how to verify in assertj that elements are one of - assertj

I can't find how to do check with assertj the following (which is very common):
Suppose I have:
result1 = {"AAA", "BBB"}
result2 = {"DDD"}
I want to check the values in result is one of these:
String[] valid = String[]{"AAA", "BBB", "CCC"};
using assertj, whould be something as:
So that result1 would pass check, but result2 not.
contains() does not work (it checks that result contains all valid elements)
I don't want have to create a custom condition for this kind of checking
Any idea?

You can wtite it the other way around:
If you insist on having the result on the left and valid on the right side, you can use:
Or, why not to define the valid as a set, rather than an array?
Set<String> valid = Sets.newHashSet("AAA", "BBB", "CCC"); //Sets comes from google guava


QgsField won't accept parameter typeName

I'm trying to create new vector layer with the same fields as contained in original layer.
original_layer_fields_list = original_layer.fields().toList()
new_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "new_layer", "memory")
pr = new_layer.dataProvider()
However, when I try:
for fld in original_layer_fields_list:
type_name = fld.typeName()
pr.addAttributes([QgsField(name =, typeName = type_name)])
I get a layer with no fields in attribute table.
If I try something like:
for fld in original_layer_fields_list:
if fld.type() == 2:
pr.addAttributes([QgsField(name =, type = QVariant.Int)])
... it works like charm.
Anyway ... I'd rather like the first solution to work in case if one wants to automate the process and not check for every field type and then find an appropriate code. Besides - I really am not able to find any documentation about codes for data types. I managed to find this post where in comments Kadir pointed on this sourcecode (
I'd really be thankful for any kind of direction.

How to sequence a task to execute once all Single's in a collection complete

I am using Helidon DBClient transactions and have found myself in a situation where I end up with a list of Singles, List<Single<T>> and want to perform the next task only after completing all of the singles.
I am looking for something of equivalent to CompletableFuture.allOf() but with Single.
I could map each of the single toCompletableFuture() and then do a CompletableFuture.allOf() on top, but is there a better way? Could someone point me in the right direction with this?
Why did I end up with a List<Single>?
I have a collection of POJOs which I turn into named insert .execute() all within an open transaction. Since I .stream() the original collection and perform inserts using the .map() operator, I end up with a List when I terminate the stream to collect a List. None of the inserts might have actually been executed. At this point, I want to wait until all of the Singles have been completed before I proceed to the next stage.
This is something I would naturally do with a CompletableFuture.allOf(), but I do not want to change the API dialect for just this and stick to Single/Multi.
Single.flatMap, Single.flatMapSingle, Multi.flatMap will effectively inline the future represented by the publisher passed as argument.
You can convert a List<Single<T>> to Single<List<T>> like this:
List<Single<Integer>> listOfSingle = List.of(Single.just(1), Single.just(2));
Single<List<Integer>> singleOfList = Multi.just(listOfSingle)
Things can be tricky when you are dealing with Single<Void> as Void cannot be instantiated and null is not a valid value (i.e. Single.just(null) throws a NullPointerException).
// convert List<Single<Void>> to Single<List<Void>>
Single<List<Void>> listSingle =
Multi.just(List.of(Single.<Void>empty(), Single.<Void>empty()))
// convert Single<List<Void>> to Single<Void>
// Void cannot be instantiated, it needs to be casted from null
// BUT null is not a valid value...
Single<Void> single = listSingle.toOptionalSingle()
// convert Single<List<Void>> to Single<Optional<List<Void>>>
// then Use to convert Optional<List<Void>> to Optional<Void>
.map(o -> -> (Void) null))
// convert Single<Optional<Void>> to Single<Void>
// Make sure it works
single.forSingle(o -> System.out.println("ok"))

Get value from Instance in Flutter

I am making a search request on the List with the Provider pattern.
List<Device> _devices = [
Device(one: 'Apple', two: 'iphone'),
Device(one: 'Samsung', two: 'Galaxy')
And Query is like this
List<Device> queryQuery(String value) {
return _devices
.where((device) =>
the result I expect to get is iphone when I passed the value Apple.
But the result on the screen that I got is [instance of ‘Device’]
when I code like this
child: Text('${deviceData.getDevice('Apple')}'
I do know I should be using some kind of key using two... but I have no idea :-(
You serialized the wrong object.
What you did end-up being similar to:
Text(Device(one: 'Apple', two: 'iphone').toString());
But you don't want to do Device.toString(). What you want instead is to pass Device.two to your Text.
As such your end result is:
By the look of [Instance of 'Device'], it seems the function is returning a list so it is a good idea to check if the list is empty or not. if it is not empty, one of the elements is still needed to be selected. I guess it should be Text('${chordData.chordExpand('Apple')[0].two}') in case the list is not empty.
To summarize, use something like this to handle the case when list is empty
// Inside your build method before returning the widget
var l = chordData.chordExpand('Apple'); // Returns a list of devices
String textToWrite; // Here we will store the text that needs to be written
if(l.isEmpty) textToWrite = 'No results'; // If the filter resulted in an empty list
else textToWrite = l[0].two; // l[0] is an instance of a device which has a property called two. You can select any instance from the list provided it exists
return <Your Widget>(

Need help - How to loop through a list and/or a map

Scala is pretty new for me and I have problems as soon as a leave the gatling dsl.
In my case I call an API (Mailhog) which responds with a lot of mails in json-format. I can’t grab all the values.
I need it with “jsonPath” and I need to “regex” as well.
That leads into a map and a list which I need to iterate through and save each value.
At first I wanted to loop the “checks” but I did’nt find any to repeat them without repeating the “get”-request too. So it’s a map and a list.
1) I need every value of the map and was able to solve the problem with the following foreach loop.
.foreach("${id_map}", "idx") {
exec(session => {
val idMap = session("idx").as[Map[String,Any]]
val ID = idMap("ID")
session.set("ID", ID)
2) I need every 3rd value of the list and make a get-request on them. Before I can do this, I need to replace a part of the string. I tried to replace parts of the string while checking for them. But it won’t work with findAll.
.check(regex("href=3D\\\\\"(.*?)\\\\\"").findAll.transform(raw => raw.replace("""=\r\n""","")).saveAs("url"))
How can I replace a part of every string in my list?
also how can I make a get-request on every 3rd element in the list.
I can't get it to work with the same foreach structure above.
I was abole to solve the problem by myself. At first I made a little change to my check(regex ...) part.
.check(regex("href=3D\\\\\"(.*?)\\\\\"").findAll.transform( => raw.replace("""=\r\n""",""))).saveAs("url_list"))
Then I wanted to make a Get-Request only on every third element of my list (because the URLs I extracted appeared three times per Mail).
.exec(session => {
val url_list =
session.set("url_list", url_list)
At the end I iterate through my final list with a foreach-loop.
foreach("${url_list}", "urls") {
exec(http("Activate User")

Way to Extract list of elements from Scala list

I have standard list of objects which is used for the some analysis. The analysis generates a list of Strings and i need to look through the standard list of objects and retrieve objects with same name.
case class TestObj(name:String,positions:List[Int],present:Boolean)
val stdLis:List[TestObj]
//analysis generates a list of strings
var generatedLis:List[String]
//list to save objects found in standard list
val lisBuf = new ListBuffer[TestObj]()
//my current way
val temp = stdLis.filter(p=>
Is there any other way to achieve this. Like having an custom indexof method that over rides and looks for the name instead of the whole object or something. I have not tried that approach as i am not sure about it.
stdLis.filter(testObj => generatedLis.exists(_.equalsIgnoreCase(
use filter to filter elements from 'stdLis' per predicate
use exists to check if 'generatedLis' has a value of ....
Don't use mutable containers to filter sequences.
Naive solution:
val lisBuf =
for {
str <- generatedLis
temp = stdLis.filter(
if temp.size == 1
} yield temp(0)
if we discard condition temp.size == 1 (i'm not sure it is legal or not):
val lisBuf = stdLis.filter(s => generatedLis.exists(_.equalsIgnoreCase(