How to dump (backup) several tables (collection) and recover from MongoDB? - mongodb

I'm new in MongoDB and my english is too bad - so, i can't understand mongodb documentation.
I have to dump (backup) several tables (collection) from MongoDB base - how I can do it?
Which utility I have to use for recover collections from backup?
Thank you for your attention for my question!

Start your mongod server. Assuming that your mongod server is running on localhost and port 27017. Now open a command prompt and go to bin directory of your mongodb instance and type the command:
This command will back all data of the server to directory /bin/dump/
To backup only specific collection, use:
mongodump --collection YOUR_COLLECTION_NAME --db YOUR_DB_NAME
On a good-bye note, to restore/recover data use command:


How to clone a collection from one MongoDB to another on same server

I'm using Mongo 3.2. I have two databases on my localhost named client1 and client2.
Now client1 contains a collection named users.
I want to clone this collection to client2.
I have tried:-
use client2
db.cloneCollection('localhost:27017', 'client1.users',
{ 'active' : true } )
This outputs
"ok" : 0.0,
"errmsg" : "can't cloneCollection from self"
Is cloning a collection from one db to another on the same server prohibited?
Few things :
In general cloneCollection is used for different mongo instances but not to copy on same instances.
Also if you're using v4.2 you should stop using copyDB & cloneCollection cause they're deprecated compatibility-with-v4.2 & start using mongodump and mongorestore or mongoexport & mongoimport.
I would suggest to use mongodump & mongorestore :
Cause mongodump would preserve MongoDB's data types i.e.; bson types.
mongodump creates a binary where as mongoexport would convert bson to json & again mongoimport will convert json to bson while writing, which is why they're slow. You can use mongoexport & mongoimport when you wanted to analyze your collections data visually or use json data for any other purpose.
You can run below script in shell
declare - a collections = ("collectionName1" "collectionName2")
for i in "${collections[#]}"
echo "$i"
mongodump --host "All-shards" --username=uname --password password --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin --db dbname --collection "$i"
mongorestore --host=host-shard-name --port=27017 --username=uname --password=psswrd --ssl --authenticationDatabase=admin --db=dbname --collection= "$i" ./dump/dbName/"$i".bson;
To use mongodump, you must run mongodump against a running mongod or mongos instance. So these commands are being run expecting mongo is properly installed & path setup is good, if not you can navigate to mongo folder & run like ./mongodump & ./mongorestore. Above script will be useful if you wanted to backup multiple collections, You need specify few things in script like :
mongodump--host "All-shards" -> Here you need to specify all shards if your MongoDB is a replica set, if not you can specify localhost:27017.
mongorestore --host=host-shard-name -> You've to specify one shard of replica set, else your localhost, Few things here can be optional --ssl, --username, --password.
So mongodump will create a folder named dump for first time which will have the sub-folders with dbNames & each sub-folder will has bson files respective to their collection names dumped, So you need to refer dbName in restore command & collection name will be taken from variable i -> ./dump/dbName/"$i".bson
Note : MongoDB v3.2 is so old & in cloud based MongoDB service Mongo-atlas it has already reached it's end of lifecycle, So please upgrade asap. If you're looking for a free mongo instance or starting with MongoDB - you can try atlas.
db.cloneCollection() copies data directly between MongoDB instances.
That means you cannot clone inside the same mongod instance. Use mongoexport and mongoimport to clone your collection.
Since 4.2 MongoDb introduces $merge operator which allows copy from db1.collection to db2.collection.

Archive replica set in mongodb

I'm a MongoDB DBA and I'm totally new to Mongo and also to DBA role.
I want to archive data that is one month old in a 3 node replica set. mongodump is one option I can achieve this but my client asks me if there are any options. So please could you suggest the available options for archiving the data in replica set.
Many thanks!!!
Yes, we have multiple options.
We can able to take from tools like,
OPS Manager
Scripting via
Other than that, if you are trying in manually use MongoDUMP
mongodump --archive=test.20150715.gz --gzip --db test
mongodump --gzip --db test
if you want to restore same archive file,
mongorestore --archive --port 27017 --host

How to restore Mongo(WT engine) only with collection-0-****.wt file?

My mongodb can't lanuch now, when I want start mongo got error ***aborting after invariant() failure
Now I want to restore collection-0-****.wt file to a new db, is this possible?
As at MongoDB 3.2, only full backups of WiredTiger data directories can be copied into a new instance. WiredTiger collection or index files aren't self-contained; they rely on other metadata in the WiredTiger.* catalog files. The invariant/assertion you are getting on startup is expected if data files are incomplete or inconsistent.
If you want to backup and restore a single collection, you should use mongodump and mongorestore, eg:
mongodump --db test --collection northwind --host host1
mongorestore --db test dump/test/northwind.bson --host host2
For supported full backup procedures, see: MongoDB Backup Methods.
I had the same issue and after spending 5 hours doing everything, found this.
You will need to restore 1 collection at a time(a few at once when you get the hang of it), but it works!

MongoDB storing data in two different locations

I'm sort of new at MongoDB and running into a few problems with locating/accessing data that I've created or imported, in that it's ending up in two distinct locations.
If I start the shell like this
$ mongo
and then show the databases
$ show dbs
this gives me a list of about 10 databases that I've created. These are in the /data/db directory It does not include a db called 'pact'
However, if I connect like this
$ mongo localhost/pact
and then do
$show dbs
it only lists one db, the pact db, which isn't listed when I connect to mongo the other way by just doing 'mongo.' 'Pact' isn't in the /data/db directory. According to my notes, I might have made the 'pact' db by starting mongod this way,
mongod --dbpath data
which I would think would position it in the data/db directory, and I imported into the pact directory like this
mongoimport --stopOnError --db pact --collection products < products.json
Moving on, if I use mongo in irb and start like this
>> mongo_client ="localhost", 27017)
and then do 'show dbs'
I get the long list of dbs from the /data/db directory (which didn't include pact).
In order to find db pact through irb, I tried to include it after localhost, as I do with mongo localhost/pact
>> mongo_client ="localhost/pact", 27017)
but I got an error.
1 Is there a way I can find out what directory the 'pact' db is in?
2 How can I access it in irb with the Mongo driver if not by
mongo_client ="localhost/pact", 27017)
which I assumed would work since I can do this in the shell mongo localhost/pact
3 Based on what I've told you, can you explain why this happened (I'm assuming it's not the proper way to have data saved in another directory)
My suggestion is to use mongodump in mongo localhost/pact shell context
mongodump -d pact -o /out/dir
to backup the entire database. And use mongorestore at normall mongo shell context
mongorestore -d pact /out/dir
to restore the database.

How can I backup a MongoDB GridFS database the easiest way?

Like the title says, I have a MongoDB GridFS database with a whole range of file types (e.g., text, pdf, xls), and I want to backup this database the easiest way.
Replication is not an option. Preferably I'd like to do it the usual database way of dumping the database to file and then backup that file (which could be used to restore the entire database 100% later on if needed). Can that be done with mongodump? I also want the backup to be incremental. Will that be a problem with GridFS and mongodump?
Most importantly, is that the best way of doing it? I am not that familiar with MongoDB, will mongodump work as well as mysqldump does with MySQL? Whats the best practice for MongoDB GridFS and incremental backups?
I am running Linux if that makes any difference.
GridFS stores files in two collections: fs.files and fs.chunks.
More information on this may be found in the GridFS Specification document:
Both collections may be backed up using mongodump, the same as any other collection. The documentation on mongodump may be found here:
From a terminal, this would look something like the following:
For this demonstration, my db name is "gridFS":
First, mongodump is used to back the fs.files and fs.chunks collections to a folder on my desktop:
$ bin/mongodump --db gridFS --collection fs.chunks --out /Desktop
connected to:
DATABASE: gridFS to /Desktop/gridFS
gridFS.fs.chunks to /Desktop/gridFS/fs.chunks.bson
3 objects
$ bin/mongodump --db gridFS --collection fs.files --out /Desktop
connected to:
DATABASE: gridFS to /Desktop/gridFS
gridFS.fs.files to /Users/mbastien/Desktop/gridfs/gridFS/fs.files.bson
3 objects
Now, mongorestore is used to pull the backed-up collections into a new (for the purpose of demonstration) database called "gridFScopy"
$ bin/mongorestore --db gridFScopy --collection fs.chunks /Desktop/gridFS/fs.chunks.bson
connected to:
Thu Jan 19 12:38:43 /Desktop/gridFS/fs.chunks.bson
Thu Jan 19 12:38:43 going into namespace [gridFScopy.fs.chunks]
3 objects found
$ bin/mongorestore --db gridFScopy --collection fs.files /Desktop/gridFS/fs.files.bson
connected to:
Thu Jan 19 12:39:37 /Desktop/gridFS/fs.files.bson
Thu Jan 19 12:39:37 going into namespace [gridFScopy.fs.files]
3 objects found
Now the Mongo shell is started, so that the restore can be verified:
$ bin/mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.2
connecting to: test
> use gridFScopy
switched to db gridFScopy
> show collections
The collections fs.chunks and fs.files have been successfully restored to the new DB.
You can write a script to perform mongodump on your fs.files and fs.chunks collections periodically.
As for incremental backups, they are not really supported by MongoDB. A Google search for "mongodb incremental backup" reveals a good mongodb-user Google Groups discussion on the subject:
For continuous back-ups, many users use a replica set. (Realizing that in your original question, you stated that this is not an option. This is included for other members of the Community who may be reading this response.) A member of a replica set can be hidden to ensure that it will never become Primary and will never be read from. More information on this may be found in the "Member Options" section of the Replica Set Configuration documentation.