I wrote this program in Racket which generates 32 random notes from a set of 15 notes and then plays them. The duration of each note should be 0.25 seconds. When I run it gives latency which makes the melody sound off-beat.
How can it run normally?
This is the program:
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require rsound)
(require rsound/piano-tones)
(define-syntax-rule (note y x)
(play (piano-tone y))
(sleep x)
(define (random-element list)
(list-ref list (random (length list))))
(define-syntax-rule (random-note)
(note (random-element '(40 42 43 45 47 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 64)) 0.25))
(for ([i 32])
First of all, the notes that come from piano-tone are not really meant to be truncated like that, although you can do it with the clip function.
Second of all, your problem here is that you are relying on how fast your computer will execute code, which is inherently inconsistent.
A much better approach is to use make-pstream. And to queue up the notes to run later. That way there won't be a gap based on your processor in between when notes play.
(Also, as a side note in-range can be used to speed up for loops when you are using them like this.)
Put it all together (using clip to cut your notes off), your program will look something like this (I used magic numbers for brevity, obviously you would want to run through the actual calculations to get 0.25 seconds):
#lang racket
(require rsound
(define stream (make-pstream))
(define count 10000)
(define (note y x)
(pstream-queue stream (clip (piano-tone y) 0 10000) count)
(set! count (+ count x)))
(define (random-element list)
(list-ref list (random (length list))))
(define (random-note)
(note (random-element '(40 42 43 45 47 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 64)) 10000))
(for ([i (in-range 32)])
Finally, if you want to wrap this all up into a single executable, the program will terminate before the queue finishes. So make a busy loop at the end of your program that waits for the queue to finish (by using pstream-queue-callback).
Add this to the end of your program:
(define ok-to-exit? #f)
(pstream-queue-callback stream (lambda () (set! ok-to-exit? #t)) count)
(let loop ()
(sleep 0.1)
(unless ok-to-exit?
I am trying to animate the word "floccinaucinihilipilification" letter by letter. Right now it displays the complete word in the animation window, but I am lost on how to animate it so it will count up from the first character to the last, looping back to 0.
(define LONG-WORD "floccinaucinihilipilification")
; cycle-spelling : String -> Image
; display an animation of a long
; word being spelled out
(define a (string-length LONG-WORD))
(define TXT
(text (substring LONG-WORD 0 a) 30 "black"))
(define BG
(empty-scene 400 400))
(define (cycle-spelling a)
(place-image TXT 200 200 BG))
(animate cycle-spelling)
See what animate does:
(animate create-image) → natural-number/c
create-image : (-> natural-number/c scene?)
opens a canvas and starts a clock that ticks 28 times per second. Every time the clock ticks, DrRacket applies create-image to the number of ticks passed since this function call. The results of these function calls are displayed in the canvas. The simulation runs until you click the Stop button in DrRacket or close the window. At that point, animate returns the number of ticks that have passed.
So you have to base your code on the number of ticks, passed to create-image function.
(animate cycle-spelling)
(define (cycle-spelling ticks) ... )
Start with (quotient ticks 28), value of this expression increases each second by 1.
Looping is created with modulo, so after some experimenting, you should have something like this:
(modulo (quotient ticks 28) (+ (string-length long-word) 1))
Rest of the code will be similar.
Following code animates given word letter by letter and then loops back to 0.
#lang racket
(require 2htdp/universe)
(require 2htdp/image)
(define long-word "floccinaucinihilipilification")
(define speed 3) ; try also 7, 14, 28 ...
(define bg
(empty-scene 400 400))
(define (cycle-spelling ticks)
(place-image (text (substring long-word 0
(modulo (quotient ticks speed)
(+ (string-length long-word) 1)))
30 "black")
200 200 bg))
(animate cycle-spelling)
I've been solving some challenges at codesignal.com using C-Lisp to learn it and I've been avoiding using loops to make lisp style code.
In this challenge called alternatingSums (which gives you an int array a that can be very large and ask you to return an array/list {sumOfEvenIndexedElements, sumOfOddIndexedElements}) i have been receiving stack overflow error with this code:
(defun alternatingSums(a &optional (index 0) (accumulated '(0 0)))
(cond ((= index (length a))
((evenp index)
(1+ index)
`(,(+ (svref a index ) (elt accumulated 0)) ,(elt accumulated 1)))
((oddp index)
(1+ index)
`(,(elt accumulated 0) ,(+ (svref a index ) (elt accumulated 1))))
isn't it tail-recursive or can tail-recursive functions still get stack-overflow?
Recursive functions which call themselves from tail position can lead to stack overflow; language implementations must support some form of tail call elimination to avoid the problem.
I've been avoiding using loops to make lisp style code.
Common Lisp does not require that implementations do tail call elimination, but Scheme implementations must do so. It is idiomatic in Scheme to use recursion for iteration, but in Common Lisp it is idiomatic to use other iteration devices unless recursion provides a natural solution for the problem at hand.
Although Common Lisp implementations are not required to do tail call elimination, many do. Clisp does support limited tail call elimination, but only in compiled code, and only for self-recursive tail calls. This is not well-documented, but there is some discussion to be found here #Renzo. OP posted code will be subject to tail call elimination when compiled in Clisp since the function alternatingSums calls itself from tail position. This covers most cases in which you may be interested in tail call elimination, but note that tail call elimination is then not done for mutually recursive function definitions in Clisp. See the end of this answer for an example.
Defining a function from the REPL, or loading a definition from a source file, will result in interpreted code. If you are working in a development environment like SLIME, it is easy to compile: from the source file buffer either do Ctrl-c Ctrl-k to compile the whole file and send it to the REPL, or place the point inside of or immediately after a function definition and do Ctrl-c Ctrl-c to compile a single definition and send it to the REPL.
You could also compile the source file before loading it, e.g. (load (compile-file "my-file.lisp")). Or you could load the source file, and compile a function after that, e.g. (load "my-file.lisp"), then (compile 'my-function).
As already mentioned, it would probably be more likely that idiomatic Common Lisp code would not use recursion for this sort of function anyway. Here is a definition using the loop macro that some would find more clear and concise:
(defun alternating-sums (xs)
(loop for x across xs
and i below (length xs)
if (evenp i) sum x into evens
else sum x into odds
finally (return (list evens odds))))
The Case of Mutually Recursive Functions in Clisp
Here is a simple pair of mutually recursive function definitions:
(defun my-evenp (n)
(cond ((zerop n) t)
((= 1 n) nil)
(t (my-oddp (- n 1)))))
(defun my-oddp (n)
(my-evenp (- n 1)))
Neither function calls itself directly, but my-evenp has a call to my-oddp in tail position, and my-oddp has a call to my-evenp in tail position. One would like for these tail calls to be eliminated to avoid blowing the stack for large inputs, but Clisp does not do this. Here is the disassembly:
CL-USER> (disassemble 'my-evenp)
Disassembly of function MY-EVENP
14 byte-code instructions:
1 (CALLS2&JMPIF 172 L16) ; ZEROP
4 (CONST&PUSH 0) ; 1
6 (CALLSR&JMPIF 1 47 L19) ; =
12 (CALL1 1) ; MY-ODDP
14 (SKIP&RET 2)
16 L16
16 (T)
17 (SKIP&RET 2)
19 L19
19 (NIL)
20 (SKIP&RET 2)
CL-USER> (disassemble 'my-oddp)
Disassembly of function MY-ODDP
3 byte-code instructions:
2 (CALL1 0) ; MY-EVENP
4 (SKIP&RET 2)
Compare with a tail recursive function that calls itself. Here there is no call to factorial in the disassembly, but instead a jump instruction has been inserted: (JMPTAIL 2 5 L0).
(defun factorial (n acc)
(if (zerop n) acc
(factorial (- n 1) (* n acc))))
CL-USER> (disassemble 'factorial)
Disassembly of function FACTORIAL
11 byte-code instructions:
0 L0
1 (CALLS2&JMPIF 172 L15) ; ZEROP
8 (CALLSR&PUSH 2 57) ; *
11 (JMPTAIL 2 5 L0)
15 L15
15 (LOAD 1)
16 (SKIP&RET 3)
Some Common Lisp implementations do support tail call elimination for mutually recursive functions. Here is the disassembly of my-oddp from SBCL:
; disassembly for MY-ODDP
; Size: 40 bytes. Origin: #x52C8F9E4 ; MY-ODDP
; 9E4: 498B4510 MOV RAX, [R13+16] ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
; 9E8: 488945F8 MOV [RBP-8], RAX
; 9EC: BF02000000 MOV EDI, 2
; 9F1: 488BD3 MOV RDX, RBX
; 9F4: E8771B37FF CALL #x52001570 ; GENERIC--
; 9F9: 488B5DF0 MOV RBX, [RBP-16]
; 9FD: B902000000 MOV ECX, 2
; A02: FF7508 PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
; A05: E9D89977FD JMP #x504093E2 ; #<FDEFN MY-EVENP>
; A0A: CC10 INT3 16 ; Invalid argument count trap
This is a little harder to read than the previous examples because SBCL compiles to assembly language instead of byte code, but you can see that a jump instruction has been substituted for the call to my-evenp:
; A05: E9D89977FD JMP #x504093E2 ; #<FDEFN MY-EVENP>
Common Lisp compilers are not required to optimize tail calls. Many do, but not all implementations compile your code by default; you have to compile the file using compile-file, or else the function individually with (compile 'alternatingsums).
CLISP contains both an interpreter, which processes the nested-list representation of Lisp source code, and a byte code compiler. The compiler supports tail recursion, whereas the interpreter doesn't:
$ clisp -q
[1]> (defun countdown (n) (unless (zerop n) (countdown (1- n))))
[2]> (countdown 10000000)
*** - Program stack overflow. RESET
[3]> (compile 'countdown)
[4]> (countdown 10000000)
Peeking under the hood a little bit:
[5]> (disassemble 'countdown)
Disassembly of function COUNTDOWN
1 required argument
0 optional arguments
No rest parameter
No keyword parameters
8 byte-code instructions:
0 L0
1 (CALLS2&JMPIF 172 L10) ; ZEROP
6 (JMPTAIL 1 3 L0)
10 L10
10 (NIL)
11 (SKIP&RET 2)
We can see that the virtual machine has a JMPTAIL primitive.
Another approach to tail calling is via macros. Years ago, I hacked up a macro called tlet which lets you define (what look like) lexical functions using syntax similar to labels. The tlet construct compiles to a tagbody form in which the tail calls among the functions are go forms. It does not analyze calls for being in tail position: all calls are unconditional transfers that do not return regardless of their position in the syntax. The same source file also provides a trampoline-based implementation of tail calling among global functions.
Here is tlet in CLISP; note: the expression has not been compiled, yet it doesn't run out of stack:
$ clisp -q -i tail-recursion.lisp
;; Loading file tail-recursion.lisp ...
;; Loaded file tail-recursion.lisp
[1]> (tlet ((counter (n) (unless (zerop n) (counter (1- n)))))
(counter 100000))
tlet is not an optimizer. The call to counter is semantically a goto, always; it's not a procedure call that can sometimes turn into a goto under the right circumstances. Watch what happens when we add a print:
[2]> (tlet ((counter (n) (unless (zerop n) (print (counter (1- n))))))
(counter 100000))
That's right; nothing! (counter (1- n)) never returns, and so print is never called.
I'm looking for something like #'delete-duplicates, but I know that all elements of the list are already sorted, or inversely sorted, or at least arranged so that duplicates will already be adjacent to each other. I wish to use that knowledge to ensure that execution speed is not proporational to the square of the number of elements in the list. It's trivial to use #'maplist to grow my own solution, but is there something already in the language? It would be embarrassing to reinvent the wheel.
To be clear, for largish lengths of lists, I would like the running time of the deletion to be proportional to the length of the list, not proportional to the square of that length. This is the behavior I wish to avoid:
1 (defun one-shot (cardinality)
2 (labels ((generate-list (the-count)
3 (let* ((the-list (make-list the-count)))
4 (do ((iterator 0 (1+ iterator)))
5 ((>= iterator the-count))
6 (setf (nth iterator the-list) iterator))
7 the-list)))
8 (let* ((given-list (generate-list cardinality))
9 (stripped-list)
10 (start-time)
11 (end-time))
12 (setf start-time (get-universal-time))
13 (setf stripped-list (delete-duplicates given-list :test #'eql))
14 (setf end-time (get-universal-time))
15 (princ "for n = ")
16 (princ cardinality)
17 (princ ", #'delete-duplicates took ")
18 (princ (- end-time start-time))
19 (princ " seconds")
20 (terpri))))
21 (one-shot 20000)
22 (one-shot 40000)
23 (one-shot 80000)
for n = 20000, #'delete-duplicates took 6 seconds
for n = 40000, #'delete-duplicates took 24 seconds
for n = 80000, #'delete-duplicates took 95 seconds
There's nothing like this in the language, but something like this makes just one pass through the list:
(defun delete-adjacent-duplicates (list &key key (test 'eql))
for head = list then (cdr head)
until (endp head)
finally (return list)
do (setf (cdr head)
(member (if (null key) (car head)
(funcall key (car head)))
(cdr head)
:key key :test-not test))))
As, #wvxvw pointed out, it might be possible to simplify this iteration using (loop for head on list finally (return list) do ...). However, 3.6 Traversal Rules and Side Effects says that modifying the cdr chain of a list during an object-traversal leads to undefined behavior. However, it's not clear whether loop for head on list is technically an object-traversal operation or not. The documentation about loop says in The for-as-on-list subclause that
In the for-as-on-list subclause, the for or as construct iterates over
a list. … The
variable var is bound to the successive tails of the list in form1. At
the end of each iteration, the function step-fun is applied to the
list; the default value for step-fun is cdr. … The for or as construct
causes termination when the end of the list is reached.
This says that the step function is always applied at the end of the iteration, so it sounds like loop for head on list should be OK. At any rate, any possible issues could be avoided by using do loop instead:
(defun delete-adjacent-duplicates (list &key key (test 'eql))
(do ((head list (cdr head)))
((endp head) list)
(setf (cdr head)
(member (if (null key) (car head)
(funcall key (car head)))
(cdr head)
:key key :test-not test))))
The idea is to start with head being the list, then setting its cdr to the first tail that starts with a different element, then advancing the head, and continuing until there's nothing left. This should be linear in the length of the list, assuming that member is implemented in a sensible way. The use of member means that you don't have to do any extra work to get :key and :test working in the appropriate way. (Do note that :test for del-dups is going to be the :test-not of member.) Note: there's actually a slight issue with this, in that the key function will called twice for each element in the final list: once when it's the first element of a tail, and once when it's the car of head.
CL-USER> (delete-adjacent-duplicates (list 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3))
(1 2 3)
CL-USER> (delete-adjacent-duplicates (list 1 2 2))
(1 2)
CL-USER> (delete-adjacent-duplicates (list 1 3 5 6 4 2 3 5) :key 'evenp)
(1 6 3)
I expect that any linear time solution is going to take a similar approach; hold a reference to the current head, find the next tail that begins with a different element, and then make that tail the cdr of the head.
I would expect REMOVE-DUPLICATES to have a linear time implementation. (And indeed it does* on my local SBCL install.)
Note that REMOVE-DUPLICATES and DELETE-DUPLICATES are specified to have the same return value, and that the side effects of DELETE-DUPLICATES are not guaranteed.
* The linear time code path is only taken when the :test is #'eq,#'eql, #'equal, or #'equalp (it relies on a hash table) and there is no :key or :test-not argument supplied.
For the record: your test code is basically just this:
(defun one-shot (n &aux (list (loop for i below n collect i)))
(time (delete-duplicates list))
It might also be useful to talk to the implementation maintainers in the case of a slow delete-duplicates.
For example (one-shot 1000000) runs in a second in CCL on my Mac. In LispWorks it runs in 0.155 seconds.
There is nothing like that in the language standard. However, you can do that either with a loop:
(defun remove-adjacent-duplicates (list &key (test #'eql))
(loop for obj in list
and prev = nil then obj
for take = t then (not (funcall test obj prev))
when take collect obj))
or with reduce (exercise left to the reader).
See the other answer for a destructive implementation.
PS. Unless you are doing something tricky with timing, you are much better off using time.
A bit different approach:
(defun compress-duplicates (list &key (test #'eql))
(labels ((%compress-duplicates (head tail)
(if (null tail)
(setf (cdr head) tail)
(progn (unless (funcall test (car head) (car tail))
(setf (cdr head) tail head (cdr head)))
(%compress-duplicates head (cdr tail))))))
(%compress-duplicates list (cdr list))
(compress-duplicates (list 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 1 1))
;; (1 2 3 4 1)
Test of SBCL delete-duplicates implementation:
(defun test-delete-duplicates ()
(labels ((%test (list)
(time (delete-duplicates list))))
:repeat 6
:for list := (loop :for i :from 0 :below 1000
:collect (random 100))
:then (append list list) :do (%test (copy-list list)))))
;; (test-delete-duplicates)
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.002 seconds of real time
;; 0.002000 seconds of total run time (0.002000 user, 0.000000 system)
;; 100.00% CPU
;; 3,103,936 processor cycles
;; 0 bytes consed
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.003 seconds of real time
;; 0.003000 seconds of total run time (0.003000 user, 0.000000 system)
;; 100.00% CPU
;; 6,347,431 processor cycles
;; 0 bytes consed
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.006 seconds of real time
;; 0.006000 seconds of total run time (0.005000 user, 0.001000 system)
;; 100.00% CPU
;; 12,909,947 processor cycles
;; 0 bytes consed
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.012 seconds of real time
;; 0.012000 seconds of total run time (0.012000 user, 0.000000 system)
;; 100.00% CPU
;; 25,253,024 processor cycles
;; 0 bytes consed
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.023 seconds of real time
;; 0.022000 seconds of total run time (0.022000 user, 0.000000 system)
;; 95.65% CPU
;; 50,716,442 processor cycles
;; 0 bytes consed
;; Evaluation took:
;; 0.049 seconds of real time
;; 0.050000 seconds of total run time (0.050000 user, 0.000000 system)
;; 102.04% CPU
;; 106,747,876 processor cycles
;; 0 bytes consed
Shows linear speed.
Test of ECL delete-duplicates implementation:
;; (test-delete-duplicates)
;; real time : 0.003 secs
;; run time : 0.003 secs
;; gc count : 1 times
;; consed : 95796160 bytes
;; real time : 0.007 secs
;; run time : 0.006 secs
;; gc count : 1 times
;; consed : 95874304 bytes
;; real time : 0.014 secs
;; run time : 0.014 secs
;; gc count : 1 times
;; consed : 95989920 bytes
;; real time : 0.028 secs
;; run time : 0.027 secs
;; gc count : 1 times
;; consed : 96207136 bytes
;; real time : 0.058 secs
;; run time : 0.058 secs
;; gc count : 1 times
;; consed : 96617536 bytes
;; real time : 0.120 secs
;; run time : 0.120 secs
;; gc count : 1 times
;; consed : 97412352 bytes
Linear time increase too.
I'm using a Lisp MIDI library for a small project I'm working on. Just to get started, I'm trying to write a simple MIDI file that plays middle C. However I can't seem to get this to work and can not find any documentation on how to do this sort of thing. Here is my code:
(defun make-track ()
(make-instance 'midi:note-on-message
:time 0
:key 60
:velocity 100
:status 0)
(make-instance 'midi:note-off-message
:time 128
:key 60 :velocity 100
:status 0)))
(defun make-tracks ()
(list (make-track)))
(defun try-to-write-midi-file ()
(let* ((my-midi-file (make-instance 'midi:midifile
:format 1
:tracks (make-tracks)
:division 25)))
(midi:write-midi-file my-midi-file "opus.mid")))
It is creating a MIDI file but one of 0 seconds duration, which does not seem to have a middle C playing in it.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
David Lewis, one of the maintainers of the library, explained to me what I was doing wrong. Here is the correct code:
(defun make-track ()
;; The STATUS values you give to your messages gives the sequencer channel
;; information but, rather than taking the channel as you'd expect to see it
;; (i.e. an integer between 0-15), it takes it in the form the MIDI itself
;; uses, which for NOTE-ON is (+ 144 channel) and for NOTE-OFF is
;; (+ 128 channel).
(make-instance 'midi:note-on-message
:time 0
:key 60
:velocity 100
:status 144)
(make-instance 'midi:note-off-message
:time 128
:key 60 :velocity 100
:status 128)))
I have some code which collects points (consed integers) from a loop which looks something like this:
for x from 1 to 100
for y from 100 downto 1
collect `(,x . ,y))
My question is, is it correct to use `(,x . ,y) in this situation?
Edit: This sample is not about generating a table of 100x100 items, the code here just illustrate the use of two loop variables and the consing of their values. I have edited the loop to make this clear. The actual loop I use depends on several other functions (and is part of one itself) so it made more sense to replace the calls with literal integers and to pull the loop out of the function.
It would be much 'better' to just do (cons x y).
But to answer the question, there is nothing wrong with doing that :) (except making it a tad slower).
I think the answer here is resource utilization (following from This post)
for example in clisp:
[1]> (time
for x from 1 to 100000
for y from 1 to 100000 do
collect (cons x y))
WARNING: LOOP: missing forms after DO: permitted by CLtL2, forbidden by ANSI
Real time: 0.469 sec.
Run time: 0.468 sec.
Space: 1609084 Bytes
GC: 1, GC time: 0.015 sec.
[2]> (time
for x from 1 to 100000
for y from 1 to 100000 do
collect `(,x . ,y)) ;`
WARNING: LOOP: missing forms after DO: permitted by CLtL2, forbidden by ANSI
Real time: 0.969 sec.
Run time: 0.969 sec.
Space: 10409084 Bytes
GC: 15, GC time: 0.172 sec.
dsm: there are a couple of odd things about your code here. Note that
(loop for x from 1 to 100000
for y from 1 to 100000 do
collect `(,x . ,y))
is equivalent to:
(loop for x from 1 to 100
collecting (cons x x))
which probably isn't quite what you intended. Note three things: First, the way you've written it, x and y have the same role. You probably meant to nest loops. Second, your do after the y is incorrect, as there is not lisp form following it. Thirdly, you're right that you could use the backtick approach here but it makes your code harder to read and not idiomatic for no gain, so best avoided.
Guessing at what you actually intended, you might do something like this (using loop):
(loop for x from 1 to 100 appending
(loop for y from 1 to 100 collecting (cons x y)))
If you don't like the loop macro (like Kyle), you can use another iteration construct like
(let ((list nil))
(dotimes (n 100) ;; 0 based count, you will have to add 1 to get 1 .. 100
(dotimes (m 100)
(push (cons n m) list)))
(nreverse list))
If you find yourself doing this sort of thing a lot, you should probably write a more general function for crossing lists, then pass it these lists of integers
If you really have a problem with iteration, not just loop, you can do this sort of thing recursively (but note, this isn't scheme, your implementation may not guaranteed TCO). The function "genint" shown by Kyle here is a variant of a common (but not standard) function iota. However, appending to the list is a bad idea. An equivalent implementation like this:
(defun iota (n &optional (start 0))
(let ((end (+ n start)))
(labels ((next (n)
(when (< n end)
(cons n (next (1+ n))))))
(next start))))
should be much more efficient, but still is not a tail call. Note I've set this up for the more usual 0-based, but given you an optional parameter to start at 1 or any other integer. Of course the above can be written something like:
(defun iota (n &optional (start 0))
(loop repeat n
for i from start collecting i))
Which has the advantage of not blowing the stack for large arguments. If your implementation supports tail call elimination, you can also avoid the recursion running out of place by doing something like this:
(defun iota (n &optional (start 0))
(labels ((next (i list)
(if (>= i (+ n start))
(next (1+ i) (cons i list)))))
(next start nil)))
Hope that helps!
Why not just
(cons x y)
By the way, I tried to run your code in CLISP and it didn't work as expected. Since I'm not a big fan of the loop macro here's how you might accomplish the same thing recursively:
(defun genint (stop)
(if (= stop 1) '(1)
(append (genint (- stop 1)) (list stop))))
(defun genpairs (x y)
(let ((row (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
(cons x y))
(genint y))))
(if (= x 0) row
(append (genpairs (- x 1) y)
(genpairs 100 100)