Projectile Using Out of date version of svn - emacs

I'm using the projectile library. When I invoke projectile-find-file I get the following error:
[svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at foo/bar` (format 31). You need to get a newer Subversion client. For more details, see
From the command line, everything is fine (I'm using version 1.8.13).
Is there anyway that emacs can be using an out of date version? Or even how do I find out what version it is using/how it is invoking svn?

Projectile uses whatever svn binary it finds in your path. Try running which svn from Emacs (e.g. via shell-command / M-!) and from your terminal and comparing the paths you get. A difference will indicate that Emacs and your terminal are using different path variables.
Since you are on OSX, and since your terminal uses the expected svn, something like exec-path-from-shell might be helpful:
Ever find that a command works in your shell, but not in Emacs?
This happens a lot on OS X, where an Emacs instance started from the GUI inherits a default set of environment variables.
This library works solves this problem by copying important environment variables from the user's shell: it works by asking your shell to print out the variables of interest, then copying them into the Emacs environment.
exec-path-from-shell is available on MELPA.


How to get Emacs on MINGW64 (Windows 10)

I currently use MINGW64 (Git Bash) as my terminal on my Windows 10 machine. It works great, I like it, but it only has Vim installed as an editor and I prefer Emacs. I'm unfortunately having a really awful time getting it to work in my terminal.
What's weirder still is that I have Emacs working in Cygwin64; but I don't like using that as my terminal. The most logical fix is simply that it Emacs to my Path ENV, however that doesn't seem to help (perhaps I'm doing that wrong?). I just get bash: emacs: command not found. I found a command to install it, using Pacman, however the Pacman command cannot be found either (which is weird because I thought that was installed by default with MINGW64.
Would love any and all help on this.
A couple of options:
Use Cygwin and the Cygwin emacs. Consider your Cygwin environment completely separate from Windows, so set your PATH from within the .bashrc, not within Windows. Launch emacs from the bash command-line.
Use the Emacs Windows binary distribution, but point to the utilities within Cygwin (there's an emacs package to help with this). Again, launch from the bash command line to inherit the bash environment within emacs.
Use the Windows Subsystem for Linux, with a Linux installation, and stick with emacs from there. You get the best of the Linux world, and access to the Windows directories and files as well.
My goto choice for MANY years was the Emacs Windows binary in conjunction with Cygwin. Once I started using the WSL, however, it just worked a lot better, in a clean Linux environment, and I could get terminal and GUI emacs (and other apps) running using the VcXsrv X Server. WSL has a version that directly supports X Windows, but I don't care for the windowing environment it uses, so I stick with VcXsrv.

Emacs OSX 10.13 configuration issue

Recently I pass to Emacs org because is really convenient to me to write note there.
So I installed all packages I needed (principally ORG and EVIL) but I didn't understand how to setup everything.
I installed emacs from brew without using cask, I linked it, and I'm sure that I'm using the version that I installed (26.1).
So in my ~/ folder I have a .emacs file in which I set up evil mode, and I have a /.emacs.d/ in which I have a lot of file. The problem is: whatever I wrote in a ~/.emacs.d/init.el seems doesn't effect emacs.
So I said "whatever, I'm going on github and I installed some complete configurations and then I customized them myself". I tried to install these two configurations.
But for some reason, after doing exactly what they say on
nothing happens.
In particular the second link, after install and open emacs said I need to have ~/.cask/.cask.el but I don't have it.

Have two emacs. Want to use spacemacs with one and leave the other intact

I have emacs24 and emacs25 on my machine. I want to use spacemacs with emacs24 and keep emacs. When I install spacemacs my ~/.emacs and ~/.emacs.d are changed. Both emacs start using spacemacs, which I do not want. Is there a way to have a spacemacs and an emacs at the same time. Tried looking for a solution and came across a solution to keep separate config files. But how to make emacs look for a specific config file. By the way if you still haven't guessed...I'm a noob.
At one level, this is quite easy to do. However, at another, there can be some
complications, depending on what you really want to do.
Emacs supports a command line switch -l to tell emacs where to find the config
file. So, from a very simple perspective, you could just create two wrapper
scripts and and inside them have the scripts
call emacs with a specific -l /path/to/config. You can pass $* to pick up other
command line arguments if you want.
The potential problem with this approach is that emacs will still use .emacs.d
to store all sorts of other information, including possibly elpa packages and
this could cause problems. To be safer, it is better to keep things completely
If you don't need to run both versions at the same time, the easy solution is to
have to separate directories, such as ~/.spacemacs-emacs.d and ~/plain-emacs.d
and then have a sym link called .emacs.d which points to whichever of the
versions you want to run. The two main problems with this approach is that you
need to reset the symbolic link whenever you want to change emacs flavors and
this won't work if you want to run both versions at the same time.
I guess we really need to know about your actual use case - why do you need two
different configurations? Knowing this could help identify a better approach.
As an example, I use org mode and babel to manage my emacs config. I have a
number of different versions and a simple script which I can run to generate
whichever init.el file I want from the different org files. I have a
file, which has the most minimal emacs configuration I can bare and I have my
standard which generates my working init.el and then I have an which is used to generate an init.el file which I use for
experimenting with new configurations or packages. It is trivial to switch
configurations, but I never need to run two different configurations at the same
I often like to check out some of the other pre-cooked emacs setups, like
spacemacs, prelude, etc. for these, I just grab the current git version and use
a symbolic link to point .emacs.d at the root fo the git repo I want to
experiment with.
you can also use the following approach:
create a directory ~/spacemacs.
extract/copy the spacemacs .emacs.d into ~/spacemacs (so that it is ~/spacemacs/.emacs.d).
create a desktop link called Spacemacs (or menu entry) and enter the following command:
HOME=$HOME/spacemacs emacs
You can also start spacemacs from the shell with this command.
This way, you can run vanilla emacs and spacemacs simultaneously, each with its own configuration directory and elpa repository. The only disadvantage might be that you need to change a directory level upward to reach your real home directory, not the „fake” one set via the variable.
btw, this is how I run several emacs versions and configurations, as needed for diverse stuff.
The best solution seems to be using chemacs:

Elpy to allow pyenv to work on a project basis

I've used Emacs for all my coding projects so far. Soon I will start some python projects for the first time and would love to stick to Emacs for these as well.
I was looking into elpy which seems to provide already alot of desired functionality. The part I was not able to figure out completely is the following. I like to define virtual environments and python version to be used on a project basis. Let's say I start a project A, then I would use pyenv-virtualenv or pyenv-virtualenvwrapper to set it up
pyenv virtualenv 3.4.2 my-virtual-env-3.4.2
by doing this I've linked the python version 3.4.2 to that specific virtualenv / project. I have two questions regarding this in combination with elpy.
Question: This is a rather basic one. All the above can be achieved via the terminal. What is the advantage to emacs to support this? The workflow for me would be: Create project with associated virtualenv and python version. Activate virtualenv and start coding in emacs. If I need to install a package I will run pip in the terminal to ensure virtualenv is captured properly. There must be a reason why it's beneficial to support this in emacs. With my lack of knowledge I just don't see it :)
As pointed out there is for sure a good reason why we want emacs / elpy to support this. My second question would then be
**Question: How can I achieve this in emacs? Lokks like this blog has a solution. I was wondeirng if someone already tried this setup if it is a neat solution with makes sense conceptually. **
Well I strongly guess the goal is to use more features than just syntax highlighting: flycheck/flake8/linting, refactoring, elpy's test runner to use the right python version, install a pip package directly from emacs, stuff like this. You can carry on doing this in the terminal, but once you want an emacs feature, you'll need to set it up.
I found two modes to do that (see wikemacs python page and doubled-checked on melpa): pyenv-mode (in melpa) and pyenv-mode-auto (change the version when there is a .python-version file).

Spawning child processes returns invalid argument

I have a class this semester that requires a lisp dialect so I'm trying to get started with Clojure but I'm running into a lot of problems setting up my environment.
I'm on a Windows machine and am following the tutorial at to set up emacs which from my research seems like the best IDE for working with lisp. I had Cygwin installed before starting which supposedly has a lot of support for emacs but I'm not sure if I need to do more than just have it installed.
My problems is when I try to start a REPL in emacs with M-x cider-jack-in I get the response Spawning child process: invalid argument. If I do the M-x load-path command I get a list of every subfolder in my .emacs.d folder but not the .d folder itself but the folder where my cider package is installed is clearly listed.
I installed lein before I decided to try setting up emacs and I could open a REPL just fine with it but emacs seems like a much better way of working than just using the terminal.
Any advice is greatly appreciated but if there is a better/easier way to get started with Clojure on Windows than what I'm currently doing I'd love to hear about it.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Yes, emacs is great, but if you haven't worked with it before then you will have a very steep learning curve, exacerbated by the fact you are running Windows. I myself use emacs with CIDER a lot, and I also use emacs on Windows quite a bit, but I don't mix it - I use emacs/CIDER only on Linux. It doesn't mean at all that it can't be made to work on Windows, it's just it has a lot of complexity of its own, which you might not have time or inclination to deal with right now. (By the way, I wouldn't recommend using emacs under Cygwin [1] , use a good native build instead. And if you still decide to go with emacs, by all means try Prelude - it comes from the author of CIDER by the way.)
If you want an option that is definitely smoother under the circumstances, download IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and install Cursive. That will have its own learning curve for sure, but give it a try and see what you prefer. I use both, nothing beats IntelliJ/Cursive in Java interop projects.
Both emacs/CIDER and IntelliJ/Cursive are terrific and will repay for deeper learning.
[1] I am not even sure a combination of emacs on Cygwin and lein/clojure on Win32 can work, but I have no environment to test.
unset the SHELL env variable - taken from:
It worked for me