Pack individual signal into an array - system-verilog

I have a bunch of signals like this:
logic [7:0] in0;
logic [7:0] in1;
logic [7:0] in2;
logic [7:0] in3;
That I want to assign to an array:
logic [7:0] in_array [4];
assign in_array[0] = in0;
assign in_array[1] = in1;
assign in_array[2] = in2;
assign in_array[3] = in3;
Easy enough, but if instead of 4 items I have 128 this gets annoying. I am sure there is a combination of defines and generates that can do this in a loop. Something like:
`define IN(x) inx
genvar i;
for(i = 0; i<4; i++) begin
assign in_array[i] = `IN(i);
The above code doesn't work, but I think that I have done something like this before.

Simplifying that code is something that cannot be done in SystemVerilog. You can reduce you typing by creating a macro like below (note the double backticks ``), but you will still need to manually write each index. Macros are are resolved before generate loops and the input variable to the macro is treated as a literal.
// short named macro for reduced typing
// Note: using short named macro is typically a bad practice,
// but will be removed latter with an undef
`define A(idx) assign array_in[idx] = out``idx
//This works
// doesn't work. For example # gidx==0 will eval to 'assign array_in[0] = outgidx;'.
// There is not outgidx
genvar gidx;
for(gidx=0; gidx<4; gidx++) begin
`undef A // prevent macro from from being used latter on
If it is just a small number of entries, it is best to do it manually. If it is large number of entries, then you need to consider a way to generate the for you, such as embedded coded.
There are also various embedded code (such as Perl's EP3, Ruby's eRuby/ruby_it, Python's prepro, etc.) that can generate the desired code. Pick your preference. You will need to per-process these files before giving to the compiler. Example with EP3 generating 400 assignments:
foreach my $idx (0..400) {
printf "assign array_in[%0d] = out%0d;", $idx, $idx;

Use `` to separate text from argument.
`define IN(x) in``x
But there is another issue with the variable i not being declared at the time when the macro is evaluated. Thus the whole generate loop just connects to ini, because i is just another letter. Because of this macros cannot be assigned by dynamically allocated values.
The environment of your module already has to connect explicitly to each input assign in0 = out0; ... assign in127 = out127. So the simplest solution would be to have in_array as your modules input and let the environment connect to it assign array_in[0] = out0.
Something like this:
module parent_module();
/*some other stuff that has outputs out0, out1 etc.*/
logic [7:0] array_in[4];
assign array_in[0] = out0;
assign array_in[1] = out1;
assign array_in[2] = out2;
assign array_in[3] = out3;


Combinatorial assignment to "composite" wire in always block

This is not a blocker that I'm dealing with, just looking for possibly a more elegant way of doing it.
module Ram(RamClk, CKE, CAS, RAS, WE, DQM, BA, A, DQ,
OpEnable, Addr, RdData, WrData, Ready);
input RamClk;
output CKE;
output logic CAS, RAS, WE;
output [1:0] DQM;
output logic [1:0] BA;
output logic [11:0] A;
inout [15:0] DQ;
input OpEnable;
output [23:0] Addr; //24 bits = 16 Mb
output [15:0] RdData;
input [15:0] WrData;
output Ready;
// code omitted here
wire CMD = {CAS,RAS,WE};
// code omitted here
always #*
if (InitDone == 0)
CMD = InitCmd;
A = InitA;
BA = InitBA;
//todo: assign the output of the main CMD, A and BA multiplexers
A = 0;
BA = 0;
//rest of the module
I have 3 outputs of the module RAS, CAS, WE that I'm combining into a single wire for convenience so that I can assign command values to them as a whole.
Now I need to connect a multiplexer to CMD and I'm doing it in an always block for convenience.
I could do it in separate assign statements in this case of only 2 inputs to the multiplexer using the ternary expression, but let's imagine the multiplexer has more inputs, for more inputs it looks more convenient to use multiple if/else or a case statement which I cannot use with assign as far as I understand.
Now I have an issue that I have to have a reg on the LHS in the always block although it is combinatorial logic in this case and it will not infer a register in this case.
But if I change CMD to reg then I cannot use the {} notation to combine CAS, RAS and WE.
I could replace the CMD with a task or combine/split CAS, RAS and WE outside the module and have them as a single CMD module parameter.
Any more elegant way of expressing this?
When you have have multiple variables that you would like to assign at once, you can use the concatenation operator on the LHS of an expression:
output logic CAS, RAS, WE;
logic [2:0] CMD;
assign {CAS, RAS, WE} = CMD;
CMD = 3'b011; // Will assign CAS = 0, RAS = 1, WE = 1
You can also just not use CMD at all and just use {CAS, RAS, WE} in its place; depending on your style and what makes sense for your project. A side note, ideally, you should be using always_comb over always #(*) and logic over wire and reg (mostly) if you are in a SystemVerilog environment as you seem to be.

how to generate array of interfaces having different connections?

I have declared following interface:
interface data_x #(parameter g_DataWidth = 8)
(input ckrs_t ClkRs_ix);
logic [g_DataWidth-1:0] data;
bit enable;
ckrs_t ClkRs;
always_comb begin
ClkRs = ClkRs_ix;
The interface has data bus and the data enable, and it is as well associated with the clock and reset signal, which is a typedef ckrs_t.
I have a module, which accepts as an argument array of those interfaces:
module fourmclinks
data_x packet_ox[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0],
data_x packet_ix[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0],
The problem I have is, that I need to declare in top-level entity an array of those data_x interfaces, but each time use different ClkRs_ix input clock. (It is used in the gbts, where each receiver has its own clock and reset signal).
I tried many things, including this one:
ckrs_t txclock_x;
assign txclock_x.clk = GbtTxFrameClk40MHz_k;
assign txclock_x.reset = GbtReset_r;
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize)) packet_ox[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0](.ClkRs_ix(txclock_x));
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize)) packet_ix[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0]();
genvar linkiface;
for(linkiface=1; linkiface < NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS+1; linkiface++) begin : linkgenerator
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs_ix.clk =
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs_ix.reset = GbtReset_r;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].enable = 0;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].data = RxDataAppSfpGbtUserData_4b80[linkiface];
Hence making empty/virtual/unassigned/... interface array declaration, and then in generate loop assign correct signals to it. This simulates, but quartus does not compile it claiming
value cannot be assigned to input "ClkRs_ix".
How to correctly generate array of interfaces, each having different input connection? Please help
I'm bit smarter now, so here is the solution to the problem. But first issues:
it is not possible just to remove 'input' direction from the port declaration in the data_x interface declaration above. If this is done, one has to then manually assign clock and reset lines for every instance of the data_x object. This is indeed possible, but one loses all the beauty of having the clock and reset automatically assigned during the instantiation of the interface
it is not possible either in this particular case to make a virtual interface, and connect the signals in the for loop. Root cause of this is the presence of always_comb, which takes in the input reset/clock and assigns it to the internal signals. So this assignment, together with manual assignment of reset and clock in the top-level entity results in driving those signals from two sources, which Quartus will not digest
So the only possible way, which I found is following:
Declare the data_x interface to generate the always_comb on demand:
interface data_x #(
parameter g_hasClock = 1,
parameter g_DataWidth = 8)
input ckrs_t ClkRs_ix
logic [g_DataWidth-1:0] data;
bit enable;
ckrs_t ClkRs;
if(g_hasClock) begin
always_comb begin
ClkRs = ClkRs_ix;
endinterface // data_x
Instantiate the interface with unbound ClkRs_ix. Note the usage of g_hasClock, which instantiates the data_x interface without always_comb block, hence Quartus stops complaining about multiple drivers:
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize),
.g_hasClock(0)) packet_ix[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0]();
And then generate interface with different clocks:
genvar linkiface;
for(linkiface=1; linkiface < NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS+1; linkiface++)
begin : linkgenerator
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs.clk = GbtRxFrameClk40Mhz_kb4[linkiface];
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs.reset = GbtReset_r;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].enable = 0;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].data = RxDataAppSfpGbtUserData_4b80[linkiface];
This works. It is not so nice because we have to do it manually. Just for sake of completeness: if the clocks for all interfaces is the same, all that code above boils down to this snippet:
ckrs_t txclock_x, rxclock_x;
assign txclock_x.clk = GbtTxFrameClk40MHz_k;
assign txclock_x.reset = GbtReset_r;
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize)) packet_ox[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0](.ClkRs_ix(txclock_x));
I'm sure this is not the best solution ever, but it is compilable and gives the result needed.

Creating array of references to objects.

I am looking for way to simplify my code by creating array array with references to logic variables. This will let me to iterate across array. Here is pseudo code that i am envisioning (This is what i would do in C++). I can not put them in array as they part of RTL located in different places.
logic A;
logic B;
task my_algorithm();
ref logic elements[2] = {A, B}; // This wrong, ref cannot be used in this context
foreach(elements[v]) begin
// Do same work on each element
endtask : my_algorithm
You can use inout arguments that get copied in on entry to the routine, and then copied out upon exit from the routine. (use a function instead of a task, unless the routine needs to consume time)
function automatic void my_algorithm(inout logic A, B);
logic elements[2] = {A,B};
foreach(elements[v]) begin
{<<{A,B}} = elements;

How do you join several input wires into one wire in systemverilog (all wires except one hi-Z)

Suppose that all input wires except one is supposed to be in Hi-Z. We want to connect these wires into a single wire (e.g. data bus). How can this be done in SystemVerilog?
If you mean module inputs, the alias construct can do this:
module a(input wire a,b,c);
wire bus; // use if you want a different internal name
alias a = b = c = bus;
I'm sure this will not be synthesizable.
Assuming your condition that only one input is not Z holds true then we could just loop through and find the last non-Z input and assign its value to the output. No idea if this would synthesize.
module merge_bus
#(parameter BUSW = 8)
input [BUSW-1:0] bus_in,
output wire_out
always_comb begin
wire_out = 1'bz;
for(int i = 0; i<BUSW; i++) begin
if(bus_in[i] !== 1'bz) wire_out = bus_in[i];
You can make use of wor/wand data types from verilog.

1-line try/catch equivalent in MATLAB

I have a situation in MATLAB where I want to try to assign a struct field into a new variable, like this:
swimming = fish.carp;
BUT the field carp may or may not be defined. Is there a way to specify a default value in case carp is not a valid field? For example, in Perl I would write
my $swimming = $fish{carp} or my $swimming = 0;
where 0 is the default value and or specifies the action to be performed if the assignment fails. Seems like something similar should exist in MATLAB, but I can't seem to find any documentation of it. For the sake of code readability I'd rather not use an if statement or a try/catch block, if I can help it.
You can make your own function to handle this and keep the code rather clear. Something like:
swimming = get_struct(fish, 'carp', 0);
function v = get_struct(s, f, d)
if isfield(s, f)
v = s.(f); % Struct value
v = d; % Default value
From what I know, you can't do it in one line in MATLAB. MATLAB logical constructs require explicit if/else statements and can't do it in one line... like in Perl or Python.
What you can do is check to see if the fish structure contains the carp field. If it isn't, then you can set the default value to be 0.
Use isfield to help you do that. Therefore:
if isfield(fish, 'carp')
swimming = fish.carp;
swimming = 0;
Also, as what Ratbert said, you can put it into one line with commas... but again, you still need that if/else construct:
if isfield(fish,'carp'), swimming = fish.carp; else, swimming = 0;
Another possible workaround is to declare a custom function yourself that takes in a structure and a field, and allow it to return the value at the field, or 0.
function [out] = get_field(S, field)
if isfield(S, field)
out = S.(field);
out = 0;
Then, you can do this:
swimming = get_field(fish, 'carp');
swimming will either by 0, or fish.carp. This way, it doesn't sacrifice code readability, but you'll need to create a custom function to do what you want.
If you don't like to define a custom function in a separate function file - which is certainly a good option - you can define two anonymous functions at the beginning of your script instead.
helper = {#(s,f) 0, #(s,f) s.(f)}
getfieldOrDefault = #(s,f) helper{ isfield(s,f) + 1 }(s,f)
With the definition
fish.carp = 42
and the function calls
a = getfieldOrDefault(fish,'carp')
b = getfieldOrDefault(fish,'codfish')
you get for the first one
a = 42
and the previous defined default value for the second case
b = 0