Facebook insights for personal page - facebook

I was wondering if it's possible to get some kind of insights,using facebook graph, for the personal profile.
Basically I want to know some demographic information(age,gender,location) about the user who shared, liked my feed posts.
I found on the internet that wolfram alpha can do this, although I tried using my profile and besides some information about me, it didn't show any demographic data.
So do you know how get I get some demographic data about the persons who liked/shared my posts.

Not possible at all. Without authorization, you can´t get any detail of the user - for obvious privacy reasons. Insights are for Pages only.


Is facebook profile "view as" feature exists also in the graph api?

Facebook has this option in their gui of viewing your own profile as is seen by someone else.
My question is, is there any similar thing in the graph API?
i.e. - Can I, given an user's access token, tell what other groups of people (say his friends) can see about him? (or if a specific detail in his profile is viewable by this group).
I searched in the documentation but didnt find anything, and also, the privacy field is limited to posts, photos and videos, and does not contain other information - So I'm looking for ways to work this around and to be able to tell what detail is accessable to which person.

Get impression or hit statistics on Facebook feed posts

Is there any way to get figures on the number of impressions, hits, or number of users that a particular Facebook post that is not part of a Page has been seen by?
To paraphrase, let's say that I make a post on my personal Facebook account, can I use the API (or another method) with my own access token to look up how much visibility this post has received?
The Insights APIs seem to be restricted to posts that are on a "Page", which from what I can see is distinct from a user's personal profile or feed.
Exactly, post insights are available for page posts only.
There isn’t a similar thing for posts on user timelines.
(If you are sharing content from your own domain, then Domain Insights might be able to give some data.)

Facebook Graph API Get feed/posts is missing wall posts

I am building a basic app for a research project. Basically, we want to see if brain surgery alters behavior based on user's facebook posts and interactions. In other words, we are trying to read all wall posts from specific users.
My initial ideas was this: As long as the researcher is friend's with the subject, I can call https://graph.facebook.com/UID/posts and https://graph.facebook.com/UID/feed. A combination of those two should give me all relevant posts.
This works perfectly for some users, but for others, I'm only getting some random posts while missing many others. For some users, I'm not getting anything at all. I cannot find any pattern as to when posts are shown and when not. Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be and how to solve it?
I'm using the read_stream permission.
The most likely answer is that the user's friend disabled API platform access in their settings or locked down the privacy in some of their posts.

Providing users with a way to detag their Facebook photos

I run a social membership club and my website users can log into my site with each having their own profile page.
On each of my user's profile pages, I want to display a list of photos which have been tagged with that user on Facebook. I know this part is possible.
The bit I am struggling with is giving each of my users the ability to 'untag' themselves in each photo of them that is displayed in the list. The 'untagging' should happen directly from my site. Is this possible and how could I go about doing this?
Hope someone can help/has ideas?
Unfortunately, there's no facbeook API that allows removal of photo tags at this time of writing.
Its not documented and I haven't tested this but I'd chance issuing a DELTE request to
Worth a shot through the graph explorer anyway.

Facebook - public posts not appearing in Graph?

I am currently trying to get the posts for a specific user from Facebook's Graph API. I have done this numerous times before using a php script I have developed; but the problem this time seems to be on Facebook's end, not mine.
I am trying to get the posts from (replacing TOKEN with an access token):
The graph won't show any posts by the owner of that page but will show everyone else's posts, and as far as I can see the posts are marked as public, and there are no privacy settings set on the account that would stop it from adding the posts to the graph.
Any ideas?
Check that you have requested the manage_pages permission to give you full access to the page (if you need access as the "page owner").
Using the access_token you've got, according to this documentation there are three different things that you can select feed, statuses and posts.
I'd give those three a go from https://graph.facebook.com and if what you get back is what you require.
You need to check the "profile" privacy settings (what to share with apps). But most importantly, this is against Facebook ToS!
You can't use a user profile to represent your business, you need to use Facebook pages instead!
More can found here:
Why should I convert my profile (timeline) to a Page?
Since profiles
(timelines) are for meant individual people, they aren't suited to
meet your business needs. Pages offer more robust features for
organizations, businesses, brands, and public figures, which you can
learn more about here.
Further, maintaining a profile (timeline) for anything other than an
individual person is a violation of Facebook's Statement of Rights and
Responsibilities. If you don’t convert your profile (timeline) to a
Page, you risk permanently losing access to the profile (timeline) and
all of your content.