Setting the script tag to access the new angular router - angular-new-router

I am starting to play with the new angular router. I did an npm install as was noted However, I am having difficulty setting up the script tag.
I am playing around with a tutorial to work with the router and the author sets up his router as so...
<script src="lib/router.es5.js">
However I am unable to access the script. I looked through the files on the node module.
I can find the router.es5.js file in the docs folder that runs inside the dist folder.
However I am unable to get that running. I have tried changing my folder name to be a better match. However, I am still not correctly accessing the file.
Additionally, I tried to go through the entire file directory with no success.
<script src="/angular-new-router/dist/docs/router.es5.js"></script>
I know this tutorial was from last April, so I am wondering if something has changed or if there is another way to make an install or how others are setting up their path?
***** update ***** i am following the link
I copied the script tag that the author is using on this
<script src="/node_modules/angular-new-router/dist/router.es5.js"></script>
This makes sense as the file is going through the node modules folder. I will change this to the answer unless someone knows a better/more correct way.

Check out this discussion I had with Brandon Roberts (towards the bottom), who seems to be in the know.
I've been using the router code referenced in his Github repo.
NOTE: This answer will no doubt be out of date very soon!


TYPO3 DDEV installation upload to server

I have a local ddev based TYPO3 site. If I want to upload it on my apache server there is some path issues with the resource files like JS,CSS and images.
This is the path for the css file on my local server... this works perfect:
On my apache server following path gives a 404 error
Is there a way to change the base path of the production environment?
This article describes your issue probably.
The main issue if you want to keep the old structure is to use
"typo3/cms-composer-installers": "^2.0 || ^3.0"
without version 4.
Else the whole structure is created differently.
Nevertheless you might be able to repair the current state by using paths like this:
as soon as you use typo3conf/ext directly it won't work.
Certainly you could create symlinks but that's likely not the best approach.

Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated

I am new for centos installation. I downloaded a minimul version of centos 6.5, around 339.7mb of size. I am trying to install this with GUI interface but I got an error after selecting the drive option, which comes after selecting the country.
This is complete message,
Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated.
repodata/743fec56b2af0ce8d6ec82c47a4efafc2a4d18cddfa9683f29611cb18d1a33de-primary.sqlite.bz2 from anaconda-CentOS-201311271240.i386: [Ermo 256] No more mirrors to try.
Sorry but I am new here, so I can't put the exact image here.
I believe that i had this same issue and was able to solve it.
The files under the /repodata folder are missing their file extensions and are not matching their full names in the "TRANS.TBL" file, under this same dir.
Rename all the files to match what is in the "TRANS.TBL" file, then try the install over again.
Please let everyone know if this works for you.
In the past i would just put a URL in that pointed to the correct files on a server, i feel that most people take this workaround and that's why it's not as hot of an item as it should be. I hope this gets fixed in the .ISO.
Thank you,
It worked for me.
I renamed all 8 files.
i.e. 0e371b19e547b9d7a7e8acc4b8c0c7c074509d33653cfaef9e8f4fd1d62d95de
The correct file name is given in file "repomd" under folder repodata
example - location href="repodata/b124f0ec5323cfee56b420906a3103f0daef656dde3f7ac8220120aa7504e57a-primary.xml.gz"
I had exactly the same issue ;
under "repodata" directory opened "repmod" xml file
Searched file name within repmond xml file
Found matching strings
Renamed 8 files as specified in .xml file
and it worked like a charm
Thanks to "Your Friend"
I had the same problem. Even if you manage to get past this step, you will encounter at a later point other errors related to filenames.
The root cause was using Unetbootin to create the bootable media. I switched to Rufus and everything works fine now.

pydev directory django shell

I'm using PyDev in a django project of mine.
When I start the django sheel, the os.getcwd() command returns my home folder.
This is bad, since my code points to some resources by relative paths, assuming as current directory the directory containing the
In this post ( someone recommended to use absolute paths to avoid this problem.
But I think it is a very bad practice, since things will not work when other people checkout the code into their computers.
The closest hint I found here:
It seems we can use "Run/Debug Settings" to set the current directory associated to a "runnable module". However, in this way we cannot associate the setting to the django console. I have tried to associate it with the, but it did not work.
So, the question: how to define the working directory of django shell?
Thank you,

Problems with setting the path for Zend framework, needed for Youtube API

I copied & pasted this text here. It seems the editor seems to format some parts randomly. ;)
I downloaded ZendGdata 1.9.6, extracted it & uploaded it to my site's
root folder ..., which I need for use with Youtube API to get videos onto my site.
I must say I’m new to all this, and so I would appreciate taking this into account.
The library folder is at /ZendGdata/library.
The problem I'm having is Step. 3 when I follow instructions
for setting it up for that purpose.
Download the Google Data Client Library files.
Decompress the downloaded files. Four sub-directories should be
demos — Sample applications
documentation — Documentation for the client library files
library — The actual client library source files.
tests — Unit-test files for automated testing.
Add the location of the library folder to your PHP path (see the next section)
One of the suggested locations to add the path, apart from the .htaccess file is in php.ini.
My site is on shared hosting. I have no access to the main php.ini file, but I’m allow to create one if I need one. For Drupal CMS, for some functions, it suffices placing one in the root folder.
I added this line:
When I however go to to test the set up, like is mentioned in the
documentation on Youtube, I get the error:
PHP Extension ErrorsTested No errors found
Zend Framework Installation Errors: Tested 0
Exception thrown trying to access Zend/Loader.php using 'use_include_path' = true.
Make sure you include Zend Framework in your include_path which currently
contains: .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php
SSL Capabilities Errors: Not tested
YouTube API Connectivity Errors: Not tested
So my question is: Is that the correct way to “Add the location of the library folder to your PHP path” ?
I’m a bit mixed up.
Someone was saying the php.ini file is only active in the folder where it is located. If that is the case, which of the ZendGdata folders should have it?
As I said, my purpose is to have a the Zend framework properly set up to allow using Youtube API, something I also yet have to learn to do.
In Youtube API Google group, I was referred here. The documentation coming with the downloaded file & at pre-supposes, one knows much more than some beginners like me.
Another person said I try placing this
$clientLibraryPath = '/home/habaris6/public_html/site.root.folder/ZendGdata/library';
$oldPath = set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $clientLibraryPath);
Whereas everything I had tried before failed, except fot the first test, when I placed the above snippet in the installation checker, I got positive tests for everything:
Ran PHP Installation Checker on 2009-12-09T21:16:08+00:00
PHP Extension ErrorsTested: No errors found
Zend Framework Installation Errors Tested No errors found
SSL Capabilities ErrorsTested No errors found
YouTube API Connectivity ErrorsTested No errors found
Does it mean if I place that snippet in install checker, all scripts needing the library can access it?
If not, please let me know what exactly to place in the self-made php.ini & in which folder(s) it should be.
Should that not work, and I were to use .htaccess files, what exactly, based on the folders mentioned above should be the content & exactly which folders should they be in? I read that the .htaccess files should be placed in each folder. Does it really mean I should place one in each of the ZendGdata folders?
I would be grateful for any guidance enabling me to finally start, after failing to sufficient get responses elsewhere.
Thanks in advance.
It's not necessary to put all the ZendGdata code under your website document root. In fact, as a rule I don't put PHP class libraries in a location that can be accessed directly by web requests, because if there's any way to do mischief by invoking the class files directly, then anyone can do it.
Instead, put libraries outside your document root and then reference them from scripts that are run directly. For example, you could create a directory phplib as a sister to your public_html directory. Then upload the ZendGdata bundle under that phplib directory.
You can set your PHP include path in a .htaccess file. You don't need to create a .htaccess file in every directory, because the directives in any .htaccess file apply to all files and directories under the directory where the .htaccess resides. See for more information.
So I would recommend creating a .htaccess file at /home/habaris6/public_html/site.root.folder containing the following directives:
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/habaris6/phplib/ZendGdata/library"
See for more info on this.
Note that this assumes your webhosting company allows you to use .htaccess files, and that they allow you to use the php_value directive in .htaccess files. Enabling these options is an Apache configuration and they could have their own policies against that for reasons of performance or security. You should contact them for this answer; no one on the internet can answer questions about your hosting provider's policies.
If you choose to use the set_include_path() PHP function to append a directory to your runtime include path, you need to do this in each file that serves as a landing point for a web request. That is, if you permit a request to be made directly to foo.php then you need to add the code to foo.php. Any files or classes subsequently included by foo.php use the include path you defined.
Note also that whatever method you use to define the include path, it has to take effect before your script tries to load any PHP class files via the include path. The .htaccess method should accomplish this, and if you use the code method you just have to put the code high enough in your PHP script.
I don't use the method of creating a custom php.ini file under each directory within your site document tree. That's a new feature of PHP 5.3.0, not supported by earlier versions of PHP. If you're using Apache you should just use .htaccess for the same effect.

How do I create a new folder and deploy files to the 12 hive using VseWSS 1.3?

I have created a web part using VSeWSS 1.3. It creates a wsp file and my web part gets installed, everything works great.
I would like to also create a folder in the LAYOUTS directory of the 12 hive and place a couple files in there. How do I go about doing this? I know that I can manually place the files there, but I would prefer to have it all done in one fell swoop when I uses stsadm to install my solution.
Is there a best practices guide out there for using VSeWSS 1.3 to do this? They changed a bunch of stuff with this new version and I want to make sure I don't mess anything up.
You can create a new folder structure in your webpart project, like:
Templates/Layouts/CustomFolder and put your files in the CustomFolder directory and include them in your project.
When you go to the WSP View in Visual Studio, you can see in the manifest.xml that your files are being included in the deployment.
I have done this successfully on multiple projects now.
In case anyone is wondering, the VSeWSS 1.3 user guide is incredibly helpful. It is installed to the same directory as the tool itself, default in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools 9.0\VSeWSS13.CHM
You can see a working example with screenshots Here
A simple step-by-step tutorial for the above, along with deploy/retract scripts is here at Add New Files To 12-Hive Through A SharePoint Solution. Just follow the steps and in a few minutes you'll be able to add whatever you want to the 12-Hive!