How do I send a Diameter message to an IP other than Destination-Host's value in mobicents - mobicents

In all Diameter implementations I saw, the messages originating from the server is always sent towards the DNS resolved IP address of whats in the Destination-Host AVP. But, in commercial servers, we see an option to configure a DRA or a DEA which takes in all the messages and routes them.
Thus, when it comes to the mobicents diameter stack, this approach is sometimes hard to do. I can anyway re-configure the hosts file so that the message ends up in a DRA/DEA, yet, its a pain. I see no option to send these messages to a central diameter agent which will take care of all the dirty work for me.
The next issue is, if I plan to create such a DRA/DEA, the stack does not accept messages to a different host. Where, the message's Destination-Host parameter might contain a different hostname than ours. (which would be the ultimate destination it needs to go)
Is there a hack to achieve this without meddling with the internals of the jdiameter code and RA code?

If you change jdiameter's config to something like this:
<Peer name="aaa://" attempt_connect="false" rating="1" />
<Peer name="aaa://CUSTOM_HOST:4545" attempt_connect="false" rating="1" />
<Realm name="custom.realm" peers="CUSTOM_HOST" local_action="LOCAL" dynamic="false" exp_time="1">
In your sbb, then you'll need to create a client session providing your custom realm using this method:
DiameterCCAResourceAdaptor.CreditControlProviderImpl.createClientSession(DiameterIdentity destinationHost, DiameterIdentity destinationRealm)
ccaRaSbb.createClientSession(null, "custom.realm")
where ccaRaSbb is a CreditControlProvider instance (resource adaptor interface)
finally, when creating your CCR, the method CreditControlClientSession.createCreditControlRequest() will use the session' realm to find an available peer previously configured.
Let me know if this makes sense to you

Posting the method I used to solve this problem.
As it turns out its not possible out of the box to send a diameter message towards a peer which is not configured in the stack's jdiameter-config.xml file.
For me, the option to alter the stack in this case was also not feasible. So I devised a workaround for the problem by co-operating with the DRA we have. (most DRA's should be able to handle this method)
I added two custom AVPs to the outgoing request, namely Ultimate-Destination-Host and Ultimate-Destination-Realm.
In the DRA, I asked the admin to delete my Destination-Host and Destination-Realm AVPs and replace them with the ones created in step 1.
Now, whenever I send a packet destined to other diameter peers outside the configured peer, I target them towards the DRA and set these 'Ultimate' destination AVPs.
Ours is an Oracle DSR which is capable of doing this AVP manipulation. Most commercial ones should be able to handle it. Hope someone who wanted an answer for this question found this useful.


DPDK forward received packets to default network stack

We're using DPDK (version 20.08 on ubuntu 20.04, c++ application) to receive UDP packets with a high throughput (>2 Mpps). We use a Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC (and a Mellanox ConnectX-3 in an older system, would be great if the solution worked there aswell).
Contrary, since we only need to send a few configuration messages, we send messages through the default network stack. This way, we can use lots of readily available tools to send configuration messages; however, since all the received data is consumed by DPDK, these tools do not get back any messages.
The most prominent issue arises with ARP negotiation: the host tries to resolve addresses, the clients also do respond properly, however, these responses are all consumed by DPDK such that the host cannot resolve the addresses and refuses to send the actual UDP packets.
Our idea would be to filter out the high throughput packets on our application and somehow "forward" everything else (e.g. ARP responses) to the default network stack. Does DPDK have a built-in solution for that? I unfortunatelly coulnd't find anything in the examples.
I've recently heard about the packet function which allows to inject packets into SOCK_DGRAM sockets which may be a possible solution. I also couldn't find a sample implementation for our use-case, though. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Theoretically, if the NIC in question supports the embedded switch feature, it should be possible to intercept the packets of interest in the hardware and redirect them to a virtual function (VF) associated with the physical function (PF), with the PF itself receiving everything else.
The user configures SR-IOV feature on the NIC / host as well as virtualisation support;
For a given NIC PF, the user adds a VF and binds it to the corresponding Linux driver;
The DPDK application is run with the PF ethdev and a representor ethdev for the VF;
To handle the packets in question, the application adds the corresponding flow rules.
The PF (ethdev 0) and the VF representor (ethdev 1) have to be explicitly specified by the corresponding EAL argument in the application: -a [pci:dbdf],representor=vf0.
As for the flow rules, there should be a pair of such.
The first rule's components are as follows:
Attribute transfer (demands that matching packets be handled in the embedded switch);
Pattern item REPRESENTED_PORT with port_id = 0 (instructs the NIC to intercept packets coming to the embedded switch from the network port represented by the PF ethdev);
Pattern items matching on network headers (these provide narrower match criteria);
Action REPRESENTED_PORT with port_id = 1 (redirects packets to the VF).
In the second rule, item REPRESENTED_PORT has port_id = 1, and action REPRESENTED_PORT has port_id = 0 (that is, this rule is inverse). Everything else should remain the same.
It is important to note that some drivers do not support item REPRESENTED_PORT at the moment. Instead, they expect that the rules be added via the corresponding ethdevs. This way, for the provided example: the first rule goes to ethdev 0, the second one goes to ethdev 1.
As per the OP update, the adapter in question might indeed support the embedded switch feature. However, as noted above, item REPRESENTED_PORT might not be supported. The rules should be inserted via specific ethdevs. Also, one more attribute, ingress, might need to be specified.
In order to check whether this scheme works, one should be able to deploy a VF (as described above) and run testpmd with the aforementioned EAL argument. In the command line of the application, the two flow rules can be tested as follows:
flow create 0 ingress transfer pattern eth type is 0x0806 / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end
flow create 1 ingress transfer pattern eth type is 0x0806 / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 0 / end
Once done, that should pass ARP packets to the VF (thus, to the network interface) in question. The rest of packets should be seen by testpmd in active forwarding mode (start command).
NOTE: it is recommended to switch to the most recent DPDK release.
For the current use case, the best option is to make use of DPDK TAP PMD (which is part of LINUX DPDK). You can use Software or Hardware to filter the specific packets then sent it desired TAP interface.
A simple example to demonstrate the same would be making use DPDK skeleton example.
build the DPDK example via cd [root folder]/example/skeleton; make static
pass the desired Physical DPDK PMD NIC using DPDK eal options ./build/basicfwd -l 1 -w [pcie id of DPDK NIC] --vdev=net_tap0;iface=dpdkTap
In second terminal execute ifconfig dpdkTap promisc up
Use tpcudmp to capture Ingress and Egress packets using tcpdump -eni dpdkTap -Q in and tcpdump -enu dpdkTap -Q out respectively.
Note: you can configure ip address, setup TC on dpdkTap. Also you can run your custom socket programs too. You do not need to invest time on TLDP, ANS, VPP as per your requirement you just need an mechanism to inject and receive packet from Kernel network stack.

mirth connect stop message propagation through destinations

I am using Mirth Connect
I have a Database Reader as source connector and a JavaScript writer as destination connector. I decided to put some fancy code in the destination, doing four separate things, which should follow one after the other. Basically I just wrote the code and it seemed to me that it was too long and too clumsy, so I decided to split it into 4 destinations that would be daisy-chained, via the "Wait for previous destination" option.
The question is : How do I interrupt this chain of execution if an error occurs on one of the destinations?
I found a JIRA issue from 2013 saying that actually the errors that would occur in the body of the Destination Connector would not prevent the message from going to all other Destinations. And it states that the 2.X version behavior is still current, i.e. an error that would occur in the Destination Transformer, will actually stop the message from propagating.
I tried throwing errors in both the Destination body, and in Destination Response Transformer, and in both cases the message would continue to other Destinations. I also tried returning ResponseFactory.getErrorResponse from the Destination body with no luck. I also tried setting responseStatus to ERROR in Destination Response Transformer to no avail. Did they mean the normal Transformer/Filter?
Also - maybe my particular solution of splitting a task into 4 distinct destinations was NOT the reason why the destinations were created in the first place? I think that the documentation states that destinations are basically what the actual word Destination stands for.
If the above case is true, maybe there are better ways of organizing the code functionally in Mirth? I think including external JS files is not allowed in JavaScript writer - even if it were, i would prefer everything to sit inside the Channel itself and be exportable/importable as a single file.
Thank you.
Yep, when an error is thrown from a filter/transformer, it's considered truly "exceptional" and so message flow is stopped (subsequent destinations in the same chain are not executed).
If an error is thrown from the actual destination dispatcher or from the response transformer, that destination is marked as ERROR, but subsequent destinations will still be executed.
You can still stop the message flow if you want though. Use filters on your subsequent destinations:

CalDAV protocol synchronization and behavior of different clients

i am currently trying to implement a „simple“ readonly CALDAV-interface for a system. But the synchronization protocol and the CALDAV-clients give me some headaches.
The main test client i use is the macos-calendar (sierra).
The initial handshake (DAV principle, calendar lookup) and inital load of data is working. I get some REPORT:calendar-query requests.
The issue is the incremental sync after initial load. There are two approaches:
Via WebSync-extension (REPORT:sync-collection and sync-token prop)
my main issue here is that provisioning the sync-token from the server is not trivial in my system. Changes and New data is not an issue, but physical deletion (not yet logged in the user context) and changes in the scope of group- and/or role-assignments. Maybe i need to consider to invalidate in complex cases the sync-token and let the client resetup without sync-collection?
A nasty workaround could be to retain the calendar item IDs send to the client and check on each request for their existence and responds if necessary with a not found per deleted/out of scope calendar item. But this would mean i store client-state on the server which doesnt sound right and might be error prone.
Via basic protocal synchronization (respond to REPORT:calendar-query and propfind (depth=1) requests no webdav-sync active)
this is also working already in principle for new and changed data. But the macos-calendar doesnt remove items which are not part the collection response (propfind with depth=1). According to the protocol the client should determine the deleted items and remove them, but it doesnt do it in my case. Any ideas here?
For my system currently it would be ideal to use this approach though the performance might be not the ideal one.
With ios-Calendar i face another issue:
Initial handshake is somehow working as the requests in the network are coming and are answered.
But than a MKCALENDAR request is coming (instead of a calendar-query or propfind for items) which answer with 403 as i also dont provide it in the Allow-header of the options response. the request looks like this:
MKCALENDAR /services/cal/_userid/220EDB4A-F00C-41C9-B78F-10781BBA77E4/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml
User-Agent: iOS/10.0.1 (14A403) dataaccessd/1.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<B:mkcalendar xmlns:B="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
<A:set xmlns:A="DAV:">
<D:calendar-order xmlns:D="">1</D:calendar-order>
<B:comp name="VEVENT"/>
Nothing is happening afterwards.
Anyone experiencing this as well? Why ios-calendar tries to do a mkcalendar though i have a calendar-collection as resource-type?
With Thunderbird Lightning:
Initial handshake with the calendar-collection is working
A propfind-and multiget request for items is answered with iCal-Items.
But they are not displayed and in the error log i receive:
Warnung: CalDAV: Get failed: CalDAV: Error: got status 200 fetching calendar data for Debug Proxy, null
(text in german: error code: 0x80004005) Warnung: Fehler beim Lesen von Daten für Kalender: Debug Proxy. Allerdings ist dieser Fehler wahrscheinlich vernachlässigbar, daher versucht das Programm fortzufahren. Fehlercode: 0x80004005. Beschreibung: CalDAV: Error: got status 200 fetching calendar data for Debug Proxy, null
(text in german: error code: READ_FAILED) Warnung: Fehler beim Lesen von Daten für Kalender: Debug Proxy. Allerdings ist dieser Fehler wahrscheinlich vernachlässigbar, daher versucht das Programm fortzufahren. Fehlercode: READ_FAILED. Beschreibung:
http channel Listener OnDataAvailable contract violation
a similiar response is though working in macos-calendar – could it be some encoding issue?
Any hints are highly appreciated!
This is indeed a pretty broad question. But let me try to address some stuff:
Via WebSync-extension (REPORT:sync-collection and sync-token prop) my main issue here is that provisioning the sync-token from the server is not trivial in my system
Even if it is hard for you, you should really try to come up with something here. Even if this means storing some extra info on the server. Sync-collection is way more efficient.
(Idea: Maybe you can at least set a flag when something actually got deleted and only then expire the sync-token?)
Via basic protocal synchronization (respond to REPORT:calendar-query and propfind (depth=1))
Which one, calendar-range-query or PROPFIND? Completely different things ...
this is also working already in principle for new and changed data. But the macos-calendar doesnt remove items which are not part the collection response (propfind with depth=1).
If we are talking about a calendar-range-query, the client cannot proactively delete items since it doesn't know whether they just left the range (vs being deleted).
With PROPFIND it should do this. If you have proof it doesn't, maybe create another question with all the relevant details.
With ios-Calendar i face another issue: ... a MKCALENDAR request is coming ...
This probably means that it can't find the default scheduling calendar, no calendar at all, none with a proper component-type property. Or all the same for todos (Reminders app, same account). What is the payload of the MKCALENDAR?
Hard to diagnose w/o details, if you can't figure it out, ask a specific question on this with all the relevant details included (e.g. the XML you send in response to the home query).
Thunderbird Lightning
Can't say much about this, probably depends a lot on the version and what extensions you are using. AFAIK many people use the ScalableOGo Thunderbird extensions to get proper Cal/CardDAV with Thunderbird.
For Thunderbird/Lightning you may want to turn on calendar.debug.log and calendar.debug.log.verbose in the advanced config editor and restart. You can find it in Options > Advanced > General > Config Editor. This will get you more detailed http requests and information about what failed. You can also hook up the remote debugger and look at the network monitor, or set breakpoints in the code.
With Thunderbird/Lightning please note that we are using a mix of previous and current versions of the webdav-sync draft. I can't say much from the error message as is given it is very general, but it does look like there is something unexpected in the results.
Maybe it makes sense to compare the handshake between an existing server (like sabre/dav) and the client, then see where the difference between your communication and theirs is.
Also, you may be interested in the CalDAVTester from Apple, which checks server interoperability. Note however that it does contain various apple specific tests. The folks at CalConnect are working together with Apple to make it more generally usable and to split out the Apple-specific tests. Given your server is read-only, don't expect everything to work, but you can hunt for fixing specific tests.

FreeRADIUS and processing "Accounting - Request"

I've setup a radius server in our local network (using freeradius3), and now the clients are successfully login and send their accounting requests to the radius server.
What I need to accomplish is to pass the Accounting Requests (and their attributes) to an external program to process or filter some information. the external program however does not need to return anything to the radius server or change the normal workflow in the radius, so simply a copy of accounting requests has to be sent to the external program.
Couldn't find anything useful on web, so could you please point me to a tutorial or explain how would you implement that ?
Thank you
See the exec module config. The key thing is to set wait to no this means FreeRADIUS will not wait for the program to return.
You can then use the exec module instance as detailed in the header of that file i.e.
"%{exec:<path to program> '%{<attribute>}' '%{<attribute>}'}"

phpmailer error codes for outcome processing

I am building a mailout capability and it is working OK as far as it goes. However, I want to distinguish between various potential (high level) outcomes in order to determine what happens to each message after the current send attempt.
This must be a common requirement so I seem to be missing something pretty obvious, but I can't find anything that addresses it, either here or via Google or on PHPMailer site or .. . Possibly because there are so many questions about specific errors that I just can't find anything useful in all the other results.
At very high level:
Attempt send, and assess resulting error/result. Identify whether this message has been sent, must be retried later, or failed permanently.
- success -> update message status as 'SENT: OK'
- sent, but some issues (e.g. one recipient failed, others processed OK)-> 'SENT: some error'
- failed, due to temporary problem (e.g. connection problem, attachment open) -> 'TRY LATER'
- failed, due to message-specific problem that we should NOT try to resend-> 'FAILED: some error'
As I was unable to find an existing resource with e.g. a table of errors, I spent some time working through the phpmailerException code to try to build one myself, but it's not simple because a) they don't appear to have been designed in terms of this kind of grouping logic, b) it is not easy to uniquely identify a particular error: PHPMailer provides human-friendly messages, which are different in different languages, rather than an identifiable code - given that my solution will need to work across different language installations that's a problem!
Obviously SMTP itself provides a range of errorcodes which I could potentially use for this purpose, but how do I access these via PHPMailer? (This would work for me as I only use SMTP at this point - however, this would NOT work if other message transport like sendmail was used, so I would prefer a PHPMailer solution)
If you want individual result codes for individual address, you really need to send each message separately. If you do get errors on some recipients, they will be listed in the ErrorInfo property - look in the smtpSend function to see how the error string is assembled. I agree that it's not especially easy to parse that info out. The error messages in PHPMailer are generally more for the developer than the end user, so the translations are not that significant. You can get slightly more information about errors if you enable exceptions rather than relying only on return values.