> {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: T {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: T) {
currentValue = initialValue
I seem to be on the right path, but I still have two compiler errors. The second error from above remains, as well as a new one on the line declaring the delegate property of MyClass: Protocol 'MyClassDelegate' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
It is hard to know what the best solution is to your problem without having more information, but one possible solution is to change your protocol declaration to this:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged<T>(genericClass: MyClass<T>)
That removes the need for a typealias in the protocol and should resolve the error messages that you've been getting.
Part of the reason why I'm not sure if this is the best solution for you is because I don't know how or where the valueChanged function is called, and so I don't know if it is practical to add a generic parameter to that function. If this solution doesn't work, post a comment.
You can use templates methods with type erasure...
protocol HeavyDelegate : class {
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R
class Heavy<P, R> {
typealias Param = P
typealias Return = R
weak var delegate : HeavyDelegate?
func inject(p : P) -> R? {
if delegate != nil {
return delegate?.heavy(self, shouldReturn: p)
return nil
func callMe(r : Return) {
class Delegate : HeavyDelegate {
typealias H = Heavy<(Int, String), String>
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R {
let h = heavy as! H // Compile gives warning but still works!
return "Hello" as! R
let heavy = Heavy<(Int, String), String>()
let delegate = Delegate()
heavy.delegate = delegate
heavy.inject((5, "alive"))
Protocols can have type requirements but cannot be generic; and protocols with type requirements can be used as generic constraints, but they cannot be used to type values. Because of this, you won't be able to reference your protocol type from your generic class if you go this path.
If your delegation protocol is very simple (like one or two methods), you can accept closures instead of a protocol object:
class MyClass<T> {
var valueChanged: (MyClass<T>) -> Void
class Delegate {
func valueChanged(obj: MyClass<Int>) {
print("object changed")
let d = Delegate()
let x = MyClass<Int>()
x.valueChanged = d.valueChanged
You can extend the concept to a struct holding a bunch of closures:
class MyClass<T> {
var delegate: PseudoProtocol<T>
struct PseudoProtocol<T> {
var valueWillChange: (MyClass<T>) -> Bool
var valueDidChange: (MyClass<T>) -> Void
Be extra careful with memory management, though, because blocks have a strong reference to the object that they refer to. In contrast, delegates are typically weak references to avoid cycles.