Multiplying matrix Matlab - matlab

I have a matrix M[1,98] and a matrix N[1,x], let's assume in this case x =16.
What I want is to multiply N by M , make the sum by element, and increment the matrix M. With the finality of getting an output of [1,98].
It's a bit confusing. An example:
M=[2 3 4 5 6 7]
N=[1 2 3]
Output=[20 26 ... ... ... ...]
Like that until the end but considering the size of the matrix N variable. M has always the same size.

That's a convolution:
result = conv(M, N(end:-1:1), 'valid');
To achieve the result you want you need to flip the second vector and keep only the "valid" part of the convolution (no border effects).
In your example:
>> M = [2 3 4 5 6 7];
>> N = [1 2 3];
>> result = conv(M, N(end:-1:1), 'valid')
result =
20 26 32 38


How to compute 1D convolution in Matlab?

Suppose I have 2 vectors, data vector:
x=[2 1 2 1]
and weights vector
y=[1 2 3]
I want Matlab to convolve these vectors in sense of 1D neural network, i.e. run y as window against x and compute convolutions:
If I run built-in function conv then I get
>> conv(x,y)
ans =
2 5 10 8 8 3
which contains correct values in the middle but has something unknown at margins. Manual for conv function looks completely different with what I want.
If I run
>> conv(x,y, 'same')
ans =
5 10 8 8
I also get something strange.
You were very close to solving it by specifying the 3rd input to conv, but instead of 'same' you should've used 'valid':
x = [2 1 2 1];
y = [1 2 3];
ans =
10 8
Just reverse the filter:
x = [2,1,2,1];
y = [1,2,3];
z = conv(x,flip(y),'valid');

Turning matrix diagonals to columns

I am looking for a matrix operation of the form: B = M*A*N where A is some general square matrix and M and N are the matrices I want to find.
Such that the columns of B are the diagonals of A. The first column the main diagonal, the second the diagonal shifted by 1 from the main and so on.
e.g. In MATLAB syntax:
A = [1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9]
B = [1, 2, 3
5, 6, 4
9, 7, 8]
It seems a pure linear algebra solution doesn't exist. So I'll be more precise about what I was trying to do:
For some vector v of size 1 x m. Then define C = repmat(v,m,1). My matrix is A = C-C.';.
Therefore, A is essentially all differences of values in v but I'm only interested in the difference up to some distance between values.
Those are the diagonals of A; but m is so large that the construction of such m x m matrices causes out-of-memory issues.
I'm looking for a way to extract those diagonals in a way that is as efficient as possible (in MATLAB).
If you're not actually looking for a linear algebra solution, then I would argue that constructing three additional matrices the same size as A using two matrix multiplications is very inefficient in both time and space complexity. I'm not sure it's even possible to find a matrix solution, given my limited knowledge of linear algebra, but even if it is it's sure to be messy.
Since you say you only need the values along some diagonals, I'd construct only those diagonals using diag:
A = [1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 9];
m = size(A, 1); % assume A is square
k = 1; % let's get the k'th diagonal
kdiag = [diag(A, k); diag(A, k-m)];
kdiag =
Diagonal 0 is the main diagonal, diagonal m-1 (for an mxm matrix) is the last. So if you wanted all of B you could easily loop:
B = zeros(size(A));
for k = 0:m-1
B(:,k+1) = [diag(A, k); diag(A, k-m)];
B =
1 2 3
5 6 4
9 7 8
From the comments:
For v some vector of size 1xm. Then B=repmat(v,m,1). My matrix is A=B-B.'; A is essentially all differences of values in v but I'm only interested in the difference up to some distance between values.
Let's say
m = 4;
v = [1 3 7 11];
If you construct the entire matrix,
B = repmat(v, m, 1);
A = B - B.';
A =
0 2 6 10
-2 0 4 8
-6 -4 0 4
-10 -8 -4 0
The main diagonal is zeros, so that's not very interesting. The next diagonal, which I'll call k = 1 is
[2 4 4 -10].'
You can construct this diagonal without constructing A or even B by shifting the elements of v:
k = 1;
diag1 = circshift(v, m-k, 2) - v;
diag1 =
2 4 4 -10
The main diagonal is given by k = 0, the last diagonal by k = m-1.
You can do this using the function toeplitz to create column indices for the reshuffling, then convert those to a linear index to use for reordering A, like so:
>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
>> n = size(A, 1);
>> index = repmat((1:n).', 1, n)+n*(toeplitz([1 n:-1:2], 1:n)-1);
>> B = zeros(n);
>> B(index) = A
B =
1 2 3
5 6 4
9 7 8
This will generalize to any size square matrix A.

creating diagonal matrix with selected elements

I have a 4x5 matrix called A from which I want to select randomly 3 rows, then 4 random columns and then select those elements which coincide in those selected rows and columns so that I have 12 selected elements.Then I want to create a diagonal matrix called B which will have entries either 1 or 0 so that multiplication of that B matrix with reshaped A matrix (20x1) will give me those selected 12 elements of A.
How can I create that B matrix? Here is my code:
It's a little hard to understand what you want and your code isn't much help but I think I've a solution for you.
I create a matrix (vector) of zeros of the same size as A and then use bsxfun to determine the indexes in this vector (which will be the diagonal of B) that should be 1.
>> A = reshape(1:20, 4, 5);
>> R = [1 2 3]; % Random rows
>> C = [2 3 4 5]; % Random columns
>> B = zeros(size(A));
>> B(bsxfun(#plus, C, size(A, 1)*(R-1).')) = 1;
>> B = diag(B(:));
>> V = B*A(:);
>> V = V(V ~= 0)
V =
Note: There is no need for B = diag(B(:)); we could have simply used element by element multiplication in Matlab.
>> V = B(:).*A(:);
>> V = V(V ~= 0)
Note: This may be overly complex or very poorly put together and there is probably a better way of doing it. It's my first real attempt at using bsxfun on my own.
Here is a hack but since you are creating y2 you might as well just use it instead of creating the useless B matrix. The bsxfun answer is much better.
idx = reshape(y2 ~= 0, numel(y2), []);
B = diag(idx);
% "diagonal" matrix 12x20
B = B(all(B==0,2),:) = [];
output = B * A(:)
output =
y2 from example.
y2 =
1 0 9 13 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 0 11 15 19
4 0 12 16 20

How to distinguish the two picture matrices?

I have a picture matrix A, the size of which is 200*3000 double. And I have another picture matrix B, the size of which is 200*1000 double. The 1000 columns of matrix B exactly comes from the columns of matrix A. My question is:
How to get a matrix C with the same size of matrix A, but only keep the original values of columns in matrix B? I mean the size of matrix C is 200*3000 double, but only 1000 columns have the same values as matrix B. The other 2000 columns will be set to another value d, that is my second question, what is the value I should set for d, so that the picture matrix C can distinguish from picture matrix A?
Use ismember with the 'rows' option. Here's an example:
A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8]; %// example A
B = [3 10 1; 7 20 5]; %// example B
val = NaN; %// example value to indicate no match
C = A; %// initiallize
ind = ismember(A.',B.','rows'); %// matching columns
C(:,~ind) = val; %// set non-matching columns to val
Equivalently, you coud replace ismember by bsxfun, so that line becomes
ind = any(all(bsxfun(#eq, A, permute(B, [1 3 2])), 1), 3);
In this example,
A =
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
B =
3 10 1
7 20 5
C =
1 NaN 3 NaN
5 NaN 7 NaN

Impulse response function in matlab

There are examples for summation of a vector but not for matrix in Matlab. So please help solve the following:
How to write impulse response function in matlab?
I want program in Matlab for the equation:
hij(t) = ∑_(k=1)to n (φik*φjk*e-xwk*sin(wdk(t))/(M*wdk))
h is impulse response function
φ is mode shape
x is constant
wk is kth mode nat frequency
wdk is kth mode damped frequency
M is mass matrix.
Summing on a matrix, in general, looks like this:
>> A = randi(5,[3,6]) % Creating a random [3 x 6] integer matrix
A =
3 4 4 1 2 4
3 4 4 3 3 2
4 2 1 5 2 3
>> sum(A) % Sums on rows (dim=1 is default) so you get a [1 x 6] vector
ans =
10 10 9 9 7 9
>> sum(A,2) % Sums on columns (dim=2) so you get a [3 x 1] vector
ans =
And similarly if you had a 3D matrix V, then you could do sum(V,3) to sum on the slices.
If you want more specific help, please note the dimensions of each input (phi_i, phi_j, M, w, and wd)