How to find all managed attached objects in EntityManager (JPA) - jpa

Is there a way to get all objects which are currently attached in the entity manager?
I want to write some monitoring code which will report the number of attached objects and their classes.
Meaning finding all objects which were loaded by previous queries and find operations into the entity manager.
I'm using EclipseLink, so a specific solution is good too.

EclipseLink's JPA interface pretty much wraps its native code such that an EntityManager uses a UnitOfWork session underneath (and the EMF wraps a ServerSession). You need to get at the UnitOfWork if you want to see what entities it is managing.
If using JPA 2.0, you can use the EntityManager unwrap method:
UnitOfWork uow = em.unwrap(UnitOfWork.class);
otherwise, use some casting
UnitOfWork uow = ((EntityManagerImpl)em).getUnitOfWork();
From there, the UnitOfWork has a list of all registered (aka managed) entities. You can use the UOW to directly log what it has using the printRegisteredObjects() method, or obtain it yourself using getCloneMapping().keySet().
You can also see deleted objects by using hasDeletedObjects() and then getDeletedObjects().keySet() if there are any, as and the same for new objects using hasNewObjectsInParentOriginalToClone() and getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().keySet()

you can use JPA in a lot of ways i am still unaware of, and there is a lot going on under the hood in eclipselink that i still do not fully understand, but it looks like it is possible to see into the persistence context. USE THIS CODE AT YOUR OWN RISK. it is only meant to give you a hint that it is possible to inspect the context. (whether the code is right or wrong i'm posting it because it would have helped me when i was trying to decide whether to use eclipselink. there doesn't seem to be much in the way of documentation about how to do this properly.)
public void saveChanges() {
Date now = new Date();
JpaEntityManager jem = em.unwrap(JpaEntityManager.class);
UnitOfWorkImpl uow = jem.unwrap(UnitOfWorkImpl.class);
// inserts
for (Object entity : uow.getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().keySet()) {
if (entity instanceof IAuditedEntity) {
IAuditedEntity auditedEntity = (IAuditedEntity) entity;
// updates
UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
if (uowChangeSet != null) {
List<IAuditedEntity> toUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
for(Entry<Object, ObjectChangeSet> entry : uowChangeSet.getCloneToObjectChangeSet().entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().hasChanges()) {
if (entry.getKey() instanceof IAuditedEntity) {
toUpdate.add((IAuditedEntity) entry.getKey());
for (IAuditedEntity auditedEntity : toUpdate) {
// deletions
Project jpaProject = uow.getProject();
boolean anyAuditedDeletions = false;
for (Object entity : uow.getDeletedObjects().keySet()) {
if (entity instanceof IAuditedEntity) {
anyAuditedDeletions = true;
DeletedEntity deletion = new DeletedEntity();
deletion.setEntityId(((IAuditedEntity) entity).getId());

You can achieve this by inspecting the entities on MetaModel which can be obtained from any EntityManager.
Example usage:
EntityManager em = // get your EM however...
for(EntityType<?> entityType : em.getMetaModel().getEntities())
Class<?> managedClass = entityType.getBindableJavaType();
System.out.println("Managing type: " + managedClass.getCanonicalName());
This example will print out all of the class types being managed by the EntityManager. To get all of the actual objects being managed, simply query all objects of that type on the EntityManager.
As of JPA 2.0 you can cache results that will be managed by javax.persistence.Cache. However, with plain JPA there is no way to actually retrieve the objects stored in the cache, the best you can do is check if a certain object is in the Cache via Cache.contains(Class cls, Object pk):
em.getEntityManagerFactory().getCache().contains(MyData.class, somePK);
However, EclipseLink extends Cache with JpaCache. You can use this to actually get the object from the cache via JpaCache.getObject(Class cls, Object id). This doesn't return a collection or anything, but it's the next best thing.
Unfortunately, if you want to actually access objects in the cache, you will need to manage this yourself.

I dont see such an option in the EntityManager interface. There is only a contains(Object entity) method but you need to pass the conrete objects and they are the checked for existentnce in the PersistenceContext. Also looking at the PersistenceContext interface i dont see such an option.


Can I keep Entity Framework context as class variable?

I'm used to working the database connections where you connect/open/close as fast as possible in each method. I'm now working with the Entity Framework and so my methods all do this type of thing:
using (var context = new FooEntities()) {
// linq to sql query here
I've been told that with Entity Framework I can actually have that context variable be a class level variable and not have to instantiate it in each method. Is that really the case, or should I continue this pattern in each method?
I'm using version 5.0.0 of the framework if that makes a difference.
It depends on how you are expecting it to act. The only reason you'd want it to stick around is if you wanted to use the caching feature of DbContext across multiple method calls. But since its pulling connections from the Pool anyway, disposing of a DbContext shouldn't really impact performance when creating a new one.
For me personally, I create the context as close as possible and kill it as soon as possible. Thus, the Get calls should use AsNoTracking() to speed up the calls a lot if you don't care about trying to update them later. You could also create a DbContextFactory so each class could control that interaction as it sees fit. (i.e. Method A always creates a new one, but Methods B and C could share if either one called first). Though, that could cause its own issues down the road, but then you can opt into those conditions.
You can have Context as a property of a class, but you have to consider how to control the disposing of the Context. For example:
public class UnitOfWork:IDisposable
public DbContext Context { get; set; }
public UnitOfWork()
Context = null; //initialize context here
public void DoWorkWithContext1()
//anything you need
public void DoWorkWithContext2()
//anything you need
public void Dispose()
if (Context != null)
Then you'll use the class in this way:
using (var unit= new UnitOfWork())

Generic way to initialize a JPA 2 lazy association

So, the question at hand is about initializing the lazy collections of an "unknown" entity, as long as these are known at least by name. This is part of a more wide effort of mine to build a generic DataTable -> RecordDetails miniframework in JSF + Primefaces.
So, the associations are usually lazy, and the only moment i need them loaded is when someone accesses one record of the many in the datatable in order to view/edit it. The issues here is that the controllers are generic, and for this I also use just one service class backing the whole LazyLoading for the datatable and loading/saving the record from the details section.
What I have with come so far is the following piece of code:
public <T> T loadWithDetails(T record, String... associationsToInitialize) {
final PersistenceUnitUtil pu = em.getEntityManagerFactory().getPersistenceUnitUtil();
record = (T) em.find(record.getClass(), pu.getIdentifier(record));
for (String association : associationsToInitialize) {
try {
if (!pu.isLoaded(record, association)) {
loadAssociation(record, association);
} catch (..... non significant) {
e.printStackTrace(); // Nothing else to do
return record;
private <T> void loadAssociation(T record, String associationName) throws IntrospectionException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException {
BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(record.getClass(), Object.class);
PropertyDescriptor[] props = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (PropertyDescriptor pd : props) {
if (pd.getName().equals(associationName)) {
Method getter = pd.getReadMethod();
((Collection) getter.invoke(record)).size();
throw new NoSuchFieldException(associationName);
And the question is, did anyone start any similar endeavor, or does anyone know of a more pleasant way to initialize collections in a JPA way (not Hibernate / Eclipselink specific) without involving reflection?
Another alternative I could think of is forcing all entities to implement some interface with
Object getId();
void loadAssociations();
but I don't like the idea of forcing my pojos to implement some interface just for this.
With the reflection solution you would suffer the N+1 effect detailed here: Solve Hibernate Lazy-Init issue with hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans
You could use the OpenSessionInView instead, you will be affected by the N+1 but you will not need to use reflection. If you use this pattern your transaction will remain opened until the end of the transaction and all the LAZY relationships will be loaded without a problem.
For this pattern you will need to do a WebFilter that will open and close the transaction.

What is the best way to add attributes to auto-generated entities (using VS2010 and EF4)

ASP.NET MVC2 has strong support for using attributes on entities (validation, and extending Html helper class and more).
If I generated my Model from the Database using VS2010 EF4 Entity Data Model (edmx and it's cs class), And I want to add attributes
on some of the entities. what would be the best practice ? how should I cope with updating the model (adding more fields / tables to the database and merging them into the edmx) - will it keep my attributes or generate a new cs file erasing everything ?
(Manual changes to this file may cause
unexpected behavior in your
(Manual changes to this
file will be overwritten if the code
is regenerated.)
Generally you'd create what is called partial classes to extend your auto-generated objects.
Adding Attributes to Generated Classes
With the "buddy class" concept, linked above, and data annotations I use this extention method. I forget where I got it, so kudos to the original author.
We use it like
List<ValidationResult> errorList = new List<ValidationResult>();
bool bValid = client.IsValid<Client, ClientMetadata>(ref errorList, false);
public static bool IsValid<T, U>(this T obj, ref List<ValidationResult> errors, bool validateAllProperties = true) where T : IValidatableObject
//If metadata class type has been passed in that's different from the class to be validated, register the association
if (typeof(T) != typeof(U))
TypeDescriptor.AddProviderTransparent(new AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(typeof(T), typeof(U)), typeof(T));
var validationContext = new ValidationContext(obj, null, null);
var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
Validator.TryValidateObject(obj, validationContext, validationResults, validateAllProperties);
errors = validationResults;
if (validationResults.Count > 0)
return false;
return true;
We use partial classes, but if you need them persisted and handled by EF, the "Update Model from Database" option is your best friend.

I get the error : “An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker.” with .net MVC2 and the Entity Framework4

I have a big problem since some days and I’m a very beginner in the Entity Framework.
I have 2 entities : Group and News. A news is visible by one or many groups. I use two repositories (newsRepository and groupsRepository).
This is my Create method for the news :
public ActionResult Create()
return View(new CreateNewsViewModel(new News()));
public ActionResult Create(CreateNewsViewModel model)
{ = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["news.CategoryId"]);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
News news = new News();
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
//AuthorId a recuperer
news.AuthorId = 1;
news.Title = IntranetTools.UppercaseFirst(;
news.Content =;
news.IsVisible = Request.Form["news.IsVisible"].Contains("true");
news.CreateDate = date;
news.PublicationDate = date;
news.LastChangedDate = date;
news.CategoryId =;
// Collection des groupes concernés
foreach (var c in model.allGroups)
if (Request.Form["" + c.GroupId].Contains("true"))
return Redirect("/NewsAdmin/Index/");
return View(model);
I say that all my groups are already created. I just want to insert the groups (chosen by the user via checkboxes). In my “CreateNewsViewModel”, I create a list of groups that contains all existing groups in my DB. I get the list in my view, via a “foreach” loop and create a checkbox for each group.
I reuse the same list in my controller to compare if checkboxes have been checked.
For each “true” value, I add groups in the groups collection of my news (just created).
With this, I get this Error Message :
“An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker.” (at line _newsRepository.AddToNewsSet(news);)
I try some solutions but I still don’t understand how I can solve this problem.
Thanks for all
Actually, if I use explicitly two contexts and detach/attach my objects to other context it's fine and I have no erros.
ObjectContext context = _newsRepository.Context;
ObjectContext context2 = _groupsRepository.Context;
foreach (var c in groups)
if (Request.Form["" + c.GroupId].Contains("true"))
I would like to use the Ladislav Mrnka's solution and use the dependency injection (I use Ninject framework) to give the same ObjectContext to my repositories (in single request processing).
I understand the concept but I don't know how to code it.
The error message says that News object or any of related Group objects is attached to different ObjectContext instance. How is your repository implemented and how did you get model.allGroups? If you loaded allGroups from GroupsRepository which has its own ObjectContext instance then it is probably source of the problem. The solution would be:
(Preferred) Share single ObjectContext for all repositories in single request processing
Detach objects when you load them from database (ObjectContext has Detach method)
Close ObjectContext when you load objects from database

Limiting EF result set permanently by overriding ObjectQuery ESQL

Does anyone have any idea how to limit result set of EntityFramework permanently? I'm speaking about something like this Conditional Mapping. This is exactly what I want to achieve with one exception: I want to do this programmatically. That's because condition value will be passed to EF only on context creation. Beside I don't want this column to disappear from mapping.
I know how to achieve this with EF2.0 and reflection. I was using CreateQuery() method to generate my own ObjectQuery. CreateQuery() allows to inject my own ESQL query with additional condition e.g. WHERE TABLE.ClientID == value.
Problem with EF40 is that there is no more ObjectQuery but only ObjectSet and CreateQuery() is not used. I have no idea how to inject my own ESQL query.
The reason why I want to limit result sets is that I want to separate clients data from each other. This separation should be done automatically inside context so that programmers will not have to add condition .Where(x => x.ClientID == 5) to each individual query.
Maybe my approach is completely bad — but I don't know any alternative.
You don't need reflection for this. You can simply use class inherited from ObjectContext or create custom implementation of UnitOfWork and Repositories which will wrap this functionality in better way (upper layer has access only to UnitOfWork and Repositories which do not expose EF context).
Simple example of object context:
public class CustomContext : ObjectContext
private ObjectSet<MyObject> _myObjectsSet;
private int _clientId;
public CustomContext(string connectionString, int clientId)
: base(connectionString)
_myObjectSet = CreateObjectSet<MyObject>();
_clientId = clientId;
public IQueryable<MyObject> MyObjectQuery
return _myObjectsSet.Where(o => o.ClientId == _clientId);