Discover and install network printers via powershell - powershell

I am new to PowerShell and I am trying to write a script that will install a series of network printers for me. To get me started I was looking for a way to find all shared printers on a print server and then install them locally. Here is something that doesn't work but gets the idea across. One thing to note is that this is this script is being run on a win 2008 server.
Get-WmiObject -computername $printServer -class Win32_Printer | Where {$ -notlike "Microsoft*"} | add-printer -connectionname \\$_.systemName\$_.shareName

I don't currently have a way to test this but I believe that this may work for you.
$printClass = [wmiclass]"win32_printer"
Get-WmiObject -computername $printServer -class Win32_Printer | ? {$ -notlike "Microsoft*"} | % { $printClass.AddPrinterConnection([string]::Concat("\\", $_.systemName, "\", $_.shareName)) }


How do i get power shell to show a few services from my servers and not them all

this is my code i want it to show a few services from my servers but it keeps showing all of them. i tried using -Name but power shell 7 keeps saying that doesn't exist please help
$offlineServices = (Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server.Name {Get-service [string]$server.Value | `
Where-Object{$_.status -eq 'Stopped'}} ).Name
Get-Service can be used directly against remote servers, like this:
Get-Service -Name $server.Value -ComputerName $server.Name |
Where-Object Status -eq 'Stopped'
If you want to stick with your original remoting technique, you need to use the using modifier:
$offlineServices = (Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server.Name -Script {Get-service $using:server.Value |
Where-Object Status -eq 'Stopped'}).Name
NOTE: you should also remove the backtick before Where-Object as it isn't needed and might cause you issue later when modifying/debugging the code.

How to find the version of Trend from the Registry of a specific PC?

I was wondering if there is a way to find a registry value of a specific computer. The only way I could find is entering a pssession and then exiting.
$Computer = Read-Host "Enter the PC Name: "
$connection=test-connection -ComputerName $Computer -Quiet
if($connection -eq $True) {
Enter-PSSession $Computer
$TrendServer= Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp \CurrentVersion | Select Server
write-output $TrendServer
if($TrendServer -ne $null){
} else{Write-Output "Computer is not available. Please check Lan Sweeper "}
If it is installed using Windows Installer, you can use WMI, though this class is known to be quite slow:
Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name = 'TrendMicro'" `
-ComputerName $computer
Change the name from 'TrendMicro' to whatever it actually is (I don't have it installed to check), and for older versions of PowerShell, use Get-WmiObject instead of Get-CimInstance.
Get more information here: Working with Software Installations

Find NIC by IP address

I need to be able to find a NIC by IP address, whether full or partial. So writing something like:
Get-NIC-By-IP 10.10.*
Could return:
I know how to do this in Bash but haven't been able to find a PowerShell solution to this.
For versions of Windows and/or PowerShell that do not support Get-NetIPAddress, you can get the requisite information with a combination of the WMI queries for the classes Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration and Win32_NetworkAdapter:
$Configs = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='TRUE'" | Where-Object {$_.IPAddress -like "192.168.*"}
ForEach ($Config in $Configs) {
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "Index=$($Config.Index)" | Select-Object NetConnectionID,Description
By using the following command you will receive every interface which matches the IP-addres which you mention in the match clause.
Get-NetIPAddress | ?{ $_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4" -and ($_.IPAddress -match "192.")} | Select-Object InterfaceAlias
In my case this is:
Ethernet 2
Of course, you can modify the output if necessary.
Supplement for old OS'es
You can't run this script on old Windows browsers as the cmdlet isn't included according to this thread on TechNet:
There are many cmdlets in Powershell for Windows 8 and Server 2012 (PS V3) that are not included in the V3 release for Windows 7.  An example would be Get-NetIPAddress, and many other network-related cmdlets.
Then again, it might be a good idea to upgrade the OS to a supported version (if possible of course).

Kill multiple processes running from a given path on remote machine

I have a following problem:
I'm in need of a code that will close all running process from a given path on a remote machine.
So far I've found and came up with those 2 lines but none of them actually work.
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "\\$computername\C$\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Reader 10.0\Reader\**"} | Stop-Process -Force
This is the second line I've found but still does not want to work with me :)
Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ExecutablePath LIKE '\\$computername\C$\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Reader 10.0\Reader\'" -ComputerName $computername | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name Terminate
I will be happy to get some advice. Belive that this is something rather simple to do..I hope that is.. :)
Something like this should work:
(Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -ComputerName $computerName | ?{ $_.ExecutablePath -like "*Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Reader 10.0\Reader*" }).Terminate()
You might have to tweak the "like" expression, however.
Another way to approach this is to run that command local to the machine with PSRemoting.
Invoke-Command $computername -script {
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Reader 10.0\Reader\*"} | Stop-Process -Force

How do I (un)install an application remotely using PowerShell 2.0?

I understand how to use PowerShell to install/uninstall locally, but how can I run this on another server that is on the same network and same OS version?
$product = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name='MyMSI'"
$product = Get-WmiObject -List | ?{ $_.Name -eq "Win32_Product" }
You can still use those lines to uninstall and install software by using the -ComputerName property and specifying the name of the computer. For the install you have to copy the software to the local filesystem and specify that in the command.
You must use PowerShell remoting.
Read this please