org-mode and populating tables - emacs

How can I populate rows in a column with items from the todo lists based on custom sequences?
* TODO <<something1>>
* WAITING <<something2>>
* BLOCKED <<something3>>
* TODO <<something4>>
And then a table that I can update using C-c C-c (using something like # TBLFM I'm guessing? ) based on items I add.
| [[something1]] | [[something2]] | [[something3]]|
| [[something4]] | | |

Sounds like a job for kanban:


Postgresql - Chain multiple regex_replace functions in single query?

Using Postgresql 11.6. I have values in tab_a.sysdescr that I want to convert using regex_replace and update those converted values into tab_b.os_type.
Here is table tab_a that contains the source string in sysdescr :
hostname | sysdescr |
wifiap01 | foo HiveOS bar |
switch01 | foo JUNOS bar |
router01 | foo IOS XR bar |
Here is table tab_b that is the target for my update, in column os_type :
hostname | mgmt_ip | os_type
wifiap01 | |
switch01 | |
router01 | |
This is example desired state for tab_b :
hostname | mgmt_ip | os_type
wifiap01 | | hiveos
switch01 | | junos
router01 | | iosxr
I have a working query that will work against a single os_type. In this example, HiveOS :
UPDATE tab_b
SET os_type = (
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(sysdescr, '.*HiveOS.*', 'hiveos')
FROM tab_a
WHERE tab_a.hostname = tab_b.hostname
SELECT sysdescr
FROM tab_a
WHERE tab_a.hostname = tab_b.hostname
What I can't figure out is how I can "chain" multiple regex_replace functions together into a single query, or via nested sub-queries. Adding 'OR' after that SELECT REGEX_REPLACE line doesn't work, and haven't been able to find examples online of something like this.
End-goal is a single query function that will replace the strings as specified, updating the replaced string on all rows in tab_b. I was hoping to avoid having to delve into PL/Python but if that is the best way to solve this, that's okay. Ideally, I could define a third table that contains the pattern and replacement_string arguments - and could iterate over that somehow.
Edit: Example of what I am trying to accomplish
This is not valid code, but hopefully demonstrates what I am trying to accomplish. A single query that can be executed once, and will translate/transform every sysdescr in a table into proper values for os_type in a new table.
UPDATE tab_b
SET os_type = (
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(sysdescr, '.*HiveOS.*', 'hiveos') OR
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(sysdescr, '.*JUNOS.*', 'junos') OR
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(sysdescr, '.*IOS XR.*', 'iosxr')
FROM tab_a
WHERE tab_a.hostname = tab_b.hostname
SELECT sysdescr
FROM tab_a
WHERE tab_a.hostname = tab_b.hostname
If foo and bar are consistent in all rows (as indicated in your example), then this should work:
postgres=# SELECT lower(replace(regexp_replace('foo IOS XR bar','foo (.*) bar','\1'),' ',''));
(1 row)
In short, this does the following:
Trim off foo and bar from the front and back with regexp_replace()
Remove the spaces with replace()
Lower-case the text with lower()
If you need to do anything further to remove foo and bar, you can nest the string functions as demonstrated above.
I was able to solve this using a third table (lookup table). It contains two columns, one holding the match string and one holding the return string.
New table tab_lookup:
id | match_str | return_str
1 | HiveOS | hiveos
2 | IOS XR | iosxr
3 | JUNOS | junos
5 | armv | opengear
6 | NX-OS | nxos
7 | Adaptive Security Appliance | asa
17 | NetScreen | netscreen
19 | Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software | ios
18 | Cisco IOS Software | ios
20 | ProCurve | hp
21 | AX Series Advanced Traffic Manager | a10
22 | SSG | netscreen
23 | M13, Software Version | m13
24 | WS-C2948 | catos
25 | Application Control Engine Appliance | ace
Using this query I can update tab_b.os_type with the appropriate value from tab_lookup.return_str:
UPDATE tab_b
SET os_type = (
SELECT return_str
FROM tab_lookup
SELECT regexp_matches(sysdescr, match_str)
FROM tab_a
WHERE tab_a.hostname = tab_b.hostname
The only catch I have encountered is that there must be only one match against a given row. But this is easily accomplished by verbose match_str values. E.g, don't use 'IOS' but instead use 'Cisco IOS Software'.
All in all, very happy with this solution since it provides an easy way to update the lookup values, as more device types are added to the network.

Column-wise autocomplete

I have a table in a PostgreSQL database with four columns that contain increasingly more detailed information (think state->city->street->number), along with a column where everything is concatenated according to some simple formatting rules. Example:
| kommun | trakt | block | enhet | beteckning |
| Mora | Gislövs Läge | 9 | 16 | Mora Gislövs Läge 9:16 |
| Mora | Gisslaved | * | 8 | Mora Gisslaved 8 |
| Mora | Gisslaved | * | 9 | Mora Gisslaved 9 |
| Lilla Edet | Sanda | GA | 1 | Lilla Edet Sanda GA:1 |
A web service uses this table to implement a word-wise autocomplete, where the user gets input suggestions as they drill down. An input of mora gis will result in
["Mora Gislövs", "Mora Gisslaved"]
Currently, this is done by splitting the concatenated column by word in this query:
select distinct trim(substring(beteckning from '(^(\S+\s?){NUMPARTS})')) as bet
from beteckning_ac
where upper(beteckning) like upper('mora gis%')
order by bet
Where NUMPARTS is the number of words in the input - 2 in this case.
Now I want the autocomplete to be done column-wise rather than word-wise, so mora gis would now result in this instead:
["Mora Gislövs Läge", "Mora Gisslaved"]
Since the first two columns can contain an arbitrary number of words, I can no longer use the input to determine how many columns to include in the response. Is there a way to do this, or have I maybe gone about this autocomplete business all wrong?
--$1 is here your input
RETURNS setof text
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
NUMPARTS int := array_length(regexp_split_to_array($1,' '), 1);
return query
when (NUMPARTS = 1) then kommun
when (NUMPARTS = 2) then kommun||' '||trakt
when (NUMPARTS = 3) then kommun||' '||trakt||' '||block
when (NUMPARTS = 4) then kommun||' '||trakt||' '||block||' '||enhet
--alter if you want to
auto_complete --your tablename here
beteckning like $1||'%';

Org mode spreadsheet programmatic remote references

I keep my budget in org-mode and have been pleased with how simple it is. The simplicity fails, however, as I am performing formulas on many cells; for instance, my year summary table that performs the same grab-and-calculate formulas for each month. I end up with a massive line in my +TBLFM. This would be dramatically shorter if I could programmatically pass arguments to the formula. I'm looking for something like this, but working:
| SEPT |
| #ERROR |
#+TBLFM: #2$1=remote(#1,$tf)
Elsewhere I have a table named SEPT and it has field named "tf". This function works if I replace "#1" with "SEPT" but this would cause me to need a new entry in the formula for every column.
Is there a way to get this working, where the table itself can specify what remote table to call (such as the SEPT in my example)?
Yes, you can't do this with built-in remote and you need to use org-table-get-remote-range. Hopefully this better suits your needs than the answer given by artscan (I used his/her example):
| testname1 | testname2 |
| 1 | 2 |
#+TBLFM: #2='(org-table-get-remote-range #<$0 (string ?# ?1 ?$ ?1))
#+TBLNAME: testname1
| 1 |
#+TBLNAME: testname2
| 2 |
Note the (string ?# ?1 ?$ ?1): this is necessary because before evaluating table formulae, all substitutions will be done first. If you use "#1$1" directly, it would have triggered the substitution mechanism and be substituted by the contents of the first cell in this table.
There is some ugly hack for same effect without using remote:
1) it needs named variable for remote address
(setq eab/test-remote "#1$1")
2) it uses elisp expression (from org-table.el) instead remote(tablename,#1$1)
(defun eab/test-remote (x)
`(car (read
(org-table-get-remote-range ,x eab/test-remote)
't 't nil))))
3) worked example
| testname1 | testname2 |
| | |
#+TBLFM: #2='(eval (eab/test-remote #1))
#+TBLNAME: testname1
| 1 |
#+TBLNAME: testname2
| 2 |
4) result
| testname1 | testname2 |
| 1 | 2 |

Update a single value in a database table through form submission

Here is my table in the database :
id | account_name | account_number | account_type | address | email | ifsc_code | is_default_account | phone_num | User
201 | helloi32irn | 55265766432454 | Savings | | | 5545 | f | 98654567876 | abc
195 | hello | 55265766435523 | Savings | | | 5545 | t | 98654567876 | axyz
203 | what | 01010101010101 | Current | | | 6123 | f | 09099990 | abc
On form submission in the view, which only posts a single parameter which in my case is name= "activate" which corresponds to the column "is_default_account" in the table.
I want to change the value of "is_default_account" from "t" to "f". For example here in the table, for account_name "hello" it is "t". And i want to deactivate it, i.e make it "f" and activate any of the other that has been sent trough the form
This will update your table and make account 'what' default (assuming that is_default_account is BOOLEAN field):
UPDATE table
SET is_default_account = (account_name = 'what')
You may want limit updates if table is more than just few rows you listed, like this:
UPDATE table
SET is_default_account = (account_name = 'what')
WHERE is_default_account != (account_name = 'what')
AND <limit updates by some other criteria like user name>
I think to accomplish what you want to do you should send at least two values from the form. One for the id of the account you want to update and the other for the action (activate here). You can also just send the id and have it toggle. There are many ways to do this but I can't figure out exactly what you are trying to do and whether you want SQL or Playframework code. Without limiting your update in somewhere (like id) you can't precisely control what specific rows get updated. Please clarify your question and add some more code if you want help on the playframework side, which I would think you do.


After executing that query
select count(*) from tablename WHERE query=';';
that query will return count as 20.
But that table having totally 771498 records. while execute on SHOW STATUS LIKE 'sphinx_%';
it has return like this
| Variable_name | Value |
| sphinx_error | 5732 |
| sphinx_time | 837 |
| sphinx_total | 1000 |
| sphinx_total_found | 771498 |
| sphinx_word_count | 0 |
| sphinx_words | |
Here i have doubt .
what is sphinx_error?
what is sphinx_time?
what is sphinx_total?
what is sphinx_total_found?
what is sphinx_word_count?
what is sphinx_words?
It will be very helpful for me. Advance thanks
firstly sphinxse is not a real mysql table. Its a fake table. It accepts a query, then sphinxse forwards it to a running instance in the background, and returns the results to produce a 'table' to mysql.
So count(*) wont work. It simply runs the query and counts the rows. There are only 20 rows, unless you ask for more.
sphinx_error? - indicates an error - maybe SHOW WARNINGS would get the text.
sphinx_time? - how long in milisecons the query took
sphinx_total? - how many records you can actully retrieve (subject to max_matches)
sphinx_total_found? - how many records actully match
sphinx_word_count? - the number of words in your query
sphinx_words? - how many docs/hits match each of the words - because you have no query, its empty.