How to move a container View in Swift - swift

How to move a container View in Swift
I'm working on an app that will be just for iPad, and because of the size I am using containers to embed other views. In this app, I need to move a viewController that is within a container.
For example, I created a ViewController and put a Container View. I must use the UIPanGesture in the label, and drag your finger across the screen, move the ContainerView in ViewControler Initial.
Can someone help me?

The container view is just a normal UIView.
Just create a view outlet to your View Controller if you want to move the view using it's frame.
You probably know how to create an outlet connection ?
You can also use Auto Layout and created outlets to your constraints and change their value.


Set background image of a mutated TableViewController

I am working on a swift project in Xcode right now and one of my view controllers is a UITableViewController. I used swift to alter the size of the table view in the controller so that it does not fill up the entire screen. However, I want to set a background image for the entire view controller which I am unable to do since XCode is not letting me add an image view between the table view controller and the table view. Is there any way to do it using swift? Thank you.
I think I can help out.
If you're using Apple's UITableViewController - does that mean you altered the tableView's height in the storyboard? I think a better solution is to just use a regular UIViewController, add a tableView with whatever height you want it inside a UIViewController's view.
Often times I would recommend steering away from using Apple's custom things because you lose flexibility. Just make your own custom thing instead!
UIViewController > View > TableView & UIImageView
Make sure your tableview has a clear background!

Loading views into NSContainerView with swift

I have a storyboard setup with the main view having a bunch of buttons and a container view and I would like for a different view to be loaded into that container view each time I press one of those buttons, kind of like a tab view controller works but without using one of those.
Also, later on I plan to have buttons inside those views that load other views replacing the views themselves.
Anyone can give me some hints?
"Container View defines a region within a view controller's view subgraph that can include a child view controller. Create an embed segue from the container view to the child view controller in the storyboard."
You mentioned NSContainerView, so I assume you're trying to do this on macOS, not iOS. Here's a useful article and code project (for iOS 6, but I was able to set up switchable subviews in iOS 9 using this as a guide):
The important bits are using the embed segue, then wiring the view controllers together through a combination of viewDidLoad and prepareForSegue, and then finally loading one of the switchable view controllers (say one for each of your buttons) from the storyboard, where they are not connected to anything else.

Load a view controller created inside a storyboard as a subview (into a part of the screen) of another view controller

I am currently developing as app for iPad. And I need to create a tabbar. The problem is that, for design purposes, I need the tabbar to be on the top half of the screen and not on the bottom as it is on the default tabbar controller.
Once the tabbar is on top I want that when a button is touched, the subview bellow the tab is changed. Furthermore, the subview that should be loaded was alson designed inside the storyboard. The following sketch shows what I want it to look like:
On my research I found a solution (here) for putting the tabbar on top. Now my problem is on loading a subview bellow it.
I tried it with [self.view addsubview:theNameOfTheViewCreatedINStoryboad.view] but the application simply hangs when I press the button.
I think that is because I am not specifying anywhere what should be the dimension of the new view or where on the scree should it be placed. The reason for that is because I do not know where it should be done.
Can anyone give me some lights on this matter? Is the referred approach the best one for putting a tabbar on top? How can I solve the subview problem?
Glad to see you are using a toolBar and not a tabBar. Even better would be to create a custom content view controller.
You should be looking into using containment:
UIViewController containment
How does View Controller Containment work in iOS 5?
positioning UIViewController containment children
check out the docs

Mimicking iOS notification view

I am trying to mimic iOS 5's notification view (when you swipe down the view appears) for hub with a left swipe in my view. I created a mimic for a single view controller by adding the hubview as subview and changing the origin of view when making swipe. But With this approach I have to add it to every view I implement in my app. I want to add it to UIViewController as a category. I am not sure how to proceed at this point.
If you don't want every viewController to have to handle the menu then I would suggest having a root viewController that acts like a container. It has a subview that displays the content from your various view controllers and it also has the controls for your menu and any other overlay information you may want to provide.
A category won't work in this case but subclassing will. Just ensure that all of your view controllers are sub classes of the view controller with this functionality implemented.

how to add UIImageView overlay over a UITableViewController based controller?

How does one in XCode XIB builder add a UIImageView to an existing MasterViewController that has a TableView and is based on NavigationController?
For example if you create a new project based on MasterDetail in XCode 4
Then look at the MasterViewController.xib file - so want to add a UIImageView to this that could be used to overtake the screen up until a point after which the image view is made hidden to disappear.
I'm trying to drag a UIImageView onto the page, and putting it just able TableView in the Objects column, however this doesn't work. Doesn't even show the image.
So even just knowing how to drag-drop an image onto the MastViewController.xib such that it takes over the screen at startup would be a step forward (not sure if I need a view to encapsulate both the UIImageView and the TableView?)
Want to have an intermediate image that the iPhone app shows as it starts up
Idea would be start up (static) image is show, then straight away go to MasterViewController which would show this same static image with an activity indicator on it
Then when (is a background thread) the data preparation is down, the UIImageView could be made non-visible
PS. Some additional notes:
Initially there is just a table view you see in MasterViewController.xib.
If I drag an imageview in at the same level as the TableView it doesn't appear.
If I create a new view in the XIB and put the tableview and uiimageview under this, I get an error when running "'-[UITableViewController loadView] loaded the "MasterViewController" nib but didn't get a UITableView.'"
Is there a view or just a table view in your xib? If you want both a image view and a table view in the same view controller, you should have an ordinary UIViewController and let in implement UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols and add a table view and a image view to its view.
so solved by:
creating a top level "view" in the XIB
put the UITableView & the new UIImageView under this new view
but, had to change the interface line to inherit from UIViewController NOT UITableViewController
Just add Default.png in resource.