Enabling remote access to Keycloak - keycloak

I'm using the Keycloak authorization server in order to manage my application permissions. However, I've found out the standalone server can be accessed locally only.
http://localhost:8080/auth works, but not it does http://myhostname:8080/auth. This issue doesn't permit accessing the server from the internal network.

The standalone Keycloak server runs on the top of a JBoss Wildfly instance and this server doesn't allow accessing it externally by default, for security reasons (it should be only for the administration console, but seems to affect every url in case of Keycloak). It has to be booted with the -b= option to enable it.
However, if your Wildfly is running on a remote machine and you try to
access your administrative page through the network by it’s IP address
or hostname, let’s say, at, you will
probably see a graceful This webpage is not available error, in
another words, Wildfly said “No, thanks, I’m not allowing requests
from another guys than the ones at my local machine”.
See also:
Enable Wildfly remote access
Wildfly remotely access administration console doesnt work

you can start keycloak server with this command
standalone.bat -b

For anyone who happens by here now, I found this in the documentation for Keycloak 8:
Users can interact with Keycloak without SSL so long as they stick to
private IP addresses like localhost,, 10.0.x.x, 192.168.x.x,
and 172.16.x.x. If you try to access Keycloak without SSL from a
non-private IP address you will get an error.

This is how you can disable it from the admin console, just click on your realm, and make the mentioned option.
Note: Don't forget the following
standalone.bat -b


tomcat localhost url return ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I developed a spring MVC app in eclipse and trying to test in my laptop tomcat localhost. This URL works http://localhost:8080. It brings up the tomcat admin page. But when i call http://localhost:8080/mywebsite, as part of spring security port mapping it forwards to https://localhost:8443/mywebsite, but i get
This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
This is definitely not firewall issue, as i uninstalled all my antivirus, disabled firewall in windows defender
I have also changed the server location to "use tomcat installation" in eclipse
I have cleaned up deployment folder multiple times and reinstalled app and restarted server multiple times. The server started successfully i can see the logs
I am using tomcat 9 and JDK-19
I dont see any calls in access logs, only a 302 when it redirects from http://localhost:8080/mywebsite to https://localhost:8443/mywebsite
I have been trying this for 2 days and it wont budge an inch. I need help please
As #nitin pointed out in the comment above, I had not configured SSL connector. My bad I thought SSl cert is not needed for localhost testing. But it is required. I following the steps in

Keycloak Admin Console requires HTTPS when connected remotely (Should I disable SSL)

I am connecting to Keycloak remotely. And when I try to open the Admin Console, I get an error saying HTTPS required.
In one of the websites, it says that I should do this: "update REALM set ssl_required='NONE' where id = 'master';"
But I do not know the consequences of doing this. Will this make it unsecure? Or can I reverse this?
Thank you
(And If I would run Keycloak within a docker image would this problem be solved?)
Admim console uses open id connect protocol, which needs HTTPS to be secure. So it isn't good idea to disable ssl in the prod environment.
Keycloak in the container doesn't solve your problem. But it provides user friendly approach to generate selfsigned cert - Keycloak Docker HTTPS required
Secure option is to generate valid TLS certificate and use it in your Keycloak instance, so you have valid secure TLS/HTTPS connection.

Sporadic Signin using Traefik with Integrated Windows Authentication

I'm having an issue getting Traefik to proxy applications that are secured using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). When the content being served is simply an IIS virtual directory secured with IWA there is no problem. However, when it is a .NET Core application or MVC application or even just a simple Default.aspx page and IWA is enabled I continually get prompted for my credentials (never being accepted). See below for my configuration:
Traefik Configuration:
# ns-ws
backend = "ns_ws"
rule = "Host:ns-ws.example.com"
# ns-ws
url = "http://x.x.x.x:80"
I've played with removing pass host headers and stickiness, but no luck.
Seems like the original request makes it through because I do not get an unauthenticated error message from IIS for the page, but most subsequent requests to the server will return a 401 (seems sporadic).
Example Image:
I've tried changing the "authPersistNonNTLM" option in IIS, as described here: https://boyan.io/kerberos-load-balancers/ (with no luck)
I realize this is a very stale issue but in case this helps others.
I can confirm that Windows Integrated authentication works successfully with Traefik 2.x using a TCP as opposed to HTTP router with successful logins proven on Windows/Mac using Safari/Chrome/IE.
Note that when testing it is important to ensure you have cleared cookie caches or you can get unpredictable results due to prior login attempts on non-working configurations you may have attempted. Indeed I experienced something similar to your described behavior with repeated unexplained login prompts until I reset my browser.
In our configuration we have a mixed-OS docker Swarm (Linux/Windows) with Traefik operating on Linux and sending requests straight to back-end Windows-containers running on Windows swarm nodes.
If you have configured your Windows app and containers correctly I can confirm that from:
A domain-joined machine you will get straight through login to Windows back-end containers using the domain-joined machine's Kerberos credentials
A non-domain-joined machine connection will downgrade to Windows NTLM authentication and prompt for Windows authentication credentials.
From a Traefik configuration perspective our docker containers have labels like this:
- "traefik.tcp.routers.dotnet-tcpexample.entrypoints=websecure"
- "traefik.tcp.routers.dotnet-tcpexample.tls=true"
- "traefik.tcp.routers.dotnet-tcpexample.tls.options=default"
- "traefik.tcp.routers.dotnet-tcpexample.rule=HostSNI(`windows.foo.bar`)"
- "traefik.tcp.routers.dotnet-tcpexample.tls.passthrough=true"
- "traefik.tcp.routers.dotnet-tcpexample.service=dotnet-tcpexample"
- "traefik.tcp.services.dotnet-tcpexample.loadbalancer.server.port=443"
Note that configuring containers for Windows integrated authentication in itself is non-trivial but documented here.

While connecting two app servers with an ibm http webserver, we are able to successfully connect with only one server

While running two app servers (which has mobilefirst servers hosted 7.1 version) from ibm http server, only one server runs successfully on keeping only one of the Route attribute active in the plugin-cfg.xml of the http server. In the server which is not running, the following error is seen in the messages.log.
CWWKS4001E: The security token cannot be validated. This can be for the following reasons
1. The security token was generated on another server using different keys.
2. The token configuration or the security keys of the token service which created the token has been changed.
3. The token service which created the token is no longer available.
Kindly guide in resolving the error above.
Sounds like your two servers have not exchanged/shared LTPA keys and IHS and the WAS Plugin are a red herring.
Note: For SSO to work across Liberty servers, full profile servers, or both, set the following resources:
The servers must use the same LTPA keys and share the same user registry.
Sounds like communication issue between two servers. Are the inbound ports opened on another server to communicate with HTTP server? if they are opened use telnet and test whether both servers (HTTP and app server) are communicating with each other.
On HTTP Server, open command prompt and enter below command.
telnet <app server ip> <app server port>
If this is not successful then you need to open ports on app server.

IIS Arr not passing windows credentials on the same server

I have a self-hosted owin web api service on a test environment, and to give it a better name I use a domain alias, and ARR.
My web api runs on port 8888, and uses Windows Authentication. I have configured my arr to run under testserver:80 with anonymous authentication. I want to deploy a service on the box that will pool the webapi for data. When I try to visit testserver from my web browser on my desktop it works fine. However, when I remote into that box and try to hit testserver it prompts me for credentials. Even if I type them correctly it still will issue me a 401. If I go to localhost:8888 the site will work.
Since, I'd prefer to use the pretty name for the server in my service how do I correct this issue. How do I get it to pass credentials on the same box through ARR?
You might have have an issue with LSA loopback checking.
You get the 401 because ARR forwards your Windows Authentication to localhost, which is not allowed (default setting).
Try to disable LSA loopback checking (restart most probably required). If that works you can limit the disabling of loopback checking to specific websites (to prevent security holes).
See You receive error 401.1 when you browse a Web site that uses Integrated Authentication and is hosted on IIS 5.1 or a later version for more information on the LSA loopback check and how to disable it completely or only for specific hostnames.