Use powershell tabexpansion function - powershell

When I run the statement man tabexpansion it shows that I simply need to provide -line and -lastword.
However, when I run a statement like this:
tabexpansion -line "c:/win" -lastword "c:/win"
It returns nothing.
Shouldn't it show at least C:\Windows? What am I doing wrong?

tabexpansion is a function involved in doing tab handling during manual command entry. It performs completion of various types of objects, like path names, variable names, function/cmdlet names, etc. The interface to this function is discussed at this SO post. The booked referenced describes overriding TabExpansion2.
I read elsewhere that TabExpansion is used in PS 2.0, whereas TabExpansion2 is used in 3.0.
As to why TabExpansion doesn't return anything, I can only answer for my system (which has PS 3.0). On my system cat function:tabexpansion gives:
[String] $line,
[String] $lastWord
process {
if ($line -eq "Install-Module $lastword" -or $line -eq "inmo $lastword"
-or $line -eq "ismo $lastword" -or $line -eq "upmo $lastword"
-or $line -eq "Update-Module $lastword") {
Get-PsGetModuleInfo -ModuleName "$lastword*" | % { $_.Id } | sort -Unique
elseif ( Test-Path -Path Function:\$tabExpansionBackup ) {
& $tabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord
Unless $line begins with a few specific tokens it goes to the elseif statement. There if the variable $tabexpansionBackup is not defined, the function is exited with no output. With the input in the OP, it gives the output you're seeing - none.


Is there a way to show all functions in a PowerShell script?

Is there any command to list all functions I've created in a script?
Like i created function doXY and function getABC or something like this.
Then I type in the command and it shows:
Function doXY
Function getABC
Would be a cool feature^^
Thanks for all your help.
You can have PowerShell parse your script, and then locate the function definitions in the resulting Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
Get-Command is probably the easiest way to access the AST:
# Use Get-Command to parse the script
$myScript = Get-Command .\path\to\script.ps1
$scriptAST = $myScript.ScriptBlock.AST
# Search the AST for function definitions
$functionDefinitions = $scriptAST.FindAll({
$args[0] -is [Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]
}, $false)
# Report function name and line number in the script
$functionDefinitions |ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Function '$($_.Name)' found on line $($_.StartLineNumber)!"
You can also use this to analyze the functions' contents and parameters if necessary.
Where your script is named things.ps1, something like...
cat ./things.ps1 | grep function
For MacOS/Linux or...
cat ./things.ps1 | select-string function
For Windows.
This is a built-in feature as shown in the PowerShell help files.
Similar questions have been asked before. So, this is a potential duplicate of:
How to get a list of custom Powershell functions?
Answers... Using the PSDrive feature
# To get a list of available functions
Get-ChildItem function:\
# To remove a powershell function
# removes `someFunction`
Remove-Item function:\someFunction
Function Get-MyCommands {
Get-Content -Path $profile | Select-String -Pattern "^function.+" | ForEach-Object {
[Regex]::Matches($_, "^function ([a-z.-]+)","IgnoreCase").Groups[1].Value
} | Where-Object { $_ -ine "prompt" } | Sort-Object
Or this one
Get List Of Functions From Script
$currentFunctions = Get-ChildItem function:
# dot source your script to load it to the current runspace
. "C:\someScript.ps1"
$scriptFunctions = Get-ChildItem function: | Where-Object { $currentFunctions -notcontains $_ }
$scriptFunctions | ForEach-Object {
& $_.ScriptBlock
As for this...
Thanks, this is kind of what i want, but it also shows functions like
A:, B:, Get-Verb, Clear-Host, ...
That is by design. If you want it another way, then you have to code that.
To get name of functions in any script, it has to be loaded into memory first, then you can dot source the definition and get the internals. If you just want the function names, you can use regex to get them.
Or as simple as this...
Function Show-ScriptFunctions
(Get-Content -Path $FullPathToScriptFile) |
Select-String -Pattern 'function'
ssf -FullPathToScriptFile 'D:\Scripts\Format-NumericRange.ps1'
# Results
function Format-NumericRange
function Flush-NumberBuffer
This function will parse all the functions included in a .ps1 file, and then will return objects for each function found.
The output can be piped directly into Invoke-Expression to load the retuned functions into the current scope.
You can also provide an array of desired names, or a Regular Expression to constrain the results.
My use case was I needed a way for loading individual functions from larger scripts, that I don't own, so I could do pester testing.
Note: only tested in PowerShell 7, but I suspect it will work in older versions too.
function Get-Function {
Returns a named function from a .ps1 file without executing the file
This is useful where you have a blended file containing functions and executed instructions.
If neither -Names nor -Regex are provided then all functions in the file are returned.
Returned objects can be piped directly into Invoke-Expression which will place them into the current scope.
Returns an array of objects with the following
- .ToString()
- .Name
- .Parameters
- .Body
- .Extent
- .IsFilter
- .IsWorkFlow
- .Parent
Array of Strings; Optional
If provided then function objects of these names will be returned
The name must exactly match the provided value
Case Insensitive.
Regular Expression; Optional
If provided then function objects with names that match will be returned
Case Insensitive
Get all the functions names included in the file
Get-Function -name TestA | select name
Import a function into the current scope
Get-Function -name TestA | Invoke-Expression
param (
$File = "c:\fullpath\SomePowerShellScriptFile.ps1"
[alias("Name", "FunctionNames", "Functions")]
) # end function
# get the script and parse it
$Script = Get-Command /Users/royomi/Documents/dev/javascript/BenderBot_AI/Import-Function.ps1
$AllFunctions = $Script.ScriptBlock.AST.FindAll({$args[0] -is [Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]}, $false)
# return all requested functions
$AllFunctions | Where-Object { `
( $Names -and $Names -icontains $_.Name ) `
-or ( $Regex -and $Names -imatch $Regex ) `
-or (-not $Names -and -not $Regex) `
} # end where-object
} # end function Get-Function

Why doesn't my condition (-not A -and (A -or B -or C)) work?

I wrote _in function to detect if we must install packages or not. The arguments -packages and +packages work but +base and +full don't work, how can I fix it ?
function _in {
foreach ($i in $scriptArgs) {
if ($i -eq $find) {
return 1
return 0
# Install packages
if (-not (_in("-packages")) -and (_in("+packages") -or _in("+base") -or _in("+full"))) {
PrintInfo "* Installing packages"
This works:
PS> powershell .\scripts\win\install_zds.ps1 +packages
* Installing packages
PS> powershell .\scripts\win\install_zds.ps1 +packages -packages
-packages disables package installation and +packages enables package installation.
This doesn't work:
PS> powershell .\scripts\win\install_zds.ps1 +base
PS> powershell .\scripts\win\install_zds.ps1 +full
+base and +full should enable package installation.
EDIT: I would like understand why:
I follow PetSerAI comment, then, I remove the parentheses like this:
if (-not (_in "-packages") -and ((_in "+packages") -or (_in "+base") -or (_in "+full"))) { }
This works, but I don't understand why. I found this explain about parentheses in PowerShell:
Powershell is a parsed and interpreted language. The interpreter see's parenthesis as a control structure and is not expected or required at the Call Site.
But with test-function("Hello"), hello is string not a structure.
function Test-Function {
"String: $hello"
Test-Function "Hello"
The expression
-not (_in("-packages")) -and (_in("+packages") -or _in("+base") -or _in("+full"))
isn't evaluated in the way you apparently expect.
PowerShell functions (unlike method calls) expect their arguments as a whitespace separated list without parentheses, i.e. _in("foo") should be _in "foo". The parentheses aren't syntactically wrong (_in("foo") is a valid expression), but PowerShell will parse the parentheses as a grouping expression, which is evaluated first. Meaning that PowerShell will first expand _in("foo") to _in "foo" before actually calling the function.
However, since you're putting function calls in a boolean expression you need to put grouping parentheses around each function call to have the function calls evaluated first, so that the result of the function calls is used in the boolean expression:
(_in "foo") -and (_in "bar")
Without that the boolean operators would be parsed as parameters for the first function. In other words
_in("foo") -and _in("bar")
would be expanded to
_in "foo" -and _in "bar"
which would then invoke the function _in() with the arguments foo, -and, _in, and bar.
Because of that your condition must be written as
-not (_in "-packages") -and ((_in "+packages") -or (_in "+base") -or (_in "+full"))
With that said, what you're trying to implement would not only re-implement the -in/-contains operators, it is also contrary to normal PowerShell parameter handling. I strongly recommend you look into advanced function parameters and parameter sets. They work on both function and script level.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='base', Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='full', Mandatory=$true)]
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
'none' { 'install nothing' }
'base' { 'base install' }
'full' { 'full install' }
Note that Powershell is very unusual when it comes to -and and -or, they have equal precedence. Most other languages aren't like this (C#, vbscript...). It seems like it was overlooked in the beginning, and now they don't want to break existing scripts.
$true -or $true -and $false
$true -or ($true -and $false)
This is more typical behavior, with + and *. * has higher priority than +.
1 + 2 * 3
(1 + 2) * 3

Pass a single space-delimited string as multiple arguments

I have a Powershell function in which I am trying to allow the user to add or remove items from a list by typing the word "add" or "remove" followed by a space-delimited list of items. I have an example below (slightly edited, so you can just drop the code into a powershell prompt to test it "live").
$Script:ServerList = #("Server01","Server02","Server03")
Function EditServerList (){
$Script:ServerList = $Script:ServerList |Sort -Unique
Write-host -ForegroundColor Green $Script:ServerList
$Inputs = $args
If ($Inputs[0] -eq "start"){
$Edits = Read-Host "Enter `"add`" or `"remove`" followed by a space-delimited list of server names"
#"# EditServerList $Edits
# EditServerList $Edits.split(' ')
EditServerList ($Edits.split(' ') |Where {$_ -NotLike "add","remove"})
EditServerList start
} Elseif ($Inputs[0] -eq "add"){
$Script:ServerList += $Inputs |where {$_ -NotLike $Inputs[0]}
EditServerList start
} Elseif ($Inputs[0] -eq "remove"){
$Script:ServerList = $Script:ServerList |Where {$_ -NotLike ($Inputs |Where {$_ -Notlike $Inputs[0]})}
EditServerList start
} Else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "ERROR!"
EditServerList start
EditServerList start
As you can see, the function takes in a list of arguments. The first argument is evaluated in the If/Then statements and then the rest of the arguments are treated as items to add or remove from the list.
I have tried a few different approaches to this, which you can see commented out in the first IF evaluation.
I have two problems.
When I put in something like "add Server05 Server06" (without quotes) it works, but it also drops in the word "add".
When I put in "remove Server02 Server03" (without quotes) it does not edit the array at all.
Can anybody point out where I'm going wrong, or suggest a better approach to this?
To address the title's generic question up front:
When you pass an array to a function (and nothing else), $Args receives a single argument containing the whole array, so you must use $Args[0] to access it.
There is a way to pass an array as individual arguments using splatting, but it requires an intermediate variable - see bottom.
To avoid confusion around such issues, formally declare your parameters.
Try the following:
$Script:ServerList = #("Server01", "Server02", "Server03")
Function EditServerList () {
# Split the arguments, which are all contained in $Args[0],
# into the command (1st token) and the remaining
# elements (as an array).
$Cmd, $Servers = $Args[0]
If ($Cmd -eq "start"){
While ($true) {
Write-host -ForegroundColor Green $Script:ServerList
$Edits = Read-Host "Enter `"add`" or `"remove`" followed by a space-delimited list of server names"
#"# Pass the array of whitespace-separated tokens to the recursive
# invocation to perform the requested edit operation.
EditServerList (-split $Edits)
} ElseIf ($Cmd -eq "add") {
# Append the $Servers array to the list, weeding out duplicates and
# keeping the list sorted.
$Script:ServerList = $Script:ServerList + $Servers | Sort-Object -Unique
} ElseIf ($Cmd -eq "remove") {
# Remove all specified $Servers from the list.
# Note that servers that don't exist in the list are quietly ignored.
$Script:ServerList = $Script:ServerList | Where-Object { $_ -notin $Servers }
} Else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "ERROR!"
EditServerList start
Note how a loop is used inside the "start" branch to avoid running out of stack space, which could happen if you keep recursing.
$Cmd, $Servers = $Args[0] destructures the array of arguments (contained in the one and only argument that was passed - see below) into the 1st token - (command string add or remove) and the array of the remaining arguments (server names).
Separating the arguments into command and server-name array up front simplifies the remaining code.
The $var1, $var2 = <array> technique to split the RHS into its first element - assigned as a scalar to $var1 - and the remaining elements - assigned as an array to $var2, is commonly called destructuring or unpacking; it is documented in Get-Help about_Assignment Operators, albeit without giving it such a name.
-split $Edits uses the convenient unary form of the -split operator to break the user input into an array of whitespace-separated token and passes that array to the recursive invocation.
Note that EditServerList (-split $Edits) passes a single argument that is an array - which is why $Args[0] must be used to access it.
Using PowerShell's -split operator (as opposed to .Split(' ')) has the added advantage of ignoring leading and trailing whitespace and ignoring multiple spaces between entries.
In general, operator -split is preferable to the [string] type's .Split() method - see this answer of mine.
Not how containment operator -notin, which accepts an array as the RHS, is used in Where-Object { $_ -notin $Servers } in order to filter out values from the server list contained in $Servers.
As for what you tried:
EditServerList ($Edits.split(' ') |Where {$_ -NotLike "add","remove"}) (a) mistakenly attempts to remove the command name from the argument array, even though the recursive invocations require it, but (b) actually fails to do so, because the RHS of -like doesn't support arrays. (As an aside: since you're looking for exact strings, -eq would have been the better choice.)
Since you're passing the arguments as an array as the first and only argument, $Inputs[0] actually refers to the entire array (command name + server names), not just to its first element (the command name).
You got away with ($Inputs[0] -eq "add") - even though the entire array was compared - because the -eq operator performs array filtering if its LHS is an array, returning a sub-array of matching elements. Since add was among the elements, a 1-element sub-array was returned, which, in a Boolean context, is "truthy".
However, your attempt to weed out the command name with where {$_ -NotLike $Inputs[0]} then failed, and add was not removed - you'd actually have to compare to $Inputs[0][0] (sic).
Where {$_ -NotLike ($Inputs |Where {$_ -Notlike $Inputs[0]})} doesn't filter anything out for the following reasons:
($Inputs |Where {$_ -Notlike $Inputs[0]}) always returns an empty array, because, the RHS of -Notlike is an array, which, as stated, doesn't work.
Therefore, the command is the equivalent of Where {$_ -NotLike #() } which returns $True for any scalar on the LHS.
Passing an array as individual arguments using splatting
Argument splatting (see Get-Help about_Splatting) works with arrays, too:
> function foo { $Args.Count } # function that outputs the argument count.
> foo #(1, 2) # pass array
1 # single parameter, containing array
> $arr = #(1, 2); foo #arr # splatting: array elements are passed as indiv. args.
Note how an intermediate variable is required, and how it must be prefixed with # rather than $ to perform the splatting.
I'd use parameters to modify the ServerList, this way you can use a single line to both add and remove:
Function EditServerList {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "ServerList Contains: $ServerList"
$Servers = $ServerList.split(' ')
if ($add) {
$Servers += $add.split(' ')
if ($remove) {
$Servers = $Servers | Where-Object { $remove.split(' ') -notcontains $_ }
return $Servers
Then you can call the function like this:
EditServerList -ServerList "Server01 Server02 Server03" -remove "Server02 Server03" -add "Server09 Server10"
Which will return:

how to write streaming function in powershell

I tried to create a function that emulates Linux's head:
Function head( )
param (
[parameter(mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Object[]] $inputs,
[parameter(position=0, mandatory=$false)] [String] $liness = "10",
[parameter(position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] [String[]] $filess
$lines = 0
if (![int]::TryParse($liness, [ref]$lines)) {
$lines = 10
$filess = ,$liness + (#{$true=#();$false=$filess}[$null -eq $filess])
$read = 0
$input | select-object -First $lines
if ($filess) {
get-content -TotalCount $lines $filess
The problem is that this will actually read all the content (whether by reading $filess or from $input) and then print the first, where I'd want head to read the first lines and forget about the rest so it can work with large files.
How can this function be rewritten?
Well, as far as I know, you are overdoing it slightly...
"Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, Select-Object includes an optimization feature that prevents commands from creating and processing objects that are not used. When you include a Select-Object command with the First or Index parameter in a command pipeline, Windows PowerShell stops the command that generates the objects as soon as the selected number of objects is generated, even when the command that generates the objects appears before the Select-Object command in the pipeline. To turn off this optimizing behavior, use the Wait parameter."
So all you need to do is:
Get-Content -Path somefile | Select-Object -First 10 #or pass a variable

How does Select-Object stop the pipeline in PowerShell v3?

In PowerShell v2, the following line:
1..3| foreach { Write-Host "Value : $_"; $_ }| select -First 1
Would display:
Value : 1
Value : 2
Value : 3
Since all elements were pushed down the pipeline. However, in v3 the above line displays only:
Value : 1
The pipeline is stopped before 2 and 3 are sent to Foreach-Object (Note: the -Wait switch for Select-Object allows all elements to reach the foreach block).
How does Select-Object stop the pipeline, and can I now stop the pipeline from a foreach or from my own function?
Edit: I know I can wrap a pipeline in a do...while loop and continue out of the pipeline. I have also found that in v3 I can do something like this (it doesn't work in v2):
function Start-Enumerate ($array) {
do{ $array } while($false)
Start-Enumerate (1..3)| foreach {if($_ -ge 2){break};$_}; 'V2 Will Not Get Here'
But Select-Object doesn't require either of these techniques so I was hoping that there was a way to stop the pipeline from a single point in the pipeline.
Check this post on how you can cancel a pipeline:
In PowerShell 3.0 it's an engine improvement. From the CTP1 samples folder ('\Engines Demos\Misc\ConnectBugFixes.ps1'):
# Connect Bug 332685
# Select-Object optimization
# Submitted by Shay Levi
# Connect Suggestion 286219
# PSV2: Lazy pipeline - ability for cmdlets to say "NO MORE"
# Submitted by Karl Prosser
# Stop the pipeline once the objects have been selected
# Useful for commands that return a lot of objects, like dealing with the event log
# In PS 2.0, this took a long time even though we only wanted the first 10 events
Start-Process powershell.exe -Args '-Version 2 -NoExit -Command Get-WinEvent | Select-Object -First 10'
# In PS 3.0, the pipeline stops after retrieving the first 10 objects
Get-WinEvent | Select-Object -First 10
After trying several methods, including throwing StopUpstreamCommandsException, ActionPreferenceStopException, and PipelineClosedException, calling $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError and $ExecutionContext.Host.Runspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline().stopper.set_IsStopping($true) I finally found that just utilizing select-object was the only thing that didn't abort the whole script (versus just the pipeline). [Note that some of the items mentioned above require access to private members, which I accessed via reflection.]
# This looks like it should put a zero in the pipeline but on PS 3.0 it doesn't
function stop-pipeline {
$sp = {select-object -f 1}.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
$x = $sp.Process(0) # this call doesn't return
New method follows based on comment from OP. Unfortunately this method is a lot more complicated and uses private members. Also I don't know how robust this - I just got the OP's example to work and stopped there. So FWIW:
# wh is alias for write-host
# sel is alias for select-object
# The following two use reflection to access private members:
# invoke-method invokes private methods
# select-properties is similar to select-object, but it gets private properties
# Get the assembly
? location -like "**"
# Get the StopUpstreamCommandsException class
$upcet=$smaa.gettypes()| ? name -like "*upstream*"
filter x {
[object] $inputObject
process {
if ($inputObject -ge 5) {
# Create a StopUpstreamCommandsException
$upce = [activator]::CreateInstance($upcet,#($pscmdlet))
$PipelineProcessor=$pscmdlet.CommandRuntime|select-properties PipelineProcessor
$commands = $PipelineProcessor|select-properties commands
$commandProcessor= $commands[0]
$null = $upce.RequestingCommandProcessor|select-properties *
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor.commandinfo =
$commandProcessor|select-properties commandinfo
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor.Commandruntime =
$commandProcessor|select-properties commandruntime
$null = $PipelineProcessor|
invoke-method recordfailure #($upce, $commandProcessor.command)
1..($commands.count-1) | % {
$commands[$_] | invoke-method DoComplete
wh throwing
throw $upce
wh "< $inputObject >"
} # end process
end {
wh in x end
} # end filter x
filter y {
[object] $inputObject
process {
end {
wh in y end
1..5| x | y | measure -Sum
PowerShell code to retrieve PipelineProcessor value through reflection:
$t_cmdRun = $pscmdlet.CommandRuntime.gettype()
# Get pipelineprocessor value ($pipor)
$bindFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]"NonPublic,Instance"
$piporProp = $t_cmdRun.getproperty("PipelineProcessor", $bindFlags )
Powershell code to invoke method through reflection:
$proc = (gps)[12] # semi-random process
$methinfo = $proc.gettype().getmethod("GetComIUnknown", $bindFlags)
# Return ComIUnknown as an IntPtr
$comIUnknown = $methinfo.Invoke($proc, #($true))
I know that throwing a PipelineStoppedException stops the pipeline. The following example will simulate what you see with Select -first 1 in v3.0, in v2.0:
filter Select-Improved($first) {
$count = 0
if($count -ge $first){throw (new-object System.Management.Automation.PipelineStoppedException)}
1..3| foreach { Write-Host "Value : $_"; $_ }| Select-Improved -first 1
write-host "after"