Mongodb, get registers from last registered day - mongodb

I have a collection with many documents structured:
"_id" : "skkbbp8TgnT3a2XgT",
// ... other fields
"createdAt" : ISODate("2015-12-08T21:03:37.141Z")
How can I find all the documents from the last registered day? And from the last five registered days?
Is it possible to do with only one statement?
Edit: Not duplicated. My question is to get all data from the last registered day, not how to query with dates.

So you need to pull the last registered date, chop off the time portion, and then compose a $gte query using just the date. Using momentjs makes it pretty simple. Assuming your collection name is called "Foo":
var lastDate = Foo.findOne({}, {
sort: {
createdAt: -1
var startOf = moment(lastDate).startOf("day").toDate();
createdAt: {
$gte: startOf
So you can do it in one line, but not recommended :)
createdAt: {
$gte: moment(Foo.findOne({},{sort: {createdAt: -1}}).createdAt).startOf('day').toDate()


How to update ISODate to two days later

How to convert a SQL query to mongodb query?
Please write a mongodb query - this is my query in SQL:
SET expireIn = DATEADD(DAY, 2, expireIn)
WHERE phone = '123434574'
I want to add some day to expireIn column.
expireIn field is ISODate and also has a value for the time.
Welcome Mostafa Asadi,
You can do something like this:
phone: "123434574"
$set: {
"expireIn": {
$dateAdd: {
startDate: "$expireIn",
unit: "day",
amount: 2
As you can see on the playground.
The first {} are the matching part, which documents do you want to update. The second part is the updating, here inside [] as this is a pipeline, using the $dateAdd function.
with {multi: true} for multiple documents update

Compute Simple Moving Average in Mongo Shell

I am developing a financial application with Nodejs. I wonder would it be possible to compute simple moving average which is the average last N days of price directly in Mongo Shell than reading it and computing it in Node js.
Document Sample.
If you have more than a trivial number of documents you should use the DB server to do the work rather than JS.
You don't say if you are using mongoose or the node driver directly. I'll assume you are using mongoose as that is the way most people are headed.
So your model would be:
// models/stocks.js
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const conn = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://localhost/stocksdb');
const StockSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
price: Number,
code: String,
date: Date,
{ timestamps: true }
module.exports = conn.model("Stock", StockSchema, "stocks");
You rightly suggested that aggregation frameworks would be a good way to go here. First though if we are dealing with returning values between date ranges, the records in your database need to be date objects. From your example documents you may have put strings. An example of inserting objects with dates would be:
db.stocks.insertMany([{code:'0001',price:0.10,date:ISODate('2014-07-04T00:00:00.000Z')}, {code:'0001',price:0.12,date:ISODate('2014-07-05T00:00:00.000Z')},{code:'0001',price:0.13,date:ISODate('2014-07-06T00:00:00.000Z')}, {code:'0001',price:0.12,date:ISODate('2014-07-07T00:00:00.000Z')}])
The aggregation pipeline function accepts an array with one or more pipeline stages.
The first pipeline stage we should use is $match, $match docs, this filters the documents down to only the records we are interested in which is important for performance
{ $match: {
date: {
$gte: new Date('2014-07-03'),
$lte: new Date('2014-07-07')
This stage will send only the documents that are on the 3rd to 7th July 2014 inclusive to the next stage (in this case all the example docs)
Next stage is the stage where you can get an average. We need to group the values together based on one field, multiple fields or all fields.
As you don't specify a field you want to average over I'll give an example for all fields. For this we use the $group object, $group docs
$group: {
_id: null,
average: {
$avg: '$price'
This will take all the documents and display an average of all the prices.
In the case of your example documents this results in
{ _id: null, avg: 0.1175 }
Check the answer:
(0.10 + 0.12 + 0.12 + 0.13) / 4 = 0.1175
FYI: I wouldn't rely on calculations done with javascript for anything critical as Numbers using floating points. See for more details if you are worried about that.
For completeness here is the full aggregation query
const Stock = require("./models/stocks");
Stock.aggregate([{ $match: {
date: {
$gte: new Date('2014-07-03'),
$lte: new Date('2014-07-07')
$group: {
_id: null,
avg: {
$avg: '$price'
.catch(error => console.error(error))
Not sure about your moving average formula, but here is how I would do it:
var moving_average = null
db.test.find().forEach(function(doc) {
if (moving_average==null) {
moving_average = doc.price;
else {
moving_average = (moving_average+doc.price)/2;
> moving_average
And if you wan to define the N days to do the average for, just modify the argument for find:
db.test.find({ "date": { $lt: "2014-07-10T00:00:00.000Z" }, "date": { $gt: "2014-07-07T00:00:00.000Z" } })
And if you want to do the above shell code in one-line, you can assume that moving_average is undefined and just check for that before assigning the first value.

MongoDB Grouping Query

I'm working on a Meteor application and I have data for a weekly timetable of the format -
day: "Monday"
time: "9am"
location: "A"
day: "Monday"
time: "10am"
location: "B"
There are numerous entries for each day. Can I run a query that will return an object of the format -
day: "Monday"
time: "9am"
location: "A"
time: "10am"
location: "B"
I could store the object in the second format but prefer the first for ease of deleting and updating individual events.
I also want to return them ordered by day of week if there's a nice way to do that.
Several options:
You can use an aggregation command but be warned, you will loose reactivity: it means that except when you reload your template, you will not get external updates. You would also need to use a package to add the aggregation command to Meteor in order to achieve that.
My personal favorite: you don't need to aggregate (and loose reactivity) to achieve your data transformation. You can use a simple Collection.find() query and extend/reduce/modify it using a clever mix of cursor.Observe() and conditional modifications. Have a look at this answer, it did the trick for me (I needed a sum with black listing of some fields, but you can easily adapt it to your group/sorting case) : Comment if you need more details on this
If you plan to have several servers, be warned that each server will have to observe so it may lead to an unnecessary load. So my third solution is either use collection hooks or methods to update an additional field containing every event for each day/user (whatever you need).See #David Weldon answer about that here: In you case, it would probably mean to re-think your database structure to fit your needs (i.e. adding more fields so you ca update them on insert.
EDIT Here are some thoughts on your comment:
If you stick to what you described in the question, you would need seven documents, one per day, with an events field where you put all the events. My second solution is good if you need to rework a collection structure before sending it. However, in your case, you just need an object week with 7 sub-objects matching the days of the week.
I advise you to possible approaches:
use the aggregation in a method, as described by #chridam. Be warned that you will not be able to directly get a sorted array, as stated in mongo $group documentation
$group does not order its output documents
So you need to sort them (by day and by hour within each day) using, for example _.sortBy() before you return your method result. By the way, if you want to know what is going on in your method call, clientside, here is how you should write the call:"getGroupedDailyEvents", userId, function(error, result){
console.log("error", error);
//do whatever you need
Make the data sorting client-side. You are looking for an overkill solution because, afaik, you don't need to filter any data to keep it from the user, and you are going to send the data anyway (just with another structure). This is much easier to make a simple helper in your template like this:
"monday_events": function() {
return _.sortBy (events.find({day:"Monday"}).fetch(), "time")
//add other days
It assumes the format of your time field is sortable this way. If not, you just need to create a function to sort them accordingly to their formats or change the original format into something better suited.
The rest (HTML) would just be to iterate on Monday events using a {{#each monday_events}}
To achieve the desired result, use the aggregation framework where the $group pipeline operator groups all the input documents and apply the accumulator expression $push to the group to get the events array.
Your pipeline would look like this:
var Events = new Mongo.Collection('events');
var pipeline = [
"$group": {
"_id": "$day",
"events": {
"$push": {
"time": "$time"
"location": "$location"
"$project": {
"_id": 0, "day": "$_id", "events": 1
var result = Events.aggregate(pipeline);
You can add the meteorhacks:aggregate package to implement the aggregation in Meteor:
Add to your app with
meteor add meteorhacks:aggregate
Since this package exposes .aggregate method on Mongo.Collection instances, you can define a method that gets the aggregated result array. For example
if (Meteor.isServer) {
var Events = new Mongo.Collection('events');
getGroupedDailyEvents: function () {
var pipeline = [
"$group": {
"_id": "$day",
"events": {
"$push": {
"time": "$time"
"location": "$location"
"$project": {
"_id": 0, "day": "$_id", "events": 1
var result = Events.aggregate(pipeline);
return result;
if (Meteor.isClient) {'getGroupedDailyEvents', logResult);
function logResult(err, res) {
console.log("Result: ", res)

Publish all fields in document but just part of an array in the document

I have a mongo collection in which the documents have a field that is an array. I want to be able to publish everything in the documents except for the elements in the array that were created more than a day ago. I suspect the answer will be somewhat similar to this question.
Meteor publication: Hiding certain fields in an array document field?
Instead of limiting fields in the array, I just want to limit the elements in the array being published.
Thanks in advance for any responses!
Here is an example document:
_id: 123456,
name: "Unit 1",
createdAt: (datetime object),
settings: *some stuff*,
packets: [
_id: 32412312,
temperature: 70,
createdAt: *datetime object from today*
_id: 32412312,
temperature: 70,
createdAt: *datetime from yesterday*
I want to get everything in this document except for the part of the array that was created more than 24 hours ago. I know I can accomplish this by moving the packets into their own collection and tying them together with keys as in a relational database but if what I am asking were possible, this would be simpler with less code.
You could do something like this in your publish method:
Meteor.publish("pubName", function() {
var collection = Collection.find().fetch(); //change this to return your data
_.each(collection, function(collectionItem) {
_.each(collectionItem.packets, function(packet, index) {
var deadline = - 86400000 //should equal 24 hrs ago
if (packet.createdAt < deadline) {
collectionItem.packets.splice(index, 1);
return collection;
Though you might be better off storing the last 24 hours worth of packets as a separate array in your document. Would probably be less taxing on the server, not sure.
Also, code above is untested. Good luck.
you can use the $elemMatch projection
So in your case, it would be
var today = new Date();
var yesterday = new Date(today);
yesterday.setDate(today.getDate() - 1);
collection.find({}, //find anything or specifc
fields: {
'packets': {
$elemMatch: {$gt : {'createdAt' : yesterday /* or some new Date() */}}
However, $elemMatch only returns the FIRST element matching your condition. To return more than 1 element, you need to use the aggregation framework, which will be more efficient than _.each or forEach, particularly if you have a large array to loop through.
$match: {}
$redact: {
$cond: {
if : {$or: [{$gt: ["$createdAt",yesterday]},"$packets"]},
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
}], function (error, result ){
You specify the $match in a way similar to find({}). Then all the documents that match your conditions get pipped into the $redact which is specified by the $cond.
$redact scans the document from top level to bottom. At the top level, you have _id, name, createdAt, settings, packets; hence {$or: [***,"$packets"]}
The presence of $packets in the $or allows the $redact to scan the second level which contain the _id, temperature and createdAt; hence {$gt: ["$createdAt",yesterday]}
This is async, you can use Meteor.wrapAsync to wrap around the function.
Hope this help

Unable to get some info in a subdocument

I am trying to get a value in my mongoDB collection. I would like to get the title of a movie and the sales (nbSold) of this movie for the current month.
Here is how my data are stored :
"_id" : ObjectId("52e6a1aacf0b3b522a8a157a"),
"title" : "Pulp Fiction",
"sales" : [
"date" : ISODate("2013-11-01T00:00:00Z"),
"nbSold" : 6
"date" : ISODate("2013-12-01T00:00:00Z"),
"nbSold" : 2
I'm using mongoose and this is how I build my query for the december of 2013 :
var query = Movie.find({"title":"Pulp Fiction"}, "title sales.nbSold")
.equals(new Date("2013-12-01"));
However, this is the output that I am receiving :
{ title: 'Pulp Fiction', sales: [ { nbSold: 6 }, { nbSold: 2 } ] }
I would like to have only the title associated with the nbSold of the current month (2 in my case). What is the correct way to do this ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
First off, you should close your where call. You should call .exec(callback) when you're done comparing, and you should be using select instead of equals along with $elemMatch. Try this:
var query = Movie.find({"title":"Pulp Fiction"}, "title sales.nbSold")
.select({ sales: { $elemMatch: new Date("2013-12-01") }})
.exec(function(err, doc) {
return console.dir(doc);
You should also have a callback. I ran this on my machine, and it definitely works. I posted code earlier that wasn't quite right, but this does the trick. See the documentation for an example.
Also, I'd be concerned as to how you're seeing if the date matches. If the time is off in your Date object but the date matches, Mongo won't find a match. And I don't know exactly how it works in Mongo, but in JavaScript, you can't compare two Date objects directly for equality as they are both different objects with the same value, so you may come across that problem as well. See this post for an example on how to do it.