IBM WebSphere commerce: Manually create, edit and delete Attributes - websphere-commerce

I'm maintaining an API to manage several IBM commerce data systems.
What I need is to create, edit or remove attributes, their values and their descriptions. Basically, I need to work using the ATTR, ATTR_DESC, ATTRVAL and ATTRVAL_DESC tables.
I thought there was an AttributeCreateCmd, but I couldn't find it. What I found was the AttributeValueAddCmd command, but it seems that it is not working (maybe I'm not using it correctly). I need to handle the attributes
among the attribute values.
I tried also with AttributeBean and AttributeDataBean, but it seems that that's not the stuff I need.
What I know is the model objects that I need to work with are Attr and AttrVal, but I don't know what *Cmd, *Bean or whatever I need to maintain that data.
Is there something that does exactly what I need?

Ok, so to manage the ATTR data manually, seems you have to use AttributeDictionaryMediator, but I was unable to use it.
Finally I implemented the commands to access the tables, to use them wherever I need them.


In what scenarios would I need to use the CREATEREF, DEREF and REF keywords?

This question is about why I would use the above keywords. I've found plenty of MSDN pages that explain how. I'm looking for the why.
What query would I be trying to write that means I need them? I ask because the examples I have found appear to be achievable in other ways...
To try and figure it out myself, I created a very simple entity model using the Employee and EmployeePayHistory tables from the AdventureWorks database.
One example I saw online demonstrated something similar to the following Entity SQL:
DEREF(CREATEREF(AdventureWorksEntities3.Employee, row(h.EmployeeID))).HireDate
AdventureWorksEntities3.EmployeePayHistory as h
This seems to pull back the HireDate without having to specify a join?
Why is this better than the SQL below (that appears to do exactly the same thing)?
AdventureWorksEntities3.EmployeePayHistory as h
Looking at the above two statements, I can't work out what extra the CREATEREF, DEREF bit is adding since I appear to be able to get at what I want without them.
I'm assuming I have just not found the scenarios that demostrate the purpose. I'm assuming there are scenarios where using these keywords is either simpler or is the only way to accomplish the required result.
What I can't find is the scenarios....
Can anyone fill in the gap? I don't need entire sets of SQL. I just need a starting point to play with i.e. a brief description of a scenario or two... I can expand on that myself.
Look at this post
One of the benefits of references is that it can be thought as a ‘lightweight’ entity in which we don’t need to spend resources in creating and maintaining the full entity state/values until it is really necessary. Once you have a ref to an entity, you can dereference it by using DEREF expression or by just invoking a property of the entity
TL;DR - REF/DEREF are similar to C++ pointers. It they are references to persisted entities (not entities which have not be saved to a data source).
Why would you use such a thing?: A reference to an entity uses less memory than having the DEFEF'ed (or expanded; or filled; or instantiated) entity. This may come in handy if you have a bunch of records that have image information and image data (4GB Files stored in the database). If you didn't use a REF, and you pulled back 10 of these entities just to get the image meta-data, then you'd quickly fill up your memory.
I know, I know. It'd be easier just to pull back the metadata in your query, but then you lose the point of what REF is good for :-D

Multiple Models

I like knockoutjs, the sooner we get rid of coding directly toward the DOM the better. I'm having trouble understanding how I would do something which I'm going to explain in terms of a question/answer site. (This is probably a general MVC/MVVM question)
In my data model I have a question[id, description] and answer[id, question_id, text]. The browser requests a list of questions which is bound to a tbody, one column will display the question description, while the other should be bound to an answer textbox.
One obvious way of doing this is to have a QuestionAnswer[question_id, answer_id, question_descrition, answer_text] model. Ideally I'd like to keep them separate to minimize transformation when sending/receiving/storing, if there isn't some way of keeping them separate then I have the following question:
Where is the ideal place to create the QuestionAnswer model ? My bet is that by convention its created on the server.
If there is such an example somewhere please point me to it, otherwise I think it would make a good example.
Please help me wrap my head around this, Thanks!
What you could do is to create the combined model on the server, serialize it to json and then use the mapping plugin to add the serialized list to the view model.
I'm doing that here only it isn't a combined model, but shouldn't make any difference. Especially since it seems like your relation is one-to-one.
If you need to create an "object" in your view model, you can use the mapping definition to do so, like I do here.
I use C# to build my model on the server, but I guess you can use whatever you are comfortable with.
The cool thing with the mapping plugin is that it adds the data to the view model so that you can focus on behaviour.
I'v gathered my thoughts on what my question is actually asking.
To do data binding on the client side you obviously need your data model there as well. I was conflicted on what I needed to send over and at what time.
To continue with the Question/Answer site idea: Sending down a list of answers each of which have a question in them is what should be done. That way you can bind to the answer list and simply bind the question description of each answer to the first table column.
If later I want to make a question editor I would potentially send a complete different data structure down and not reuse the Answer has a Question structure previously used.
I thought there might be a way of sending down a more complex data structure that references itself. Which apparently is possible in JSon with some extra libraries.

Mapping to legacy MongoDB store

I'm attempting to write up a Yesod app as a replacement for a Ruby JSON service that uses MongoDB on the backend and I'm running into some snags.
the sql=foobar syntax in the models file does not seem too affect which collection Persistent.MongoDB uses. How can I change that?
is there a way to easily configure mongodb (preferably through the yaml file) to be explicitly read only? I'd take more comfort deploying this knowing that there was no possible way the app could overwrite or damage production data.
Is there any way I can get Persistent.MongoDB to ignore fields it doesn't know about? This service only needs a fraction of the fields in the collection in question. In order to keep the code as simple as possible, I'd really like to just map to the fields I care about and have Yesod ignore everything else. Instead it complains that the fields don't match.
How does one go about defining instances for models, such as ToJSON. I'd like to customize how that JSON gets rendered but I get the following error:
Illegal instance declaration for ToJSON Product'
(All instance types must be of the form (T t1 ... tn)
where T is not a synonym.
Use -XTypeSynonymInstances if you want to disable this.)
In the instance declaration forToJSON Product'
1) seems that sql= is not hooked up to mongo. Since sql is already doing this it shouldn't be difficult for Mongo.
2) you can change the function that runs the queries
in persistent/persistent-mongoDB/Database/Persist there is a runPool function of PersistConfig. That gets used in yesod-defaults. We should probably change the loadConfig function to check a readOnly setting
3) I am ok with changing the reorder function to allow for ignoring, although in the future (if MongoDB returns everything in ordeR) that may have performance implications, so ideally you would list the ignored columns.
4) This shouldn't require changes to Persistent. Did you try turning on TypeSynonymInstances ?
I have several other Yesod/Persistent priorities to attend to before these changes- please roll up your sleeves and let me know what help you need making them. I can change 2 & 3 myself fairly soon if you are committed to testing them.

Using several database setups with Lucene.Net

I am developing a search function for an web application with Lucene.Net and NHibernate.Search. The application is used by a lots of companies but is runned as a single service, using different databases for different companies. Therefore I would need an index directory for each database rather than one directory for the entire application. Is there a way of achieve this in Lucene.Net?
I have also considering storing the indexes for each company in there respecitive database but havent found any satisfying compontents for this. I have read about Compass and JdbcDirectory for Java but I need something for C# or NHibernate. Does anyone know if there is a port of JdbcDirectory or something simular for C#?
Hmm, it looks like you can't change anything at the session factory level using normal You may need separate instances of a configuration, or maybe try something along the lines of Fluent NHibernate Search to ease the pain.
Piecing it together from the project's wiki it appears you could do something like this to spin up separate session factories pointing to different databases / index directories:
.Search(s => s.DefaultAnalyzer().Standard()
The "IndexBase" property and the connection are the parts you'll need to define per customer. Once you get the session factories set up you could resolve them using whatever strategy you use currently.
Hope it helps

In can you have multivalued attributes?

I am developing a Novell Identity Manager driver for, and am trying to understand the platform better.
I have had really good success to date. I can read pretty much arbitrary object classes out of SFDC, and create eDirectory objects for them, and what not. This is all done and working nicely. (Publisher Channel). Once I got Query events mapped out, most everything started working in the Publisher Channel.
I am now working on sending events back to SFDC (Subscriber channel) when changes occur in eDirectory.
I am using the upsert() function in the SOAP API, and with Novell Identity Manager, you basically build the SOAP doc, and can see the results as you build it. (You can do it in XSLT or you can use the various allowed tokens to build the document in DirXML Script. I am using DirXML Script which has been working well so far.).
The upshot of that comment is that I can build the SOAP document, see it, to be sure I get it right. Which is usually different than the Java/C++ approach that the sample code usually provides. Much more visual this way.
There are several things about upsert() that I do not entirely understand. I know how to blank a value, should I get that sort of event. Inside the <urn:sObjects> node, add a node like (assuming you get your namespaces declared already):
I know how to add a value (AttrValue) to the attribute (FieldName), add a node like:
All this works and is pretty straight forward.
The question I have is, can a value in SFDC be multi-valued? In eDirectory, a multi valued attribute being changed, can happen two ways:
All values can be removed, and the new set re-added.
The single value removed can be sent as that sort of event (remove-value) or many values can be removed in one operation.
Looking at SFDC, I only ever see Multi-picklist attributes that seem to be stored in a single entry : or ; delimited. Is there another kind of multi valued attribute managed differently in SFDC? And if so, how would one manipulate it via the SOAP API?
I still have to decide if I want to map those multi-picklists to a single string, or a multi valued attribute of strings. First way is easier, second way is more useful... Hmmm... Choices...
Some references:
I have been using the page Sample SOAP messages to understand what the docs should look like.
Apex Explorer is a kicking tool for browsing the database and testing queries. Much like DBVisualizer does for JDBC connected databases. This would have been so much harder without it!
SoapUi is also required, and a lovely tool!
As far as I know there's no multi-value field other than multi-select picklists (and they map to semicolon-separated string). Generally platform encourages you to create a proper relationship with another (possibly new, custom) table if you're in need of having multiple values associated to your data.
Only other "unusual" thing I can think of is how the OwnerId field on certain objects (Case, Lead, maybe something else) can be used to point to User or Queue record. Looks weird when you are used to foreign key relationships from traditional databases. But this is not identical with what you're asking as there will be only one value at a time.
Of course you might be surpised sometimes with values you'll see in the database depending on the viewing user's locale (stuff like System Administrator profile becoming Systeembeheerder in Dutch). But this will be still a single value, translated on the fly just before the query results are sent back to you.
When I had to perform SOAP integration with SFDC, I've always used WSDL files and most of the time was fine with Java code generated out of them with Apache Axis. Hand-crafting the SOAP message yourself seems... wow, hardcore a bit. Are you sure you prefer visualisation of XML over the creation of classes, exceptions and all this stuff ready for use with one of several out-of-the-box integration methods? If they'll ever change the WSDL I need just to regenerate the classes from it; whereas changes to your SOAP message creation library might be painful...