Why code is not giving proper results Matlab? - matlab

I know this type of questions may have been answered before but i am a beginner in matlab so please bear my kiddy questions.
I wan to generate a 11*12 matrix from a set of values. i have five different vectors named X,Y Z,u,v.
my code is:
for i=1:6
A=[X(i) Y(i) Z(i) 1 0 0 0 0 (-u(i)*X(i)) (-u(i)*Y(i)) (-u(i)*Z(i)),0 0 0 0 X(i) Y(i) Z(i) 1 (-v(i)*X(i)) (-v(i)*Y(i)) (-v(i)*Z(i))];
Here for each iteration i want to fill two rows. So it becomes 12 rows in total. But the problem is that
1. it is giving me 22*1 matrix
2. It is giving wrong values
That means it is appending columns in each iteration that i do not want.
Kindly help me to find a 11*12 matrix. Thanks

You are assigning a completely new matrix to A on every iteration, so this will result in what you get.
What you want is to replace the rows each iteration. You can index the matrix to do this:
A(1,:) = [1 2 3 4];
This, for example, will replace the first row with the given values. So you can use
A(i*2-1,:)=[X(i) Y(i) Z(i) 1 0 0 0 0 (-u(i)*X(i)) (-u(i)*Y(i)) (-u(i)*Z(i))];
A(i*2,:)=[0 0 0 0 X(i) Y(i) Z(i) 1 (-v(i)*X(i)) (-v(i)*Y(i)) (-v(i)*Z(i))];
Unfortunately I don't have Matlab here now to see if you could combine those into one line by indexing A(i*2-1:i*2,:) or not.


Assigning values to a matrix through vector addition from an adjacency matrix

Very new to Matlab, I usually use STATA.
I want to use the nchoosek fuction to get the sum of vectors in one matrix.
I have a 21x21 adjacency matrix, with either 0 or 1 as the inputs. I want to create a new matrix, that will give me a sum of inputs between all possible triads from the adjacency matrix.
The new matrix should look have four variables, indexes (i, j, k) - corresponding to each combination from the 21x21. And a final variable which is a sum of the inputs.
The code I have so far is:
C = nchoosek(21,3)
B = zeros(nchoosek(21,3), 4)
for i=1:C
for j=i+1:C
for k=j+1:C
B(?)=B(i, j, k, A(i)+A(j)+A(k)) #A is the 21x21 adj mat
I know my assignment statement is incorrect as I don't completed understand the indexing role of the ":" operator. Any help will be appreciated.
This might be what you want:
clear all
close all
A = rand(21,21); % Replace this with actual A
rowNum = 0;
for i=1:21
for j=i+1:21
for k=j+1:21
rowNum = rowNum+1;
B(rowNum,:) = [i, j, k, sum(A(:,i)+A(:,j)+A(:,k))];
There are some points:
You loop for different combinations. the total number of combination is nchoosek(21,3) which you can check after 3 nested loop. Your code with for i=1:C was the first error since you're actually looping for different values of i and different values of j and k. So these just 21 values not more.
To avoid repeated combinations, it's enough to start new index after the previous one, which you've realized in your code.
There are other possible approaches such as vectorized format, but to stick to your approach, I used a counter: rowNum which is the loop counter and updated along the loop.
B(rowNum,:) means all element of rowNum'th row of the matrix B.
Below is an algorithm to find the triads in an adjacency matrix. It checks all possible triads and sums the values.
%basic adjacency matrix with two triads (1-2-5) (2-3-5)
A(1,:) = [0 1 0 0 1];
A(2,:) = [1 0 1 0 1];
A(3,:) = [0 1 0 0 1];
A(4,:) = [0 0 0 0 1];
A(5,:) = [1 1 1 1 0];
A=A==1; %logical matrix
for ct = 1:size(triads,1)
ans =
1 2 5
2 3 5

How to get the logical matrix corresponding to "scatter" plot?

If I have a two column matrix A like below, I can plot the scatter plot using scatter/plot command. I would like to get the matrix corresponding to such outputs as in hist command. hist command gives the vector output too.
A=[7 1;3 2; 4 3]
For example out=scatter(A(:,1),A(:,2)) must give something like below:
[0 0 0;
0 0 0;
0 1 0;
0 0 1;
0 0 0;
0 0 0;
1 0 0]
Only the indices (7,1), (3,2) and (4,3) are only ones. Or Can someone give me a snippet code to realize this without using loops?
You can use a combination of sparse and full where you can specify the non-zero row and column locations, and the rest of the matrix would be zero:
A = [7 1; 3 2; 4 3];
B = full(sparse(A(:,1), A(:,2), 1, max(A(:,1)), max(A(:,2)))) == 1;
The sparse command takes in the row and column locations of what is non-zero for the first two inputs, the third input is what the non-zero location would be for each row and column location. We can specify a constant to mean that every non-zero location gets the same coefficient, which is 1. We can also specify the size of the matrix, where in this case the rows and columns of the output correspond to the largest number in the first and second columns respectively. Because this is a sparse matrix, you will want to convert this to a full matrix and because you want it to be logical, you will want to compare all elements with the number 1.
We thus get for the output, which is B:
B =
7×3 logical array
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
Alternatively, we can use sub2ind to create linear indices to index into a pre-allocated matrix of logical false and set only those non-zero row locations to true:
A = [7 1; 3 2; 4 3];
B = false(max(A(:,1)), max(A(:,2)));
ind = sub2ind(size(B), A(:,1), A(:,2));
B(ind) = true;
We first allocate the matrix, then calculate the linear indices to index into the matrix, then finally set the right locations to true. The output here would be the same as the sparse approach.
Just to add: rayryeng's solution is fine if you really want your result to be logical in the sense that it is equal to one if there is anything at the coordinate and zero otherwise. Still, since you added a note on hist, I was wondering if you actually want to count the number of times a specific coordinate is hit. In this case, consider using
S = histcounts2(A(:,2),A(:,1));
if you have access to R2015b+. If not, there is a hist2 function on fileexchange you can use for the purpose.
Here is my solution. Matlab provides a command called accumarray.
S = logical(accumarray(A, 1) )
will give the result too.

How to make a general case of inserting ones in any type of matrix, in the non-principal diagonal

The title might be confusing, here's a particular example to explain myself. Also, I'm not sure how do you call the diagonal that starts in (1,2) and goes onward: (2,3) ; (3,4) and so on. Non-principal, non-main diagonal, not sure at all.
3x3 case
-1 1 0
-1 0 1
0 -1 1
4x4 case
-1 1 0 0
-1 0 1 0
-1 0 0 1
0 -1 1 0
0 -1 0 1
0 0 -1 1
So if the original matrix was a 4x4 (or any other size), I am able to make a matrix the size of the second example. I now have to insert the -1 and 1's in this fashion. This means n-1 number of -1's inserted if j=1, and then, a n-1 number of ones in the non-principal diagonal. When this is done, it's the same but for j=2 and the next non-principal diagonal, and so on.
Thing is, I'm thinking all the time about loops, and too many cases arise, because what I want is to be able to do this for any possible dimension, not for a particular case.
But then I saw this post Obtaining opposite diagonal of a matrix in Matlab
With this answer: A(s:s-1:end-1)
And it seems like a much cleaner way of doing it, since my own way (not finished since I'm not able to figure all the cases) has too many conditions. With a sentence like that, I could choose the diagonal, insert ones, and do it as many times as required, depending of the n dimension.
This leaves the problem of inserting the -1's, but I guess I could manage something.
It seems to mee that you want to obtain the following matrix B of size n × (n-1)*n/2
n = 4;
idx = fliplr(fullfact([n n]));
idx(diff(idx')<=0,:) = [];
m = size(idx,1);
B = zeros(m,n);
B(sub2ind(size(B),1:m,idx(:,1)')) = -1;
B(sub2ind(size(B),1:m,idx(:,2)')) = 1;
Approach #1
Here's a vectorized approach that has more memory requirements than a non-vectorized or for-loop based one. So, it could be tried out for small to medium sized datasizes.
The basic idea is this. For n=4 as an example, we take
-1 1 0 0
-1 0 1 0
-1 0 0 1
as the basic building block, replicate it n-1 i.e. 3 times and then remove the rows that aren't supposed to be part of the final output as per the requirements of the problem. Because of this very nature, this solution has more memory requirements, as we need to remove rows 6,8,9 for n = 4 case. But this gives us the opportunity to work with everything in one go.
N = n-1; %// minus 1 of the datasize, n
blksz = N*(N+1); %// number of elements in a (n-1)*n blocksize that is replicated
b1 = [-1*ones(N,1) eye(N)] %// Create that special starting (n-1)*n block
idx1 = find(b1~=0) %// find non zero elements for the starting block
idx2 = bsxfun(#plus,idx1,[0:N-1]*(blksz+N)) %// non zero elements for all blocks
b1nzr = repmat(b1(b1~=0),[1 N]) %// elements for all blocks
vald_ind = bsxfun(#le,idx2,[1:N]*blksz) %// positions of valid elements all blocks
mat1 = zeros(N,blksz) %// create an array for all blocks
mat1(idx2(vald_ind)) = b1nzr(vald_ind) %// put right elements into right places
%// reshape into a 3D array, join/concatenate along dim3
out = reshape(permute(reshape(mat1,N,N+1,[]),[1 3 2]),N*N,[])
%// remove rows that are not entertained according to the requirements of problem
out = out(any(out==1,2),:)
Approach #2
Here's a loop based code that could be easier to get a hold on if you have to explain it to yourself or just people and most importantly scales up pretty well on performance criteria across varying datasizes.
start_block = [-1*ones(n-1,1) eye(n-1)] %// Create that special starting (n-1)*n block
%// Find starting and ending row indices for each shifted block to be repeated
ends = cumsum([n-1:-1:1])
starts = [1 ends(1:end-1)+1]
out = zeros(sum(1:n-1),n) %// setup all zeros array to store output
for k1 = 1:n-1
%// Put elements from shifted portion of start_block for creating the output
out(starts(k1):ends(k1),k1:end) = start_block(1:n-k1,1:n-k1+1)
With n=4, the output -
out =
-1 1 0 0
-1 0 1 0
-1 0 0 1
0 -1 1 0
0 -1 0 1
0 0 -1 1
I don't know if I understood properly, but is this what you are looking for:
k=1; % this is to select the k-th diagonal
D=diag(ones(1,size(M,2)-abs(k)), k);
M =
0.9834 -1.0000 0.8402 0.6310 0.0128
0.8963 0.1271 -1.0000 0.3164 0.6054
0.8657 0.6546 0.3788 -1.0000 0.5765
0.8010 0.8640 0.2682 0.4987 -1.0000
0.5550 0.2746 0.1529 0.7386 0.6550

Matlab:Efficient assignment of values in a sparse matrix

I'm working in Matlab and I have the next problem:
I have a B matrix of nx2 elements, which contains indexes for the assignment of a big sparse matrix A (almost 500,000x80,000). For each row of B, the first column is the column index of A that has to contain a 1, and the second column is the column index of A that has to contain -1.
For example:
B= 1 3
2 5
1 5
4 1
5 2
For this B matrix, The Corresponding A matrix has to be like this:
A= 1 0 -1 0 0
0 1 0 0 -1
1 0 0 0 -1
-1 0 0 1 0
0 -1 0 0 1
So, for the row i of B, the corresponding row i of A must be full of zeros except on A(i,B(i,1))=1 and A(i,B(i,2))=-1
This is very easy with a for loop over all the rows of B, but it's extremely slow. I also tried the next formulation:
But matlab gave me an "Out of Memory Error". If anybody knows a more efficient way to achieve this, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
You can use the sparse function:
m = size(B,1); %// number of rows of A. Or choose larger if needed
n = max(B(:)); %// number of columns of A. Or choose larger if needed
s = size(B,1);
A = sparse(1:s, B(:,1), 1, m, n) + sparse(1:s, B(:,2), -1, m, n);
I think you should be able to do this using the sub2ind function. This function converts matrix subscripts to linear indices. You should be able to do it like so:
pind = sub2ind(size(A),1:n,B(:,1)); % positive indices
nind = sub2ind(size(A),1:n,B(:,2)); % negative indices
A(pind) = 1;
A(nind) = -1;
EDIT: I (wrongly, I think) assumed the sparse matrix A already existed. If it doesn't exist, then this method wouldn't be the best option.

Entropy of Matrix using Matlab

Given a matrix A with dimension m x n and the entries in the matrix lies [0,1]
For example
A = [0.5 0 0 0.5 0
0 0.5 0 0 0.5
1 0 0 0 0]
I would like to calculate sum(sum(a_ij log(a_ij))), where a_ij is the i th row and j th col entry in the matrix A. Since there exist an 0 entry in the matrix, i always get NAN as a result.
How do i consider only non-zero entries to calculate sum(sum(a_ij log(a_ij))) [entropy of the matrix].
To consider only specific elements of a matrix you can use logical indexing. For example if you only want to select non-zero entries of A you can use A(A~=0). So for your problem the solution can be written:
EDIT: wow that is some kind of coincidence, I've just seen your comment after posting this. Well, glad you've worked it out yourself.
If it is a very large array:
which should be faster than indexing.
Another possibility:
x = A(:);
E = x' * log(x + (x==0))