Multiple $elemMatch in one query - mongodb

My basic structure is this for a user:
{name : 'name',
lists : [
{id : 'xyz',
items : [
{name : 'itemName',
purchased : false
I want to write a query where I can update itemName's purchased Bool.
I am able to get the list of items out using elemMatch, but I can't seem to select the item with the name of itemName.
Essentially, what I want is lists.$.gifts.$.purchased = true.
Is there a way to do this? It would be great if it could be done in one query, but if not, can it be done at all?

You cannot use multiple projection operator ($) in a query. The positional operator only supports one level nesting and also it matches the first element.
There is a JIRA ticket on this:
In your case what you can do is do a find query to retrieve the document.
name : 'name',
lists : [
id : 'xyz',
items : [
name : 'itemName',
purchased : false
From the above json document, iterate the lists and items array to get the index of array element. From your document you can see like the array index is 0. You can then do a straight ahead update query of following form:
{$set:{'lists.0.items.0.purchased': true}}
or if you know the id in lists array, then you can fine tune the above query using positional operator,
{$set:{'lists.$.items.0.purchased': true}}
I hope this answers your question.


Update single array item with matching id and one of the array element using Pymongo

Update a single array item with matching id and one of the array element using Pymongo
Tried few Pymongo commands one using array_filters(not sure whether this works with only 1 array level depth) but looks like nothing is updating even though there is no error reported but the update is not happening.
What is the right Pymongo command to update the below?
"_id" : ObjectId("9f1a5aa4217d695e4fe56be1"),
"array1" : [
"user" : "testUser1",
"age" : 30,
new_age_number = 32
mongo.db.myCollection.update_one({"_id": id}, {"$set": {"array1.$[i].age": new_age_number}}, array_filters=[{"i.user":"testUser1"}],upsert=False)
update_db = mongo.db.myCollection.update({"_id": id, "array1[index].user":"testUser1"}, {"$set": {"item_list[index].age": new_age_number}}, upsert=False)
*index is the number from for loop
Review the documentation here:
Noting specifically:
You must include the array field as part of the query document.
So, if you want to update the first item in the array:
oid = ObjectId("9f1a5aa4217d695e4fe56be1")
db.mycollection.update_one({'_id': oid, 'array1.user': 'testUser1' }, {'$set': {'array1.$.age': 32}})
If you want to update a specific item in the array:
oid = ObjectId("9f1a5aa4217d695e4fe56be1")
db.mycollection.update_one({'_id': oid, 'array1': {'$elemMatch': { 'user': 'testUser1' }}}, {'$set': {'array1.$.age': 32}})

How do I update values in a nested array?

I would like to preface this with saying that english is not my mother tongue, if any of my explanations are vague or don't make sense, please let me know and I will attempt to make them clearer.
I have a document containing some nested data. Currently product and customer are arrays, I would prefer to have them as straight up ObjectIDs.
"_id" : ObjectId("5bab713622c97440f287f2bf"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2018-09-26T13:44:54.431Z"),
"prod_line" : ObjectId("5b878e4c22c9745f1090de66"),
"entries" : [
"order_number" : "123",
"product" : [
"customer" : [
"quantity" : "14"
"order_number" : "456",
"product" : [
"customer" : [
"quantity" : "12"
I tried using the following query to update it, however that proved unsuccessful as Mongo didn't behave quite as I had expected.
var entry_id = entry.product[0]
db.Document.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'product': entry_id}});
With this query it sets product in the root of the object, not quite what I had hoped for. What I was hoping to do was to iterate through entries and change each individual product and customer to be only their ObjectId and not an array. Is it possible to do this via the mongo shell or do I have to look for another way to accomplish this? Thanks!
In order to accomplish your specified behavior, you just need to modify your query structure a bit. Take a look here for the specific MongoDB documentation on how to accomplish this. I will also propose an update to your code below:
db.Document.find().forEach(function(doc) {
doc.entries.forEach(function(entry, index) {
var productElementKey = 'entries.' + index + '.product';
var productSetObject = {};
productSetObject[productElementKey] = entry.product[0];
db.Document.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: productSetObject});
The problem that you were having is that you were not updating the specific element within the entries array, but rather adding a new key to the top-level of the document named product. Generally, in order to set the value of an inner document within an array, you need to specify the array key first (entries in this case) and the inner document key second (product in this case). Since you are trying to set specific elements within the entries array, you need to also specify the index in your query object, I have specified above.
In order to update the customer key in the inner documents, simply switch out the product for customer in my above code.
You're trying to add a property 'product' directly into your document with this line
db.Document.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'product': entry_id}});
Try to modify all your entries first, then update your document with this new array of entries.
let updatedEntries = [];
let newEntry = {};
newEntry["order_number"] = entry.order_number;
newEntry["product"] = entry.product[0];
newEntry["customer"] = entry.customer[0];
newEntry["quantity"] = entry.quantity;
db.Document.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'entries': updatedEntries}});
You'll need to enumerate all the documents and then update the documents one and a time with the value store in the first item of the array for product and customer from each entry:
db.documents.find().snapshot().forEach(function (elem) {
_id: elem._id,
"entries.order_number": entry.order_number
}, {
$set: {
"entries.$.product" : entry.product[0],
"entries.$.customer" : entry.customer[0]
Instead of doing 2 updates each time you could possibly use the filtered positional operator to do all updates to all arrays items within one update query.

MongoDB match a subdocument inside array (not positional reference)

My MongoDB has a key-value pair structure, inside my document has a data field which is an array that contains many subdocuments of two fields: name and value.
How do I search for a subdocument e.g ( {"name":"position", "value":"manager"}) and also multiple (e.g. {"name":"age", "value" : {$ge: 30}})
EDIT: I am not looking for a specific subdocument as I mentioned in title (not positional reference), rather, I want to retrieve the entire document but I need it to match the two subdocuments exactly.
Here are 2 queries to find the following record:
"_id" : ObjectId("sometobjectID"),
"data" : [
"name" : "position",
"value" : "manager"
// Both value and name (in the same record):
db.demo.find({$elemMatch: {"value": "manager", "name":"position"}})
// Both value and name (not necessarily in the same record):
db.demo.find({"data.value": "manager", "":"position"})
// Just value:
db.demo.find({"data.value": "manager"})
Note how the . is used, this works for all subdocuments, even if they are in an array.
You can use any operator you like here, including $gte
$elemMatch added to answer because of #Veeram's response
This answer explains the difference between $elemMatch and .

Return MongoDB documents that don't contain specific inner array items

How can I return a set of documents, each not containing a specific item in an inner array?
My data scheme is:
"_id" : ObjectId("57f91ec96241783dac1e16fe"),
"votedBy" : [
"userId" : "101",
"vote": 1
"userId" : "202",
"vote": 2
"__v" : NumberInt(0)
I want to return a set of posts, non of which contain a given userId in any of the votedBy array items.
The official documentation implies that this is possible:
MongoDB documentation: Field with no specific array index
Though it returns an empty set (for the more simple case of finding a document with a specific array item).
It seems like I have to know the index for a correct set of results, like:
This Question is the closest I found, with this solution (Applied on my scheme):
db.collection.find({"votedBy": { $not: {$elemMatch: {userId: 101 } } } })
It works fine if the only inner document in the array matches the one I wish not to return, but in the example case I specified above, the document returns, because it finds the userId=202 inner document.
Just to clarify: I want to return all the documents, that NONE of their votedBy array items have the given userId.
I also tried a simpler array, containing only the userId's as an array of Strings, but still, each of them receives an Id and the search process is just the same.
Another solution I tried is using a different collection for uservotes, and applying a lookup to perform a SQL-similar join, but it seems like there is an easier way.
I am using mongoose (node.js).
User $ne on the embedded userId:
db.collection.find({'votedBy.userId': {$ne: '101'}})
It will filter all the documents with at least one element of userId = "101"

Updating multiple MongoDB records in Sails.js

I need to update multiple records in mongodb.
From frontend logic , i got the array of id's as below.
ids: [ [ '530ac94c9ff87b5215a0d6e6', '530ac89a7345edc214618b25' ] ]
I have an array of ids as above , i need to update the folder field for all the records in that array.
I tried passing the id's to mongodb query as below , but still that doesn't work.
Post.native(function(err, collection) {
_id : {
"$in" : ids
}, { folder : 'X'}, {
multi : true
}, function(err, result) {
Please help.
There seem to be two possible problems.
1) your ids array is not an array of ids, it's an array which has a single element which is itself an array, which has two elements. An array of ids would be `[ 'idvalue1', 'idvalue2']
2) your id values inside of arrays are strings - is that how you are storing your "_id" values? If they are ObjectId() type then they are not a string but a type ObjectId("stringhere") which is not the same type and won't be equal to "stringhere".
There is no reason to use the native method in this case. Just do:
Post.update({id : ids}, {folder : 'X'}).exec(console.log);
Waterline automatically does an "in" query when you set a criteria property to an array, and Sails-Mongo automatically translates "id" to "_id" and handles ObjectId translation for you.
Those strings look like the string representation of mongod ObjectIds, so probably what you want to do is turn them into ObjectIds before querying. Assuming you've corrected your problem with the extra level of nesting in the array, that is:
ids = ['530ac94c9ff87b5215a0d6e6', '530ac89a7345edc214618b25']
Then you want to do something like this:
oids = []
for (var i in ids)
db.c.find({_id: {$in: oids}})
Does that fix your problem?