Trouble using cblas_dgemm for matrix multiplication in Swift - swift

I'm new to swift and am trying to use the Accelerate framework to multiply two matrices.
However I cannot get this to work. Any help would be appreciated. Code is below:
import Accelerate
let firstMatrix :[[Float]] = [[1,2],[2,3]]
let secondMatrix : [[Float]] = [[3,2],[1,4]]
var answerMatrix :[[Float]] = [[0,0],[0,0]]
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 2, 2, 2, 1.0, firstMatrix, 2, secondMatrix, 2, 0.0, &answerMatrix, 2)

There are two problems:
cblas_dgemm() is for "double precision matrices", i.e. the elements have the Double type. For Float (single-precision) matrices use cblas_sgemm().
Each matrix must be passed to the function as a pointer to a one-dimensional array.
let firstMatrix : [Double] = [1,2 , 2,3]
let secondMatrix : [Double] = [3,2 , 1,4]
var answerMatrix : [Double] = [0,0 , 0,0]
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 2, 2, 2, 1.0,
firstMatrix, 2, secondMatrix, 2, 0.0, &answerMatrix, 2)
// [5.0, 10.0, 9.0, 16.0]

Martin R's answer addresses your actual direct question. I want to note, though, that if you're really just working with 2x2 matrices (and not arbitrarily large matrices), you may find it easier to use the simd module:
import simd
let firstMatrix = float2x2(rows: [[1,2],[2,3]])
let secondMatrix = float2x2(rows: [[3,2],[1,4]])
let answerMatrix = firstMatrix * secondMatrix


How do I use the non-convenience SCNGeometrySource initializer correctly?

being new to Swift and SceneKit (not new to programming) and trying to get my first triangle displayed (in preparation of rendering a more complex procedurally generated geometry) I just stumbled over the following issue:
When I initialise the SCNGeometrySource as shown in the code below the triangle is in the wrong position. When using the shorter, commented out version to create vertices it works as expected. My understanding from the documentation and a couple of examples I found online was that these two should be equivalent.
Which embarrassing detail am I missing? Thanks!
assert( MemoryLayout< SCNVector3 >.size == 24 )
assert( MemoryLayout< SCNVector3 >.stride == 24 )
let varray = [ SCNVector3( -3.0, -3.0, 0.0 ),
SCNVector3( 3.0, 3.0, 0.0 ),
SCNVector3( -3.0, 3.0, 0.0 ) ]
let vdata = Data( bytes: varray, count: varray.count * 24 )
print( "size: \(vdata.count), data: \(hexDump( vdata ) )" ) // size: 72, data: 00000000000008c000000000000008c0000000000000000000000000000008400000000000000840000000000000000000000000000008c000000000000008400000000000000000
let vertices = SCNGeometrySource(data: vdata,
semantic: .vertex,
vectorCount: varray.count,
usesFloatComponents: true,
componentsPerVector: 3,
bytesPerComponent: 8,
dataOffset: 0,
dataStride: 24 )
// let vertices = SCNGeometrySource(vertices: varray) // This works, the line above not
Edit: It works correctly when the input data consists of (vectors of) 32-bit floats (and all the parameters are adjusted accordingly).

Efficient way to get a subsequence with a precondition in Swift

I have an ordered sequence of numbers, let's say something like
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 20
Given a number N, how could I get a sequence that starts from the last number that is smaller than N? For example, if N = 7, I'd like to get back
6, 11, 12, 15, 20
Please note that this sequence will get very big and new numbers will be appended.
drop(while:) seemed like a good candidate, but in the example above it would also drop 6 so I can't use it.
For huge sorted arrays the most efficient way is binary search. It cuts the array in half until the index was found.
extension RandomAccessCollection where Element : Comparable {
func lastIndex(before value: Element) -> Index {
var slice : SubSequence = self[...]
while !slice.isEmpty {
let middle = slice.index(slice.startIndex, offsetBy: slice.count / 2)
if value < slice[middle] {
slice = slice[..<middle]
} else {
slice = slice[index(after: middle)...]
return slice.startIndex == self.startIndex ? startIndex : index(before: slice.startIndex)
let array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 20]
let index = array.lastIndex(before: 7)

Get/extract factorisation from SparseOpaqueFactorization using Accelerate

I am writing some Linear Algebra algorithms using Apples Swift / Accelerate framework. All works and the solved Ax = b equations produce the right results (this code is from the apple examples).
I would like to be able to extract the LLT factorisation from the
object. But there doesn't seem to be any way to extract (to print) the factorisation. Does anyone know of a way of extracting the factorised matrix from the SparseOpaqueFactorization_Double object?
import Foundation
import Accelerate
print("Hello, World!")
// Example of a symmetric sparse matrix, empty cells represent zeros.
var rowIndices: [Int32] = [0, 1, 3, // Column 0
1, 2, 3, // Column 1
2, // col 2
3] // Col 3
// note that the Matrix representation is the upper triangular
// here. Since the matrix is symmetric, no need to store the lower
// triangular.
var values: [Double] = [10.0, 1.0 , 2.5, // Column 0
12.0, -0.3, 1.1, // Column 1
9.5, // Col 2
6.0 ] // Column 3
var columnStarts = [0, // Column 0
3, // Column 1
6, 7, // Column 2
8] // col 3
var attributes = SparseAttributes_t()
attributes.triangle = SparseLowerTriangle
attributes.kind = SparseSymmetric
let structure = SparseMatrixStructure(rowCount: 4,
columnCount: 4,
columnStarts: &columnStarts,
rowIndices: &rowIndices,
attributes: attributes,
blockSize: 1)
let llt: SparseOpaqueFactorization_Double = values.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { valuesPtr in
let a = SparseMatrix_Double(
structure: structure,
data: valuesPtr.baseAddress!
return SparseFactor(SparseFactorizationCholesky, a)
var bValues = [ 2.20, 2.85, 2.79, 2.87 ]
var xValues = [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ]
bValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { bPtr in
xValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { xPtr in
let b = DenseVector_Double(
count: 4,
data: bPtr.baseAddress!
let x = DenseVector_Double(
count: 4,
data: xPtr.baseAddress!
SparseSolve(llt, b, x)
for val in xValues {
print("x = " + String(format: "%.2f", val), terminator: " ")
OK so after much sleuthing around the apple swift headers, I have solved this problem.
There is an Accelerate API call called
public func SparseCreateSubfactor(_ subfactor: SparseSubfactor_t, _ Factor: SparseOpaqueFactorization_Double) -> SparseOpaqueSubfactor_Double
which returns this SparceOpaqueSubfactor_ type. This can be used in a matrix multiplication to produce a "transparent" result (i.e. a matrix you can use/print/see). So I multiplied the SubFactor for the Lower triangular part of the Cholesky factorisation by the Identity matrix to extract the factors. Works a treat!
let subfactors = SparseCreateSubfactor(SparseSubfactorL, llt)
var identValues = generateIdentity(n)
let sparseAs = SparseAttributes_t(transpose: false,
triangle: SparseUpperTriangle,
kind: SparseOrdinary,
_reserved: 0,
_allocatedBySparse: false)
let identity_m = DenseMatrix_Double(rowCount: Int32(n),
columnCount: Int32(n),
columnStride: Int32(n),
attributes: sparseAs,
data: &identValues)
SparseMultiply(subfactors, identity_m) // Output is in identity_m after the call
I wrote a small function to generate an identity matrix which I've used in the code above:
func generateIdentity(_ dimension: Int) -> [Double] {
var iden = Array<Double>()
for i in 0...dimension - 1 {
for j in 0...dimension - 1 {
if i == j {
} else {
return iden

Perform normalization using Accelerate framework

I need to perform simple math operation on Data that contains RGB pixels data. Currently Im doing this like so:
let imageMean: Float = 127.5
let imageStd: Float = 127.5
let rgbData: Data // Some data containing RGB pixels
let floats = (0..<rgbData.count).map {
(Float(rgbData[$0]) - imageMean) / imageStd
return Data(bytes: floats, count: floats.count * MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
This works, but it's too slow. I was hoping I could use the Accelerate framework to calculate this faster, but have no idea how to do this. I reserved some space so that it's not allocated every time this function starts, like so:
inputBufferDataNormalized = malloc(width * height * 3) // 3 channels RGB
I tried few functions, like vDSP_vasm, but I couldn't make it work. Can someone direct me to how to use it? Basically I need to replace this map function, because it takes too long time. And probably it would be great to use pre-allocated space all the time.
Following up on my comment on your other related question. You can use SIMD to parallelize the operation, but you'd need to split the original array into chunks.
This is a simplified example that assumes that the array is exactly divisible by 64, for example, an array of 1024 elements:
let arr: [Float] = (0 ..< 1024).map { _ in Float.random(in: 0...1) }
let imageMean: Float = 127.5
let imageStd: Float = 127.5
var chunks = [SIMD64<Float>]()
chunks.reserveCapacity(arr.count / 64)
for i in stride(from: 0, to: arr.count, by: 64) {
let v = SIMD64.init(arr[i ..< i+64])
chunks.append((v - imageMean) / imageStd) // same calculation using SIMD
You can now access each chunk with a subscript:
var results: [Float] = []
for chunk in chunks {
for i in chunk.indices {
Of course, you'd need to deal with a remainder if the array isn't exactly divisible by 64.
I have found a way to do this using Accelerate. First I reserve space for converted buffer like so
var inputBufferDataRawFloat = [Float](repeating: 0, count: width * height * 3)
Then I can use it like so:
let rawBytes = [UInt8](rgbData)
vDSP_vfltu8(rawBytes, 1, &inputBufferDataRawFloat, 1, vDSP_Length(rawBytes.count))
vDSP.add(inputBufferDataRawScalars.mean, inputBufferDataRawFloat, result: &inputBufferDataRawFloat)
vDSP.multiply(inputBufferDataRawScalars.std, inputBufferDataRawFloat, result: &inputBufferDataRawFloat)
return Data(bytes: inputBufferDataRawFloat, count: inputBufferDataRawFloat.count * MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
Works very fast. Maybe there is better function in Accelerate, if anyone know of it, please let me know. It need to perform function (A[n] + B) * C (or to be exact (A[n] - B) / C but the first one could be converted to this).

Linear regression - accelerate framework in Swift

My first question here at Stackoverflow... hope my question is specific enough.
I have an array in Swift with measurements at certain dates. Like:
var myArray:[(day: Int, mW: Double)] = []
myArray.append(day:0, mW: 31.98)
myArray.append(day:1, mW: 31.89)
myArray.append(day:2, mW: 31.77)
myArray.append(day:4, mW: 31.58)
myArray.append(day:6, mW: 31.46)
Some days are missing, I just didn't take a measurement... All measurements should be on a line, more or less. So I thought about linear regression. I found the Accelerate framework, but the documentation is missing and I can't find examples.
For the missing measurements I would like to have a function, with as input a missing day and as output a best guess, based on the other measurements.
func bG(day: Int) -> Double {
return // return best guess for measurement
Thanks for helping out.
My answer doesn't specifically talk about the Accelerate Framework, however I thought the question was interesting and thought I'd give it a stab. From what I gather you're basically looking to create a line of best fit and interpolate or extrapolate more values of mW from that. To do that I used the Least Square Method, detailed here: and implemented this in Playgrounds using Swift:
// The typealias allows us to use '$' and '$X.mW',
// instead of '$X.0' and '$X.1' in the following closures.
typealias PointTuple = (day: Double, mW: Double)
// The days are the values on the x-axis.
// mW is the value on the y-axis.
let points: [PointTuple] = [(0.0, 31.98),
(1.0, 31.89),
(2.0, 31.77),
(4.0, 31.58),
(6.0, 31.46)]
// When using reduce, $0 is the current total.
let meanDays = points.reduce(0) { $0 + $ } / Double(points.count)
let meanMW = points.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.mW } / Double(points.count)
let a = points.reduce(0) { $0 + ($ - meanDays) * ($1.mW - meanMW) }
let b = points.reduce(0) { $0 + pow($ - meanDays, 2) }
// The equation of a straight line is: y = mx + c
// Where m is the gradient and c is the y intercept.
let m = a / b
let c = meanMW - m * meanDays
In the code above a and b refer to the following formula from the website:
Now you can create the function which uses the line of best fit to interpolate/extrapolate mW:
func bG(day: Double) -> Double {
return m * day + c
And use it like so:
bG(3) // 31.70
bG(5) // 31.52
bG(7) // 31.35
If you want to do fast linear regressions in Swift, I suggest using the Upsurge framework. It provides a number of simple functions that wrap the Accelerate library and so you get the benefits of SIMD on either iOS or OSX
without having to worry about the complexity of vDSP calls.
To do a linear regression with base Upsurge functions is simply:
let meanx = mean(x)
let meany = mean(y)
let meanxy = mean(x * y)
let meanx_sqr = measq(x)
let slope = (meanx * meany - meanxy) / (meanx * meanx - meanx_sqr)
let intercept = meany - slope * meanx
This is essentially what is implemented in the linregress function.
You can use it with an array of [Double], other classes such as RealArray (comes with Upsurge) or your own objects if they can expose contiguous memory.
So a script to meet your needs would look like:
#!/usr/bin/env cato
import Upsurge
typealias PointTuple = (day: Double, mW:Double)
var myArray:[PointTuple] = []
myArray.append((0, 31.98))
myArray.append((1, 31.89))
myArray.append((2, 31.77))
myArray.append((4, 31.58))
myArray.append((6, 31.46))
let x = { $ }
let y = { $0.mW }
let (slope, intercept) = Upsurge.linregress(x, y)
func bG(day: Double) -> Double {
return slope * day + intercept
(I left in the appends rather than using literals as you are likely programmatically adding to your array if it is of significant length)
and full disclaimer: I contributed the linregress code. I hope to also add the co-efficient of determination at some point in the future.
To estimate the values between different points, you can also use SKKeyframeSequence from SpriteKit
import SpriteKit
let sequence = SKKeyframeSequence(keyframeValues: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100], times: [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048])
sequence.interpolationMode = .spline // .linear, .step
let estimatedValue = sequence.sample(atTime: CGFloat(1500)) as! Double // 1500 is the value you want to estimate