CSRF Protection with Custom header other than X-Requested-By - csrf

This is related to the post https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/23371/csrf-protection-with-custom-headers-and-without-validating-token/23373#23373?newreg=9acf3e40d05f4d19a00eb58b160f8453
So if we have decided to use Custom Header Validation as a option for CSRF protection and if we need to use some other custom header other than "X-Requested-By" then what is the best way to do that

From the source code of CsrfProtectionFilter, the header to validate is defined as a private static variable. So it is not possible to change the header to validate.
private static final String HEADER_NAME = "X-Requested-By";
It is good to stick to the standards and use X-Requested-By.
But, still if you want to validate a separate header, you need to write your own filter, which is very easy. Just copy the class and change the header (which is not recommended)


Generate unpredictable/unforgeable URL from predictable ID

I have a simple API that return Something for a given ID and it must be used without any kind of authentication, the URL should be permanent and yet I want to avoid as much as possible it to be botted.
The Url is something like this:
The problem is that this is very predicable and a bot could easily try all the ID and get everything associated to it.
I'm looking for a way to make the URL non predictable like for example:
In this way except if you run a supercalculator you shouldn't be able to deduce all the URLs
I know that there is probably a lot of ways to do that, like using a DB which I want to avoid.
I guess I'm looking for a kind a JWT associated to the ID without expiration but maybe there is better solution.
Edit: to give a better example i'm looking to do a bit like did Zoom for permanent invitation Links. They had predictable room Ids and they added a password making it unpredictable lie so:
What would be the best/light/"secure" way to achieve that ?
Also I'm using .Net if there is a library doing that, it would be great.
I think your idea of using a JWT makes the most sense. Better to use something standard from a cryptographic point of view, and the JSON format allows for encoding whatever you need to provide to the receiving endpoint (user names, entity names, entity IDs, other things).
There are standard Microsoft libraries for building and validating JWTs, but I prefer the library Jwt.Net (https://www.nuget.org/packages/JWT). It lets you do something like this quite easily:
var token = JwtBuilder()
.WithAlgorithm(new RS256Algorithm(publicKey,privateKey))
.AddClaim("uri", String.Format("https://example.com/api/{0}/{1}", entityName, entityId))
Just add whatever claims you like, and the JWT will then contain what you want to transfer (I've used an example of the URI that you want to give to the entity) and a signature with your private key. You could even just give a URL like https://example.com/from_token/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmkiOiJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL2FwaS90ZXN0RW50aXR5LzEyMzQifQ.K2P4wSF6g1Kt-IHMzlklWTV09_MIkoiNHQztSIYOohmOWe7aBfFSQLIKSbdTECj9XPjNNG_AjH9fdjFglkPuYfr2G9rtl2eh5vTjwdM-Uc0X6RkBu0Z2j7KyMKjkaI3zfkIwhtL1mH873xEBtNOGOW18fuBpgnm8zhMAj1oD3PlDW8-fYBrfLb6VK97DGh_DyxapbksgUeHst7cAGg3Nz97InDPtYcWDi6lDuVQsj3t4iaJBRL8IM785Q8xjlHHhzdfcX3xU4IhflyNHHXxP56_8ahNNMOZKWdwgbTSIxEEB98b3naY3XknC-ea7Nc1y4_5fszrYdy3LaQWV43jpaA
and have the handler decode the entity name and ID you want to retrieve directly from the URI while verifying the signature. Decoding with the library is just as easy:
var json = JwtBuilder.Create()
.WithAlgorithm(new RS256Algorithm(_key))

Can a PUT perform a merge on an entity without using a custom PUT operation?

I would like to implement a PUT request that merges data.
For example:
I have an entity Article where the content property is "Lorem Ipsum. " and when I perform a PUT on that entity with content = "Hey !" I would like to the end result to be "Lorem Ipsum. Hey !".
Is that possible to do without a custom PUT operation?
Even though it's not possible with a standard PUT, you can always write a wrapper to do it for you :)
public void PutWithConcatenation(string contentToConcatenate)
// use GET request here
string articleContent = GetArticle().content;
string concatenatedContent = articleContent + contentToConcatenate;
// use PUT request here
I would like to implement a PUT request that merges data.
Unfortunately, that's not what PUT means; so you have two problems -- first, because you aren't using the standard meaning for PUT, you are going to have to craft your own bespoke implementation. Second, general purpose components aren't going to know about your hijacking of PUT semantics, so you are leaving yourself exposed -- any loss of property will be attributed to your violation of the semantics.
Much better to use PUT for PUT, and use something else (POST, PATCH), when you want merge.
There is a registered MERGE method; is part of the WebDAV specification. You could review that spec to see if the defined semantics are close to what you want.

REST - Updating partial data

I am currently programming a REST service and a website that mostly uses this REST service.
public class User {
private String realname;
private String username;
private String emailAddress;
private String password;
private Role role;
One form to update
email address
Another form to update the role
And a third form to change the password
Focussing on the first view, which pattern would be a good practice?
PUT /user/{userId}
imho not because the form contains only partial data (not role, not password). So it cannot send a whole user object.
PATCH /user/{userId}
may be ok. Is a good way to implement it like:
1) read current user entity
if(source.getRealname() != null) // Check if field was set (partial update)
.. for all available fields
3) save dest
POST /user/{userId}/generalInformation
as summary for realname, email, username
Thank you!
One problem with this approach is that user cannot nullify optional fields since code is not applying the value if (input is empty and value) is null.
This might be ok for password or other required entity field but for example if you have an optional Note field then the user cannot "clean" the field.
Also, if you are using a plain FORM you cannot use PATCH method, only GET or POST.
If you are using Ajax you might be interested in JSON Merge Patch (easier) and/or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch (most complete); for an overview of the problems that one can find in partial updates and in using PATCH see also this page.
A point is that a form can only send empty or filled value, while a JSON object property can have three states: value (update), null (set null) and no-property (ignore).
An implementation I used with success is ZJSONPATCH
Focussing on the first view, which pattern would be a good practice?
My suggestion starts from a simple idea: how would you do this as web pages in HTML?
You probably start from a page that offers a view of the user, with hyperlinks like "Update profile", "Update role", "Change password". Clicking on update profile would load an html form, maybe with a bunch of default values already filled in. The operator would make changes, then submit the form, which would send a message to an endpoint that knows how to decode the message body and update the model.
The first two steps are "safe" -- the operator isn't proposing any changes. In the last step, the operator is proposing a change, so safe methods would not be appropriate.
HTML, as a hypermedia format, is limited to two methods (GET, POST), so we might see the browser do something like
GET /user/:id
GET /forms/updateGeneralInformation?:id
POST /updates/generalInformation/:id
There are lots of different spellings you can use, depending on how to prefer to organize your resources. The browser doesn't care, because it's just following links.
You have that same flexibility in your API. The first trick in the kit should always be "can I solve this with a new resource?".
Ian S Robinson observed: specialization and innovation depend on an open set. If you restrict yourself to a closed vocabulary of HTTP methods, then the open set you need to innovate needs to lie elsewhere: the RESTful approach is to use an open set of resources.
Update of a profile really does sound like an operation that should be idempotent, so you'd like to use PUT if you can. Is there anything wrong with:
GET /user/:id/generalInformation
PUT /user/:id/generalInformation
It's a write, it's idempotent, it's a complete replacement of the generalInformation resource, so the HTTP spec is happy.
Yes, changing the current representation of multiple resources with a single request is valid HTTP. In fact, this is one of the approaches described by RFC 7231
Partial content updates are possible by targeting a separately identified resource with state that overlaps a portion of the larger resource
If you don't like supporting multiple views of a resource and supporting PUT on each, you can apply the same heuristic ("add more resources") by introducing a command queue to handle changes to the underlying model.
GET /user/:id/generalInformation
PUT /changeRequests/:uuid
Up to you whether you want to represent all change requests as entries in the same collection, or having specialized collections of change requests for subsets of operations. Tomato, tomahto.

How to pass any number of headers to Feign client without knowing all the names?

I've a use case where I need to pass all headers that start with a certain prefix to the feign client. I don't know the number or exact names of these headers. There doesn't seem to be a way to to do this easily as the Feign client expects all headers to be specified using #RequestHeader("name"). It doesn't seem to support something like #RequestHeader HttpHeaders, which would be very useful.
Any suggestions?
As of this writing, Feign doesn't support dynamic headers or query parameters using a Map. The Spring Cloud Feign client relies on the Spring annotations instead of Feign annotations, and the implementations of AnnotatedParameterProcessor have a bug such that they don't do what the documentation states they should be doing.
RequestHeader doc:
If the method parameter is Map, MultiValueMap, or HttpHeaders then the
map is populated with all header names and values.
RequestParam doc:
If the method parameter is Map or MultiValueMap and a parameter name
is not specified, then the map parameter is populated with all request
parameter names and values.
I submitted a pull request that will fix this. Until then, I'm using an extension of SpringMvcContract that uses my own AnnotatedParameterProcessor implementations. I set the custom SpringMvcContract using a Feign.Builder as follows:
FormattingConversionService feignConversionService;
public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
return HystrixFeign.builder()
public Contract feignContract() {
return new EnhancedSpringMvcContract(feignConversionService);
From the documentation, you should be able to specify a header map for dynamic headers.
In cases where both the header field keys and values are dynamic and the range of possible keys cannot be known ahead of time and may vary between different method calls in the same api/client (e.g. custom metadata header fields such as "x-amz-meta-" or "x-goog-meta-"), a Map parameter can be annotated with HeaderMap to construct a query that uses the contents of the map as its header parameters.
#RequestLine("POST /")
void post(#HeaderMap Map<String, Object> headerMap);

How to extend res.json in sailsjs

I need to extend res.json so that the response goes out as text with a csrf token eg
Sails seems to use a different csrf methodology, but I need to do it this way to match the preexisting client side codebase.
Ideally I need to be able to create a new function:
return res.jsonWithCsrf({
foo: bar
Internally this would call res.json but would wrap the csfr token around the response.
I gather that I need to write a hook but am unsure how to do it.
You can create custom responses by placing your file in the api/responses directory.
You can see the files that are already there, modify them if you want, or create your own.
If you were to create jsonWithCsrf.js in that folder, then you can access it in the manner you describe above.