Slick database configuration - scala

I have an issue with Slick configuration in my Play application (Play 2.4.3).
I read documentation article but want to move dbConfig from controller to specified trait and mixin this trait to repository class.
There are several files in project: ClientRepository (class), BaseClientRepository (trait) and BaseDbRepository (trait).
trait BaseDbRepository {
val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile](Play.current)
import dbConfig.driver.api._
def withConnection[T](f: => DBIOAction[T, NoStream, Nothing]) = {
trait BaseClientRepository {
def getById(id: Int): Future[Client]
def getByLocation(location: String): Future[Seq[Client]]
class ClientRepository extends BaseDbRepository with BaseClientRepository {
def getById: Future[Client] = withConnection {
def getByLocation: Future[Seq[Client]] = withConnection {
This works great with my Client controller:
class Client extends Controller {
def getById(id: Int) = ???
But when I try to use DI with Guice:
class Client #Inject()(clientRepository: BaseClientRepository) extends Controller {
def getById(id: Int) = Action.async {
// I try to use client repository here
It failes with the following exception
CreationException: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) An exception was caught and reported. Message: There is no started application
I tried to move this definition val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile](Play.current) into Global.scala and it just works, but as I now Global.scala is deprecated now.
So, where is the best place for it?
Update: I use injection module for DI configuration:
class InjectionModule extends AbstractModule {
def configure() {
bind(classOf[BaseClientRepository]).toInstance(new ClientRepository)

dbConfig should be a lazy val or a function in this case.
That works for me:
private lazy val dbConfig = DatabaseConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile](Play.current)

Guice failed to inject an implementation of BaseClientRepository, the annotation #ImplementedBy can help.
trait BaseClientRepository {
def getById(id: Int): Future[Client]
def getByLocation(location: String): Future[Seq[Client]]


Configuring implicits in Scala

I have typeclass:
trait ProcessorTo[T]{
def process(s: String): T
and its implementation
class DefaultProcessor extends ProcessorTo[String]{
def process(s: String): String = s
trait DefaultProcessorSupport{
implicit val p: Processor[String] = new DefaultProcessor
To make it available for using I created
object ApplicationContext
extends DefaultProcessorSupport
with //Some other typeclasses
But now I have to add a processor which performs some DataBase - read. The DB URL etc are placed in condifguration file that is available only a runtime. For now I did the following.
class DbProcessor extends ProcessorTo[Int]{
private var config: Config = _
def start(config: Config) = //set the configuration, open connections etc
//Other implementation
object ApplicationContext{
implicit val p: ProcessorTo[Int] = new DbProcessor
def configure(config: Config) = p.asInstanceOf[DbProcessor].start(config)
It works for me, but I'm not sure about this technique. Looks strange for me a little bit. Is it a bad practice? If so, what would be a good solution?
I am a bit confused by the requirements as DbProcessor is missing the process implementation(???) and trait ProcessorTo[T] is missing start method which is defined in DbProcessor. So, I will assume the following while answering: the type class has both process and start methods
Define a type class:
trait ProcessorTo[T]{
def start(config: Config): Unit
def process(s: String): T
Provide implementations for the type class in the companion objects:
object ProcessorTo {
implicit object DbProcessor extends ProcessorTo[Int] {
override def start(config: Config): Unit = ???
override def process(s: String): Int = ???
implicit object DefaultProcessor extends ProcessorTo[String] {
override def start(config: Config): Unit = ???
override def process(s: String): String = s
and use it in your ApplicationContext as follows:
object ApplicationContext {
def configure[T](config: Config)(implicit ev: ProcessorTo[T]) = ev.start(config)
This is a nice blog post about Type Classes:
I don't really see why you need start. If your implicit DbProcessor has a dependency, why not make it an explicit dependency via constructor? I mean something like this:
class DbConfig(val settings: Map[String, Object]) {}
class DbProcessor(config: DbConfig) extends ProcessorTo[Int] {
// here goes actual configuration of the processor using config
private val mappings: Map[String, Int] = config.settings("DbProcessor").asInstanceOf[Map[String, Int]]
override def process(s: String): Int = mappings.getOrElse(s, -1)
object ApplicationContext {
// first create config then pass it explicitly
val config = new DbConfig(Map[String, Object]("DbProcessor" -> Map("1" -> 123)))
implicit val p: ProcessorTo[Int] = new DbProcessor(config)
Or if you like Cake pattern, you can do something like this:
trait DbConfig {
def getMappings(): Map[String, Int]
class DbProcessor(config: DbConfig) extends ProcessorTo[Int] {
// here goes actual configuration of the processor using config
private val mappings: Map[String, Int] = config.getMappings()
override def process(s: String): Int = mappings.getOrElse(s, -1)
trait DbProcessorSupport {
self: DbConfig =>
implicit val dbProcessor: ProcessorTo[Int] = new DbProcessor(self)
object ApplicationContext extends DbConfig with DbProcessorSupport {
override def getMappings(): Map[String, Int] = Map("1" -> 123)
So the only thing you do in your ApplicationContext is providing actual implementation of the DbConfig trait.

How to properly bind a trait to its impl when the later one has implicit parameters

[Please forgive me for the long question, I'm still learning to Scala.]
I'm trying to bind a generic trait to its generic impl who has implicit parameters. Here's the cleanup code:
trait PersistenceService[T <: SomeOtherClass] {
def persist(record: T): Future[Unit]
class MongoPersistenceService[T <: SomeOtherClass] #Inject()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, tag: ClassTag[T]) extends PersistenceService[T] {
val collectionName: String = tag.runtimeClass.getSimpleName
val databaseName = "someDatabase"
def db: Future[DefaultDB] = MongoConnectionWrapper.getMongoConnection("mongodb://", "27017")
def collection: Future[BSONCollection] =
def persist(record: T): Future[Unit] = {
val result = for {
col <- collection
writeResult <- col.insert(record)
} yield writeResult
result.recoverWith {
case WriteResult.Code(11000) => throw RecordAlreadyExistsException(record,
}.map(_ => ())
def read(id: BSONObjectID): Future[T] = {
val query = BSONDocument("_id" -> id)
val readResult: Future[T] = for {
coll <- collection
record <- coll.find(query).requireOne[T]
} yield record
readResult.recoverWith {
case NoSuchResultException => throw RecordNotFoundException(id)
I'm using Play, ReactiveMongo and ScalaGuice (all latest versions). So here's my main Module class binding everything:
class Module(env: Environment, config: Configuration) extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule {
def configure(): Unit = {
bind[PersistenceService[_]].to[MongoPersistenceService[_]] // Also tried with specific class instead of _ but not working either
And let's say I have one of my controller with dependency on PersistenceService like this:
class PersistenceServiceController #Inject()(val PersistenceService: PersistenceService[Bar], cc ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) { ... }
And the model (as you can probably guess) with its implicits Reader/Writer:
case class Bar() extends SomeOtherClass() {}
object Bar {
implicit object BarReader extends BSONDocumentReader[Bar] {
def read(doc: BSONDocument): Bar = { ... }
implicit object BarWriter extends BSONDocumentWriter[Bar] {
def write(bar: Bar): BSONDocument = { ... }
With all this stuffs, I'm getting the following runtime exception: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
1) No implementation for reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentReader<Bar> was bound.
while locating reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentReader<Bar>
for the 2nd parameter of MongoPersistenceService.<init>(MongoPersistenceService.scala:15)
at Module.configure(Module.scala:14) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> Module)
2) No implementation for reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentWriter<Bar> was bound.
while locating reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentWriter<Bar>
for the 3rd parameter of persistence.MongoPersistenceService.<init>(MongoPersistenceService.scala:15)
at Module.configure(Module.scala:14) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> Module)
3) No implementation for scala.reflect.ClassTag<Bar> was bound.
while locating scala.reflect.ClassTag<Bar>
for the 5th parameter of MongoPersistenceService.<init>(MongoPersistenceService.scala:15)
at Module.configure(Module.scala:14) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> Module)
So clearly, the stuffs my class MongoPersistenceService should get in the execution context are missing some how. I understand that Play is kind of magically providing the execution context when you setup your stuffs properly with guice. But in that case, looks like it's not working.
How can I fix that?
Well I'm feeling bad about this one but the error message was pretty obvious to find the issue. To fix it, I had to manually bind an impl for BSONDocumentReader[Bar], BSONDocumentWriter[Bar] and ClassTag[Bar].
I since refactored my code to something much simpler.
But wanted to let know other people what was the issue.

Scala Implicit class and overloading an existing function

Any idea how to get the following to work:
trait HttpTransport {
def doGet(str: String): String
trait CoreGet {
def GET(str: String)(implicit imp:String): List[String]
trait VerbGet extends CoreGet with HttpTransport {
override def GET(str: String)(implicit imp:String): List[String]= {
val str1 = doGet(str)
// and more biz logic calls here
List(s"\nverb (biz logic) called url $str and got '${str1}'>")
// PlayGet {
implicit class ExtendCoreGet(coreGet: CoreGet) {
def GET[A](url: String)(implicit imp:String, imp2: List[A]): List[A]= {
val coreGetResult = coreGet.GET(url)
coreGetResult.flatMap(_ => imp2)
trait Play extends HttpTransport {
override def doGet(str: String): String = {
val client = new VerbGet with Play
client.GET("")("hello", List("1")) //<-- does not compile
Compiler error:
too many arguments (2) for method GET: (implicit imp:
You can play with the code here:
It looks like you are trying extend functionality of VerbGet. You need to fix two things:
1. ExtendCoreGet must extend AnyVal to add more methods.
2. You can add new functionality by adding new method say GET2 but you can't overload existing method. Renmaed your GET to GET2 or something meaningful.
ExtendCoreGet definition should be
implicit class ExtendCoreGet(val coreGet: CoreGet) extends AnyVal {
def GET2[A](url: String)(implicit imp:String, imp2: List[A]): List[A]= {
coreGet.GET(url).flatMap(_ => imp2)

How to mock an interface in Guice module with ScalaMock?

How can I simply mock an interface needed for injection in Guice using ScalaMock?
I've ended up using
import org.scalamock.MockFactoryBase
import org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException
trait MyMockFactory extends MockFactoryBase {
type ExpectationException = TestFailedException
override protected def newExpectationException(message: String, methodName: Option[Symbol]): TestFailedException = ???
and in TestModule
class TestModule extends AbstractModule with MyMockFactory {
override def configure(): Unit = {
val mockObject = mock[ClassName]
Use a separate test module by binding mocked instances to class names and use that module to inject objects for your tests.
Test Module goes like this:
class TestModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = {
val mockObject = mock[ClassName]
Spec goes like this:
class SomeSpec extends FlatSpec {
val injector = Guice.createInjector(new TestModule)
val mockObject = injector.getInstance(classOf[ClassName])

Scala implicit type class dependency injection

I'd like some help sorting out this scenario. I have an Akka actor where I want to inject a dependency, in this case RemoteFetcher, which I would also like mock in my tests. Like so:
package mypackage
import RemoteFetcherFileSystem._
trait RemoteFetcher {
def fetch( path:String ): Future[Stream[String]]
class MyRemoteResourceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def fetchRemote( path:String ) = implicitly[RemoteFetcher].fetch( path )
def receive = {
case FetchRemoteResource( path ) => fetchRemote( path ).map( _.foreach( sender ! _ ) )
For this to work I have an implicit object that I import into the file above. Would look something like this:
implicit object RemoteFetcherFileSystem extends RemoteFetcher {
def fetchRemote( path:String ) = Future[Stream[String]] { ... reading from file system ... }
Now in my tests I have TestActor from the akka-testkit. Here I want to instead import my mock dependency:
implicit object RemoteFetcherMock extends RemoteFetcher {
def fetchRemote( path:String ) = Future[Stream[String]] { ... mock implementation ... }
My problem is that to compile Services.scala I need to import the implicit object. But how do I go about to shadow/override this in my test-files. The reason I'm not using implicit arguments is that I want to avoid having to modify all my actors constructor arguments.
I when looking around and reading up on the type class dependency injection pattern and I get it to work according to the tutorials, but I don't get it to work when I want to test and override like in my example.
I'm not sure how to do it with implicits, but typically one could inject instead like so:
trait RemoteFetcherComponent {
def remoteFetcher: RemoteFetcher
trait RemoteFetcher {
def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]]
trait RemoteFetcherFileSystemComponent extends RemoteFetcherComponent {
val remoteFetcher = RemoteFetcherFileSystem
object RemoteFetcherFileSystem extends RemoteFetcher {
def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]] = ???
class MyRemoteResourceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with RemoteFetcherFileSystemComponent {
def fetchRemote(path: String) = remoteFetcher.fetch(path)
def receive = {
case FetchRemoteResource(path) => fetchRemote(path).map( _.foreach(sender ! _))
val myRemoteResourceActor = new MyRemoteResourceActor()
And then a test value would be defined like so:
trait RemoteFetcherMockComponent extends RemoteFetcherComponent {
def remoteFetcher = RemoteFetcherMock
object RemoteFetcherMock extends RemoteFetcher {
def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]] = ???
val myMockedResourceActor = new MyRemoteResourceActor with RemoteFetcherMockComponent {
override val remoteFetcher = super[RemoteFetcherMockComponent].remoteFetcher
The reason you are having an issue with implicits is because the way you're using it is no different from simply using def fetchRemote(path: String) = RemoteFetcherFileSystem.fetch(path). With the import, you've defined the implementation, rather than allowed it to be injected later.
You could also change the implicitly to an implicit parameter:
trait RemoteFetcher {
def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]]
object RemoteFetcher {
implicit val fetcher = RemoteFetcherFileSystem
class MyRemoteResourceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def fetchRemote(path: String)(implicit remoteFetcher: RemoteFetcher) = remoteFetcher.fetch(path)
def receive = {
case FetchRemoteResource(path) => fetchRemote(path).map( _.foreach(sender ! _))
Then you could override the implicit that is resolved in the companion object of RemoteFetcher by simply importing RemoteFetcherMock.
See this post for more information about implicit parameter resolution precedence rules.