Run jboss 7.1 as service in domain mode in windows environment - jboss

I run the Jboss 7.1 as a service, but when I deploy the war through console it got deployed in data folder inside standalone folder.
To run Jboss 7.1 as service I refered to this link
It seems that Jboss getting started in standalone mode when I run it as a service.

Just an assumption, but have you tried replacing the run.bat properly with domain.bat rather than standalone.bat (the latter is shown in the post you followed)?


How to avoid deployment at each reboot JBoss EAP 7.2 server?

Every time I start jboss EAP 7.2.0 server (standalone), my ear file present in the "standalone\deployments" folder is deployed. Is it possible to avoid deployment at each reboot of the server?
Have a look at the documentation
So earfilename.ear.skipdeploy should do the trick.
Also if you undeploy the application a earfilename.ear.undeployed file is created. As long as this file exists the application won't be deployed.

Run a deployed JBoss Fuse Integration application

I exported a Fuse Integration project as a jar file and deployed it to a remote server. Like so:
Start server for all IPs
/root/EAP-7.1.0/bin/ -b -bmanagement
start the management cli
/root/EAP-7.1.0/bin/ --connect
deploy /home/ec2-user/fuseToolingTutorial.jar
When I access the EAP Admin platform (The console that's on port 9990 by default), I'm able to see that the file was in fact deployed, but I don't see any way to run the project.
If there's documentation on how to actually run Fuse applications deployed on EAP please let me know.
The right way is to follow the official Installation Guide:
Quick answer is you need to install the Fuse 7 on EAP installer before deploying your Fuse application jars as follows:
java -jar fuse-eap-installer-7.0.0.fuse-000085-redhat-1.jar

Deliver WildFly with default deployment

WildFly Full 10.1.0.Final (WildFly Core 2.2.0.Final):
I am searching for a possibility to trigger the deployment of my Java EE application (packed as EAR file), without starting the WildFly server or using the deployment-scanner.
Is it possible to add the ear file to a configuration file, so that the server start the deployment of my application at the first time the server starts?
The server has to be started to deploy anything. You can use offline CLI to deploy the content. This wouldn't actually process the deployment until the server has been restarted.

How to run web pages without starting eclipse

I have created a dynamic web application using eclipse. it consist of java servlet and jsp and it run on tomcat runs fine under any browser if run it through a eclipse, copy the address and paste it in browser while eclipse is running. I wish to run this application without running eclipse. for this i run the tomcat manually using startup command. however than when i use the website address of my web site in the browser it says resource not found. I want to run this without actually running eclipse. any suggestion please.
You'll need to deploy the war file that was built by Eclipse to your new Tomcat server. You can just copy it to <tompcat-instrallation-path>/webapps location. It will be exploded by Tomcat automatically and you'll be able to see your pages at:
Where <port> is usually 8080 if you didn't change it in Tomcat's config and <name-of-your-war> is the name of your war without .war extension.
You will need to take the built war file, name it ROOT.war, and place it in the /webapps directory in your tomcat directory. Tomcat gives instructions for this, you will replace the ROOT.war that is there by default. You should also check to make sure you are using the same port on which Tomcat is running.

How to deploy war using CLI to individual instance than deploying to ha-server-group for jboss 6.0 eap?

Jboss version= 6.0 EAP
Need your inputs around Jboss deployment, currently we were deploying custom war files using jboss cli command like deploy custom.war --server-groups=ha-server-group
We have a requirement to deploy custom war into individual jboss servers (ha-server-1,ha-server-2) rather server group name.
Do we have any jboss cli commands which can be used for deploying war file into individual server….?.
Sorry to say but in Domain mode we cant deploy application on specific server which is part of the server-group.
If you deploy application on server group then it will be get deployed on all servers which are part of that server-group.In EAP 6 Domain mode, we can deploy application on server-group only.
If you want to deploy application on specific server instance then you can create new server group.