How to set max form content in jetty or tomcat server - eclipse

I was getting error "FORM too large" when I submit a form containing many data. As default size for JETTY server is 2 mb and my form size is exceeded.
I solved the issue locally by using system argument in Eclipse ie by setting max form content to -1, which means no limit to form content. But the problem is in UAT environment. How to do that, if we cannot use Eclipse?
Does any one know how to provide this configuration in JETTY or TOMCAT directly so that max form content is unlimited. I have tried the same configuration in start.ini file in JETTY but it is not working in UAT.
Please geeks share your idea,if any.

Unlimited form content size is actually a form of vulnerability. (Look into how map hash key collision can be a harsh form of DOS attack)
Are you really sure you need to send 2MB of form data?
Note: multipart/form-data content that are FILES (not form fields) are handled with different max size configurations.
Look into the <multipart-config> entries in WEB-INF/web.xml or #MultiPartConfig annotations for more about those limits.


How can I change indices.query.bool.max_clause_count in cloud-version of ELK?

I need to increase the amount of fields supported for free-text queries in a hosted environment of ELK. I know that the setting is called indices.query.bool.max_clause_count and should be changed in the elasticsearch.yml file on self-hosted installations. But apparently this setting cannot be changed in the cloud according to:
Does anyone have a solution to this?
PS: Without increasing this setting the search-capabilities inside the apm-based index-patterns are severely limited because the number of fields in apm v7.1.16 and later has more than 1024 fields.

Typo3 best practices - general variables

What is the best way to allow backend users to edit variables?
For example, I have a TYPO3 that sends out various e-Mail notifications and I want the backend users to be able to globally change the recipients. I started with template constants, until I found out, that backend users cannot edit the "template" module.
So what would be the best way to achieve this? I'm using Typo3 8.7.7
I would create a configuration record which can be edited by the backend users.
one way would be to include one file from fileadmin/ into the constants definition of typoscript. This file editors could change. But that could be a security risk, as the editors could define any constants.
the next option would be to define additional fields to the pages record, where these values could be set by any editor. In typoscript you access the field (maybe with slide = -1, so the value needs to be set just once)
another option: add these fields to a (special?) CE (ContentElement).
last option: use std CEs (e.g.HTML-content) at special pages or columns and use the content field (bodytext). (HTML-content has the advantage that the bodytext field is stored unmodified.)
Cleanest and leanest option would be option two (additional fields to table 'pages'). Option three and four are possible with pure typoscript, but you need to use CONTENT or RECORD object. If you use fix uids: remember that your editors might delete the CE and add a new CE with the same content (but another uid)
As #Thomas-Löffler in his answer said:
you also can add a new kind of record/table, where an editor can insert or change the global values. Handling is like pages or tt_content. you can differ if your records are global (pid = 0, or special storage page) or dependent on page tree (rootpath), so you can have differnt values for different page subtrees.
I like Thomas‘ answer for providing a dedicated place to store the configuration option instead of putting it e.g. to pages because your configuration option is not bound to a page context.
Nonetheless for me personally it feels a bit odd to create a dedicated table for it. A table that would never hold more than one record.
That leads me to the conclusion that a key-value storage would be the right thing to use. Fortunately, TYPO3 ships System Registry. The only downside is that there‘s no interface for it so you‘d have to come up with your own forms to fill it. That‘s much easier if you go with Thomas‘ solution…
A clean and easy way is setting up a backend module with a form to set the email addresses.
Then you can grant the access right to a specific group or user and they are ready to go.

TYPO3 DCE Section Element

I build a DCE content element where users can add new products for different categories. So I use sections as follow:
Problem is that I can add only up to 34 new elements. After that I can create new elements but TYPO3 is not saving that. So it is not possible to add new products
Are there any limitations or something else? Or had someone the same problem?
Thank you
Usually, there is no limit on the number of flex section container elements.
Have a look at your webserver logs, maybe some POST values are dropped, and try to increase the size of the underlying DB field, maybe thats cut off.
go to the php settings, then to max_input_vars and increase the limit/number to 2000. It will work!

data context passed limit Plugin CRM

I am working on a plugin which is fired on the creation of the "Notes" annotation entity. But when attached file which is more then 10 MB size then plugin not execute.
what I want to know is what is the maximum limit of the data which is passed to the plugin. ?
plugin is working fine if I attached document which is less then 10 MB and is is not working if file size is more then 10 MB.
I have also used Async execution of the plugin so that I can check the error in system job but there is no error , system job is marked as "In Progress"
there is no detail about any error.
any suggestion ?
did you check if the note actually has the file attached? CRM has a configurable limit for attachment size - which defaults to 5MB, so you are probably getting blocked there unless you have increased that limit.
Just adding a bit more to what #Joseph said.
Here is the link which explains how to setup the file size limit for attachments.
CRM must be checking the file size limit before giving a chance to your plugin to be executed.

Crystal Report : "File is too large for attachment" Error

I am new for crystal report server. Here I'm explaining error details.
I'm using SAP Business Objects CMC for report generation for my application. Below is the version details in image.
When I try to generate report file with more than 1MB of file size it is throwing below error.
The viewer could not process an event. 1c84865dce535c5.pdf File is too large for attachment. [] ---- Error code:0 [CRWEB00000119]
So, I went to following location to check the maximumUploadFileSize.
1. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes\
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\warfiles\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes\
3. C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\pjs\container\work\<ServerName>.WebApplicationContainerServer\businessobjects\dswsbobje\WEB-INF\classes\
#Security measure to limit total upload file size
maximumUploadFileSize = 10485760
It is setted to 10485760 (10 MB), As per my understanding this is default size from this Reference Document.
So, if it is supporting upto 10 MB why it is throwing error when report file exceed 1MB?
And I tried to increase the size by multiple's of 10, meaning 104857600 (100 MB) in all this files, and restarted the server. But with out success, after restarting the server the modified value in third file is again setting to old value (10485760). Please help me in this.
Is there any way to increase maximumUploadFileSize through administrator console?
Please drop your comments, if you have any questions/doubts regarding this.
This issue can be resolved by following steps.
Actually this issue is related to number of records which are trying to generate as report in crystal report server. The default record data size limit is 20,000. By changing the limit into 0 (for Unlimited) we can able to resolve this issue.
Follow below steps to do this setting changes:
Log onto the CMC
Go to Servers in the drop-down menu
Expand Service Categories
Select Crystal Reports Services
In the right window will be listed the currently running services, find CrystalReports2013ProcessingServer under Description.
Double click on that, it will redirect to Properties page.
Set the value 0 for "Database Records Read When Previewing or Refreshing (0 for unlimited)".
Click Save & Close.
Restart CrystalReports2013ProcessingServer.
Now try to generate the large data pdf file, it should work fine.