Difference between CQRS and CQS - cqrs

I am learning what is CQRS pattern and came to know there is also CQS pattern.
When I tried to search I found lots of diagrams and info on CQRS but didn't found much about CQS.
Key point in CQRS pattern
In CQRS there is one model to write (command model) and one model to read (query model), which are completely separate.
How is CQS different from CQRS?

CQS (Command Query Separation) and CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) are very much related. You can think of CQS as being at the class or component level, while CQRS is more at the bounded context level.
I tend to think of CQS as being at the micro level, and CQRS at the macro level.
CQS prescribes separate methods for querying from or writing to a model: the query doesn't mutate state, while the command mutates state but does not have a return value. It was devised by Bertrand Meyer as part of his pioneering work on the Eiffel programming language.
CQRS prescribes a similar approach, except it's more of a path through your system. A query request takes a separate path from a command. The query returns data without altering the underlying system; the command alters the system but does not return data.
Greg Young put together a pretty thorough write-up of what CQRS is some years back, and goes into how CQRS is an evolution of CQS. This document introduced me to CQRS some years ago, and I find it a still very useful reference document.

This is an old question but I am going to take a shot at answering it. I do not often answer questions on StackOverflow, so please forgive me if I do something outside the bounds of community in terms of linking to things, writing a long answer, etc.
There are many differences between CQRS and CQS however CQRS uses CQS inside of its definition! Let's start with defining the two and then we can discuss differences.
CQS defines two types of messages depending on their return value: no return value (void) specifies this is a Command; a return value (non-void) specifies this method is a Query.
Commands change information
Queries return information
Commands change state. Queries do not.
Now for CQRS, which uses the same definition as CQS for Commands and Queries. What CQRS says is that we do not want one object with Command and Query methods. Instead we want two objects: one with all the Commands and one with all the Queries.
The idea overall is very simple; it's everything after doing this where things become interesting. There are numerous talks online, of me discussing some of the attributes associated (sorry way too much to type here!).

CQS is about Command and Queries. It doesn't care about the model. You have somehow separated services for reading data, and others for writing data.
CQRS is about separate models for writes and reads. Of course, usage of write model often requires reading something to fulfill business logic, but you can only do reads on read model. Separate Databases are state of the art. But imagine single DB with separate models for read and writes modeled in ORM. It's very often good enough.
I have found that people often say they practice CQRS when they have CQS.

Read the inventor Greg Young's answer
I think, like "Dependency Injection" the concepts are so simple and taken for granted that the fact that they have fancy names seems to drive people to think they're something more than they are, especially as CQRS is often quoted alongside Event Sourcing.
CQS is the separation of methods that read to those that change state; don't do both in a single method. This is micro level.
CQRS extends this concept into a higher level for machine-machine APIs, separation of the message models and processing paths.
So CQRS is a principle you apply to the code in an API or facade.
I have found CQRS to essentially be a very strong S in SOLID, pushing the separation deeply into the psyche of developers to produce more maintainable code.
I think web applications are a bad fit for CQRS since the mutation of state via representation transfer means the command and query are two sides of the same request-response. The representation is a command and the response is the query.
For example, you send an order and receive a view of all your orders.
Imagine if the code of a website was factored into a command side and query side. The route action handling code would need to fall into one of those sides, but it does both.
Imagining a stronger segregation, if the code was moved into two different compilable codebases, then the website would accept a POST of a form, but the user would have to browse to another website URL to see the impact of the action. This is obviously crazy. One workaround would be to always redirect, though this wouldn't really be RESTful since the ideal REST application is where the next representation contains hypertext to drive the next state transition and so on.
Given that a website is a REST API between human and machine (or machine and machine), this also includes REST APIs, though other types of HTTP message passing API may be a perfect fit for CQRS.
A service or facade within the bounds of the website may obviously work well with CQRS, though the action handlers would sit outside this boundary.
See CQS on Wikipedia

The biggest difference is CQRS uses separate data stores for commands and queries. A query store can use a different technology like a document database or just be a denormalized schema in the same database that makes querying the data easier.
The data between databases is usually copied asynchronously using something like a service bus. Therefore, data in the query store is eventually consistent (is going to be there at some point of time). Applications need to account for that. While it is possible to use the same transaction (same database or a 2-phase commit) to write in both stores, it is usually not recommended for scalability reasons.
CQS architecture reads and writes from the same data store/tables.


Shall REST API Design pay Respect to Inheritance?

This is more of a question regarding design rather than implementation. I have been working on a personal application with Python Flask backend and Vue.js SPA frontend for quite some time now and am now a bit puzzled on how to design the actual REST API.
My backend heavily depends on inheritance, e.g. there's the broad notion of an Account and then there is the ManagedAccount, exhibiting all properties of the former but also additional ones. Then there are Transactions, PredictedTransactions, RecurringTransactions etc., I guess you get the gist.
I read up on REST API design beforehand, e.g. on the Overflow blog and before I was working with IDs, I had the following design:
/accounts/ [GET] - returns all Accounts including ManagedAccounts with Account-specific properties
/accounts/managed/ [GET] - returns all ManagedAccounts with ManagedAccount-specific properties
/accounts/ [POST] - creates a new Account
/accounts/managed/ [POST] - creates a new ManagedAccount
Now, this worked quite well until I introduced ID-dependent functions, e.g.
/accounts/<:id> [PATCH] - modifies the received data in Account with given ID, can also be used to alter Account-specific properties in ManagedAccounts
/accounts/managed/<:id> [PATCH] - modifies the received data in ManagedAccount with given ID
/accounts/<:id> [DELETE] - deletes an Account, can also be used for ManagedAccount
For all IDs I am using RFC4122-compliant UUIDs in version 4, so there definitely will never be a collision within the route. Still, this behavior triggers an assertion error with Flask, which can be circumvented, but got me to rather double-check whether this design approach has any pitfalls I have not yet considered.
Two alternatives came to my mind:
Segregating the parent classes under a separate path, e.g. using /accounts/all/ for Account. This requires knowing the inheritance depth beforehand (e.g. would need breaking changes if I were to introduce a class inheriting from ManagedAccount).
Not incorporating inheritance in the routes, e.g. using /managed_accounts/ or /accounts_managed/. This would be the easiest method implementation-wise, but would - in my opinion - fail to give an accurate representation of the data model.
From the beginning on I want to give this API consistent guarantees as defined in the backend data model, e.g. for the Transaction I can currently assure that /transactions/executed/ and /transactions/predicted/ return mutually exclusive sets that, when joined, equal that returned by /transactions/.
Right now I am able to effectively utilize this on front-end side, e.g. poll data from Account in general and get specifics for ManagedAccount when required. Is the design I am currently pursuing a 'good' REST API design or am I clinging to concepts that are not applicable in this domain? If so, which design approach would make more sense and especially, why and in what situations would it be beneficial to the current one?
REST doesn't care what spellings you use for your URI, so long as your identifiers are consistent with the production rules defined in RFC 3986.
That UUID, of itself, is a perfectly satisfactory identifier for REST purposes.
This is more of a question regarding design
Yes, exactly -- the machines don't care what spellings you use for your resource identifiers, which gives you some freedom to address other concerns. The usual choice here is to make them easier for humans (easier for people to implement, easier for people to document, easier for operators to recognize in a log... lots of possibilities).
"No ambiguities in our automated routing" is a perfectly reasonable design constraint.
Path segments are used for the hierarchical parts of an identifier. There's no particular reason, however, that your identifier hierarchy needs to be aligned with "inheritance" hierarchy.
One long standing design principle on the web is that Cool URI Don't Change; so before introducing inheritance cues in your identifiers, be sure to consider how stable your inheritance design is.

CQRS Event Sourcing valueobject & entities accepting commands

I am in the evaluating moving a nice designed DDD app to an event sourced architecture as a pet project.
As can be inferred, my Aggregate operations are relatively coarse grained. As part of my design process, I now find myself emitting a large number of events from a small subset of operations to satisfy what I know to be requirements of the read model. Is this acceptable practice ?
In addition to this, I have distilled a lot of the domain complexity via use of ValueObjects & entities. Can VO's/ E accept commands and emit events themselves, or should I expose state and add from the command handler lower down the stack ?
In terms of VO's note that I use mutable operations sparingly and it is a trade off between over complicating other areas of my domain.
I now find myself emitting a large number of events from a small subset of operations to satisfy what I know to be requirements of the read model. Is this acceptable practice ?
In most cases, you should have 1 event by command. Remember events describe the user intent so you have to stay close to the user action.
Can VO's/ E accept commands and emit events themselves
No only aggregates emit events and yes you can come up with very messy aggregates if you have a lot of events, but there is solutions for that like delegating the work to the commands and events themselves. I blogged about this technique here: https://dev.to/maximegel/cqrs-scalable-aggregates-731
In terms of VO's note that I use mutable operations sparingly
As long as you're aware of the consequences. That's fine. Trade-off are part of the job, but be sure you team is aware of that since it's written everywhere that value objects are immutable you expose yourselves to confusion and pointer issues.

CQRS Read Models & REST API

We are implementing a REST API over our CQRS services. We of course don't want to expose any of our domain to users of the REST APIs.
However, a key tenant of CQRS is that the read models generally correspond to a specific view or screen.
With that being the case, it seems logical that the resources in our REST API, will map virtually 1:1 with the read / view models from our queries (where the queries return a DTO containing all the data for the view). Technically this is exposing a part of our domain (the read models - although returned as DTOs). In this case, this seems to be what we want. Any potential downsides to being so closely coupled?
In terms of commands, I have been considering an approach like:
https://www.slideshare.net/fatmuemoo/cqrs-api-v2. There is a slide that indicates that commands are not first class citizens. (See slide 26). By extension, am I correct in assuming that the DTOs returned from my queries will always be the first class citizens, which will then expose the commands that can be executed for that screen?
Any potential downsides to being so closely coupled?
You need to be a little bit careful in terms of understanding the direction of your dependencies.
Specifically, if you are trying to integrate with clients that you don't control, then you are going to want to agree upon a contract -- message semantics and schema -- that you cannot change unilaterally.
Which means that the representations are relatively fixed, but you have a lot of freedom about about how you implement the production of that representation. You make a promise to the client that they can get a representation of report 12345, and it will have some convenient layout of the information. But whether that representation is something you produce on demand, or something that you cache, and how you build it is entirely up to you.
At this level, you aren't really coupling your clients to your domain model; you are coupling them to your views/reports, which is to say to your data model. And, in the CQRS world, that coupling is to the read model, not the write model.
In terms of commands, I have been considering an approach like...
I'm going gently suggest that the author, in 2015, didn't have a particularly good understanding of REST by today's standards.
The basic problem here is that the author doesn't recognize that caching is a REST constraint; and the design of our HTTP protocols needs to consider how general purpose components understand cache invalidation.
Normally, for a command (meaning here "a message intended to change the representation of the resource"), you normally want the target-uri of the HTTP request to match the identifier of the primary resource that changes.
POST /foo/123/command
Isn't particularly useful, from the perspective of cache invalidation, if nobody ever sends a GET /foo/123/command request.

Is there a hard definition of how CQRS should be applied and CQRS questions

I have some trouble understanding what the CQRS pattern really is, on its core, meaning what are the red lines that, when crossed, we are not implementing the CQRS pattern.
I clearly understand the CQS pattern.
Suppose that we implement microservices with CQRS, without event sourcing.
1) First question is, does the CQRS pattern only apply to the client I/O? Meaning, hoping I get this right, that for example the client updates using controllers that write to database A, but read by querying controllers that write to database B, (B is eventually updated and may be aggregating information from multiple models using events sent by controller of A).
Or, this is not about the client, but anything, for example another microservice reading / writing? And if the latter, what is really the borderline that defines who is the reader / writer that causes the segregation?
Does this maybe have to do with the domains in DDD?
This is an important question in my mind, because without it, CQRS is just an interdependence, of model B being updated by model A, but not the reverse. And why wouldn't this be propagated from a model B to a model C for example?
I have also read articles stating that some people implement CQRS by having one Command Service and one Query Service, which even more complicates this.
2) Similar to the first question, why do some references speak of events as if they are the Commands of CQRS? This complicates CQRS in my mind, because, technically, with one request event we can ask a service "Hey please give me the information X" and the service can respond with an event that contains the payload, effectively doing a query. Is this a hard rule, or just an example to state that, we can update using events and we can query using REST?
3) What if, in most cases I write to model A, and I read from model B, but in some cases I read directly from model A?
Am I breaking CQRS?
What if my querying needs are very simple, should I duplicate model A in this situation?
4) What if, as stated in question 1), I read from model A to emit events, to produce model B, but then I like to read some information from model B because it's valuable because it is aggregated, in order to produce model C?
Am I breaking CQRS?
What is the controller that populates model B doing in that case, e.g. if it also emits events to populate model C? Is it simply a Command anyway because it is not the part that queries, so we still apply CQRS?
Additionally, what if, we read from model A to emit events, to produce model B, but while we produce model B, we emit events, to send client notifications. Is that still CQRS?
5) When is CQRS broken?
If I have a controller that reads from model B, but also emits a message that updates model A, is that it?
Finally, if that controller, e.g. a REST controller, reads from model B and simultaneously emits a message to update model A, but without containing any information from what was read from model B, (so the operation is two in one, but it does not use information from B to update A), is that still CQRS?
And, what if a REST controller, that updates model A, also returns some information to the client, that has been read from A, does that break CQRS? What if this is just an id? And what if the id is not read from A, but it is just a reference number that is randomly generated? Is there a problem in that case because the REST controller updates, but also returns something to the user?
I will really appreciate your patience for replying as it can be seen that I'm still quite confused and that I'm in the process of learning!
Is there a hard definition of how CQRS should be applied and CQRS questions
Yes, start with Greg Young.
CQRS is simply the creation of two objects where there was previously only one. The separation occurs based upon whether the methods are a command or a query (the same definition that is used by Meyer in Command and Query Separation, a command is any method that mutates state and a query is any method that returns a value). -- Greg Young 2010
It's "just a pattern", born of the fact that data representations which are effective for queries are frequently not the patterns that are effective for tracking change. For example, using an RDBMS for storing business data may be our best choice for maintaining data integrity, but for certain kinds of queries we might want to use a replicate of that data in a graph database.
why do some references speak of events as if they are the Commands of CQRS
HandleEvent is a command. CommandReceived is an event. It's very easy for readers (and authors!) to confuse the contexts that are being described. They are all "just" messages, the semantics of one or the other really depend on the direction the message is traveling relative to the authority for the information in the message.
For example, if I fill out a form on an e-commerce site and submit; is the corresponding message an OrderSubmitted event? or is it a PlaceOrder command? Either spelling could be the correct one, depending on how you choose to model the ordering process.
What if, in most cases I write to model A, and I read from model B, but in some cases I read directly from model A? Am I breaking CQRS?
The CQRS police are not going to come after you if you read from write models. In many architectures, the business logic is executed in a stateless component, and will depend on reading the "current" state from some storage appliance -- in other words, to support write often requires a read.
Pessimizing a write model to support read use cases is the thing we are trying to avoid.
Also: horses for courses. It's entirely appropriate to restrict the use of CQRS to those cases where you can profit from it. When GET/PUT semantics of a single model work, you should prefer them to separate models for reads and writes.

CQRS sagas - did I understand them right?

I'm trying to understand sagas, and meanwhile I have a specific way of thinking of them - but I am not sure whether I got the idea right. Hence I'd like to elaborate and have others tell me whether it's right or wrong.
In my understanding, sagas are a solution to the question of how to model long-running processes. Long-running means: Involving multiple commands, multiple events and possibly multiple aggregates. The process is not modeled inside one of the participating aggregates to avoid dependencies between them.
Basically, a saga is nothing more but a command / event handler that reacts on internal and external commands / events. It does not contain its own logic, it's just a (finite) state machine, and therefor provides tasks such as When event X happens, send command Y.
Sagas are persisted to the event store as well as aggregates, are correlated to a specific aggregate instance, and hence are reloaded when this specific aggregate (or set of aggregates) is used.
Is this right?
There are different means of implementing Sagas. Reaching from stateless event handlers that publish commands all the way to carrying all the state and basically being the domain's aggregates themselves. Udi Dahan once wrote an article about Sagas being the only Aggregates in a (in his specific case) correctly modeled system. I'll look it up and update this answer.
There's also the concept of document-based sagas.
Your definition of Sagas sounds right for me and I also would define them so.
The only change in your description I would made is that a saga is only a eventhandler (not a command) for event(s) and based on the receiving event and its internal state constructs a command and sents it to the CommandBus for execution.
Normally has a Saga only a single event to be started from (StartByEvent) and multiple events to transition (TransitionByEvent) to the next state and mutiple event to be ended by(EndByEvent).
On MSDN they defined Sagas as ProcessManager.
The term saga is commonly used in discussions of CQRS to refer to a
piece of code that coordinates and routes messages between bounded
contexts and aggregates. However, for the purposes of this guidance we
prefer to use the term process manager to refer to this type of code
artifact. There are two reasons for this: There is a well-known,
pre-existing definition of the term saga that has a different meaning
from the one generally understood in relation to CQRS. The term
process manager is a better description of the role performed by this
type of code artifact. Although the term saga is often used in the
context of the CQRS pattern, it has a pre-existing definition. We have
chosen to use the term process manager in this guidance to avoid
confusion with this pre-existing definition. The term saga, in
relation to distributed systems, was originally defined in the paper
"Sagas" by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem. This paper proposes
a mechanism that it calls a saga as an alternative to using a
distributed transaction for managing a long-running business process.
The paper recognizes that business processes are often comprised of
multiple steps, each of which involves a transaction, and that overall
consistency can be achieved by grouping these individual transactions
into a distributed transaction. However, in long-running business
processes, using distributed transactions can impact on the
performance and concurrency of the system because of the locks that
must be held for the duration of the distributed transaction.
reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj591569.aspx