Deployment via Wildfly native management api - deployment

I'm trying to deploy a web application on Wilfly 9 using the native management api. How does a correct request look like in that case? When using CLI, the command would be
$JBOSS_CLI --connect --command="deploy /path/to/war"
but it's not meeting the definition of the operation request syntax. I tried to deploy with a request
"address" => [("deployment" => "/path/to/war")],
"operation" => "deploy"
but get an error response back:
"outcome" => "failed",
"failure-description" => "WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[(\"deployment\" => \"/path/to/war\")]' not found",
"rolled-back" => true

Ok, here's what I came up with:
The following cli command achieves the same result as deploy with file path as parameter:
Translated in Java:
String address = ...
int port = ...
String user = ...
String pass = ...
Path file = ...
ModelNode request = new ModelNode();
request.get(ClientConstants.OP_ADDR).add("deployment", "my_deployment");
request.get("content").add("url", file.toUri().toString());
try (ModelControllerClient conn = ModelControllerClient.Factory.create(address, port, new PasswordClientCallbackHandler(user, null, pass.toCharArray()))) {
ModelNode response = conn.execute(request);


Intermittent DB connection timeout in .NET 6 Console Application connecting to Azure SQL

We have a .Net Core Console Application accessing Azure SQL (Gen5, 4 vCores) deployed as a web job in Azure.
We recently upgraded our small console application to ef6(6.0.11)
Since quite some time, the application keeps throwing below exception intermittently for READ operations(highlighted in below code):
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The wait operation timed out.)
We are clueless on Root Cause of this issue. Any hints on where to start looking # for root cause?
Any pointer would be highly appreciated.
NOTE : Connection string has following settings in azure
"ConnectionStrings": { "DBContext": "Server=Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=False;" }
Overall code looks something like below:
` var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(config.GetConnectionString("DBContext"));
builder.Password = "";
builder.UserID = "";
builder.DataSource = "";
builder.InitialCatalog = "";
string _connection = builder.ConnectionString;
var sp = new ServiceCollection()
.AddDbContext<DBContext>(x => x.UseSqlServer(_connection, providerOptions => providerOptions.EnableRetryOnFailure()))
var db = sp.GetService<DBContext>();
var NewTriggers = db.Triggers.Where(x => x.IsSubmitted == false && x.Error == null).OrderBy(x => x.CreateOn).ToList();
We tried migrating from EF 3.1 to EF 6.0.11. We were expecting a smooth transition

Response entity was not subscribed after 100 seconds. Make sure to read the response entity body or call `discardBytes()` on it

I am building a scala application. Within the application, we are making a call to an external service, and fetching the data.
When I am hitting the endpoint of this external service using the
postman, I am getting the complete data, around 9000 lines of JSON
data, within 9 seconds.
But when I am hitting the same endpoint through my scala application, I am getting a 200 OK response, but getting the below error:
[WARN] [06/09/2022 18:05:45.765] [] [default/Pool(shared->] [4 (WaitingForResponseEntitySubscription)] Response entity was not subscribed after 100 seconds. Make sure to read the response entity body or call `discardBytes()` on it. GET /admin/campaigns Empty -> 200 OK Chunked
I read about it and found that we can set response-entity-subscription-timeout property to a higher value. I set it to about 100 seconds, but this does not seem to help.
My Code:
private val sendAndReceive = customSendAndReceive.getOrElse(HttpClientUtils.singleRequest)
def getActiveCampaigns: GetActiveCampaigns = () => {
val request = HttpRequest(
uri = s"$endpoint/admin/campaigns?status=PUBLISHED", // includes both PUBLISHED_READY and PUBLISHED_PAUSED
method = HttpMethods.GET,
headers = heathers
sendAndReceive(request).timed(getActiveCampaignsTimer).flatMap {
case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, _, entity, _) =>
case response#HttpResponse(_, _, _, _) =>
Future.failed(new RuntimeException(s"Ad manager service exception: $response"))
case response =>
log.error(s"Error calling ad manager service: $response")
Future.failed(new RuntimeException(s"Ad manager service exception: $response"))
def getCampaignSpendData(getActiveCampaigns: GetActiveCampaigns, getCampaignTotalSpend: GetCampaignTotalSpend)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): GetCampaignsSpendData = () => {
.andThen {
case Failure(t) => log.error("Failed to fetch ads from ad manager", t)
.flatMap {
campaignList => Future.sequence( => budgetSpendPercentage(getCampaignTotalSpend)(campaign)))
What does this error exactly mean? Is it that it is able to connect to the endpoint but not able to get the complete data from it before the connection is closed/reset?
How can we address this issue? Core Can't init Hangfire using mongoDb : listIndexes failed

Hello I try to using Hangfire with mongoDb in core app
I have an exception on the Startup.cs when launching my app which is:
Command listIndexes failed: ns does not exist: jobs.hangfire.mongo.jobParameter
I tried to create manually the collections using the prefix (jobParameter, statedata ...), but then he tried to drop them and didn't succeed
This my code in Startup.cs :
var mongoUrlBuilder = new MongoUrlBuilder("mongodb://user:pwd#localhost:27017/jobs?authSource=admin");
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoUrlBuilder.ToMongoUrl());
// Add Hangfire services. Hangfire.AspNetCore nuget required
services.AddHangfire(configuration => configuration
.UseMongoStorage(mongoClient, mongoUrlBuilder.DatabaseName, new MongoStorageOptions
MigrationOptions = new MongoMigrationOptions
MigrationStrategy = new MigrateMongoMigrationStrategy(),
BackupStrategy = new CollectionMongoBackupStrategy()
Prefix = "hangfire.mongo",
CheckConnection = true
// Add the processing server as IHostedService
services.AddHangfireServer(serverOptions =>
serverOptions.ServerName = "Hangfire.Mongo server 1";
I am currently using :
Hangfire 1.7.27
Hangfire.Mongo 0.7.27
Mongo.Driver 2.14.0
Do you have any idea ?

google-api-client suddenly comes back with "invalid request"

I've been running Ruby scripts for weeks now using a Service Account, but today I'm getting an "Invalid Request" when I try to build the client using the following function:
def build_client(user_email)
client =
client.authorization =
:token_credential_uri => '',
:audience => '',
:scope => '',
:signing_key => Google::APIClient::KeyUtils.load_from_pkcs12(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PKCS12_FILE_PATH, "notasecret"),
:person => user_email
return client
Is there a lifespan on Service Accounts? I tried creating another Service Account and using that but I get the same result:
Authorization failed. Server message: (Signet::AuthorizationError)
"error" : "invalid_request"
OK. I figured it out. It was all to do with the user_email. I was reading it from a file and forgot to chomp the linefeed off, so it was objecting to a mal-formed email address.

How to test remote (production) Scalatra web service with Specs2?

I'm using Specs2 to test my Scalatra web service.
class APISpec extends ScalatraSpec {
def is = "Simple test" ^
"invalid key should return status 401" ! root401^
addServlet(new APIServlet(),"/*")
def root401 = get("/payments") {
status must_== 401
This tests the web service locally (localhost). Now I would like to perform the same tests to the production Jetty server. Ideally, I would be able to do this by only changing some URL. Is this possible at all ? Or do I have to write my own (possible duplicate) testing code for the production server?
I don't know how Scalatra manages its URLs but one thing you can do in specs2 is control parameters from the command-line:
class APISpec extends ScalatraSpec with CommandLineArguments { def is = s2"""
Simple test
invalid key should return status 401 $root401
${addServlet(new APIServlet(),s"$baseUrl/*")}
def baseUrl = {
// assuming that you passed 'url' on the command line
val args = arguments.commandLine.split(" ") { case (name, value) if name == "url" => value }.
def root401 = get(s"$baseUrl/payments") {
status must_== 401