dotCMS REST API fetch template by its id - rest

I consider using dotCMS and integrate it with other system by its rest API but in spite of ability to fetch content by its api I cannot fetch tempates defined in dotCMS.
With url api/content/type/xml/id/c12fe7e6-d338-49d5-973b-2d974d57015b I obtain as response following xml:
<modDate>2015-12-10 10:58:56.098</modDate>
<title>About Us</title>
<____DOTNAME____>About Us</____DOTNAME____>
<seokeywords>dotCMS Content Management System</seokeywords>
<lastReview>2015-12-10 10:58:56.093</lastReview>
<friendlyname>About Us</friendlyname>
dotCMS Content Management System demo site - About Quest
Is there any possibility to fetch template by its id (here 1763fa6e-91c0-464e-8b16-9a25d7ae6ce5) and obtain html file as response or some xml with html content?

Ok so after some hours of source code analysis I think I can assume that there is no rest api implemented by dotCMS. Instead of this we can use java api and fetch such components like templates, containers etc. by calling methods which are responsible for fetching these components from database. Then we can implement our own rest services.

Templates in dotCMS govern the display of "pages" which can be made up of multiple content objects. If you want to return a content object that has formatting applied to it, take a look at the widget API here:
and how it can be used here:


How to get an asset all details in AEM with API request?

I am using AEM API in my automation. We published a file from workfront to AEM. That file have multiple information:
1. Basic
2. Test1
3. test2
4. etc
When I hit the api:
I am getting very less information under the properties and metadata section. (In short, it does not have Test1, Test2 and other tab information)
Is there any way to fetch all these from aem API's? It will reduce my overhead to validate these details from UI Automation.
First of look checkout the metadata nodes of file for the desired data to be present. I would rather prefer writing a custom servlet in AEM which takes in path parameter as an asset path and gives back the response back in desired format.
I figured it out.
The following API returns all the JCR content in API response:
<baseURL>/content/dam/path to that file.-1.json

How to: Get Report Definition using SSRS RESTful API?

I have been working with the RESTful SSRS endpoint documentation at and It states that I can retrieve the Report defintiion for my reports, however I cannot find any of the endpoints to do such?
From Microsoft docs:
The REST API can also be used to provide more advanced functionality,
such as:
Navigate the folder hierarchy Discover the contents of a folder
Download a report definition
Modify default report parameters Change
or execute a refresh plan A whole lot more
The REST API is a RESTful successor to the legacy SOAP API.
Maybe I am missing something?
I am able to get the Parameter Definitions, the report by ID,
however passing in any parameters such as
does not return any definition. I am trying to get a definition return so maybe I can render the report on a web application (or at minimum provide a pdf download of the report?)
Late to the game, but in case anyone else is looking for this answer, use this URL:

Infusionsoft Form Submission API

I have been using Infusionsoft form embedded in html page but now I want to send data to Infusionsoft form using their API. I checked their APIs but could not figure out which one should be used to submit data to the Infusionsoft form. Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks for looking into this.
Thank you, Naresh
Try to use REST API instead of XML RPC. Developer center already marked XML RPC to "legacy" module, and I guess they will replace "XML RPC" sooner or later.
Regarding to your question, you will need to define what data set you want to update.
For example, if your form is going to insert a new contact, you will need 2 things from your code.
First, prepare the parameters such like "email_addresses", "phone_numbers" and "given_name".
Second, POST request with parameters to this URL "" after authentication.
Ways to test:
Try REST API calls on page
Good luck.
To pull Webformvia API you will have to use following method, this will pull the HTML form:
Retrieve a Form's HTML
to submit a data to Infusionsoft via API
You will have to use Create contact and update contact API:
Create Contact
Update COntact
XML RPC is still in use but Infusionsoft suggests to use REST API methods
Create a Contact
Update a Contact
Single API call for two methods: Create or Update a Contact

Extract data from metadata list macro from Confluence's REST API

I'm trying to fetch the value of an item in a metadata list on a page in Confluence using the REST API. So far I have been able to extract fetch the body using a URL like this
(documentation here:
Or the full contents of the metadata list macro like this
(documentation here:
But neither of these are satisfactory. The first leaves a lot of parsing, the second requires I define the version of the page and even then returns the whole table that needs to be parsed.
I'm not sure if you are referring to the page properties (Page Properties Macro). If so you could try the masterdetails REST service.
You can use the REST API Browser to discover the parameters (note that this is part of the non-public API, so you need to check of the "Show only public APIs" checkbox to see it in the list).
There is a similar question on Atlassian Answers.

Jira calls external REST Service

My Problem: I want to introduce a new field in JIRA with status information from external REST Service (response is json).
Plan: Every Jira issue has a input field with some reference string. Behind this field there should be a panel, what should display informations from the external REST call (parsing response JSON is required).
Can someone give me some good info pages, how to tell JIRA to call external REST Service?
If you don't want to build it see:
HTTP Feed Custom Field
If you want to build it yourself then start by following this tutorial on Creating a custom field type which is to more or less store a basic String within the database. (This would be the reference string)
You then have two options, the first is within the JiraCustomField class override the getVelocityParameters which was taken from How to call a java method from velocity Atlassian Answers question.
Then create a method (fetchValueFromWebService(String val)) that you would call that would contain code to query the REST Service based off the fields value that would be passed in from the velocity template. (E.g. $instance.fetchValueFromWebService($value))
To perform the actual web service call you can use any library you want, just see the Managing Dependencies documentation so it gets included in the plugin. (For example using the Jira Jersey version see this)
Your other option would be to within the view-basictext.vm have it use javascript and perform an AJAX to the web service by calling a function in your own JS file and dump that into a span that you have defined: (See Including Javascript and CSS resources)
<span id="webServiceValue"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
You would however need to ensure that the webservice has Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) enabled if you go the AJAX route.