Can I use custom UI Elements or must they be Ionic? - ionic-framework

I want to implement a custom text field with javascript and css. Is this allowed in the ionic fromework? Or will it not work?

It's just plain web with HTML, CSS and Javascript. What Ionic provides are the basic bootstrap for an application and their own UI elements with styling. So, it's your choice to define your own set of elements or customize Ionic's.


MUI Material UI Styling Text

I just switched to using MUI Material UI, and this is a question about best practices.
How do I get standard MUI styled text throughout my application? Do I need to use Typography everywhere? What about text that I directly render within divs in my components? What about raw header elements?
I guess this also applies to rendering of raw elements like <a>, for example when I use Nav Links from bootstrap (I'm also using react-bootstrap for some components it provides). Is there a way to get the default MUI typography for that?
I know this is a pretty basic question, just want to wrap my head around the best practices when using this library. Thanks! Web - Disable Inline Styles

I am having some trouble styling widgets for web, specifically filepicker-dragdrop.
Is there any way to disable the inline styling and replace them with classes?
Something like data-fp-disable-styles or perhaps when using data-fp-dropzone-class="..." the inline styling is automatically disabled.
Although you can add classes to the button with the attribute data-fp-button-class, I cannot get rid of the inline styling on the on the dropzone and container div.
You can set the data-fp-drag-class and data-fp-class options to set the styling of the dropzone and container div and use the !important flag for any styles that you want to use to override the inline styles.
If you're looking for a more fully customizable solution, we'd recommend using the raw javascript api's to create your own drag pane ( and/or pick button

Migrating from "native GWT" to GXT

I am thinking of migrating my GWT app from "native GWT" to GXT, however I want to know whether there is a theme in GXT that looks just like the native theme of GWT,
Also in my "native GWT" application I apply my own css to some widgets. Does the CSS-format for widgets the same with GXT as it is with the native GWT widgets? Like for Button, MenuBar, Panels etc.
Basically GXT 2 has just two themes (blue and gray). There is no such a theme that looks like native GWT, but thats why you should choose GXT, becuose it has rich components and you don't have to take care of your css and other stuffs. Also is not easy to change you style.
Ext GWT 2.0, widgets are responsible for creating their DOM structure
directly. This is done either by manually creating the elements or by
using an HTML fragment. The HTML for the widget is created from
strings, from an XTemplate, or by assembling DOM elements. The CSS
class names are then applied to the elements by the widgets. With this
approach, a widget’s view is tightly bound to the widget itself and
CSS class names are generally hardcoded into the widget.
Because the way how was build is really difficult to change the style of your component. But the new version 3.0 has a new approach that make easier to change your style and you can also combine with native gwt widget.
You can check the website

Custom stylesheet in GWT RichTextEditor

is there a way to force the GWT's RichTextEditor to use custom stylesheet for the edited text?
From what i have seen, it uses an iframe to render the text, so the host documen's styles are ignored.
That's currently not possible (there's an open issue about it).
As a workaround you could manually add your style definitions to the head element of the iframe document. See here for an example.

How to use multiple jQuery UI Themes in a Zend Framework application?

I am currently using the ui-lightness theme in my Zend Framework application but I would like to use both for different things. I'm currently registering the ui-lightness theme with this line in my bootstrap:
How can I add another theme to use? How will the application know which theme to use if I add another stylesheet?
You can do this using CSS scope. When you build your theme on the jQuery UI site choose Advanced Settings and then enter in name in the scope field.
Do the same with whatever other themes you want to use, making sure that the scope is unique for each one.
Include the CSS theme files as normal (using appendStylesheet) and use the scope classes to style each area/item on the page
A styled example is given here
I don't think you can use two themes on the same page out of the box with jQuery UI. Each jQuery UI theme styles all widgets, not just specific ones.
You could, create your own stylesheets to style widgets individually. Or, if you don't want different themes on a single page, just include the different themes on different pages.
If you want different jQuery UI themes on different pages of your application, you can use Zend_Layout to switch layouts on different pages of your application. Each layout can use a different jQuery UI theme.