Specman e wait until threads finish (non time consuming method) - specman

Is there any way to get unit3.thread() to run after the other two threads?
run() is also
start unit1.thread();
start unit2.thread();
I would like threads in unit 1 and 2 to run in parallel and for thread 3 to run after they have both completed. However since run() is not a time consuming method solutions such as:
all of
Are not allowed.
Is there any way to make unit3.thread() wait until the previous threads are finished?

You can accomplish this with events by manually firing events when unit1 and unit2 are done:
extend sys {
event u1_done;
event u2_done;
run() is also {
all of {
{ unit1.thread(); }
{ unit2.thread(); }
on #u1_done and #u2_done unit3.thread();
Then in unit1 and unit2 issue these statements when you are done:
emit u1_done;
and for unit2:
emit u2_done;
I don't have access to Specman right now, so the syntax may not be spot on, however I've used this technique.


FreeRTOS ignores osDelay [STM32]

I am new here, but have often benefited from questions and their results.
Now I have a problem that I can not solve for days. It is about a STM32L431RCT6 with FreeRTOS. There are 3 tasks running on it. Two of them are dedicated to processing CanOpenNode (1 to send data, 1 to receive). One is a custom controller. The code works as it is, but when I enable the CRC unit (MX_CRC_Init()) the problem appears. With the CRC unit enabled, only the task to receive the data from Canopen is executed. The other tasks are set to "Ready". What I notice is that the osDelay() used in the receive task seems to be ignored. It doesn't seem to matter if I use osDelay(1) or osDelay(10000).
void start_CO_rec_Thread(void *argument)
/* USER CODE BEGIN start_CO_TI_Thread */
/* Infinite loop */
/* USER CODE END start_CO_TI_Thread */
Something else is added. If I remove functions and variables in the task by starting an own controller, the processing of the tasks works again. Now I have concluded that the tasks need more stack memory. But this is also not the solution of the puzzle...
Working Code:
void Start_Controller(void *argument)
Sensor = new DS18B20(htim6);
Regler = new Smithpredictor(Sensor);
// osTimerStart(LifetimerHandle, 1000);
if (global_state==4)
actual_Temperatur = Regler->run(target_Temperature);
Not Working Code:
void Start_Controller(void *argument)
Sensor = new DS18B20(htim6);
Regler = new Smithpredictor(Sensor);
osTimerStart(LifetimerHandle, 1000);
if (global_state==4)
actual_Temperatur = Regler->run(target_Temperature);
I hope someone has an idea how to proceed or can help me. Even if it is just another way to further identify the problem. Maybe I have also committed some stupidity, I am unfortunately not a computer scientist.

Will an item submitted to the main `DispatchQueue` ever interrupt currently executing code on the main thread?

The below code is used to execute a long running calculation on a background thread:
enum CalculationInterface {
private static var latestKey: AnyObject? // Used to cancel previous calculations when a new one is initiated.
static func output(from input: Input, return: #escaping (Output?) -> ()) {
self.latestKey = EmptyObject()
let key = self.latestKey! // Made to enable capturing `self.latestKey's` value.
DispatchQueue.global().async {
do {
let output = try calculateOutput(from: input, shouldContinue: { key === self.latestKey }) // Function cancels by throwing an error.
DispatchQueue.main.async { if (key === self.latestKey) { `return`(output) } }
} catch {}
This function is called from the main thread like so:
/// Initiates calculation of the output and sets it to the result when finished.
private func recalculateOutput() {
self.output = .calculating // Triggers calculation in-progress animation for user.
CalculationInterface.output(from: input) { self.output = $0 } // Ends animation once set and displays calculated output to user.
I'm wondering if it's possible for the closure that's pushed to DispatchQueue.main to execute while the main thread is running my code. Or in other words execute after self.output = .calculating but before self.latestKey is re-set to the new object. If it could, then the stale calculation output could be displayed to the user.
I'm wondering if it's possible for the closure that's pushed to DispatchQueue.main to execute while the main thread is running my code
No, it isn't possible. The main queue is a serial queue. If code is running on the main queue, no "other" main queue code can run. Your DispatchQueue.main.async effectively means: "Wait until all code running on the main queue comes naturally to an end, and then run this on the main queue."
On the other hand, DispatchQueue.global() is not a serial queue. Thus it is theoretically possible for two calls to calculateOutput to overlap. That isn't something you want to have happen; you want to be sure that any executing instance of calculateOutput finishes (and we proceed to grapple with the latestKey) before another one can start. In other words, you want to ensure that the sequence
set latestKey on the main thread
perform calculateOutput in the background
look at latestKey on the main thread
happens coherently. The way to ensure that is to set aside a DispatchQueue that you create with DispatchQueue(label:), that you will always use for running calculateOutput. That queue will be a serial queue by default.

How can I know my Stopwatch has run?

I use several stopwatches in my application. They are all created together, but only some of them have actually run (due to exceptions earlier in the code or other things).
After my application has run, I'm creating my report using those stopwatches. For instance, I'm doing the following:
Stopwatch subStopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
Stopwatch mainStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
try {
// do something 1
// do something 2
} finally {
System.out.printf("Total run time: %s%n", mainStopwatch);
if (!subStopwatch.isRunning()) {
System.out.printf(" including sub run time: %s%n", subStopwatch);
The problem in this code is that if something happens in "do something 1" (return, exception), subStopwatch will be printed anyways.
The following solutions work:
- Using a boolean to indicate I started the stopwatch.
- Using a stopwatch more locally and using a report mechanism that contains the information I'm looking for.
But the main question remains: can I know that a stopwatch has run using Stopwatch only.
You can check the elapsed time on the stopwatch:
if (subStopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) > 0) {
// it ran

JeroMQ shutdown correctly

I am wondering how to shutdown JeroMQ properly, so far I know three methods that all have their pro and cons and I have no clue which one is the best.
The situation:
Thread A: owns context, shall provide start/stop methods
Thread B: actual listener thread
My current method:
Thread A
static ZContext CONTEXT = new ZContext();
Thread thread;
public void start() {
thread = new Thread(new B()).start();
public void stop() {
thread.stopping = true;
Thread B
boolean stopping = false;
ZMQ.Socket socket;
public void run() {
socket = CONTEXT.createSocket(ROUTER);
... // socket setup
while (!stopping) {
if (NUM_SOCKETS >= 1) {
} else {
This works just great. 10ms to shutdown is no problem for me, but I will unnecessarily increase the CPU load when there are no messages received. At the moment I prefer this one.
The second method shares the socket between the two threads:
Thread A
static ZContext CONTEXT = new ZContext();
ZMQ.Socket socket;
Thread thread;
public void start() {
socket = CONTEXT.createSocket(ROUTER);
... // socket setup
thread = new Thread(new B(socket)).start();
public void stop() {
thread.stopping = true;
Thread B
boolean stopping = false;
ZMQ.Socket socket;
public void run() {
try {
while (!stopping) {
} catch (ClosedSelection) {
// socket closed by A
socket = null;
if (socket != null) {
// close socket myself
if (NUM_SOCKETS >= 1) {
} else {
Works like a charm, too, but even if recv is already blocking the exception does not get thrown sometimes. If I wait one millisecond after I started thread A the exception is always thrown. I don't know if this is a bug or just an effect of my misuse, as I share the socket.
"revite" asked this question before (https://github.com/zeromq/jeromq/issues/116) and got an answer which is the third solution:
They call ctx.term() and interrupt the thread blocking in socket.recv().
This works fine, but I do not want to terminate my whole context, but just this single socket. I would have to use one context per socket, so I were not able to use inproc.
At the moment I have no clue how to get thread B out of its blocking state other than using timeouts, share the socket or terminate the whole context.
What is the correct way of doing this?
It is often mentioned that you can just destroy the zmq context and anything sharing that context will exit, however this creates a nightmare because your exiting code has to do its best in avoiding a minefield of accidentally calling into dead socket objects.
Attempting to close the socket doesn't work either because they are not thread safe and you'll end up with crashes.
ANSWER: The best way is to do as the ZeroMQ guide suggests for any use via multiple threads; use zmq sockets and not thread mutexes/locks/etc. Set up an additional listener socket that you'll connect&send something to on shutdown, and your run() should used a JeroMQ Poller to check which of your two sockets receive anything - if the additional socket receives something then exit.
Old question, but just in case...
I'd recommend checking out ZThread source. You should be able to create an instance of IAttachedRunnable that you can pass to the fork method, and the run method of your instance will be passed a PAIR socket and execute in another thread, while the fork will return the connected PAIR socket to use for communicating with the PAIR socket that your IAttachedRunnable got.
Check out the jeromq source here, even when you're doing a "blocking" recv, you're still burning CPU the entire time (the thread never sleeps). If you're worried about that, have the second thread sleep between polling and let the parent thread interrupt. Something like (just the relevant portions):
Thread A
public void stop() {
Thread B
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
socket.recv(); // do whatever
try {
Thread.sleep(10); //milliseconds
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Also, with regard to your second solution, in general you should not share sockets between threads - the zeromq guide is pretty clear on this - "Don't share ØMQ sockets between threads. ØMQ sockets are not threadsafe." Remember that a major use for ZMQ is IPC - threads communicating through connected sockets, not sharing the same end of one socket. No need for things like shared boolean stop variables.

Play framework 2.0 long running tasks

My app has a long running task (anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours) that I can start through an admin panel.
I need a good way to know whether the task is currently running or not, so I can display the status on the admin panel and to prevent the task from being started twice.
Currently my code looks like this (simplified):
object TaskMonitor extends Controller {
var isRunning = false
// Displays the task status on the admin panel
def status = Action {
Ok.chunked(running &> Comet(callback = "parent.running"))
// Check task status every 100 ms
lazy val running: Enumerator[String] = {
Enumerator.generateM {
Promise.timeout(Some(isRunning.toString), 100 milliseconds)
// start the task, but only if it's not already running
def startTask = Action {
if (!isRunning) {
isRunning = true
val f = scala.concurrent.Future { Task.start }
f onComplete {
case _ => isRunning = false
Obviously this is has all kinds of issues, mainly the fact that I have unsynchronized mutable state (isRunning variable) in my controller.
What would be the correct way to go about what I want to achieve ?
You're right, you have unsynchronized mutable state. Is it really a problem? I mean this is your admin right? How many concurrent 'startTask' are you gonna send?
The recommended way to handle this in Play! is to use an Akka actor - you don't need any extra dependency, Play! includes Akka already.
Create an actor to hold your isRunning value; in startTask you can send a message to the actor to start the task (the actor will check if the task is not already running). To send the current status of the task you can query the actor for the value of isRunning.
This will give you a protected mutable state. Your choice to decide if it's really worth the trouble.