Jenkins workflow stash/unstash zip file - jenkins-workflow

I am stashing/unstashing a single zip file and the console output when I do so says
Stashed 411 file(s)
I suppose there are 411 files inside the zip file and this is stored? So stashing unarchives the file before doing so?
In any case, the problem is that unstashing this is taking an inordinate amount of time, approx. 4 minutes over my last ten runs since I've been doing this unstashing. I am actually unstashing to the same node, which needs to happen as possibly it's a different node since I am just giving a label. The zip file is only 14MB. Ideas?

Sounds like there is a mistake in your includes/excludes and you are actually stashing 411 files rather than just one.


how to move file after reading the file in ibm datastage

i have 1 folder which has 4 files, they are sales_jan, sales_feb, debt_jan, debt_feb.I created specific job for each sales and debt. The thing is, if i already run the job previously for sales_jan only and then there comes sales_feb after that, i dont wanna repeat reading the sales_jan again, i only want to read the newest file added that hasn't been processed. For reading the file, i pass the pattern of the specific file (ex. sales_*) but if i use it like that, then the stage will reprocessed the sales_jan again although it already has. I want to move the file already been read into another folder. How do i exactly do it in ibm datastage? if there's no way to do it, what's your suggestion for my problem. Any ideas would be appreciated.
The easiest solution is to use an after-job subroutine (ExecSH on Linux/UNIX, ExecDOS on Windows) to move the file to a different location.
Since you're using wildcards for the Sequential File stage, you're going to have to be a bit more clever in handling a situation where your job processes only some of the files. I would prefer to write this using a loop in a sequence, processing one file at a time, so that the move can be handled per-file.
you might make a flag for every file which already read by your job. For example add a maxdate field for each file. When the first file max date is less than the second file or new file Then read the latest file. It can be done by using simple linux command in sequence or tranformer. Just like Ray mentioned before

Does IPFS provide block-level file copying feature?

Update 11-14-2019: Please see the following discussion for feature request to IPFS: git-diff feature: Improve efficiency of IPFS for sharing updated file. Decrease file/block duplication
There is a .tar.gz file, which contains a data.txt file, file.tar.gz (~1 GB) stored in my IPFS-repo, which is pulled from another node-a.
I open the data.txt file and added a single character in a random locations in the file(beginning of the file, middle of the file, and end of the file), and compress it again as file.tar.gz and store it in my IPFS-repo.
When node-a wants to re-get the updated tar.gz file a re-sync will take place.
I want to know using IPFS whether the entire 1 GB of file will be synced or there exists a way by which parts of the file that is changed (called the delta) get synced.
Similar question is asked for the Google Drive: Does Google Drive sync entire file again on making small changes?
The feature you are asking is called "Block-Level File Copying". With
this feature, when you make a change to a file, rather than copying
the entire file from your hard drive to the cloud server again, only
the parts of the file that changed (called the delta) get sent.
As far as I know, Drobox, pCloud, and OneDrive, which however only supports it for Microsoft Office documents, offers block level sync.

Talend tWaitForFile insufficiency

We have a producer process that write files into a specific folder, which run continuously, we have to read files one by one using talend, there is 2 issues:
The 1st: tWaitForFile read only files which exist before its starting, so files which have created after the component starting are not visible for it.
The 2nd: There is no way to know if the file is released by the producer process, it may be read while it is not completely written, the parameter _wait_release_ of tWaitForFile does not work on Linux system !
So how can make Talend read complete written files from a directory that have an increasing files number ?
I'm not sure what you mean by your first issue. tWaitForFile has options to trigger when files are created, modified or deleted in a folder.
As for the second issue, your best bet here is for the file producer to be creating an OK or control file which is a 0 byte touch when it has finished writing the file you want.
In this case you simply look for the appearance of the OK file and then pick up the relevant completed file. If you name the 2 files the same but with a different file extension (the OK file is typically called ".OK" then this should be easy enough to look for. So you would set your tWaitForFile to look for "*.OK" files and then connect this to an iterate to a tFileInputDelimited (in the case you want to pick up a delimited text file) and then declare the file name as ((String)globalMap.get("tWaitForFile_1_CREATED_FILE")).substring(0,((String)globalMap.get("tWaitForFile_1_CREATED_FILE")).length()-3) + ".txt"
I've included some screenshots to help you below:

A rotating log file in perl

I have implemented a log file that will be storing the cpu and memory state of a process after every minute.I have limited the maximum size of the file to 3MB (thats enough for my purpose).
The script will be called by a cron job after every minute and the script will log the details for that minute and will rename the file as "Log_.log".
When the size reaches "3MB - 100 bytes" I reset the file pointer to point to the begining and will overwrite the first entry in the log file and will now rename the file as "Log_<0+some offset>.log".
As I am renaming the file after every minute to update the file pointer position, is it a good/efficient way ?
I do not want to maintain more than one log file for this purpose.
Another option for me is to maintain the file pointer position in a file ,but ....another file !! not interested in maintaining one if this option is good :)
Thanks in Advance.
Are you an engineer? This is a nice example of some simple task, solved by a perfectly working but overly complex solution.
Unless the content you put in takes exactly as many bytes as the content you take out, writing "in" a file will actually cause the whole following part after your writing position to be rewritten to disk. Append is much cheaper.
Renaming the file to store the pointer works - but it's not very elegant, and makes stuff more complex (for one, your process needs write rights to the directory in which the file resides - else just write access to two files is sufficient)
Unless disk space is an issue (and really, it rarely is), your approach is less efficient than say, append everything to a file, and rotate the file when it reaches its maximum size. This way you always have the last 3MB of logs available, and maximum 3MB more in your current file. It will make parsing the file a lot easier too, instead of recalculating the entire pointer position thing.
Update to answer your comment:
Renaming a file every minute (or even every second) shouldn't slow down your system significantly, don't worry about that.
Our concerns are mainly with "why you think you need to rename the file". It's not better technically, it's not better from a logical point of view, it makes a lot of other (future) tasks harder. You could store the file pointer in a seperate file, or at the end of your file, and there are better^H^H^H^H^H^H simpler solutions that don't require the file pointer at all.
I'm confused why you would rename your file. What does this accomplish?
Are the log entries fixed size? Or variable size?
If the entries are fixed size, then there is no trouble in re-writing the existing file from the start: you won't ever have incomplete entries in your file, and if you are writing a counter or timestamps to the file, it should be clear where the 'cursor' is located.
If the entries are variable size, then you should probably not begin re-writing the file from the beginning without somehow making it clear where the 'cursor' is located in the file, and write code that is resilient to reading truncated log entries.
Can you re-use existing tools such as RRDtool?

How to detect changing directory size in Perl

I am trying to find a way of monitoring directories in Perl, in particular the size of a directory, and upon detecting a change in directory size, perform a particular action.
The issue I have is with large files that require a noticeable amount of time to copy into this directory, i.e. > 100MB. What happens (in Windows, not Unix) is the system reserves enough disk space for the entire file, even though the file is still copying in progress. This causes problems for me, because my script will try to perform an action on this file that has not finished copying over. I can easily detect directory size changes in Unix via 'du', but 'du' in Windows does not behave the same way.
Are there any accurate methods of detecting directory size changes in Perl?
Edit: Some points to clarify:
- My Perl script is only monitoring a particular directory, and upon detecting a new file or a new directory, perform an action on this new file or directory. It is not copying any files; users on the network will be copying files into the directory I am monitoring.
- The problem occurs when a new file or directory appears (copied, not moved) that is significantly large (> 100MB, but usually a couple GB) and my program fires before this copy completes
- In Unix I can easily 'du' to see that the file/directory in question is growing in size, and take the appropriate action
- In Windows the size is static, so I cannot detect this change
- opendir/readdir/closedir is not feasible, as some of the directories that appear may contain thousands of files, and I want to avoid the overhead of
Ideally I would like my program to be triggered on change, but I am not sure how to do this. As of right now it busy waits until it detects a change. The change in file/directory size is not in my control.
You seem to be working around the underlying issue rather than addressing it -- your program is not properly sending a notification when it is finished copying a file. Why not do that instead of using OS-specific mechanisms to try to indirectly determine when the operation is complete?
You can use Linux::Inotify2 or Win32::ChangeNotify to detect directory/file changes.
EDIT: File::ChangeNotify seems a better option (cross-platform & used by Catalyst)
As I understand it, you are polling a directory with thousands of files. When you see a new file, there is an action that is taken on the file. This causes problems if the file is in use or still being copied, correct?
There are potentially several solutions:
1) Use flock to detect if the file is still in use by another process (test if it works properly on your OS, file system, and Perl version).
2) Use a LockFile call on Windows. If it fails, the OS or another process is using that file.
3) Change the poll interval to a non busy time on the server and take the directory off line while your process completes.
Evaluating the size of a directory is something all but the most inexperienced Perl programmers should be able to do. You can write your own portable version of du in 15 lines of code if you know about:
Either glob or opendir / readdir / closedir to iterate through the files in a directory
The filetest operators (-f file, -d file, etc.) to distinguish between regular files and directory names
The stat function or file size operator -s file to obtain the size of a file
There is a nice module called File::Monitor, it will detect new files, deleted files, changes in size and any other attribute that can be done with stat. It will then go and out put the files for you.
You set up a baseline scan, then set up a call back for each item you are looking for, so new changes you can see via
$monitor->watch( {
name => 'somedir',
recurse => 1,
callback => {
files_created => sub {
my ($name, $event, $change) = #_;
# Do stuff
} );
If you need to go deeper than one level just do it to whatever level you need. After this is done and it finds new files you can trigger you application to do what you want on the files.