Wordpress website displaying blank - plugins

May be there is some error in plugin, due to this my website displaying blank.
But when I comment this code in wp-setting.php then display but without plugins
foreach ( wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() as $plugin ) {
wp_register_plugin_realpath( $plugin );
include_once( $plugin );
What problem may be ?

First start by logging in to your FTP, going into wp-content folder and renaming the "plugins" folder to "plugins.old"...then try logging on to the site.
If that works, go into the dashboard and click plugins (you'll see that they've all been deactivated). Rename your plugins folder back to plugins and one by one, activate them. If the site crashes, that plugin that you just activated is bad.


TYPO3 11.5.2 static template "site package" not showing up

TYPO3 11.5.2
I'm following the TYPO3 Sitepackage Tutorial.
At the topic Extension installation I can't solve the issue that the static template "site package" does not show up in "Available Items" list.
TL;DR: solution: access rights to the extensions folder were wrong for apache/php to read.
The extension is installed via composer and visible:
But no static template to pick:
I actually did the whole process twice, the first time I changed the site package source, which I downloaded from github , to have our local names, so I thought, ok I did it wrong. The second attempt I didn't change anything but with the same result.
And idea how I can find out what's happening or why the desired result is not happening?
Why can't I pick the site package static template?
I found something which may lead to a solution:
When I do "Admin Tools -> Upgrade -> Scan Extension Files" I get an error for extension "site package":
(1/1) #1499777330 RuntimeException
Extension path /var/www/html/typo3_11/public/typo3conf/ext/site_package does not exist or is no directory.
which comes from
in /var/www/html/typo3_11/public/typo3/sysext/install/Classes/Controller/UpgradeController.php line 681
if (!is_dir($extensionBasePath)) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
'Extension path ' . $extensionBasePath . ' does not exist or is no directory.',
The reason is clear, because it's not a directory but a symbolic link to ../../../local_packages/site_package
which is the recommended way. So this may be not related to the issue that the static template doesn't show in the "Availabe items" list, but perhaps it helps to find the real reason.
Removing the symbolic link and moving folder "site package" from local_packages to typo3conf/ext resolves the issue, the static template "site package" is available in "Available items". This doesn't seem to be a viable solution because of the recommended way this should be installed via composer. Or perhaps there is something wrong in the composer installation?
It should be available there with this code (manual).
After clearing system caches, I would expect it to show up.

How do I unstage a Moodle update

After logging in to my Moodle as admin, I clicked the link to update to the latest available Moodle version. However, the new version won't work with my hosting site's MySQL version. Simple enough, I just selected the cancel button. Nope. The cancel button does nothing. Additionally, whenever I log in as admin, I am redirected to the update confirmation page where I can't actually perform the update or cancel the action. The web hosting service restored a previous version from backup, but the very next time I logged in as admin I was right back at the same update page.
Is there any way to unstage/delete/remove the "I want to update my Moodle" flag/action/request/whatever from the Moodle database/data files?
Thank you for your help!
When you download the new version of Moodle, it overwrites the existing files. You need to move all your files from the Moodle code directory (NOT your Moodle data directory) into another directory, then download a clean copy of your previous version of Moodle (from Moodle.org) and place it in your original directory.
Once that is done, you will need to copy across your config.php file, along with any extra plugins you had installed.
After that, you should be able to log back into your site and it should be back to running as normal again.
Before you do any future upgrades, there is a compatibility check built into Moodle itself (I think it is somewhere under site admin > server, but I don't have a site open at the moment to check). It is worth looking at that before downloading the upgrade.

laravel Server error 500 in cpanel hosting

I'm hosting laravel 5.1 in my cpanel but it always accured error.I tried every method (htaccess, chmod 644 and storage give o r+W) but it doesn't work in my cpanel but when i removed following line from index.php of public folder it give access to index.php file:
$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
$response = $kernel->handle(
$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
so it give access to mine folder . Can anybody help me? can it cause due to php version of cpanel?
Paste this code at the top of your index.php file which will be in the public folder:
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');
Then visit the URL of your project and there you will see the issue because which laravel is throwing this error.
For Laravel, these are required, confirm this
PHP >= 5.5.9
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
Procedure on how to host your Laravel 5.1.* application on any shared hosting:
Open Filezilla or any of your favorite FTP Client.
Login and get into the home directory of your hosting account.
Create directory called laravel-app or anything that you want inside your shared hosting account home directory.
Copy everything except public directory from your application's root directory inside the newly created folder. In this case laravel-app.
Now copy the contents of public directory in your public_html directory.
Once everything is uploaded, open up index.php file which resides in public_html directory in any of your favorite text editor.
Change the following line:
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
require __DIR__.'/../../laravel-app/bootstrap/autoload.php';
And also change the following line:
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../laravel-app/bootstrap/app.php';
Before Uploading:
Please make sure that you have enabled all the plugins that are required by Laravel application. And also you are using PHP >= 5.5.* . If you don't know how to view which plugins are enabled by default.
Follow these steps:
Login to your cPanel account from the browser.
Scroll down way to the bottom where they say select PHP Version. Click on it.
From the dropdown, select PHP 5.5.6 or any of your choice, but it has to be PHP >= 5.5.*
There is a list of PHP Extensions below the dropdown that can be installed. You can leave it as it is or select the extension(s) that you wish to install. For example, if your application has file uploading feature, then you need to install the fileinfo extension by check marking that extension and clicking the button Save.
DONE. Your Laravel application is live on a shared hosting account.
You can check it by going to yourdomain.com
Hope this helps you. Happy Coding. Cheers.
Thank to all.. i solved it .. in cpanel there is php selector. so i changed it 5.6 and uploads all the folder of vender than give right permission to ech folder and files..
check these steps:
check .htaccess file on root or subdomain
if move files of public to root => change index.php contents /../ to /
check the php version (on loravel 5+ i used php7.2 and problem solved)
check .env file

Zencart zc_install/index.php page showing blank

I am trying to install reinstall zencart setup again on the following link:-
But when i click to start the setup it shows a blank page. I am not able to understand the problem. Can please anyone help.
For my confirmation i deleted the database cleaned everything and tried reinstallation but same error showing blank screen.
I suggest you rename the install directory "install" to start with; that is the original name if i remember correct. And try replacing the folder with original one from ZIP file.
However the best option would be to do a fresh install since your existing database will be wiped during an install either way. After doing so you can simply copy your theme files across or if you have customizations attempt copying the entire code from previous install across. Make sure to keep backups of everything and replace the configuration files for both admin and user side with that of the new one.

In Magento after installing extension Admin panel in unable to load

As I have assigned to work on magento, according to our requirement i tried to install Arabic extension for magento. The extension got successfully installed. Later on refreshing the admin panel, it shows the URL not found. The Stores FrontEnd CMS home page is loading, But when Iclick on any products, it shows again URL not found..
How can i solve this...
When diagnosing things like this, try the following..
Delete (or move to another folder) files in /var/www/var/cache
Delete (or move to another folder) files in /tmp
From a shell, run
/var/www/shell$ php indexer.php --reindexall
You've just manually cleared your caches and re indexed your data.
See if your system comes back to life.
For me I was redirected to wrong URL from MagentoConnect after installation of extension.
My admin URL: <-hostname->/index.php/admin
Redirected To: <-hostname->/admin
I had same issue when I added extension manually. I could find the issue when checked via shell command and it returned missing table error. This is issue happened when I installed module manually.