I was thinking about integration in the background without any website other than the payment page as part of a desktop application in c++.
Would it be possible to following the following scenario:
1. Generate the invoice / sale and via REST API obtain some sort of unique ID for the transaction to come.
2. Redirect to Paypal web site to a ad-hoc payment page, using the unique ID.
3. In the background, check every few minutes, via REST API, if the payment was made.
We finally found a way, which is why I publish this answer along with some code (a POC) we have developed. This is a POC for a built-in payment processing engine which allows you to accept payments from any credit card holder (regardless of being a PayPal customer) and pay for unlocking a software product or for specific features.
To process payments you need to apply as a PayPal developer and obtain your own PayPal credentials. You will then receive 2 sets of credentials. One for tests ("sandbox") and the other for real life.
First you can use the Sandbox to test the API
Void InitPayPal(BOOL Sandbox, LPTSTR User, LPTSTR password, LPTSTR signature, LPTSTR successUrl, LPTSTR failedURL)
Sandbox – indicates whether you are testing your integration using PayPal's Sandbox account, or going live.
User – your PayPal user name
Password – your PayPal password
Signature – you PayPal signature
successUrl – a url leading to a web page which you wish to be shown after successful payment.
failedURL – a url leading to a web page which you wish to be shown after failed / cancalled payment.
This function is straight forward:
void InitPayPal(BOOL Sandbox, LPTSTR User, LPTSTR password, LPTSTR signature, LPTSTR successUrl, LPTSTR failedURL, LPWSTR ProductName)
m_sandbox = Sandbox;
m_user = User;
m_password = password;
m_signature = signature;
m_SuccessURL = successUrl;
m_FailureURL = failedURL;
m_ProductName = ProductName;
CUR_CHAR = L"$";
g_tPayStart = CTime(st);
InitilizedPaypal = TRUE;
Initiating a payment
When you wish to initiate a payment from your program, you call the following function which I wrote which generally build a string (ExpChkoutStr) and use the following PayPal API call:
// Send string to PayPal server
WinHttpClient WinClient1(ExpChkoutStr.GetBuffer());
httpResponseContent1 = WinClient1.GetResponseContent();
CString strTransactionRet = UrlDecode(httpResponseContent1.c_str());
The WinHTTP class was developed by Cheng Shi.
The Express Checkout String (ExpChkoutStr) is generated by another function which uses the member variables' values and the transaction details into a single string:
CString result;
result += Q_USER;
result += m_user;
result += AND_PASSWORD;
result += m_password;
result += AND_SIGNATURE;
result += m_signature;
result += strAmount;
result += L"&METHOD=SetExpressCheckout";
result += AND_RETURN_URL;
result += m_SuccessURL;
result += AND_CANCEL_URL;
result += m_FailureURL;
result += AND_VERSION;
result += L"&NOSHIPPING=1";
result += L"&ADDROVERRIDE=0&BRANDNAME=Secured Globe, Inc.";
result += L"Item name: " + strUnits + L"(" + UnitName + L") ";
result += L"Price: " + strAmount;
result += L"&NOTETOBUYER=Here you can add a note to the buyer";
The result from the PayPal server is a "token" used to figure out a one-time web page (LinkToOpen ) that must be opened in order for the end user to confirm the purchase:
// Extract token from response
CString sToken = ExtractElement(strTransactionRet, L"TOKEN");
if (sToken == L"")
wprintf(L"Internal error: (Paypal): no token was generated (%s)", strTransactionRet);
MessageBox(NULL, L"Internal payment processing error", L"", MB_OK);
return FALSE;
LinkToOpen += L"&token=";
LinkToOpen += sToken;
We then programatically open this one-time web page using the default web browser:
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
CString command_line;
command_line.Format(L"cmd.exe /c start \"link\" \"%s\" ", LinkToOpen);
// LinkToOpen
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, // No module name (use command line)
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inhberitable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
wprintf(L"CreateProcess failed (%d).\n", GetLastError());
// At this stage you would want to mark this transaction as "failed"
return FALSE;
Then the rest is to maintain a small database of all pending transactions and follow up each of them until it is either succeed, failed, cancelled or if a timeout has passed.
To extract elements from the PayPal server response, we wrote this small function:
CString ExtractElement(CString EntireString, CString ElementName)
CString result = L"";
CString WhatToFind = ElementName + L"=";
int foundToken = EntireString.Find(WhatToFind);
if (foundToken > -1)
int EndToken = EntireString.Find(L"&", foundToken);
if (EndToken != -1)
result = EntireString.Mid(foundToken + ElementName.GetLength()+1, EndToken - foundToken - ElementName.GetLength()-1);
return result;
Received information today from PayPal:
IPN Verification Postback to HTTPS
If you are using PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service, you will >need to ensure that HTTPS is used when posting the message back to PayPal for >verification. After Sept 30, 2016 HTTP postbacks will no longer be supported.
I am using IPN and the live site is working but our DEV IPN listener which is using the sandbox at: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr is broken.
I am confused about what I need to do to fix it. I added this code and the listener page loads without error again.
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls
| SecurityProtocolType.Tls11
| SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
| SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
But when I try to test a transaction the listener never receives anything from PayPal. Is this because the server of the listener now has to be "https"?
Does PP sandbox now refuse to notify a non SSL address?
I got my c# code originally from a PayPal example but it is no longer on their site.
var useSandbox = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UsePayPalSandboxYn"]);
var server = useSandbox ? "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" : "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(server);
// set values for the request back
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
//added today
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls
| SecurityProtocolType.Tls11
| SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
| SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
byte[] param = Request.BinaryRead(HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentLength);
var strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);
strRequest += "&cmd=_notify-validate";
req.ContentLength = strRequest.Length;
// send the request to PayPal and get the response
var streamOut = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.ASCII);
var streamIn = new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
string strResponse = streamIn.ReadToEnd();
switch (strResponse)
case "VERIFIED":
I do my debugging with a static IP address and a home router set up as a web server. It's going to be even harder if I have to set up ssl.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The only thing you need to do is make sure you're sending your verification POST back to PayPal to https:// instead of http://. You don't have to have an SSL installed on your site for your IPN listener to run on.
I just want to share my code that is working... hope that it can help you to make a little improvements on your code:
private void VerifyTask(HttpRequestBase ipnRequest, bool useLiveAccount = true)
string verificationResponse = string.Empty;
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(useLiveAccount
? WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalURL"]
: WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SandboxURL"]);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var param = ipnRequest.BinaryRead(ipnRequest.ContentLength);
var strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);
strRequest += "&cmd=_notify-validate";
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.ASCII))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
verificationResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (verificationResponse.Equals("VERIFIED"))
//Make the validations here
WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalURL"] = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"
WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SandboxURL"] = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"
PayPal NVP Partial refunds refunding full amount though specified the RefundType as "Partial"
Here is the request i am using
public string Refund_Partial(string transactionID, string refundType,string Amount)
string strCredentials = "USER=" + strUsername + "&PWD=" + strPassword + "&SIGNATURE=" + strSignature;
string strNVP = strCredentials;
strNVP += "&METHOD=RefundTransaction&VERSION=" + strAPIVersion;
strNVP += "&TRANSACTIONID=" + transactionID + "&REFUNDTYPE=" + refundType + "¤cy=USD" + "&AMOUNT=" + Amount;
//Create web request and web response objects, make sure you using the correct server (sandbox/live)
HttpWebRequest wrWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strNVPSandboxServer);
//Set WebRequest Properties
wrWebRequest.Method = "POST";
// write the form values into the request message
StreamWriter requestWriter = new StreamWriter(wrWebRequest.GetRequestStream());
// Get the response.
HttpWebResponse hwrWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wrWebRequest.GetResponse();
StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(wrWebRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
// and read the response
string responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd();
return responseData;
Can anyone please let me know do i need to include more parameters to do a partial refund?
Can you change the Parameters value for currencyCode and Amount, From
"¤cy=USD" + "&AMOUNT=" + Amount
Have a look at RefundTransaction API Operation (NVP).
May be PayPal is looking for AMT parameter which is not there, which is why it is refunding in Full
I'm currently testing my paypal integration. When using Masspay, every user name that I enter who hace a mail-like format(an # and a ".") I get a "success" response. I'm using the following code:
def emails =[]
def amounts = []
//masspay.massPayCode("Dinero recibido de TikCode.com", "info#tikcode.com", emails, amount, "EUR");
String emailSub = "Dinero recibido de TikCode.com";
String emailAddress = "info#tikcode.com";
String [] receiverEmailItems = emails;
String [] amountItems = amounts;
String currencyCode = "EUR";
CallerServices caller = new CallerServices();
String responseValue = null;
APIProfile profile = ProfileFactory.createSignatureAPIProfile();
WARNING: Do not embed plaintext credentials in your application code.
Doing so is insecure and against best practices.
Your API credentials must be handled securely. Please consider
encrypting them for use in any production environment, and ensure
that only authorized individuals may view or modify them.
// Set up your API credentials, PayPal end point, and API version.
MassPayRequestType pprequest = new MassPayRequestType();
println("llegas aqui?")
// Add request-specific fields to the request.
MassPayRequestItemType[] massPayItem = new MassPayRequestItemType[receiverEmailItems.length];
int j = 0
for(int i=0;i<receiverEmailItems.length; i++)
String recreceiverEmail=receiverEmailItems[i];
if(recreceiverEmail != null && recreceiverEmail.length()!= 0)
MassPayRequestItemType massItemReq = new MassPayRequestItemType();
BasicAmountType amount = new BasicAmountType();
// pprequest.setReceiverType(ReceiverInfoCodeType.fromString("abdel#publidirecta.com"));
// Execute the API operation and obtain the response.
MassPayResponseType ppresponse = (MassPayResponseType) caller.call("MassPay", pprequest);
responseValue = ppresponse.getAck().toString();
// println(ex)
// ex.printStackTrace();
return responseValue;
That's as intended; MassPay allows money to be transferred to non-registered users.
These people will then receive an email from PayPal, letting them know that money is waiting for them, and they'll just need to sign up to PayPal and confirm their email address to receive it.
The money will then be available to be withdrawn to a bank account, or spent as PayPal balance.
I am using the adaptive payment system from Paypal. Using a sandbox account, I was able to make a PayRequest and get forwarded to Paypal to do the payment.
It's then looking like:
Apr 24, 2012 10:35:46 PM com.paypal.adaptive.api.requests.PayRequest execute
INFO: Sending PayRequest with: requestEnvelope.errorLanguage=en_US&actionType=PAY&receiverList.receiver(0).email=seller_1334320690_biz%40email.org&receiverList.receiver(0).amount=5.0¤cyCode=EUR&feesPayer=SENDER&cancelUrl=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8443&returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2F&ipnNotificationUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhostu%2Ffinishdeposit&
Apr 24, 2012 10:35:48 PM com.paypal.adaptive.api.requests.PayPalBaseRequest makeRequest
INFO: Received Response: responseEnvelope.timestamp=2012-04-24T13%3A35%3A48.587-07%3A00&responseEnvelope.ack=Success&responseEnvelope.correlationId=c8dee8023cca6&responseEnvelope.build=2756816&payKey=AP-1UF57245CJ360523K&paymentExecStatus=CREATED
I'm now trying to figure out, how i can check, the payment was successfully completed.
So I tried to implement the ipn system, which works using the sandbox tools.
However, I don't know how to connect the 2 together. i.e. when a payment is made, I am assuming I need to create a record in a database that this user has made a payment, probably as pending/created?
Then wait for the ipn to return to notify me that the payment is made, and update the database table to say complete?
How can i correlate the PayRequest to the IPN-Notification, i'll get from paypal? Paypal is only sending a few information with the IPN-Notification like:
address_country=United States
address_city=San Jose
payment_date=11:54:48 Apr 22, 2012 PDT
address_name=John Smith
address_street=123, any street
I cant find something usable in that IPN-Notifcation. The best would be if i could get the same correlation-id with the IPN-Notification i already got with the pay-response. So i could save the response-correlation-id on my database and then check against it if i receive the IPN-Notification with the same correlation-id.
The test IPN they give you in the sandbox is terrible. Look at a real one triggered to your actual callback (even a test), and you'll see it has the payKey defined; this is what you use to look it up.
Note that they require port 80 for the IPN callback (though that's not documented anywhere).
Here's a real IPN notification (translated to JSON, info specific to my app redacted):
{"payment_request_date":"Sun Jun 24 06:12:20 PDT 2012",
"transaction_type":"Adaptive Payment PAY",
"transaction[0].amount":"USD 1.00",
Note that you have to set reverse_all_parallel_payments_on_error in the PAY request manually. Even though they recommend doing so (and it'll probably save you angst) it's false by default.
Also, you can use PaymentDetails to get all the same info directly if you miss the IPN.
I don't know what #swade1987 was looking at, but my IPNs don't include any info about the fee amount. (That's actually how I found this post; trying to figure out why. The PP API documentation is horrid.)
Additional documentation can be found here https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIPN/
A bit late but for whoever bumps into here from a search engine...
I just started dealing with Paypal APIs myself lately. The IPN message the OP is quoting is the one delivered at the IPN notification URL defined in the seller profile. In contrast, the IPN quoted by #sai, is the Adapative Payments IPN, delivered to the ipnNotificationUrl defined in the Pay, ExecutePaypement or Preapproval API requests.
They are two different types of IPN messages and are documented, look for Payment Information Variables and Pay/Preapproval Message Variables. You can get both types of IPNs if you opt for both of them.
Concerning the IPN message quoted by the OP, you can use the value of txn_id field to get PaymentDetails by transactionId. The transationId is as good as the payKey to reference a completed payment.
This should help you massively.
namespace Gateway
public class MerchantSellerIPNService : IMerchantSellerIPNService
/// <summary>
/// This is the method which is hit when using the URL in the PAY request to PayPal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string ProcessIPN(Stream stream)
// Declare locally used variables.
byte[] requestArray = null;
string requestString = null;
string responseString = null;
StreamReader IPNReturnReader;
StreamWriter streamWriter;
MemoryStream responseStream = new MemoryStream();
HttpWebRequest payPalRequest;
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
// Get the URL to send the IPN received back to PayPal (use either of the two below depending on the environment.)
<add key="PAYPAL_IPN_URL" value="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" />
<add key="PAYPAL_IPN_URL" value="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"/>
string IPNReturnURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAYPAL_IPN_URL"];
// Read in the data provided from PayPal
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
// Obtain the email address and pre-approval key passed to use via PayPal for later use.
string strPayPalMessage = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
// Initalize the POST web request we are going to send to PayPal to valid the IPN we received from them.
payPalRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(IPNReturnURL);
payPalRequest.Method = "POST";
payPalRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// Create an array containing the IPN message PayPal sent to us.
requestArray = encoding.GetBytes(strPayPalMessage);
// Then add the necessary string to the back to use for verfication.
requestString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(requestArray);
requestString += "&cmd=_notify-validate";
payPalRequest.ContentLength = requestString.Length;
// Now write the updated IPN message back to PayPal for verification.
streamWriter = new StreamWriter(payPalRequest.GetRequestStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
// Read the response from PayPal and process it.
IPNReturnReader = new StreamReader(payPalRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
responseString = IPNReturnReader.ReadToEnd();
if (responseString == "VERIFIED")
if (strPayPalMessage.Contains("payment_status=Completed"))
if (ProcessPaymentIPNMessage(strPayPalMessage))
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Able to create new payment Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new payment Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
else if (strPayPalMessage.Contains("payment_status=Refunded"))
if (ProcessRefundIPNMessage(strPayPalMessage))
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessRefundIPNMessage - Able to create new refund Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessRefundIPNMessage - Unable to create new refund Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - ProcessIPN - Unknown message type"), "DEBUG");
catch (Exception ex)
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - ProcessIPN failed"), "DEBUG");
else if (responseString == "INVALID")
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - Invalid IPN Message Received: "), "DEBUG");
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - Fatal IPN Message Received: "), "DEBUG");
return "MerchantSellerIPNService Completed";
/// <summary>
/// Method used to process the Payment IPN notification message and update the database as required.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool ProcessPaymentIPNMessage(string PayPalIPNMessage)
// Firstly, we need to split the IPN message into sections based on the & sign.
string[] PayPalMessageElemetsArray = PayPalIPNMessage.Split('&');
// Now obtain the list of information (from the message) we require to make the TransactionDetail record.
string merchantTransactionId = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("txn_id=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
string feeAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_fee=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
string grossAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_gross=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
string errorMessage2 = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - merchantTransactionId: {0}, feeAmount: {1}, grossAmount: {2}", merchantTransactionId, feeAmount, grossAmount);
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage2), "DEBUG");
// We now need to remove the variable name and '=' from the elements so we only have the necessary information.
merchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId.Replace("txn_id=", "");
feeAmount = feeAmount.Replace("mc_fee=", "");
grossAmount = grossAmount.Replace("mc_gross=", "");
// Now convert the values obtained from the IPN message and calculate the net amount.
decimal dFeeAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(feeAmount);
decimal dGrossAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(grossAmount);
decimal dNetAmount = Math.Round((dGrossAmount - dFeeAmount), 2);
// Finally create the new transaction fee record.
TransactionDetail transactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
transactionDetail.MerchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId;
transactionDetail.Gross = dGrossAmount;
transactionDetail.Fee = Decimal.Negate(dFeeAmount);
transactionDetail.Net = dNetAmount;
transactionDetail.TransactionType = (int)TransactionDetailTransactionType.InStorePayment;
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Method used to process the Refund IPN notification message and update the database as required.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool ProcessRefundIPNMessage(string PayPalIPNMessage)
// Firstly, we need to split the IPN message into sections based on the & sign.
string[] PayPalMessageElemetsArray = PayPalIPNMessage.Split('&');
// Now obtain the list of information (from the message) we require to make the TransactionDetail record.
string merchantTransactionId = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("txn_id=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
string parentTransactionId = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("parent_txn_id=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
string feeAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_fee=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
string grossAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_gross=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
// We now need to remove the variable name and '=' from the elements so we only have the necessary information.
merchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId.Replace("txn_id=", "");
parentTransactionId = parentTransactionId.Replace("parent_txn_id=", "");
feeAmount = feeAmount.Replace("mc_fee=", "").Replace("-", "");
grossAmount = grossAmount.Replace("mc_gross=", "").Replace("-", "");
// Now convert the values obtained from the IPN message and calculate the net amount.
decimal dFeeAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(feeAmount);
decimal dGrossAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(grossAmount);
decimal dNetAmount = Math.Round((dGrossAmount - dFeeAmount), 2);
// Now create the new transaction fee record.
// Finally create the new transaction fee record.
TransactionDetail transactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
transactionDetail.MerchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId;
transactionDetail.Gross = dGrossAmount;
transactionDetail.Fee = Decimal.Negate(dFeeAmount);
transactionDetail.Net = dNetAmount;
transactionDetail.TransactionType = (int)TransactionDetailTransactionType.InStoreRefund;
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
return false;
// Finally update the PurchaseRefund record with the Parent Transaction Id (used as a backup incase the API IPN message for the payment wasn't received).
PurchaseRefund refund = PurchaseRefund.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RefundTransactionId == merchantTransactionId);
if (refund != null)
refund.ParentTransactionId = parentTransactionId;
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to update PurchaseRefund record (Transaction ID: {0}) with Parent Transaction Id: {1}", merchantTransactionId, parentTransactionId);
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
return false;
// If all is succesful we can return true.
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
return false;