Parameter list VS returned function - scala

I've been experimenting with Scala. I am trying to understand implicits and came across this situation.
Is behaviour of parameter b same for both functions?
Are paramareters list just syntax sugar over returning function?
My experiments show, they behave the same.
implicit val v = 2
// 1.
def testB(a: Int)(b: Int)(implicit i: Int): Int = {
println(a + b + i)
println(testB(7) {
// 2.
def testC(a: Int): (Int) => Int = {
def innerTest2C(b: Int)(implicit i: Int) = {
println(a + b + i)
println(testC(7) {

The rule is that whenever a function takes exactly one parameter, you can replace the normal brackets () with curly brackets {}. Curly brackets define a block and allow you to place several statements inside it. The block will evaluate to the value of the expression in the last line like in all blocks.
In 2., the function testC returns another function from Int to Int, so you cann call the result of testC(7) again with one parameter: testC(7)(x). If you just consider the println statements, there is nothing different here.
What you need to understand is that
def testB(a: Int)(b: Int)
is different from
def testB(a: Int, b: Int)
insofar that the former represents two functions like in your second case. You can call testB(x) and will obtain another function from Int to Int. Applying only part of the paramters of a function in order to obtain another function is called currying.


Scala: defining a function with parameters and callable

I was wondering how it works if I want to defining a function that takes one or more parameters and a callable (a function), and why the annotation is like this.
I will take the code from this answer as example:
// Returning T, throwing the exception on failure
final def retry[T](n: Int)(fn: => T): T = {
util.Try { fn } match {
case util.Success(x) => x
case _ if n > 1 => retry(n - 1)(fn)
case util.Failure(e) => throw e
In this function there are a few interesting things:
The annotation tailrec.
Generic type function retry[T]
Parameter int
callable fn
My question is on point 4. Why and how the definition of this function takes two round brackets. If you want to pass a callable function to any function should you always use a round brackets next to the "list" of optional parameter? Why not put together with the parameters?
Thank you in advance
You can have multiple parameter lists in function declaration. It is mostly the same as merging all the parameters into one list (def foo(a: Int)(b: Int) is more or less equivalent to def foo(a: Int, b: Int)) with a few differences:
You can reference parameters from previous list(s) in declaration: def foo(a : Int, b: Int = a + 1) does not work, but def foo(a: Int)(b: Int = a +1) does.
Type parameters can be inferred between parameter lists: def foo[T](x: T, f: T => String): String ; foo(1, _.toString) doesn't work (you'd have to write foo[Int](1, _.toString), but def foo[T](x: T)(f: T => String); foo(1)(_.toString) does.
You can only declare the entire list as implicit, so, multiple lists are helpful when you need some parameters to be implicit, and not the others: def foo(a: Int)(implicit b: Configuration)
Then, there are some syntactical advantages - things you could do with the single list, but they'd just look uglier:
def foo(a: Int)(b: Int): String
val bar: Int => String = foo(1)
You could write this with the single list too, but it wouldn't look as nice:
def foo(a: Int, b: Int): String
val bar: Int => String = foo(1, _)
Finally, to your question:
def retry[T](n: Int)(f: => T)
is nice, because parenthesis are optional around lists with just a single argument. So, this lets you write things like
retry(3) {
val c = createConnection
which would look a lot uglier if f was merged into the same list.
Also, currying is useful:
val transformer = retry[Int](3)
Seq(1,2,3).map { n => transformer(n + 1) }
Seq(4,5,6).map { n => transformer(n * 2) }
To be honest you don't have to use multiple parameter lists in order to pass function as an argument. E.g.
def pass(string: String, fn: String => Unit): Unit = fn(string)
would totally work. However, how would you call it?
pass("test", s => println(s))
Some would find it clumsy. You would rather want to pass it like:
pass("test")(s => println(s))
or even
pass("test") { s =>
to make it look as if function is a block appended to the pass called with one parameter.
With single parameter list you will be forced to write it like:
pass("test", println)
pass("test", s => println(s))
pass("test", { s => println(s) })
With last parameter curried you just get more comfortable syntax. In languages like Haskell, where currying happens automatically, you don't have to bother with syntactic design decisions like this one. Unfortunately Scala requires that you made these decisions explicitly.
If you want to pass a callable function to any function should you
always use a round brackets next to the "list" of optional parameter?
Why not put together with the parameters?
There is no such obligation, it's (mostly) a matter of style. IMO, it also leads to cleaner syntax. With two parameter lists, where the second one is the function yielding the result, we can call the retry method:
val res: Try[Int] retry(3) {
Instead, of we used a single parameter list, our method call would look like this:
val res: Try[Int] = retry(3, () => {
I find the first syntax cleaner, which also allows you to use retry as a curried method when only supplying the first parameter list
However, if we think of a more advanced use case, Scala type inference works between parameter lists, not inside them. That means that if we have a method:
def mapFun[T, U](xs: List[T])(f: T => U): List[U] = ???
We would be able to call our method without specifying the type of T or U at the call site:
val res: List[Int] = mapFun(List.empty[Int])(i => i + 1)
But if we used a single parameter list,
def mapFun2[T, U](xs: List[T], f: T => U): List[U] = ???
This won't compile:
val res2 = mapFun2(List.empty[Int], i => i + 1)
Instead, we'd need to write:
val res2 = mapFun2[Int, Int](List.empty[Int], i => i + 1)
To aid the compiler at choosing the right types.

What is the eta expansion in Scala?

I am new to Scala. I just heard the term "eta expansion" and roughly know that it means to expand a method to a function object. But I find few resources in SO that systematically introduce it.
I am curious about how eta expansion works in Scala. What are the scenarios that eta expansion are needed? And how eta expansion is implemented in Scala?
I roughly know that in cases like this:
def someMethod(x: Int): Int = x * x
someMethod _ will roughly be translated to a new function object like this:
new Function1[Int, Int] {
def apply(x: Int): Int = x * x
Is it all that Scala does?
The definition, and some examples, are given in
someMethod _ will roughly be translated to a new function object like this:
Not quite: it's actually
new Function1[Int, Int] {
def apply(x: Int): Int = someMethod(x)
The difference matters e.g. if someMethod is overridden somewhere.
Is it all that Scala does?
You also need to take into account what happens if the method takes multiple parameter lists (you get a function which returns a function) or by-name parameters.
What are the scenarios that eta expansion are needed?
When you specifically ask for it (e.g. someMethod _).
When you use a method (with parameters) where a value of a function type (or a SAM type in Scala 2.12) is expected. E.g.
def foo(f: Int => Int) = ???
That's it.
Note that using eta-expansion and an anonymous function with placeholders (someMethod(_)) can behave differently due to type inference, implicits, etc.
Eta expansion In high level, is a process of translating methods into functions. Why? What? Aren't them the same? Let's explain:
A method in scala is what we know as def someMethodName(SomePramList): SomeReturnType. It starts with def. It may have parameter list, or even maybe more then 1. For example:
def numAdder(num1: Int)(num2: Int): Int =
num1 + num2
A function, or lambda function looks something like: (SomeParams) => SomeReturnType. For example:
val aFunction: Int => Int => Int = (num1: Int) => (num2: Int) => num1 + num2
Important to understand about functions is that this syntax is basically a syntactic sugar to FunctionN.apply method.
What are the scenarios that eta expansion are needed?
Some examples:
Example1 - Applying a method inside map (or filter, flatMap etc)
Writing such code:
def addPlus1(x: Int): Int = x + 1
The compiler needs to have a function inside the map. So, it transforms the method given into a function:
List(1,2,3).map(x => addPlus1(x)). This is Eta expansion.
Example2 - currying
When defining curried method, for example:
def numAdder(num1: Int)(num2: Int): Int =
num1 + num2
And them creating a function like:
val curriedFunction: Int => Int = numAdder(4)
val curriedFunction2 = numAdder(4) _
We defined a function out of a method. This is Eta expansion.
Some more examples
Defined a method which accepts a function value:
def someMethod(f: () => Int): Int = f()
def method(): Int = 10
And then run:
will transform the method method into a function. This is Eta expansion

what does double parameterized function means in scala?

I was going through the test code for spark. While I understand the logic behind the function given below
What does it means and What is the benefit of defining in the below syntax ?
Test Code
def withStreamingContext[R](ssc: StreamingContext)(block: StreamingContext => R): R = {
try {
} finally {
try {
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext = true)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError("Error stopping StreamingContext", e)
why does it has to be defined this way ? why can't it be
def withStreamingContext[R](ssc: StreamingContext,block: StreamingContext => R): R =
Well, it can. Separating arguments into two or more parameter lists is called currying. This way a two-parameter function can be turned into a function that takes one argument and returns a function that takes one argument and returns the result. This is what happened in the code you posted. Every n-parameter function can be seen as n 1-parameter functions (in fact, in Haskell all functions are treated like this).
Note that Scala also has a concept of partially applied functions, which boils down to the same thing. Both PAF and currying allow you to only pass a subset of parameters, thus receiving a function that takes the rest.
For example,
def sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
can be curried and then you could say, for example:
def sum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y
def addTwo = sum(2) _ // type of addTwo is Int => Int
which gives you the same function, but with its first parameter applied. Using PAF, it would be
def sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
def addTwo = sum(2, _: Int)
It is more convenient to use:
withStreamingContext(ssc) {
withStreamingContext(ssc, { doSomething(); doSomethingElse() })
First of all
def a(x: Int)(y: Int) = x * y
Is a syntactic sugar for
def a(x: Int) = (y: Int) => x * y
That means that you define a method that returns a function (closed over x)
You can invoke such method without all parameter lists and pass returned function around. You can also partially apply any other method but I think this syntax is cleaner.
Moreover, functions/methods with unary parameter lists can be invoked with expression syntax.
withStreamingContext(ssc) {
// your code block passed to function
This style of declaring functions is referred to as currying. It was independently introduced by Moses Schönfinkel, and then later by Haskell Curry from where it takes its name. The concept actually originates in mathematics and then introduced into computer science.
It is often conflated with partial function application; the main difference is that a call to a partially applied function returns the result immediately, not another function down the "currying" chain.
scala> def foo (x:Int, y:Int, z:Int) : Int = x + y + z
foo: (x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)Int
scala> val pa = foo(1, _:Int, _:Int)
pa: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
scala> pa(2,3)
res0: Int = 6
In contrast, given f:(x,y,z) -> n, currying produces f':x -> (y -> (z -> n)). In other words, applying each argument in turn to a single argument function returned by the previous invocation.
After calling f'(1), a function that takes a single argument and returns another function is returned, not a function that takes two arguments.
In contrast partial function application refers to the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, producing another function of smaller arity. These two are often conflated.
The benefits/advantages of currying have already been mentioned elsewhere. The main issue you had was understanding the syntax and it's origins which has been explained.

What can be use case for defining an object with extends Function2[Int, Int] in scala?

How is below object sum different from a function f(i: Int, j:Int) = i + j
From what I know functions are traits and each time we declare a function an object of that trait with accordingly defined apply method is created. But I am not able to understand what special purpose could an object definition like below serve.
Please correct me if I am wrong anywhere.
object sum extends Function2[Int, Int, Int]{
def apply(first: Int, second: Int) = {
first + second
It's a value; f is not, it can just be converted to a value, and if it's used in several places it will be converted multiple times, which can have a (likely very small) effect on performance. However, I don't think there are any advantages compared to val sum = (i: Int, j: Int) => i + j (or if it needs to be at top level, object A { val sum = (i: Int, j: Int) => i + j }).
There are a couple of features methods have that function literals don't:
methods can be generic, function literals can't,
methods can have an implicit parameter list, function literals can't,
methods can have optional parameters with default arguments, function literals can't,
methods can have repeated parameters, function literals can't.
So, by defining the apply method explicitly instead of using the function literal syntactic sugar, you get access to all of these.
Also, you can add additional methods and/or fields.
However, your example use none of these, so really, there is no point in using the explicit syntax.
Actually, there is one difference: in
val sum = (first: Int, second: Int) => first + second
sum is a val, whereas in your example, it's an object.
Note also, that the code you posted:
def f(i: Int, j:Int) = i + j
is not a function, it's a method! My answer applies to the difference between a function literal and an explicitly defined instance / subtype of FunctionN, not to methods.

How to not apply a function when all parameters are given

Give the following scenario:
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
def f1(adder: () => Int) = adder()
f1(add(1,2) _) // Does **NOT** compile, because add seems to be already executed
f1(() => add(1,2)) // This works, but seems to be ugly
Is there any way to make it work with the underscore?
You could make it work without the underscore by using a by-name parameter:
scala> def f2(adder: => Int) = adder
f2: (adder: => Int)Int
scala> f2(add(1,2))
res0: Int = 3
The problem with your 3rd line is that f1 needs a function that is called with empty params. A by-name parameter lets you pass in any arbitrary expression that results in the given type, and doesn't evaluate it until you use it within the method body. If you want to use a by-name argument in multiple places within the body of the method, but don't want it reevaluated, you can cache it by assigning it to a lazy val.