protocol type constraint by two protocols - swift

I've setup two protocols below in swift 2
Generative (for the lack of a better name) which holds an array of items and provides Datasource like functionality like count and subscript
public protocol Generative {
typealias GeneratedType
var elements: [GeneratedType] { get }
public extension Generative {
func count() -> Int {
return elements.count
subscript(index:Int) -> GeneratedType? {
if index >= count() {
return nil
return elements[index]
public protocol Selectable {
typealias SelectableType: Hashable
var selectedElements: Set<SelectableType> { get set }
extension Selectable {
public func isSelected(elem: SelectableType) -> Bool {
return selectedElements.contains(elem)
public mutating func addSelection(elem: SelectableType) {
public mutating func removeSelection(elem: SelectableType) {
public mutating func clearSelections() {
So in case an object implements both Generative and Selectable then I want it to be able to return the selected indices so I wrote this function:
func selectedIndices<S: Selectable where S: Generative, S.GeneratedType == S.SelectableType>(ds: S) -> [NSIndexPath] {
var selections: [NSIndexPath] {
return ds.selectedElements
.map{ (p: S.GeneratedType) -> NSIndexPath? in
if let idx = ds.elements.indexOf(p) { idx
return NSIndexPath(forRow: idx, inSection: 0)
return nil
.filter{ $0 != nil }
.map{ $0! }
return selections
for some reason the linker prints out:
Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Not sure why is that, I can't figure out another way to specify this function to work on objects which implement both protocols and their associated types match...
Any ideas ?
P.S. the code in a Gist:
------- UPDATE
removing the computed property seemed to do the trick :
func selectedIndices<S: Selectable where S: Generative, S.GeneratedType == S.SelectableType>(ds: S) -> [NSIndexPath] {
return ds.selectedElements
.flatMap { (p: S.GeneratedType) -> NSIndexPath? in
if let idx = ds.elements.indexOf(p) { idx
return NSIndexPath(forRow: idx, inSection: 0)
return nil

The compiler should never crash, but it looks like the cause is simpler, seems to be to do with generic functions that use computed properties internally, this is as simple as I can get it:
// swiftc crashes when compiling this
func f<T>(t: T) -> Int {
var v: Int {
return 0
return v
so as a workaround, try refactoring the code to not use the computed property.
You could do that, and write this as an extension of the two protocols, like this:
extension Selectable
where Self: Generative,
Self.GeneratedType == NSIndexPath,
Self.SelectableType == NSIndexPath
func selectedIndices() -> [NSIndexPath] {
return self.selectedElements.flatMap {
self.elements.indexOf($0).map { NSIndexPath(index: $0) }


Class extension typealias's property type constraint

Mission: I need to provide an Array extension method which would compare 2 arrays of raw representables whose raw type conforms to Equatable and say if the arrays contain the same elements by reusing the below pieces of code.
What I have at the moment:
public extension Array {
func containsTheSameElements(as array: [Element], condition: #escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Bool {
var localCopy = array
let countOfUncommonElements = reduce(0) { (uncommonElementsCount: Int, item: Element) -> Int in
if let index = localCopy.index(where: {condition(item, $0)}) {
localCopy.remove(at: index)
return uncommonElementsCount
} else {
return uncommonElementsCount + 1
return countOfUncommonElements == 0 && count == array.count
func enumComparisonClosure<T: RawRepresentable>(firstItem: T, secondItem: T) -> Bool where T.RawValue: Equatable {
return firstItem == secondItem
How I'm using it at the moment:
class Somewhere {
enum EnumType: String {
case first
case second
func method() {
let firstArray: [EnumType] = [.first, .second]
let secondArray: [EnumType] = [.second]
firstArray.containsTheSameElements(as: secondArray, condition: enumComparisonClosure)
How I would like to use it:
firstArray.containsTheSameElements(as: secondArray)
How I would like to be able to implement it:
public extension Array {
func containsTheSameElements<Element: RawRepresentable>(as array: [Element]) -> Bool where Element.RawValue: Equatable {
return containsTheSameElements(as: array, condition: enumComparisonClosure)
How can I constrain the Array's extension "Element" typealias to be a RawRepresentable with RawValue of Equatable type?
Or what would be another approach to make this comparison possible?
The constraints on the extension are separated by a comma, not
by &. The containsTheSameElements must take a [T] argument
where T is a RawRepresentable with the same RawValue
as the array elements.
extension Array where Element: RawRepresentable, Element.RawValue: Equatable {
func containsTheSameElements<T>(as array: [T]) -> Bool
where T: RawRepresentable, T.RawValue == Element.RawValue
return self.count == array.count &&
!zip(self, array).contains { $0.rawValue != $1.rawValue }
Update: It is simpler if you need it only for arrays
of the same type:
extension Array where Element: RawRepresentable, Element.RawValue: Equatable {
func containsTheSameElements(as array: [Element]) -> Bool
return self.count == array.count &&
!zip(self, array).contains { $0.rawValue != $1.rawValue }
or, reusing your existing method:
extension Array where Element: RawRepresentable, Element.RawValue: Equatable {
func containsTheSameElements(as array: [Element]) -> Bool
return containsTheSameElements(as: array, condition: enumComparisonClosure)

How to write a generic function for floating point values in swift

I would like to call floating point methods on floating point types in swift.
func example<T : FloatingPoint>(_ x:T) -> T {
return cos(cbrt(x + 1))
Is there a better way to do so than this?
protocol SupportsFloatingPoint : FloatingPoint {
var cubeRoot:Self { get }
var cosine:Self { get }
extension Double : SupportsFloatingPoint {
var cubeRoot:Double { return Darwin.cbrt(self) }
var cosine:Double { return Darwin.cos(self) }
extension Float : SupportsFloatingPoint {
var cubeRoot:Float { return Darwin.cbrt(self) }
var cosine:Float { return Darwin.cos(self) }
func cbrt<T : SupportsFloatingPoint>(_ x:T) -> T {
return x.cubeRoot
func cos<T : SupportsFloatingPoint>(_ x:T) -> T {
return x.cosine
func example<T : SupportsFloatingPoint>(_ x:T) -> T {
return cos(cbrt(x - 1))
Note that the addition operator is lost here. You can do -, * and / but not + on SupportsFloatingPoint types.
Generic Math(s) Functions were proposed in SE-0246, and accepted with modifications. The implementation is currently blocked by some other factors.
In the meanwhile, you can access the same functionality from the Numerics library hosted on Apple's own GitHub page, and distributed with the Swift Package Manager.
Original Answer
You don't need a new protocol. You can extend the existing FloatingPoint protocol for supported types:
// Just for fun :)
prefix operator √
prefix operator ∛
extension FloatingPoint where Self == Double {
var squareRoot: Self { return sqrt(self) }
var cubeRoot: Self { return cbrt(self) }
var sine: Self { return sin(self) }
var cosine: Self { return cos(self) }
static prefix func √(_ x: Self) -> Self { return x.squareRoot }
static prefix func ∛(_ x: Self) -> Self { return x.cubeRoot }
extension FloatingPoint where Self == Float {
var squareRoot: Self { return sqrt(self) }
var cubeRoot: Self { return cbrt(self) }
var sine: Self { return sin(self) }
var cosine: Self { return cos(self) }
static prefix func √(_ x: Self) -> Self { return x.squareRoot }
static prefix func ∛(_ x: Self) -> Self { return x.cubeRoot }
Admittedly, there's a lot of code duplication, which I'm currently investigating how to minimize. On the bright side, at least this is all static, inlineable code that'll produce very fast machine code.

Iterating through an Enum in Swift 3.0

I have a simple enum that I would like to iterate over. For this purpose, I've adopted Sequence and IteratorProtocol as shown in the code below. BTW, this can be copy/pasted to a Playground in Xcode 8.
import UIKit
enum Sections: Int {
case Section0 = 0
case Section1
case Section2
extension Sections : Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> SectionsGenerator {
return SectionsGenerator()
struct SectionsGenerator: IteratorProtocol {
var currentSection = 0
mutating func next() -> Sections? {
guard let item = Sections(rawValue:currentSection) else {
return nil
currentSection += 1
return item
for section in Sections {
But the for-in loop generates the error message "Type 'Sections.Type' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'".
The protocol conformance is in my extension; so, what is wrong with this code?
I know there are other ways of doing this but I'd like to understand what's wrong with this approach.
Note that Martin’s solution can be refactored as a protocol:
import Foundation
protocol EnumSequence
associatedtype T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == Int
static func all() -> AnySequence<T>
extension EnumSequence
static func all() -> AnySequence<T> {
return AnySequence { return EnumGenerator() }
private struct EnumGenerator<T: RawRepresentable>: IteratorProtocol where T.RawValue == Int {
var index = 0
mutating func next() -> T? {
guard let item = T(rawValue: index) else {
return nil
index += 1
return item
Then, given an enum
enum Fruits: Int {
case apple, orange, pear
you slap the protocol and a typealias:
enum Fruits: Int, EnumSequence {
typealias T = Fruits
case apple, orange, pear
Fruits.all().forEach({ print($0) }) // apple orange pear
Update: As of Swift 4.2, you can simply add protocol conformance
to CaseIterable, see How to enumerate an enum with String type?.
You can iterate over a value of a type which conforms to the Sequence
protocol. Therefore
for section in Sections.Section0 {
would compile and give the expected result. But of course that is not
really what you want because the choice of the value is arbitrary and the
value itself not needed in the sequence.
As far as I know, there is no way to iterate over a type itself, so that
for section in Sections {
compiles. That would require that the "metatype" Sections.Type conforms
to Sequence. Perhaps someone proves me wrong.
What you can do is to define a type method which returns a sequence:
extension Sections {
static func all() -> AnySequence<Sections> {
return AnySequence {
return SectionsGenerator()
struct SectionsGenerator: IteratorProtocol {
var currentSection = 0
mutating func next() -> Sections? {
guard let item = Sections(rawValue:currentSection) else {
return nil
currentSection += 1
return item
for section in Sections.all() {
Simply add to enum:
static var allTypes: [Sections] = [.Section0, .Section1, .Section2]
And than you can:
Sections.allTypes.forEach { (section) in
This looks so much simpler:
public protocol EnumSequence {
init?(rawValue: Int)
public extension EnumSequence {
public static var items: [Self] {
var caseIndex: Int = 0
let interator: AnyIterator<Self> = AnyIterator {
let result = Self(rawValue: caseIndex)
caseIndex += 1
return result
return Array(interator)
Iterated upon the solutions above, see below a protocol that can be implemented by enumerations to add the allValues sequence but also to allow the possibility to convert to and from string value.
Very convenient for String-like enumerations which need to support objective c (only int enumerations are allowed there).
public protocol ObjcEnumeration: LosslessStringConvertible, RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int {
static var allValues: AnySequence<Self> { get }
public extension ObjcEnumeration {
public static var allValues: AnySequence<Self> {
return AnySequence {
return IntegerEnumIterator()
public init?(_ description: String) {
guard let enumValue = Self.allValues.first(where: { $0.description == description }) else {
return nil
self.init(rawValue: enumValue.rawValue)
public var description: String {
return String(describing: self)
fileprivate struct IntegerEnumIterator<T: RawRepresentable>: IteratorProtocol where T.RawValue == Int {
private var index = 0
mutating func next() -> T? {
defer {
index += 1
return T(rawValue: index)
For a concrete example:
enum Fruit: Int, ObjcEnumeration {
case apple, orange, pear
Now you can do:
for fruit in Fruit.allValues {
//Prints: "apple", "orange", "pear"
print("Fruit: \(fruit.description)")
if let otherFruit = Fruit(fruit.description), fruit == otherFruit {
print("Fruit could be constructed successfully from its description!")
If your enum is an Int based one, you can do an effective but slightly dirty trick like this.
enum MyEnum: Int {
case One
case Two
extension MyEnum {
func static allCases() -> [MyEnum] {
var allCases = [MyEnum]()
for i in 0..<10000 {
if let type = MyEnum(rawValue: i) {
} else {
return allCases
Then loop over MyEnum.allCases()..

Differences between subscript and functions in Swift

Is there any difference between subscript and a function in swift? Can someone explain me with a little example?
if you mean subscripts for custom classes, then no. looks like they are just syntactic sugar for computed properties
class IHaveASubscript<T> {
private var array: Array<T>
init() {
array = []
subscript (index: Int) -> T {
get {
return array[index]
set(newValue) {
array[index] = newValue
func elementAtIndex(index: Int) -> T {
return array[index]
func setElementAtIndex(index: Int, element: T) {
array[index] = element

Access to stored properties of a struct from a extension in Swift

I'm trying to implement a Stack struct in Swift and making it comply to Generator and Sequence.
class Stack<T> {
var items:Array<T>
var depth : Int{ return items.count}
items = Array<T>()
func push(elm:T){
items += elm
func pop()->T?{
if depth > 0{
return items.removeLast()
return nil
I get into trouble when trying to make it comply to Generator. I tried adding a nested type through an extension, that's when I get an error:
extension Stack{
struct StackGenerator: Generator{
var current = 0
mutating func next() -> T?{
let rc = items[current] // Get an error here: can't access items in Stack
The compiler won't let me access the Stack.items property form within StackGenerator. Is this to be expected? How can I work around this?
Generic types can't have nested types - you need to either build StackGenerator outside of your Stack declaration, or use the GeneratorOf<T> type in your generate function.
The first option could look like this:
class Stack<T> : SequenceType {
var items: Array<T>
var depth: Int { return items.count }
items = Array<T>()
func push(elm:T){
items += [elm]
func pop()->T?{
if depth > 0 {
return items.removeLast()
} else {
return nil
func generate() -> StackGenerator<T> {
return StackGenerator(stack: self)
struct StackGenerator<T>: GeneratorType {
typealias Element = T
var current = 0
var stack: Stack<T>
init (stack: Stack<T>) {
self.stack = stack
mutating func next() -> T? {
if current < self.stack.items.count {
return self.stack.items[current++] // Get an error here: can't access items in Stack
return nil