Setup Xcode 7 to call MATLAB 2013b - matlab

I have been trying to setup MATLAB on Xcode 7 however I have found it very confusing and most of my online research about the topic resulted in out dated answers that does not match the version of MATLAB or Xcode that I have.
is there any Vid or a helpful link like this one available?
I am looking for more up to date more related to MATLAB2013 and Xcode 7 answers because a lot of the stuff in the link above do not exist anymore.
Please help I have been trying for a week before I write here.


How to position tabbar on the left side in .net MAUI Shell?

Is this possible to do with shell? i have spent the last two days searching but have not come with anything. All i saw was the same question being asked on Microsoft community 2.5 years ago but it has no answer.
This is what im trying to. please see the link below.
Will have i to do some custom UI to achieve this in MAUI shell?
Nevermind, i found the answer. It was in the weather twenty one sample app all along. I guess the answer was so obvious that no one asks about it.
Link to the file in the sample app:

Devpak for Allegro 5

Hello community of stackoverflow. I've been using Allegro 4 and Dev-C++ 5.5.3, until I noticed that there's a new and better version of the library avaliable. I tried to download and install Allegro 5, but I got confused with so many ways to do it, and I have to admit that I have no idea of building it with cmake or something, but it seems it requires to do a lot of downloading which I can't afford.
However, I heard that there's a DevPak version of Allegro 5 avaliable, some people (even in this community) declared that they downloaded the devpak version of the library, but I can't find a reliable link to download it no matter how much I search for it. Having it will make things a lot easier to me, so I wish you could give me a reliable and updated link to download the devpak, or at least to guide me through it's building and installation.
I've downloaded what I think is the allegro source code (maybe for building it) from this link but actually I don't know what to do with it. If you can help me with that version I downloaded, or at least guiding me to finally get the Allegro 5 library, I will thank you very much.
I used that 5.0.10 devpak for a long time. By the way, I don't think there is still people doing new devpaks.
You can download a pre-compiled version of allegro here:
You may also need to download an updated version of mingw to match the allegro build you just downloaded. Then at Dev-C++ you create a new compiler set and configure the search paths to point to your mingw and allegro folders (use your current compiler set as a reference).
Well, seen that I've got no answers (searching the matter in Google results in this unanswered question) I'll post the link that I've found, hoping that it will be useful to anyone who has the same problem.
I've downloaded the devpak from this link: which is the version 5.0.10 of allegro, but as I noted, there's a newer release available (though I don't know if there's a devpak version of that one). If someone knows a way of getting a more updated devpak, please post it here anyway. However, I think that's something, and I hope it will help those in my situation

Determining the history of a built in MATLAB function between different versions? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I check since which Matlab version a function exists?
(2 answers)
View Release Notes across multiple versions of MATLAB
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a complete list of changes made for each given built in function between versions and a record of a functions first incorporation into the MATLAB environment?
Essentially I am writing documents to accompany my work and I rely on some functions only available in newer versions (e.g. polarhistogram).
This is not a duplicate of previously asked questions as I am looking for changes listed for a specific function not MATLAB as a whole. It should be also noted that the suggested duplicates were asked 3 years ago, and as such a list could have been compiled subsequently.
Related topics:
How can I check since which Matlab version a function exists?
View Release Notes across multiple versions of MATLAB
Unfortunately there is no comprehensive list of the functions that were introduced and the changes. The Release Notes for each new release are likely the best place to find that detailed information. The Online Release Notes site is actually fully searchable and filterable by release number as well as filtering for incompatibilities.
In general though, in order to determine when a function was introduced, you can look at the lower left hand corner of the online documentation and it will indicate the first release in which that function was available.
If you want to automate this, there is a FEX submission called when which will programmatically go and fetch this information.

Installing a Matlab App in MATLAB R2012a

First off I'm not a regular Matlab user, so this might appear as a rather simple question, but how do you install Apps in Matlab R2012a? Is it even possible? I found a link for how to do it in R2012b here, but I can't find any guidelines on how to do it in R2012a.
I have a custom app that was sent to me by a colleague at another research institution, and I think they must have a more recent version of Matlab that us. His instructions were to go to the Apps tab in the tool bar and select Install Apps, but in R2012a, I can only see File, Edit, Debug, Parrallel, Desktop, Window and Help. I've also had a look in the Product Help guide in Matlab, but I couldn't find a relevant entry.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe MATLAB apps were introduced in R2012b, and that it's not possible to install or use them in earlier releases. You would need to contact your colleague, and ask them to supply an unpackaged version of the application (i.e. just the code).

What's a good and easy plugin for developing Coldfusion code in Notepad++? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++
Notepad++ is a great tool that allows you to choose the language you're working with. Unfortunately, ColdFusion is not on their list. (I'm currently using xml instead when dealing with coldfusion code.) Are there any plugins that are simple to use and thorough for adding a CF option to Notepad++?
What I ended up using:
Does exactly what I'm looking for.
I just looked at the post BoltClock linked to, and it suggests this same plugin. I guess that makes this question a duplicate.
If you're looking for a free IDE with ColdFusion support, ColdFusion Builder has a free version that is pretty great.